Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine Pennsylvania Folklife Society Collection Winter 1972 Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 21, No. 2 Don Yoder C. Lee Hopple Friedrich Krebs Rufus A. Grider Gabriel Hartmann Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag Part of the American Art and Architecture Commons, American Material Culture Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Cultural History Commons, Ethnic Studies Commons, Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts Commons, Folklore Commons, Genealogy Commons, German Language and Literature Commons, Historic Preservation and Conservation Commons, History of Religion Commons, Linguistics Commons, and the Social and Cultural Anthropology Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Yoder, Don; Hopple, C. Lee; Krebs, Friedrich; Grider, Rufus A.; and Hartmann, Gabriel, "Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 21, No. 2" (1972). Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine. 47. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/47 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Pennsylvania Folklife Society Collection at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WINTER 1971 F'ARM RESI DENCE 155 ACRES. OF" JOSIAH GINGRICH, WALKER TP. JUNIATA CO. Contributors to this Issue DR. LEE CHARLES HOPPLE, Bloomsburg, Penn­ RUFUS A. GRIDER, a native of Lititz, Pennsylvania, sylvania, is a member of the Department of Geography died at Canajoharie, New York, in 1900. A Moravian, at Bloomsburg State College. His contribution to this he for a time owned the "Philadelphia Cash Store" issue is a section from his doctoral dissertation, Spatial at Emmaus and later managed the historic Sun Inn Development and Internal Spatial Organization of the at Bethlehem. His business affairs did not hinder his S outheastern Pennsylvania Plain Dutch Community, indulgence in his major interest, which was sketching. Ph.D. dissertation in Geography, The Pennsylvania Beginning in 1836 he traveled widely, sketching urban State University, 1971. Dr. Hopple is a native of Potts­ as well as rural landscapes. The Grider Collection in ville and a graduate of Kutztown State College and the the Moravian Archives includes over three hundred Pennsylvania State University, where his dissertation sketches, mostly of Pennsylvania scenes. We are in­ was done under the direction of Professors George F. debted to the Archives for permission to reproduce the Deasy and E. Willard Miller. It represents the first four winter scenes from Emmaus, dated 1847, in our large-scale scientific study of the use of space among "Winter Album". For Grider and his work, see John the plain sects of Southeastern Pennsylvania. F. Morman, "Rufus A. Grider," Pennsylvania Folklife, IX:2 (Spring 1958), 22-27. GABRIEL HARTMANN of Heidelberg, Germany, In 1926 published an article entitled "Amerikafahrer von DR. FRIEDRICH KREBS, Speyer, West Germany, Dossenheim im 18. Jahrhundert," in the periodical is archivist at the Palatine State Archives in Speyer. Mannheimer Geschichtsblatter, XXVII (1926). Color­ For several decades he has searched the German ar­ fully written and based on his researches in the church chives for documentation on 18th Century emigrants registers of Dossenheim near H eidelberg, the article to the New World. We are happy to make available gives a graphic picture of the conditions which led to to our readers in this issue three short articles by Dr. the migration of eighty-four persons from this one Krebs which have appeared in German genealogical small village on the Bergstrasse in the period 1749- periodicals on emigrants of the 18th Century from (1) 1764. We are pleased to add this contribution to our Odernheim on the Glan, (2) Frankenthal, and (3 ) growing series of articles documenting the 18th Cen­ The District of Wegelnburg in the former Duchy of tury emigration across the Atlantic. Zweibriicken. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA­ B. Paid Circulation TION REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 1. Dealers and carriers, street 12, 1970 (Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code) vendors and counter sales 18,500 18,500 Of Pennsylvania Folklife, published 5 times yearly at Lan­ 2. Mail Subscriptions 9,500 3,500 caster, Pa., for October 1, 1971. C. Total Paid Circulation 28,000 22,000 1. The names and addresses of publisher, editor, business manager are: Publisher- Pennsylvania Folklife Society, Lancaster, D . Free Distribution By Mail, Pa. Editor- Dr. Don Yoder, Philadelphia, Pa. Business Manager Carrier or Other Means - Mark R. Eaby, Jr., Lancaster, Pa. 1. Samples, complimentary, other free copies 1,400 1,400 2. The owner· is : Pennsylvania Folklife Society, Box 1053 or 3 Central Plaza, Lancaster, Pa. 17602 and Ursinus College, Col­ 2. Copies distributed to news legeville, Pa. 19426 agents, but not sold None None 3. The known bondholders, mortgagees and other security E. Total Distribution 29,400 23,400 holders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: The Ephrata National F. Office Use, Left-over, Bank, 31 E. Main St., Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Unaccounted, Spoiled after Printing 100 100 4. Extent and Nature of Circulation G. Total 29,500 23,500 Average No. Copies Each Single Issue I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and I ssue During Nearest To Preceding Filing Date complete. 