CammomufítUi) of ínassacímsírtts Valuation Committee, Dec. 25th, 1840. Ordered, That the several Reports of the County Delegations on the value of Cotton, Woolen, and other Machinery, be printed for the use of the Committee. Attest— CHAS. CALHOUN, Clerk. \ je !of COUNTY OF ESSEX. In Andover, 7 Woolen Fac. with 12.961 spind. at $20 pr sp. $259,220 t t it tt tt tt “ Haverhill, 1 1,290 at 20 25,800 it I f it tt <t “ Salisbury, 2 7,140 at 17 121,380 it it it tt tt “ Amesbury, 3 6,004 at 17 102,068 it ft it tt tt “ Hamilton, 1 380 at 15 5,700 tt tt it tt tt “ Lynnfield, 1 360 at 15 5,400 U tt tt It tt “ Saugus, 1 1,260 at 10 12,600 tt tt “ Newb'port, 1 “ (Woolen Yarn,) 800 at — 3,500 (C tt tt “ Newbury, 1 240 800 tt 1 “ Danvers, 1 Carpet, 80 at 25 1 2,000 “ “ 1 Woolen Fac. Building and Water Privilege, (not in use,) old machinery, 2,300 Making $540,768 In Ipswich, 1 Cotton Factory, with 3,000 spind. at $16 pr sp. $48,000 Methuen, 1 “ tt “ 4,588 “ at 16 “ 82,584 Newb'port, 4 “ t t “ 11,046 “ at 14 “ 154,644 Salisbury, 1 “ tt “ 700 “ at 10 “ 7,000 Boxford, 1 “ it “ 488 “ Wick Yam, 5,000 Making $297,228 In Methuen, 2 Paper2 Paper Mills, Mills, valued valued at at $12,000 “ M iddleton, 11 “ “ “ 12,500 Making $24,500 In Lynn, 2 Print Works, valued at $12,000 each, $24,000 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. In Lowell, 26 Cotton Fac. 168,622 spind. at $22 pr sp. $3,709,684 Hopkinton, 3 tt tt 3,276 tt at 8 tt 26,208 Newton, 2 tt tt 5,712 t t at 11 tt 62,832 Shirley, 3 tt tt 2,268 it at 8 tt 18,144 Townsend, 1 tt tt 226 tt at 8 it 1,808 Waltham, 3 it tt 11,488 tt at 15 tt 172,320 Watertown, 1 tt tt 704 tt at 11 tt 7,744 Weston, 1 tt tt 512 t t at 10 tt 5,120 4 In Lowell, 7 Woolen Factories, 6,960 spind. at $30 pr sp, $208,800 “ B illerica, 2 1 “ 1,176 “ at 12 “ 14,112 “ Chelmsford, 1 « “ 892 “ at 14 “ 12,488 “ Concord, 1 1 “ 752 “ at 12 . '? 9,024 “ Dracult, 1 “ “ 1,900 “ at 13 “ 24,700 “ Framingham ,4 « “ 5,500 “ at 18 1 99,000 tl Holliston, 1 » “ 391 “ at 11 “ 4,301 “ Shirley, 1 “ “ 64 “ at 12 “ 768 “ Slow, 2 “ “ 1,350 » at 14 “ 18,900 ** Lowell, 2 Printing Works, 200,000 “ Watertown, 1 § tl 12,000 “ IF. Cambridge, 1 “ tt 5,000 “ Lowell, 1 Card Factory, 20 machines, 5,000 “ IF. Cambridge, 2 “ “ $5,000 each, 10,000 “ Framingham,,1 Paper Mill, with 3 engines and Fourd. mach. 11,000 U " tt 1 “ (C it £ a and cylinder “ 7,000 “ Groton, 1 “ C6 t< 4 it and Fourd. “ 10,000 u Lowell, 1 “ U *6 4 and cylinder “ 7,000 “ Natick, 1 “ u it 4 « 15,000 M Newton, 1 “ p U Q tt and 2 Fourd. “ 35,000 tt «6 1 “ ii ti Q it and 1 Fourd. and 2 cylind. “ 20,000 tt tt 1 “ a 1 2 1 and cylinder “ 3,500 tt U 1 “ it U 2 “ and “ “ 3,500 “ Shirley, 1 “ 6( <6 3 « and “ “ 4,000 “ Sudbury, 1 “ (i tt 4 it and Fourd. “ 9,000 “ Pepper ell, 1 S U a 3 cc and cylinder “ 3,000 (l U i’1. 