Wednesday,April 10, 1996 • Volume 2, Number 27 Page 1of8 Goldsmith's LG to =·..... • =d -1..:&-...:U. be delegates' choice THE Witwer reaffirms his commitment to the race INDIANAPOLIS - Should Mayor Stephen Goldsmith win the HOWEY May 7 primary, he is going to let Republican convention delegates select his lieutenant governor nominee,HPR has learned. And in another gubernatorial development, Bluffton newspa­ per publisher George Witwer reaffirmed his intention of staying in POLITICAL the race. That comes on the heels of speculation that Witwer may be angling for the lieutenant governor's nomination. "Everything we're doing is focused on having the best result we can on Election Daf,'Witwer said Tuesday. "We think we have a REPORT grassroots, get-out-the-vote plan that will make me very competitive. Anything with regards to lieutenant governor would have to happen The Weekly Briefing On Indiana Politics after we decide who the nominee is:' In HPR's March 20 edition, the analysis centered on how a The Howey Political Report is published 40 times a year by victorious Goldsmith in the primary could find a Republican conven­ NewsLink, Inc. The Howey Political Report is an independent, tion made up of delegates whose allegiance is to Rex Early, the non-partisan newsletter analyzing the political process in Indiana. It neither endorses candidates nor advocates positions favorite candidate of many party regulars. However, in a Munster of public policy. Times!WSBT-TV poll conducted by Mason-Dixon (822 registered,+/- Brian A. Howey 3.5 percent}, showed Goldsmith leading Early 48-18 percent. The editor and publisher ghosts of the 1992 convention when nominee Linley Pearson chose Robert Green might be raised if Goldsmith decided to "dictate" a Howey Political Report Office: 317-685-0883 ticket. Now, the Goldsmith campaign appears to be interested in hav­ PO Box44168 Fax:317-692-1032 lndianapolis,IN 46244 [email protected] ing the delegates play a major role in crafting a ticket. Morristown office: 317-763-7666 "The mayor has said all along that he feels the convention NewsLink Home Page: http://www.iquest.net/-hwypol/ needs to decide the lieutenant governor:' said John Hatfield, spokes­ man for the Goldsmith campaign. Subscription information: $250 annually for 40 HPR asked Hatfield, will Goldsmith nominate a candidate? "I editions via fax or first class mail. Call 317-685-0883. doubt it:' he responded. "The mayor has been fairly clear on that." © 1995, The Howey Political Report. All rights reserved. Despite Hatfield's assertion, that strategy comes as news to Photocopying, faxing or reproducing in any form, in whole or in many key politicians and analysts across the state, including Witwer. part, is a violation offederal law and is ~prohibited "The lieutenant governor needs to be someone who is a good without consent of the publisher. continued on page 2 ((QUOTE" OF THE WEEK INSIDE F E A T U R E S "I don't know the word 'shameless.' I don't use • Play of the Week: Witwer's endorsement page 2 the word 'shameless:! have little saltier words .... " • Horse Race: Supt. Reed's big battle looms page 3 -Rex Early, on WNDY-TV's Mike Pence • HPR Interview: Robert Schmuhl pages 4-5 Show, commenting on Steve Goldsmith's • Columnists: Smith, Klein, Lanosga, Howey page 6 characterization of his TV ads. • Perhaps We Wander: Al Spiers' legacy page 7 HPR's Pre-Primary Briefing Luncheon April 23, see page 8 Wednesday,April 10, 1996 JPage 2 of 8 1llL ME AGAiN A~~r YER 1q~7 BtlDIBET PLAl~S .... 11 Go~dsmith sees lG pitch to delegates oonsens.us' TICK~ER Frompagel or from the Early camp:' As it turns out, we T A p E partner with the governor. I would imagine for were the only campaign represent·ed. lNhat is 1 whoever becomes the nominee will give some very unfortunate abolJll that is that it reinforces 1l :ll:1Hi:.1 11 1111111 indication of who would be the best persm to this idea that I'm runni. 