12 Months (Signed) MARK R. EASY, JR. A. Total No. Copies Printed 29,500 23,500 Business Manager EDITOR: Dr. Don Yoder WINTER 1971-72, Vol. XXI, No.2 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Dr. Mac E. Barrick LeRoy Gensler Dr. Henry Glassie Contents Dr. John A. H ostetler D avid J. Hufford Dr. Phil J ack 2 The Pennsylvania Germans: Dr. Hilda A. Kring A Preliminary Reading List Dr. M aurice A. Mook DON YODER Dr. Earl F . Robacker Dr. Alta Schrock 18 Spatial Development of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Plain Dutch Community to 1970: BUSINESS MANAGER: Part 1 M ark R . Eaby, Jr. C. L EE HOPPLE SUBSCRI PTION RATES: 41 Palatine Emigrants of the 18th Century $6.00 a year in the United States FRIEDRICH KREBS and Canada. Single copies $1.50. MSS AN D PHOTOGRAPHS : 44 Winter Album The Editor will be glad to consider RUFUS A. GRIDER MSS and photographs sent with a view to publication. When unsuit­ 46 Emigrants from Dossenheim (Baden) able, and if accompanied by return In the 18th Century postage, every care will be exer­ GABRIEL HARTMANN cised toward their return, although no responsibility for their safety is Farm Layouts and Building Plans: assumed. Folk-Cultural Questionnaire No. 22 PENNSYLV ANIA FOLKLIFE, (Inside Back Cover) Winter 1971-72, Vol. 21 , No.2, pub­ lished quarterly by the Pennsylva­ Contributors to this Issue nia Folklife Society, Inc., Lancaster, (Inside Front Cover) Pennsylvania. Subscriptions and business correspondence : Box 1053, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Editorial correspondence : Dr. Don Yoder, College Hall, Box 36, Univer­ COVER: sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Gingrich farmstead, from Illustrated Atlas of Juniata County, Pennsylvania 19104. Contents copy­ Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1877). Note that this farm, like many in Eastern Pennsylvania, has two houses. The one on the righted. right was the so-called "Grandfather's House," built for the Entered as second class matter parents when a married son, often the youngest, took over at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. the farm. The PENNSYLVANIA GERMANS: A Preliminary Reading List By DON YODER Since the publication of our Amish reading list ("What to Read on the Amish," Pennsylvania Folklife, XVIII: 4, Summer 1969, 14-19) we have been asked by many of our correspondents to publish a similar A PICTURE OF THE list on the Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania Germans ) in general. We do so now, noting for our readers that PENNSYLVANIA this is a selected list, largely for beginners in the fi eld, which covers a selected range of topics in Pennsylvania GERMANS Dutch culture : History, Language and Literature, Genealogy, Religion, Medicine, The Arts, Architecture, Music, Costume, Cookery and Foodways, and The Pennsylvania Dutchman in Fiction. Also, in delimiting the list, we have decided to include, with a few excep­ tions, only English-language and 20th Century materials, and among these, principaIIy materials which are still in print or available in larger reference libraries in the area. The largest and most basic bibliography on the Penn­ sylvania Germans is the massive work by the German scholar Emil Meynen, Bibliography on German S ettle­ m ents in Colonial America, Espe'cially on the Pennsylva­ nia Germans and Their Descendants, 1683-1933 (Leip­ zig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1937) . GENERAL HISTORICAL WORKS The general works on the Pennsylvania Germans can be divided into the historic and the contemporary. Of the historic treatments, two deserve special attention, (1) Dr. Benjamin Rush, An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania ( 1789), 1 > I \\11 \lil,',111~11'r edited by Theodore E. Schmauk with notes by I. D. II Rupp (Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1910), Pennsylvania German Society, Volume XIX; and (2) Phebe Earle Gibbons, "Pennsylvania Dutch," and other Essays (Philadelphia: J.' B. Lippincott & Co., 1872, enlarged edition 1882). Phebe Gibbons was a Philadelphia Quakeress who "lived neighbors" to the "Dutch" in Lancaster County for several decades before the Civil War. The book gives an intimate and lively portrait still pleasant reading and provides us with the truest of the customs and attitudes of the Amish, Mennonites, portrait of the Pennsylvania Dutch people achieved in Dunkards, Moravians and Schwenkfelders by a sensitive the 19th Century. wife and mother, who even learned Pennsylvania Dutch Of the 20th Century treatments, Oscar Kuhns, The to converse with her housewife friends. The book is German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania 2 Best ot the pamphlet introductions to Pennsyl­ vania German history and culture is Russell W.
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