RIBBLE BANKS PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Council meeting held at the Rathmell Reading Room th on Monday 19 May 2015 at 19.30 PRESENT Councillors – A. Sutcliffe (Chair), C. Yorke E. Roe and J. Ketchell. IN ATTENDANCE Ms. B. Roos (Clerk/RFO) and 16 members of the public 15/30. OPENING & APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr’s R. Welch and W. Hull. 15/31. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION None in relation to the agenda. 15/32. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS None. 15/33. REPORT FROM COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS As DC Staveley arrived later during the meeting, the Chair relaYed that there was not anYthing to report at this stage. 15/34. MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 17th MaRch 2015 The minutes of the Ribble Banks Parish Council meeting held on 17th March 2015 were approved as a true record of the meeting, albeit one small correction regarding the crash barriers against TommY Clark Wood on the A62 and signed by the Chair. 15/35. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Dr D. Clarke reported an issue regarding noxious odours coming from Pikeber Farm in Wigglesworth on which manY villagers have complaint as theY are not able to open their windows, hang out their washing and such. It was resolved that the Clerk, in liaison with Dr Clarke, will write to the Environmental Health Officers in Skipton and Preston to express the Council’s concern regarding this issue. 15/36. MATTERS ARISING - 13/86. Hesley Moss Cllr Yorke reported that Mr Booth has lodged an objection against the Council’s claim to obtain ownership of HesleY Moss. The Council’s solicitor has advised to continue with the process. It was resolved to follow the solicitor’s recommendation. - 15/36.1 Automated defibrillator Dr Clarke reported that this item was brought up at the Wigglesworth Parish Meeting RBPC MEETING 19-05-2015 1 where people have expressed their interest to be trained to use the defibrillator. It was resolved that the Clerk will invite a representative from the Ambulance Service to come and give a demonstration. The Chair will provide the Clerk with contact details. - 15/36.2 Request donation Rathmell Reading Room Following the request for a donation to the Rathmell Reading Room which was made during the public participation session at the Council meeting held on 17th March 2015 it was resolved that the Council will make a donation of £ 300.00 towards the work. - 15/36.3 ANY OTHER MATTERS ARRISING Mr Wright reported that the signage on the Ribble WaY is still not correct and that he keeps getting large numbers of walkers on his site. It was resolved that the Clerk will contact the ranger again about the issue. 15/37. FINANCE 15/37.1 CuRRent Bank Balances The Clerk took the Councillors through the current bank balances. 15/37.2 Payments to be authoRised The Clerk took the Councillors through the paYments that required authorisation. The paYments were approved and cheques were signed after the meeting. 15/38. PLANNING MATTERS Applications for decision: - Planning application 72/2015/15664: Construction of steel portal frame cattle building (phase 2), WIGGLESWORTH HALL JACK LANE WIGGLESWORTH SKIPTON NORTH YORKSHIRE BD23 4RL. Status: Consultation period ends on 21st MaY 2015. - Planning application 72/2015/15676: Construction of steel portal frame cattle building (Phase 3), WIGGLESWORTH HALL JACK LANE WIGGLESWORTH SKIPTON NORTH YORKSHIRE BD23 4RL. Status: Consultation period ends on 21st MaY 2015. - Planning application 72/2015/15700: Construction of steel portal frame cattle building with solar panels to west elevation (Phase 4), WIGGLESWORTH HALL FARM JACK LANE WIGGLESWORTH SKIPTON NORTH YORKSHIRE BD23 4RL. Status: Consultation period ends on 21st MaY 2015. It was resolved that Cllr Ketchell will write and submit the comments in regards to the planning applications listed above. - Planning application 72/2015/15705: Proposed forestrY storage and processing building, MOSS SIDE FARM WIGGLESWORTH SKIPTON NORTH YORKSHIRE BD23 4SP. Status: Consultation period ends 18th MaY 2015. It was resolved not to comment on this application. - Planning application 72/2015/15670: Installation of 2 no. small scale 225kW wind turbines on a 30m monopole mast. 35m rotor and 48m to blade tip, HILE FARM WIGGLESWORTH SKIPTON NORTH YORKSHIRE BD23 4SB. Status: Consultation period ends on 22nd MaY 2015. It was resolved that the Clerk will submit the Council’s comments regarding this application. - Planning application 59/2015/15703: Erection of three new homes, LAND TO THE NORTH OF HESLEY LANE RATHMELL SETTLE NORTH YORKSHIRE BD24 0LG. Status: Consultation period ends on 18th MaY 2015. RBPC MEETING 19-05-2015 2 It was resolved that the Clerk will submit the Council’s comments regarding this application. Decisions on applications: - Planning application 72/2015/15481: SelectivelY felling of a maximum of 470 Birch trees, HIGHER MERE SYKE PLANTATION WIGGLESWORTH SKIPTON NORTH YORKSHIRE BD23 4SN. Status: Approved. This decision was noted. 15/39. ANY NEW CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk relaYed emails received from Mr Crabtree regarding the Roselea site. The Chair will liaise with CDC and urge that the issue is solved. 15/40. REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS AND COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES ChaiRman None. Halton West Councillor Yorke reported that the crash barriers against TommY Clark Wood on the A62 are still in need of repair and that there are verY bad potholes on the junction of Hellifield Road with Longback Lane. The bridge out of Halton West over the Ged Beck paraped is in need of repairs. Rathmell Councillor Ketchell reported that at the Rathmell Parish Meeting interest was brought forward regarding the Neighbourhood Plan scheme. It was resolved that Cllr Ketchell will collect further information regarding the scheme and will report back at a future meeting. WiggleswoRth None. Clerk None. 15/41. VILLAGE ENVIRONMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAY AND HIGHWAYS No other issues were brought forward. 15/42. ANY OTHER MATTERS OF URGENT LOCAL CONCERN None. 15/43. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING An extraordinarY meeting to approve the Council’s year-end accounts will be held on 4th June at the Rathmell Reading Room at 19.00. There being no other business the meeting closed at 20.55 hours. RBPC MEETING 19-05-2015 3 .
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