Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1966-10-07 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1966). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 293. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/293 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Library or.1 l D '6h '440-Man Dot·ln .Annou·nced; To Be Ready in Sept·elltber On Thursday afternoon, (.Set}• should be ready for next Sep• lember 20) Acting President, Fa· tembet;. A wing"wi!t house the tUlS tbet• Jeremialt J. O'C<~Ilaghan, new Health Cenfet... The location li.J., received the following ter,;e is an L-shaped 'tract·behind Hus· .._blegram ft•om Rome: "Dormi­ man Hall and opening on Ledge­ CINCINNATI, 01110, FRIDAY, OC'l'OBEK 7, 196& Ten Cent::i 20 .... Vol. Ll, No. I tory Approved." The .sender wa; wood Avenue, Estimated cost: Very Reverend Paul t. O'Cou• $1,600,000. The .11ew dormitory's noi·, S.J., who had r'ecei\•ed the shape and. internal structure are ·~ot·d at the General'z office. 'l'his planned to be. similar to those ·YFA Promises. "Something Better"~ was the news Father O'Callaghan of Husman Hall;. including such was anxiously awaiting. it meant features as four·man suites. fual the Executive Vice I'resi· dent, Fathet· Victor B. Ni<!porte, Lack or cam1~l~s· residence ac­ ''Arts Sampler.'' to ·start Season S.J., would immediately >~el the commodations seriously restrict­ By JDl IZANEC, News Repot·ter eonslntction in motion. ed the size or u~fs yeat•'s enrer­ YFA, which has chapters at ing class, accor~ling to the Sept. Hebt·ew Union College, Mount The builders are 1he Kr.owl· 29 issue of "Fax,'.'. the campm: Something Better is coming· to Xavier and all of Cin· St. Joseph, OLC, UC. Villa Ma:. ion Company, of Co lu m1J u 3, publication Iot· ancj about the cinnati, Wednesday, October 19. It is an "arts samplet·" donna and Xavier, is currently Ohio. The 440-man residence hall faculty. featm·ing BI'Oadway, television and radio, opera. and ballet conducting a membership driv~ stars and a symphony orchestra in an evening of light­ in the ureatet· Cincinnati area not stuffed-shirt-entertainment at the Music Hall at 7:30. with the hopes of getting 4,00D new members. A booth witll 'l'be Young- Friends of the At·ts membership information is sci; (YFA) are S)IOnsoring this JU'O• Laird and Halo Tagio, who are up opposite the grill in the Xa• gram w i tho u t any atlmission representing the College Con­ vier Student Center. During the first week of school, Mrs. Doro• chuge. A caJ•acity c•·owd of over servatory of Music, and ballet stars Oleg Subline and David thy Rush, a member o[ the YFA 4,000 is expected. McClaine. Advisor~' Board ai1d coordinatot' Petite, dark-haired Linda La­ of Fine Arts at Xavier, noted. Produce•· Len Goorian w i 11 that over 200 students had al• vin will open the evening's pro­ host the first. part and Tom Ken­ ready joined. gram singing selections ft•om the nington, WSAI disc jockey, the YFA pre-pt•emlered the Bt·o::~d• Broadway comedy On a Cleat• more classical second part, way b o u n d Where's Charley?, 1', Day You Can See Fore v e YFA is a unique o•·ganization October 1. Members were abl~ Changing the pace, the Edgecliff in American eam)lliS life. It was to purchase $7.50 tickets fol' Theatre will present a quarter­ begun to encout·age gt•eater uni­ $1.50. hour of serious drama. versity student audience partici· pation in the visual and per­ The Yo u n g Friends brough~ Then, )NLW-TV personality fot·ming arts, at greatly reduced The Fantasticks to X a v i e 1\ They taped a radio program Marian Spellman will sing se­ pt•ices, according· to ~like Fay, lections from The Fautasticks, the tt·easurer or YFA and chair· with the show's Alice Cannon anothet• Broadway comedy, man of the Xaviet· chapter, and David· Hooks, which will b~ broadcast on WCXU and WFIB, -News .(f!e.