1 “ U tt 4 u and “ “ 7,000 <1 « 1 “ ce h h and “ “ 11,000 “ Watertown, 1 “ it tt 3 tt and “ “ 8,000 “ Waltham, 1 “ et burnt down, power and privilege,t 2,000 COUNTY OF WORCESTER Ashburnham, 1 Cotton Mill, 768 spindles, a $7, $5,376 Athol, ' 1 “ without machinery, 2,400 1 Paper Mill, 3,400 Auburn, 2 Woolen Mills, without machinery, 10,000 1 Paper Mill, 1,200 B arre, 1 Cotton Mill, 2,500 spindles, a 7, 17,500 1 Woolen Mill, 769 spindles, a 15, 11,535 5 Charlton, 1 Thread Mill, 652 spindles, a 3 50, 2,282 D ouglas, 2 Cotton Mills, 4,000 spindles, a 7, 28,000 D udley, 1 Woolen Mill, 570 spindles, a 12, 6,840 2 “ 885 spindles, a 16, 14,160 2 “ 1,290 spindles, a 18, 23,220 Fitchburg, 1 “ 480 spindles, a 17, 8,160 1 “ 850 spindles, a 18, 15,300 i 318 spindles, a 16, 5,088 1 Cotton Mill, 1,880 spindles, a 8, 15,040 1 “ 860 spindles, a 10, 8,600 i 360 spindles, a 5, 11,580 i 480 spindles, a 3, 1,440 £ “ machinery, 1,000 1 Paper Mill, 3,500 1 “ 4,000 1 “ 4,500 Hardwick, 1 “ with Fourdrinier machine, 5,500 Harvard, 1 “ 3,000 1 “ 3,000 1 “ 1,200 Holden, 1 Cotton Mill, 1,790 spindles, a 6, 11,740 1 “ 1,400 spindles, a 6, 8,400 1 | 1,600 spindles, a 8, 12,800 1 “ 1,400 spindles, a 6, 8,400 1 “ 284 spindles, a 6, 1,704 1 Woolen Mill, 300 spindles, a 12, 3,600 i m 180 spindles, a 14, 2,520 Grafton, 1 Cotton Mill, 3,680 spindles, a 10, 36,800 1 “ 3,200 spindles, a 11, 35,200 1 “ 1,225 spindles, a 7 50, 9,187 1 “ 2,300 spindles, a 10, 23,000 1 “ 1,214 spindles, a 11, 13,354 1 Woolen Mill, 900 spindles, a 18, 16,200 L eicester, 1 “ 1,070 spindles, a 18, 19,260 1 “ 560 spindles, a 24, 13,440 1 “ 130 spindles, a 16, 2,080 1 “ 240 spindles, a 18, 4,320 1 “ 1,070 spindles, a 18, 19,260 1 Card Factory, 1,425 1 “ 1,570 6 L eicester, 1 Card Factory, $640 1 “ 5,200 1 “ 175 Leominster, 3 Paper Mills, 15,000 Lancaster, 1 Cotton Mill, 6,500 1 “ 6,000 1 “ no looms, 1,500 1 Woolen Mill, 2,000 Mendon, 1 Cotton Mill, 576 spindles, a 3, 1,728 1 “ no machinery, 1,200 1 “ no looms, 256 spindles, a 10, 2,560 1 “ 552 spindles, a 10, 5,520 Cotton machinery, 664 spindles, a 5, 3,320 1 Cotton Mill, 15,000 spindles, a 9, 135,000 