www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONT PAGE Friday, November 15, 2019 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, NovemberJune 2, 2017 15, 2019 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 25, 23, No. No. 46 22 PM: 40025701 Greetings Parkash Utsav 550 Telecom Industry To Fight Spam Phone Calls, page 4 Phenomenon Of Youth Radicalization, page 8 Thousands Throng Historic Sikh Gurdwara Guru Nanak Gained Enlightenment At Ber Sahib Shrine SULTANPUR LODHI (Pun- Union Home Minister Amit abroad, largely from Britain, jab): A sea of devotees from Shah paid obeisance at the shrine, Canada and the US. across the country have been along with Haryana Chief Min- “For the past one week, we are thronging the historic Gurdwara ister Manohar Lal Khattar and getting an average of 400,000- Ber Sahib here since Monday, a Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister 500,000 devotees at the gurdwara day ahead of the 550th birth an- Jai Ram Thakur. Indian President every day. niversary of the first Sikh guru, Ram Nath Kovind addressed the Ninety langars or community Guru Nanak Dev on Nov. 12. celebrations on Tuesday. kitchens ran round-the-clock in The highly revered Gurdwara A majority of the pilgrims were the town to serve the devotees. A Ber Sahib is where Guru Nanak from Punjab, Haryana, Chandi- grand light and sound show was gained enlightenment at the end garh, Delhi, Bihar and Maharash- conducted every evening to sen Sikhs light candles at the Golden Temple in Amritsar - to mark the of the 15th century. tra. Devotees also arrived from Continued on page 2 birth anniversary of Guru Nanak. (AP Photo/Prabhjot Gill) Scheer Seeks Common Massive Additional Ground With Trudeau Spending In Fall Saskatchewan Premier Upset After Meeting With PM Fiscal Statement TORONTO: Ontario’s Pro- gressive Conservative govern- ment is reaching into its pockets for hundreds of millions of dol- lars to undo some of the damage caused by a year of cuts. Where the spring budget _ and last year’s fall economic state- ment _ cut from wide swaths of programs and services, Wednes- day’s document tells the story of a host of recent reversals. There is an additional $1.3 billion in spending, much of it to fund some backtracks on policy changes and cuts that caused the government Ontario Finance Minister major headaches. Rod Phillips - CP/ Chris Young It comes as the Progressive for thousands of children receiv- Conservative government is at- ing treatment. The government is tempting to adopt a new tone putting an additional $279 million following a tumultuous first year- into its autism program, boosting and-a-half in power. Continued on page 2 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Conservative leader Andrew Scheer in his office on Finance Minister Rod Phil- Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang lips said the economic state- OTTAWA: Conservative Lead- and Saskatchewan who elected and I can tell you this _ I did not ment shows the government is er Andrew Scheer and Saskatch- not a single Liberal MP between hear that there is going to be any- listening to Ontarians. ewan Premier Scott Moe’s back- them on Oct. 21. thing different, there is going to “We listened to what they to-back meetings with Prime “I came today to hear about be more of the same,’’ a visibly thought was working well in the Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday what he was going to do differ- upset Moe told reporters after the plan that we had and we listened yielded few results in the search ently to support the industries meeting. as well to the concerns that they for national unity after a divisive and the people in our province Before it began, Trudeau had had,’’ he said. “So you can expect federal election. suggested it was going to be a that this is a government that is With the House of Com- Parliament To tough discussion, noting there going to listen and continue to lis- mons now scheduled to return are many areas in which the two ten and make sure that we make on Dec. 5, Scheer said it’s up Convene on Dec. 5 do not agree but finding common adjustments as we go along.’’ to Trudeau to ensure the throne ground is a must. That said, it doesn’t exactly OTTAWA - Prime Minis- speech attracts enough support “We both understand our signal the end of future cuts, he ter Justin Trudeau will lay out to keep the government standing, shared responsibility to do things suggested. priorities for his new minority while Moe suggested it’s time for that strengthen the country every “I think we’ll continue to look BROKER government on December 5th. his province to find a way to act step of the way,’’ he said. at where we can find efficiencies BROKER The Prime Minister’s Office more on its own. Trudeau’s meeting with Moe to make sure that we can balance said that’s the day the House of Moe said he arrived in Ot- was the latest in a series of get- the budget,’’ Phillips said. Commons will convene for the REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE tawa in good faith to hear togethers with premiers as the One of the changes that caused first time since the election. how Trudeau plans to make good prime minister seeks input and the most grief for the government Members of Parliament will on a promise he made on election ideas on how his legislative agen- was to the autism file. It didn’t elect a Speaker from their ranks night: that he would address the da must adapt to face not just the involve a funding cut, but would and then hear the throne speech. frustrations of voters in Alberta Continued on page 2 have amounted to service cuts Province Merging Nine Health Agencies; Fires CEOs ORONTO: Ontario is starting Network, which is responsible care won’t be interrupted, but we to merge the province’s major for organ and tissue donation and didn’t feel that it was necessary health agencies such as Cancer transplantation services, will be to have 14 LHINs anymore,’’ El- Care Ontario and eHealth under transferred later. liott said in an interview. “For the one umbrella and firing the CEOs Elliott says the changes will people who use those services (of of nine Local Health Integration have no impact on patients, and all the agencies), we’ve been very Networks. employees will continue to do the careful to do this transition so that Those CEOs will receive a to- same work, but Ontario Health patient care will not be negatively tal of $9 million in severance. will now be their employer. affected. We want people to con- The province’s 14 LHINs and The government has said the tinue to access the same care that six health agencies will be con- LHINs will eventually be elimi- they always have, and it will be solidated into a new super agency nated entirely, but for now five there for them.’’ Health Minister Christine Elliot. called Ontario Health for an es- CEOs will remain on to oversee Over the summer, the govern- CP/ Tijana Martin timated $350 million a year in different regions until the merger ment announced that 416 people savings. As a preliminary step day that five of those six agencies is complete. in “back-office positions’’ at the in the process, Health Minister will transfer to Ontario Health as “We are still doing the work health agencies, including com Christine Elliott announced to- of Dec. 2. Trillium Gift of Life necessary to make sure patient Continued on page 3 A-2 | Friday, November 15, 2019 FRONT PAGE www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE Moe Firm On Oil, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Parkash Utsav 550 Celebrations Bala Menon Equalization Continued from page 1 ASSOCIATE EDITOR sitise the masses about the teach- & Carbon Tax Shazia Malik ings and philosophy of Guru Continued from page 1 Nanak Dev. Security was been reality of a minority government, CONTRIBUTING WRITERS beefed up and closed circuit tele- Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) but one divided very sharply on Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu vision (CCTV) cameras been in- regional lines. Moe showed up Harj Chaggar stalled to manage the crowd in Tuesday armed with demands: Amitabh Saxena all the prominent places, a senior a one-year pause on the federal police official told IANS. carbon tax in Saskatchewan, a Graphic Design Organisers say the desire of reworked equalization formula Tamarind Tree devotees is to pay obeisance at and more overseas oil markets ACCOUNT MANAGERS the historic Gurdwara Ber Sahib opened by completing pipelines Manu Ramachandran and to have a ‘shnaan’ (dip) in beyond Trans Mountain. G Prasaad Kali Bein. The devotees are feel- But he received commitments Rohit Malhotra ing fortunate to have achoola’ on none of them, Moe said. Sas- Maha Amritsar: Sikh devotees release balloons as celebrations (sip of water) from the holy Bein. commence ahead of 55oth birth anniversary of Guru Nanak katchewan will continue its court It is believed that Guru Nanak challenge to the federal carbon ONLINE MARKETING Dev, in Amritsar on Nov 8, 2019. (Photo: IANS) MANAGER disappeared into the waters of the tax and increase outreach to glob- Amitabh Saxena Bein rivulet, reappearing three Sultanpur Lodhi, some 200 is where Guru Nanak lived with al trading partners, Moe said. days later as the enlightened km from Chandigarh, is dotted his wife, Sulakhni, and their two A Trudeau spokesperson char- LEGAL ADVISOR Guru. The ground of Gurdwara with gurdwaras commemorating sons, Baba Sri Chand and Baba acterized the meeting with Moe Dr.
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