1g for lt. governor?' PLAY OF THE WEEK: Gm~e reinforce and help the governor achieve his • Witwer saidl l:.is endorsement by Witwer picked up the h:lnana goals. If I win the nomination, I would fu]y Indiana Right to Life Jh; 1!: been a big boost to Rigfrlt to Life endorsem1rnt, expect the guidance of the ce egates:' his campaign.And Wiltw·er was sk1ep1tical of the perfrlaps the most impontant Early's campaign has been, for months, Times/WSBT endorsement on the right. It telling the press that Goldsmith has "promised" poll, which was breathes more life into a the nomination to several cand dates. condUlcted gubernatorial campai1grr1 many Goldsmith's stra!egy to enter the conven­ before he began are speculating is read)11to set­ tion without a specific nominee and allowing adver1tising on tle for LG. Witwer has become the delegates to nominate a JPmon would do radio and Early a potential spoiler,partkularly several things. First, it would give what have began hitting if Rex Early pulls dost~ to1 normally been boring or, to the other extr1~me, Goldsmith on the crimE issue. Goldsmith and he gnilws, away contentuous gatherings an air of electricity. •Goldsmith w] 11 begin talking about at what could be Ste~1bl.'1J11 Secondly, it would give the delegates the oppor­ his welfare reform prnp1J1:sals a bit differently Goldsmith's core. That sie1ts up a tunity to develop "ccmsensus:'which will be this week. Prior, he had 1mveiled a welfare scenario for a deal th.it b~ings important in heading off any notions of a reform proposal. Now, i1t will emphasize his 20- Witwer on the ticket with "Republicans for O'Bannon" committee t hal year record. Goldsmith. some diehard Goldsmith haters are contemplat­ • All three gub u natorial candlidates say •Ill• ing. they will support the p1r1J1posed Interstate 69 link Former U.S. Rep.Frank Mc- • GUBERN.A'rOFlAIL NOtIS: Witwer between Indianapolis a. id Evansville (Mark Closkey had been invitE•11~ on reacted to reports that his sending a staff p1er­ Stalcup, E1"ansville Pres.s). Said Early, "I will get ill-fated trip of Commer,ce son to a Republican State Committee meeting of 1-69 built or die tryin1~.' Added Goldsmith, "I Secretary Ron Brown."( decid­ convention candidales showed _1is true inten­ find it hard to believe th1~re's only 500 of you in ed not to 910 10 to 12 d211J11s tions of running for LG. "We were asked to send attendance tonight, bee; 11s 1e at least l ,000 of you someone;• Witwer said. '~t tlhe meeting,. tl~ ey have asked me to sign a pledge to construct I- Continued on page 3 asked, 'Is anyone here from the Goldsmith camp 69.I do.I do.I want it'' Page 3 of 8 Wednesday,April 10, 1996 Supt. Reed in 'tossup' HORSE R A C E TICKER race against Rep. Lohr T A p E in June showdown ago," McCloskey told The TRENDLINE: How will you be able to tell if Rex Early is creeping up on Goldsmith in the Indianapolis Star.0 lt's a very polls? When Goldsmith goes on the attack, using topics such as Early's "hognuts"parties,or strange feeling today."ln outtakes of Early on old Indiana Week in Review TV shows. 1974,U.S.Rep.Andy Jacobs refused to board an airliner REPUBLICAN GOYERNOR STATUS COMMENTS that had only first dass seats. Rex Early, Steve Goldsmith, Leans Goldsmith vows to "ignore"Early attacks.His "I It later crashed over Shelby George Witwer Goldsmith take crime personally''TV ad is new tactic. County. Early's "Captain Jack'' ad a nega-classic, complete with spooky audio.Times/WSBT Mason-Dixon Two books worth reading: poll has Goldsmith 48,Early 18,Witwer 2. Elizabeth Drew's 0 Showdown," the behind-the-scene story of REPUBLICAN SUPT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION relationships among Newt Suellen Reed, David Lohr, TOSSUP Word is that Supt. Reed is fearful she may be the Gingrich,Bill Ointon and Bob Bruce Smith "sacrificial lamb"thrown to right-wing wolves Dole.Among the juicy items. at the convention.And she should be worried. Gingrich saying that Dole Lohr won a race he wasn't supposed to in '94 treats him 0 1ike my step­ and will be a major foe to contend with. father. I'm always trying to please him."Gingrich doesn't REPUBLICAN 1fH CD like to be 0 physically with" Jeff Bald~in,John Meyers, Tossup Smith up on TV. Willing playing the "female" Ointon. Drew observes, Ed Pease, pan Pool, John card. Thompson camp spinning old poll that 0 0inton was saved by Lee Smith, Dick Thompson, shows he and Pool leading the pack. Pease Republican intransigence" on Cathy Willing and 8 others appears to have edge in fundraising. HR still the budget.If Bill Ointon had sees John Meyers as the fly in the honey. cut a deal, he would have had a partyfight on his hands. REPUBLICAN 3RD ID Also, Yale Prof.Stephen L. Brad Allamong, Rich Leans St.Joseph County Chairman Carl Baxmeyer Carter has a new book out, Burkett, Dan Holtz, Brian Zakas denies lack of Lincoln Day dinner is aimed at 0 lntegrity. "Carter takes the Haygood, Ted Noell.Joe depriving Zakas a coey home county forum. whole book to define 0 lnteg­ Zakas Zakas camp claims there is no rift. But HPR rity," a campaign staple. detects low pain threshold there. Terry Spradlin has moved over DEMOCRATIC ZZ1J1 INDIANA~ from the Department of Brian Hasler, Norbert· LEANS U.S.
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