; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, November 2, 1972 58th Year Former Socialist candidate Replace Congress, abolish money, 'social ownership' urged the Vietnam war stemmed from the Socialist Labor 'arty attract- economic roots, Cozzini said. "In ed "thousands at street corners," 1954, an engineering firm was sent ( ozini said. adding the We1L to study the Mekong Delta area." Sre., t nu l carried an r tit le she said. "The results showed last week predicting that "a de- this area was a potential bread- pression is coming very son." basket as far as resources went. The coming depression may lead The United States could not allow to complete economic downfall. these resources to get into other she noted. hands. To keep the Communist While the Socialist Labor Party countries from getting hold of is not on the ballot in Texas. the these, the Vietnam war has been Socialist Workers Party is. C'oz- waged." zini did not endorse the Socialist The U.S. motive was not idea- Workers Party be(ause " every logical, she said. "How can it be party since the 1890's has lbeen in that if the U.S. is opposed to the opposition to the Socialist Labor idealogies of the Communist Party," she said. "The Socialist countries Nixon can be friends Workers Party is a splinter off with Brezhnev and Mao?" Coz- the Communist Party. Its reforms zini said. are the same as the Republicans A politician has no alternative and Democrats. It offers no defi- to breaking campaign promises, nition of socialism. If you want to she said. "When owners of private vote for socialism, I suggest you enterprise control the country, a write in the names of Loos Fisher politician has no real basis on and Genevieve Gunderson for the which to make promises," she Presidency and Vice-Presidency said. "If he who owns, controls, of the United States." then the only safe place for power atM is in the hands of the people," she noted. "THE SOCIALIST Labor Party is a revolutionary group," Coz- zini said. "Our membership is just over 50,000. Every revolution- ary party has been small in num- ber. But in a time of crisis thh majority considers these same revolution parties." In the 1930's photrs by cofrrf All S IEW wa r AN ris Day a - ~i__ Elmo,, North Vietnamese rejct Politics today NEW YORK Hoarse from his marathon cam- Thieu peace proposal paigning, Sen. George S. McGo'v- ern rode by motorcade up Fifth SAIGON Avenue Wednesday and was North Vietnam and the Viet Cong Wednesday rejected conditions cheered by thousands of persons for peace laid own by South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van a huge rally in the garment Thieu. They charged Thieu wanted the war to go on and called on the at district. Republicans reveal United States to dismiss him. Hanoi also accused the Nixon administration of a "deceitful atti- Standing on a platform 'w', tude" in failing to sign a peace agreement Tuesday and warned that Edward Kennedy. Mayor .lo n Nixon financers any attempt by the United States to alter the text of the peace accord Lindsay and former Mayor Roh. Just as the trial was about to would end chances for any cease-fire in Vietnam. ert Wagner, McGovern cut s!. rt start in Common Cause's suit, The two Vietnamese Communist groups, in separate statements his speech because of larynit:i lawyers for both sides won ap- issued in Paris, accused Thieu of blocking peace by sticking to his Because of the ailment, w h:ch proval from U.S. District Judge demands that the North Vietnamese pull their invasion troops out of he described as minor, he also Joseph C. Waddy under which: the South, and drop their demands for a three-part coalition govern- canceled a trip to Hitbbing,. Minn ment in Saigon with Viet Cong participation. and decided to go directly to K,- -By 9 p.m. (EST) today, Thieu said in a National Day speech he wanted peace but would cago later in the evening. the Finance Committee to Re- never accept a solution "that offers South Vietnam on a plate to the e'ect the President will make pub- "My voice is a little h'k b t Communists." lic the names of all who made it will hold until next Tuesd:-v Western diplomatic sources in Paris said the United States, seeking gifts to Nixon of $1,000 or more night. It's more important toi .kcp to meet one of Thieu's objections, was pressing Hanoi hard to pull its between Jan. 1, 1971 and March your head straight than :, r 14 army divisions out of South Vietnam. 9. 