Principal’s Report “Course heading Captain? - ‘Second star to the In November our Prefect Group and House Captains right - and straight on ‘till morning!” impressively represented our school at the White Ribbon Walk. I am proud to advise that our school is one of the Our school yearbook is a celebration of our learning jour- first schools in Tasmania to be a part of the White Ribbon ney. We celebrate what we have achieved collectively as Breaking the Silence Schools initiative. By participating a school community where we all have something to offer, in the program we are showing our commitment to stop where we work together to make our school innovative, violence against women. This program will build on our collaborative, and a challenging and exciting place to grow existing initiatives to strengthen a culture of respect and in learning. equality in all levels of the school community – through cur- It has been an exceptional year for New Town High School. riculum, role modelling from staff, policies and procedures, It was a year of hard work and we achieved great success domestic violence education programs to strengthen family as a result. Mid way through the year we moved into our and community partnerships. new administration facilities. The new areas mean we now At the end of the school year there are always people who Chancellor’s Decree have a “proper” student and community entrance to the deserve thanks for their participation and support through- school. The new facilities all have improved amenities for out the year. High on the list are the parents and communi- our boys and the addition of a lift means that the school ty members who have committed themselves to the School has full disability access. Association which has been a great asset to the school. I Our students have achieved outstanding outcomes in a would also like to acknowledge members of our community wide range of areas. Academically, our students have who have acted as mentors, as coaches and supporters continued to make significant improvements and achieve of sports teams that have contributed tremendously to a awards in the areas of literacy, languages, numeracy and successful year for all students at New Town High School. science. Highlights include our Titration team taking out the A number of teachers have already left or will be departing State title, individual students winning poetry recitation in our school this year. Their dedication and presence will be the Alliance Française Competitions and placing in the Jap- missed amongst the student body and staff. I would partic- anese Speaking Competition, our Grade 10 entry winning ularly like to acknowledge the significant contribution that student choice and third place in the Young ICT Explorers Mr Ian Cordwell, has made at New Town High School over and the senior team placing third in the Maths Relay. Our the past 17 years. sporting teams have dominated once again in Basketball, Australian Rules football, Hockey, Cross Country Running I would also like to thank our office staff, teacher aids, and Athletics and acknowledged as the supreme partici- school attendants and grounds staff and our outstanding pants in community fun runs. administrative and support staff who consistently ensure the efficient management of the school operations and Our performances and student work in the area of creative excellent presentation of the schools facilities. and performing arts have been stunning with excellent results in the Young Archie’s, and Public Speaking compe- Thank you to Ms Guerzoni and her dedicated crew who titions. Our combined New Town and Ogilvie Band won the have again provided a highly informative and entertaining gold medal at the Victorian Schools Band Competition. school publication. Our students enjoy a very rich and diverse program. They In closing I would like to thank all of our teachers for their have had the opportunity to travel far and wide. Our Japa- commitment to the education of the young people within nese students had a very successful and culturally reward- the school. Their ongoing efforts have ensured excel- ing tour. Our Athlete Development Groups in AFL, Soccer lent outcomes for students and continued success of the and Basketball experienced the best their sports have to school. offer in tours to Victorian clubs while the annual Ski Trip to I wish you all a safe and enjoyable break and I look forward Mt Hotham remained the highlight of the year for a venture- to another exciting year at New Town High School in 2017 some group of Grade 9 students. as we build for the future. Mr J Szczerbanik 1 Principal Prefect Board “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap The COMET team visited the Grade 10 leadership group for the Prefect Board.” this year to host a workshop. The workshop was based around informing students regarding the positive and nega- It has been a very successful year, not only for the Prefect tive repercussions of using social media. We had received board and House Captains, but also for the entire Grade excellent feedback regarding the conduct and participation 10 group in how we have participated and represented the of all involved. We were keen to share the valuable les- school in a variety of sporting, academic and cultural en- sons with the wider school community. One such opportu- deavours and developed our connections within the school nity took place when our Prefect Board got together with and the wider community. the COMET crew hosted and ran the same workshop for Prefects and House Captains, with the support of the grade the Year 9 Student Representative Council. as a whole, have worked very hard during the year to raise On ANZAC day, a small group of prefects represented the funds for the Celebration Dinner and Final Week activities. grade at the Lenah Valley RSL with great pride. They were The Prefect Board has adopted previous popular fundraiser involved in the march and the Head Prefect and Deputy such as Easter Raffle and Mother’s Day Raffle and we take Head prefect, Joshua Blum and Joshua Butler presented this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who donated a wreath to pay respect to those who have served our to these raffles. Other activities also included a free dress country. New Town has a strong connection to the Aus- day and the hot dog stall at the Athletics Carnival. A spe- tralian Defence Force, with old scholars and alumni being cial thanks to Mrs Weitnauer and her Grade 10 team who represented in many branches of the army, navy and air raised a significant amount of money for the grade through force, and many current students who attend cadets. the sale of the wonderful gift hampers. This year New Town High School had the privilege of host- We would particularly like to thank our House Captains ing two NAPLAN Top 1% ceremonies. Joshua Blum deliv- who have assisted the Prefect Board with organising and ered the ‘Welcome to Country’ and ‘Welcome to New Town attending the many school activities we have been involved High School’ on both nights. Many other prefects assisted in this year. Their involvement and attendance at every the parking duties under guidance of our “head honcho of event is unprecedented and the Prefect Board has appreci- parking”, Phillip Ring. A smaller group of prefects assisted ated their help immensely. in the welcoming of many dignitaries including the Minister Towards the start of the year, the Prefect Board attended for Education to our front office opening. the annual GRIP Leadership conference. This confer- ence highlighted that small leadership groups can make a The prefects were involved in the primary school visits difference in the wider community. Our Prefect Board took expertly managed by Mr Cordwell. Two prefects along a lot away from this conference and we have adopted and with two grade 7 students attended with Mr Cordwell to the Guardians of the Galaxy incorporated what learnt from this conference in the ways different feeder and non-feeder primary schools. we lead and can influence our school community. Back Row: A. Toselli, B. Nelson, R. Conway, Z. Kendrick, N. Walsham, R. Carlsson, B. Walker Middle Row: B. Fraser, T. Paynter, G. Tarbath, J. Blum, S. Paradzik, Z. Bone Front Row: J. Butler, K. Overy, L. Rolle, M. Cripps, N. Paynter, C. Measday 2 Prefect Board During these visits, we gave insights as to what our high can assure you that we are very grateful for everything you school is like, and what we enjoy about our school with the have done for us over the last four years at New Town. main aim to encourage primary school students to consider Thank you to all of our dedicated and hardworking Home New Town in their difficult decision for high school. Group staff who have supported us in so many ways in the On November the 25th the entire Prefect Board and all of past four years. the House Captains represented the school at the White Ribbon Day walk at Parliament Lawns. It was a very Grade 10 students have excelled in many areas of school successful day and Joshua Blum gave a very deep and life – sporting, academic and cultural. We have been proud moving speech regarding what White Ribbon means to to boast many state representatives from our year group him and the programs and initiatives that New Town High including one national representative with Joe Murphy for School has in place to break the cycle of family violence hockey. and create gender equality. Also, earlier in the year, New Guardians of the Galaxy Town hosted the launch of White Ribbon for 2016.
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