1 Woolen Mill, 500 spindles, a 12, 6,000 1 510 spindles, a 10, 5,100 1 Satinet “ 1,080 spindles, a 10, 10,800 1 Woolen“ 560 spindles, a 12, 6,720 1 Satinet “ 984 spindles, a 7, 6,888 1 Woolen Mill, 1,608 spindles, a 6, 9,648 1 Card Manufactory, 800 1 “ 800 1 “ 800 1 800 1 800 M ilford, 1 Woolen Mill, 600 spindles, a 11, 6,600 Norihboro', 1 Cotton Mill, 1,024 spindles, a 11, 11,264 1 “ 1,132 spindles, a 8, 9,056 Northlridge, 2 “ 3,300 spindles, a 7, 23,100 1 1,200 spindles, a 8, 9,600 1 “ 2,700 spindles, a 8, 21,600 1 Woolen Mill, 900 spindles, a 8, 7,200 N.Brookfield, 1 “ 144 spindles, a 12, 1,728 Oxford, 1 | 900 spindles, a 18, 16,200 1 Satinet Mill, 282 spindles, a 14, 3,948 1 Woolen Mill,—•no machinery, 10,000 1 | (l 10,000 1 Thread Mill, 1,720 spindles, a 6, 10,320 1 Cotton Mill, 1,876 spindles, a 7, 13,132 1 1,124 spindles, a 8, 8,992 7 Oxford, Lot of machinery, 128 spindles, a $3, $384 Lot of Woolen do. 750 spindles, a 5, 3,750 Petersham, 1 Cotton Mill,—-no machinery, 600 Phillipston, 1 Woolen Mill, 230 spindles, a 12, 2,760 1 Cotton Mill, 1,500 spindles, a 6, 9,000 Princeton, 1 I no return of 1839, 1,000 Royalston, 1 Woolen Mill, 1,114 spindles, a 10, 11,140 1 “ 140 spindles, a 8, 1,120 Rutland, 1 « 120 spindles, a 10, 1,200 Southboro', 1 Woolen Mill, 80 spindles, a 20, 1,600 1 James Rice, 60 spindles, 700 Spencer, 1 Woolen Mill,-—no machinery, 1,000 Sturbridge, 1 Cotton Mill,—-no machinery, 1,000 1 Batting Mill, 250 2 Cotton Mills, 7,936 spindles, a 9, 71,424 2 1,892 spindles, a 8, 15,136 1 “ 500 spindles, a 3, 1,500 Southbridge, 1 Woolen Mill, 2,400 spindles, a 24, 57,600 1 Cotton Mill, 2,688 spindles, a 10, 26,880 1 “ 3,180 spindles, a 8, 25,440 1 3,712 spindles, a 5, 18,560 1 “ 1,628 spindles, a 6, 9,768 1 Woolen Mill,-—valued 3,000 1 Cotton Mill, 600 spindles, a 5, 3,000 Templeton, 1 Woolen Mill, 1,386 spindles, a 15, 20,790 Sutton, 1 Cotton Mill, 3,772 spindles, all, 41,492 3 5,218 spindles, a 9, 46,962 1 Woolen Mill, 495 spindles, a 12, 5,940 1 “ 450 spindles, a 12, 5,400 TJpton, 1 “ 360 spindles, a 12, 4,320 W arren, 1 Cotton Mill, 1,204 spindles, a 6, 7,224 1 Woolen Mill, 140 spindles, a 12, 1,680 Uxbridge, 1 Satinet Mill, 690 spindles, a 14, 9,660 1 Woolen Mill, 300 spindles, a 15, 4,500 2 Cotton Mills, 8,000 spindles, a 10, 80,000 1 Satinet Mill, 1,020 spindles, a 12, 12,240 1 Woolen Mill, 294 spindles, a 15, 4,410 1 “ 488 spindles, a 15, 7,320 W.
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