1972. voice," he said. They said the Hanoi troops' presence in the Soutih-something North Durine a "Today Show" t,- -By noon (EST) Sunday, the Vietnam refuses consistently to admit-is now one of the main road- vision appearance, McGovern committee will list all who made agreement. blocks holding up a formal cease-fire said had doubts about a Vietnam single gifts of $100 or more dur- still is waiting for North Viet- Paris sources said the United States peace agreement. ing that same period. nam to accept a final secret meeting with President Nixon's national "I do have some doubts about -All "records, documents, security adviser, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger to wrap up details of a cease- it," he said. "I hope I'm wron . communications and other writ- fire settlement. In Washington President Nixon ings" about gifts or expenditures In Saigon a giant U.S. Army helicopter crashed in the Mekong said Wednesday his administra- between Jan. 1, 1971 and last Delta, killing 27 persons, including at least nine Americans, the U.S. tion is making the cities livable April 6 will be impounded by the command said Wednesday. Military sources said most of the remain= pouring in more money clerk of the court with- access ing victims were believed to be American. again by and giving city hall a greater limited to lawyers on both sides. The Saigon command said that Communist forces launched 126 voice in saying how it should be Impounding the documents may shelling, ground and terror attacks between dawn Tuesday and dawn spent. have the effect of denying ac- Wednesday. It was the seventh consecutive day that more than 100 cess to them by the Senate Judi- attacks were reported, in what allied officers believe to be a "land Replying to critics who claim ciary subcommittee headed by grab" before the cease-fire starts. his efforts to hold down govern- Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D- ment spending will short-change Mass. The subcommittee plans a urban programs, Nixon ticked off post-election investigation of the a list of sharp increases in money Watergate incident. Official sees 'human error' for crime and pollution control. John Gardner, chairman of housing and mass transit. Common Cause, told reporters he as cause of train wreckage "The graph of urban history assumed the Republicans "gave is climbing again, and the pen- in" and agreed to partial dis- CHICAGO John H. Reed told a news con- dulum is swinging in a new direc- closure to prevent a pre-election The chairman of the National ference, however, that federal in- tion," Nixon said in a nationwide trial at which Maurice H. Stans Transportation Safety Board said vestigators have not eliminated radio speech sponsored and paid and Hugh Sloan, Jr. would be Wednesday "human error is a the possibility that a mechanical for by his campaign committ' compelled under subpoena to tes- very probable cause" of the Chi- fault was to blame. In his radio address, Nixon said tify. Stans is the chairman and cago commuter train collision Reed said his investigators were his administration has given each Sloan the former treasurer of the which killed 44 persons and in- looking for James A. Watts, 51, city a larger measure of control finance committee. jured more than 320. the engineer of the lead train in- in deciding how federal money volved in Monday's crash, and for urban programs should be had been unable to find him since spent. one investigator had a "cursory Professional Travel Service Offers the Students, Faculty, Staff and Friends "Our programs have not only discussion" with him at the scene grown in size in the last four of the disaster. years-they have also improved of Southern Methodist University I He said Robert Cavanaugh, en- in effectiveness," he said. gineer of the second train who But most of the emphasis was was trapped in the wreckage for on increased spending. several hours, still had not re- covered sufficiently to be ques- In a statement issued through tioned. his Washington headquarters. HAWAII0 McGovern called Nixon's speech Reed said wheels of the second "a misleading concoction of bro. VAIL train "showed signs of hard brak- mides, half-truths and just plain ing." 7 Fun Filled, Sun Filled Days puffery." Reed said the Illinois Central Claiming that Democrats were December 26 January 2 / Gulf Railroad's signal system was 8 Fn Filled working properly and wired ac- responsible for many of the things cording to federal specifications. Nixon listed, McGovern said * Ui~vivro ~u~Sw Filld Days V He said investigators would ex- "Only with a Democratic admin- plore in detail whether the first istration can there be the recon- S~s harng°"" r°°" December ZWauuary 2 train, in overshooting the small struction and restoration of the "flag" stop, triggered a block sig- Trp Price Includes:Al rctevcomDia nal back down the track that gave American city which citizens of at Po r- the rear train a yellow signal to this nation so desperately want Bou d sbasd oa ldging trip Jet ana tut 4 Richads Dorm.~ proceed with caution.
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