~:~1)1CJ1l) Photo which was pt•esented at Xavier two weeks ago. Miss Spellman is Membership in the association UC's campus ·station. Jl{c:DONAI..D i\IE~IOKIAL LWRARY : ($2.00 per ycal") ·enables full­ representing· the Playhouse in YFA has published the firs~ the Park, time undergraduate and gradu· issue o[ its magazine. It will pub· ale students to attend the Shu· lish two more issues which will After t he intermission, the bert, the Cincinnati Symphony November Opening·~lated giva.. criti~al appraisal of music Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra, the PlayHouse in the and the Uu~~tre. Xavier studenlil conducted b.r Max Rudolf, will Park, Edgecliff Theatre, and the Jim Luken, Joe Acito, Gene Mil• F·or ~elay-Ri·d~en Li,b.rary play a few light selections. The Cincinnati Concel't Series for orchesh·a has just returned from ler, and Jjm Schoenung are o!Jl $1.50 pet· perform<~nce (two lick·· By PAUL MAIER, N~s Associate Editor the staff of the magazine. a world lour including Athens, et max.). There are also pro­ Because of a delay in the ordering of shelves from an Istanbul, B om b a y, Singapore, grams at the Contempot·ary Arts Othet• Xavier rept·csentati\'C'I and Tokyo. '-$'ency of the Federal Go\'el'llment, t.lle opening date of the Center, the Cincinnati Art Mu• to YFA a•·e Dick Schmitt, senior Closing the evening's presen• scum, the Cincinnati Civic Ballet, class president, Joe Trauth, Joh• ~.e.w McDonalo Memori~l Library bas been postponed. tation will be opera star£ Helen and the May Festival. Cassini, and Jack Beal, ()t•iginally scheduled to open by the end of tlie summel', ttte new building is now expected to be operating by t11e "P Ed .. tit•st week of November. F or ersona z·tZI . n g " .!- .ucatto n . The library, a lift of the Wal­ hr A. and G e CDr r; e 'llcDonald & par&ieular subject will find all l'ounda&lon, was oons&rueted at a ma&erlal relating io tbat subject Gendreau Nan1ed Danforth Associate' ..t of $1.5 mDiion. It replaeeil on one floot·, withou& having to Dt'. Bernflrd A. Gr.ndt·eau, pt'O• the educational process. The pro• tlhe old Xavier Jti;r.ary. located iii P to a diflerent floor for period· lessor of philosophy, and his wife gram places an emphasis on the a.e Sehmld& Building, and offers icals. or reference works. have been appointed Danforth role of the teacher-scholat' who e~~:panded servlee!l and facilities. · · Each t 1 o or has facilities for Associates, as part of a nation­ has a strong concern for students The Schmidt library, in us~ microfilm reading. The checking wide pt·ogt·am "to recognize good as persons, who has competence aince 1926, had room J'ot· 100 desk and main offices are on the teaching and to encourage the in his discipline, who is a man tbousand volume·<:, with reading gt·ound floor, personal dimension of e d u c a­ of faith and who has an aware• kbles for 300 students. The ne\V ·tion." ness of the relevance of that f&ith ;t_tt'Ucture has a c;;.pacity O[ 350 . The basement ho.uses a special As pat·t of their two-yeae t<':rm, to the problems of our age." tttousand volume! and· read•ing room lot' viewing films, extm Dr. and Mrs. Gendreau plan to At the moment 1500 !acully tables for 700 student!. storage space, and a. rare book attend this yeat·'s Danfot·th Re· couples at. over 650 colleges and . room. This room. contaiin ·many Thet·e are no large windows gional Conference at Bowling universities in the United Slates in interesting and. valuable eollec.;, ~e building. T.hii allows. lllOt'(; Green State University next are related to the program. tions, iricludine- a folll'leenth cen­ \\•eekend. The theme of 1he meet­ roo~ for books i.o be 'placed on The selection of Dr. and Mrs. tut·y manuscript 'or 'the sermons ing will be "Fet·mcnt in Mocle.rn .... elves, rather ihan in slacks Gendreau was b a s e d 011 the . of St. John Chi·ysost.om, and lel• Theology" w i t h Dr. Lnn.gdon which are inaccessible to most strong. recommendation of a Re­ tet·s of Andrew Jackson. Gilkey of the University of Chi· .Jtudents. Thet;e are no stacks at gional Selection Committee com­ cago Divinity School. as the main ~ll in the new library; all books .. A. special reaturc cir thP. new posed of seve1·al faculty membei·s speaker. •nd periodicals are to be shelved, building is the 48 by 96-Ioot gar· in thi,; arEa, who wet·e appointed den, located outside the rear ol · "We also hope to make good The main e n i. r n c e to by .the Foundation to search fOL' a t~ the. library. iil surnmer mc.r1ths, use ot the stipend intended fot· i.Uilding faces lower Herald .Av.e• qualified· persons for · the pro· · .ltudents can' sit tables in the personal socializing wit h.
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