. 1917. CONGRESSIO -rAL RECORD-HOUSE. 105 1)1tLAWARI1. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Albert F. Polk. Jrl.ORID-A,. }fONDAY . 1 A.pril13, 1917. Herbert J. Drane. Walter Kehoe. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Frank Clark. William J. Sears. day Gl!IORGIA. This being the fixed in the proclamation of the President James W. Overstreet. Charles H. Brand. for the assembling of the first session of the Sirty..fi:ftb Con­ Frank Park. Thomas M. Bell. gre s, the Clerk of the last House, l\Ir. Soutb Trimble, called Charles R. Crisp. ~I 'Vinson. William C. Adamson. .J. Randall Walker. the House to order. William S. Howard. William W. Larsen. The Chaplain of the Bot1se of Representatives of the Sirty­ James W. Wise. fourth Congress, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the fol­ ID-\.HO. lowing prayer : Addison T. Smith. Burton L. French. God of the ages, Our fathers' God and our God, whose holy ILLJN'OIS. influence has shaped and guided the destiny of our Republic Martin B. Madden.. Edward J. King. James R. Mann. Clifford Ireland. from its inception, we 'Wait upon that influence to' guide us in William W. Wilson. JoJm .A. Sterling-. the present crisis which has. been thrust upon us. Diplomacy Charles Martin . .Joseph G. Cannon. has failed ; moraf suasion has failed ; every appeal to reason and Adolph J. Sabath. William B. McKinley. James McAndrews. Henry T. Rainey. justice has been swept aside. We abhor war and love peace. Niels Juul. Loren E. Wheeler. But if war has been or shall be forced upon us, we pray- tlra.t Thomas Gallagher. William A. Rodenberg. the heart of every American citizen shall throb- with patriotic Fred A. Britten. Martin D. Foster. Geor~e E. Foss. Thomas S. Williams~ zeal; that a united people may rally around our President to Ira t.:. Copley. Edward E. Denison. hold up his hands in every measure that shall be deemed neces­ Charles E. Fuller. Medill McCormick. sary to protect American lives and safeguard our inhet·ent John C. McKenzie. William E . Mason. William J. Graham. rights. Let Thy blessing, we· beseech Thee, attend the Congress INDIANA. now convened in extraordinary session under extraordinary George K. Denton. Albert- H. Vestal. <'Onditions which call for e.x:traordinary thought, wise counsels, Oscar E. Bland Fred S. Purnell. calm and deliberate legislation; that its resolves and all its William E. Cox. William R. Wood'. Lincoln Dixon. Milton Kraus. enactments may spring sponttl.Deously from loyal and patriotic Everett Sanders Louis W. Fairfield. hearts ; that our defenders on rand and sea may be amply sup­ Daniel W. Comstock. Henry A. Barnhart. plied with the things which make for strength and efficiency. Merrill Moores. And, 0 God, our Heavenly Father, let Thy sn·ong right arm IOWA. uphold, sustain, and guide us in a just and rightoous cause ; Charles A. Kennedy.. Cassius C. Dowell. is Harry E. Hull. Horace M. 'l'owner. for Thine the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Burton E . Sw~t. William R. Greer... Amen. Gilbert N. Haugen. Frank P. Woods. PROCLAMATION OF THE PRESIDENT. James W. Good. George C. Scott. C. William Ra.mseyer. The Cr.EnK. The Clerk will cause to- be read the proclama­ lUXSAS. tion of the President assembling the Sixty-fifth Congress in · ~~~ii~lc.~IfW~y, jr. Guy T. Helvering. John R. Connelly. extraordinary session. Philip p. campbell. Jouett Shouse. The proclamation of the President was read an follows: : Dudley Doolittle. William A. Ayres. BY THE PRESIDEi'\T OF THE UNITED STATES 011' AMERICA-A PROCLAMATIO:N. KEXTUCKY. Whereas public interests require that the Congress of the United States Alben W. Barkley. :rames C. Cantrill. should be convened in extra session at 12 o'clO'Ck rroon orr the 2d day David H. Kinchel<re. Harvey Helm. of April, 1917, to receive a communication con~rning grave matters Robert Y. Thomas, jl". William J. Fields. of national policy which should be taken immediately under con:· Ben Johnson. John W. Langley. sideration: Swagar Sherley. Caleb Powers. Now, therefo;oe I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the nited States Arthur B. Rouse. of America, do hereby proclaim and declru:e that an extraordinary oC'· LOUISIANA. casion requires the Congress of the United States to convene in extra Albert Estopfnal. Riley J. Wilson. session at the Capitol in the city of Washington on the 2d day of' H. Garland Dupre. Jared Y. Sanders. April, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, of whlcb all persons who shall at Whitmell P. Martin. Ladislas Lazaro. that time be entitled to act as Members thereof are hereby required to John T. Watkins. James B. Aswell. take notice. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States of America MAI:N:&. the 21st day of larch, in the year ot our Lord 1917 and of the inde­ Loui B. Goodall. John A. Peters. pendence of the United States the one hundred and fady-first. Wallace H. White, jr. Ira G. Hersey. [SEAL,] WOODROW WrLSO~. MARYLAND. By the President: Jesse D. Price. J. Charles Linthicum. ROBERT LA~SING, J. Fred. C. Talbott. Sydney E. Mudd. Secretary of State. Charles P. Coady. Frederick N. Zihlman. CALL OF STATES. MASSACHUSETTS. The CLERK. The next business in order is the calling of the Allen T. Treadway. Alvan T. Fuller. Frederick H. Gillett. Peter F. Tague. rolL by States of 1\fembers elect of the Hou e of Representatives Calvin D. Paige. George Holden Tinkham. to the Sixty-fifth Congress to ascertain if there be a quorum Samuel E. Winslow. James A. Gallivan. John Jacob Rogers. William H. Carter. present. Augustus P. Gardner. Richard Olney, 2cl. The Clerk proceeded to call the ron, and the following Mem­ Michael F. Phelan. William S. Greene. bers elect answered to th~ir names: Frederick W. Dallinge:r. Joseph Walsh. ALABA.l\fA, 1\flCHIGA:N. ;Joseph W. Fordney. 0 car L. Gray. William B. 01fve:r. Frank E. Doremus-. S. Hubert Dent, jr. 1ohn L .. Burn tt. Mark R. Bacon. James C. McLaughlin. Henry B. Steagall. Edward B. Almon. John M. C. Smith. Gilbert A. Currie. Fred L. Blach"'Don. Georg-e HudcTieston. Edward L. Hamilton. Frank D. Scott. J. Thomas Hcilin. Carl E. Mapes. W. Frank James. William B. Bankhead. Patrick H. Kelley. Charles A. Nichols. ARIZO~A. Louis C. Cramtou. Carl Hayden. l£INXESOTA. AUKA:NSA.S. Sydney Anderson. Harold Knutson. Thaddeus H. Caraway. Henderson 1\1. Jacowa.y. Franklin F. Ellsworth. Andrew ;r. Volstead. William A, Oldfield. Samu~l M. Taylor. Charles R. Davis. Clarence B. Miller. John N . Tillman. William S. Goodwin. Carl C. Van Dyke: Halvor Steenerson. Otis Wingo. Ernest Lundeen. Thomas D. Schall. CALlFOR~lA. MISSISSIPPI. Clarence F. Lea. Denver S. Church~ John E. Raker. Eve:ris .A. Hayes. Ezekiel S. Candlet. William W. Venable. Charles F. Curryr Charles H. RandalL Hubert D. Stephens. Pat Harrison. Julius Kahn. Henry Z. Osborne. Benjamin G. Humphreys. Percy E. Quin. · John I. Nolan. Willian1 Kettner. Thomas U. Sisson. James W. Collier. John A. Elston. MISSOURI. COLORADO. Milton A. Romjue. .Jacob E. Meeker. Benjamin C. HHlia:rd'. Edward Keatinoo, William W. Rucker. William L. Igoe. Charles B. Timberlake. Edward T. Taylor. Joshua W. Alexa.ndel'r Leonidas C. Dyer. Charles F. Booher.. Walter L. Hensley. CO~NECTJCUT. William P. Borland. Joseph ;r. Russell. AugrrsUne Loaergan. Ebenezc:t 1. Hill. Clement C. Dickinson;.. Perl D. Decker. Ri€hard P . Freeman. James P. GlyiUr. Courtne:v W. Hamlin .Thomas L. Rubey. John Q. Tilson. Dorsey W. Shackleford. 106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 2, liOXTANA. TEXAS. John :M:. Evans. Miss J eannette Rankin. Eugene 'Black. James P. Buchanan. NEBRASKA. Martin Dies. 'l'om Connally. James Young. James C. Wilson. Charles F. Reavis. Charles H. Sloan. Sam Rayburn. Charles 0. Lobeck. Ashton C. _Shallenberger . Marvin Jones. D an Y. Stephens. Hatton W. Sumners. James L . Slayden. Moses P. Kinkaid. Rufus Haruy. John N. Garner. NEVADA.. Alexander W. Gregg. Thomas L. Blanton. E. E. Roberts. Joe H. Eagle. Jeff: McLemore. NEW HAMPSHIRm. Joseph J. Mansfield.. Daniel E . Garrett. Edward II. Wa&on. UTAH. NJJW JERSEY. Milton H. Welling. James H. Mays. William J. Browning. Edward W. Gray. Isaac Bacharach. Richard Wayne Parker. VERMONT. Thomas J. Scully. Frederick R. Lehlbach. Frank L. Greene. Porter H. Dale. Elijah C. Hutchinson. John J. Eagan. VIRGINIA. John R. Ramsey. James A. Hamill. William A. Jones. '· Carter Glass. Dow H. Drukker. Edwat·d E. Holland. Thomas W. Harrison. NEW MEXICO. Andrew J. Montague. Charles C. Carlin. William B. Walton. Walter A. Watson. C. Bascom Slemp. NEW YORK. Edward W. Saunders. Henry D. Flood. F.reuct·ick C. Hicks. Daniel C. Oliver. Chas. :Pope Caldwell. Benjamin L. Fairchild. WASHINGTON. J oseph V. Flynn. James W. Husted.· John F. Miller. William L. La Follette. Harry H. Dale. Edmund Platt. Lindley H . Hadley. C. C. Dill. James P. l\faher. Charles B. Ward. .Albert Johnson. Fredel'ick W. Rowe. Rollin B. Sanford. WEST VIRGINIA. John J. Fitzgerald. James S. Parker. M. M.Neely. Harry C. Woodyard. Daniel J. Griffin. · George R. LuDn. George 1\I. Bowers. Edward Cooper. Oscar Wm. Swift. Bertrand H. Snell. Stuart F. Reed. Adam B. Littlepage. Reuben L. Haskell. Luther W. Mott. Daniel J. Riordan. Homer P. Snyder. WISCONSIN. Meyer London. George W. Fairchild. Henry Allen Cooper. John J. Escb. Christopher D. Sullivan. Waltet· W. Magee. Edward Voigt. Edward E. Browne. Fiorello H. LaGuardia. Norman J. Gould. John 1\I. Nelson. David G. Classon. Peter .T. Dooling. Hat·ry H. Pratt. William J. Cary. James A. Frear. John F. Carew. .Thomas B. Dunn. William H. Stafford. Irvine L. Lenroot. George B. Francis. Archie D.
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