Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1991-92 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 7-9-1992 The thI acan, 1992-07-09 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1991-92 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1992-07-09" (1992). The Ithacan, 1991-92. 34. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1991-92/34 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1991-92 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. .,Kfteber, ..l'h~~:co~pa,:iy otte~s · '.. Finding s.olutions to-scheduling .Social orientation:. students· get· :opportunltles.,to·IC ·students , _ p~oblems- _ . ·-- · a look at ·the fun :side of colJege '·.·:--.· ·. · · _.· ~ .. page~ ... page 7 ... pages·a & 9 . ~ . , ' . Sum~~ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community · Vol. 59, No. 34 Thursday, July 9, 1992 16 pages Free Shopping complex planned for area near NCR By Lydia Beall what buisnesses will be in the cen­ an upscale diner," Novarr said. The Ithaca restrictions. busy doing our own thing that we · A new shopping center is in the ter," Novarr said. _company was considering this as a "Wecan'tputaBombShelterin don't have time to worry about works-for South Hill with the esti­ Novarr did say that possible op­ possible option. there," said Novarr, "but we might anything else." · matedopeningChristmas 1992,ac­ tions are a video store, convience "We want to cater to the whole have a few restaurants that serve Novarr expects the shopping cording to John Novarr of the store, hair salon, dry cleaners and neighborhood," Novarr said. "We alcohol with meals." center to remain small. The town Novarr-Mackesey Development restaurants. realize that it will be dominated by The new shopping center will planning board restricts Novarr Company. Novarr-Mackesey also owns the IC students, but we also want to provide some local competition for from building more than 25,000 The shopping center will be lo­ College Circle Apartments, and a~t IC staff as well as local Ragans Comers. Owner James square feet. cated below the NCR building at asked its tenants what they would residents." Rogan, howev~r. doesn't seem Novarr compared the size of the the first traffic light on Danby Road- like to see in the new shopping According to Novarr there will worried. new center to the Village Office Route 9613. · center . be no bars or gas stations in the "We haven't really thought Campus next to McDonald's on "I can't give any specifics about . "The most popular answer was shopping cen~r due to the Town of about it," said Rogan. "We are so Triphammer Road. ·Making the transition . ' Parents go Expectations back to school met and set at for a_ few_·days- orientation By Jeff Selingo ; · By Kevin Lewis -Gerry Lyons· now wishes her Multicolored lights flash and first .daughter? s college had an ori­ coat the room in red, blue, green .. entatio~rifgiam similar.to Ithaca's._ and yellow. Music pounds from the to make the1ransitiort process easi~r.. : large suspended speakers. And "Even though the parents pro- · . , those people not dancing hang out gram helps ,everyone, I think if~ in small gr_oups shouting- ID each great for ·first time parerits. I mri other, ·uying-to' be heard over the leamingnewthings, thingsiwishl din. It's the.second, and last, night learned before my first daughter of Orientation and the students-to­ went to school. Everyone is very be are enjoying a party in the pub. -open, and willing to talk about ex­ Marina Vimolchalao sits at a periences they had with their other table in the snack bar close to the children,'' Lyons said. - pub, butfacingaway from the dance Lyons, from Saratoga Springs, floor. An an history/studio art ma­ New York, was among 280 parents jor, she looks the part of the young who attended session three .of artist--stylishly short hair that kept Ithaca's summer orientation, June falling in her face and a lot of black 29 through July 1. clothing. Lyons said she has less appre­ Ithacan/Rob Templeton She said she came to Ithaca hension about -sending her second Orientation leaders Amycat Duquette '94, Dave Melito '93, Susannah Ludwig '93 and Heidi Frey '93 College for it's diversity. She was child to college, but still has some dance and sing to "Love Shack" with the help of the karaoke machine at the party In the pub during also attracted to the academic free­ fears--mainly roommate difficul­ -orientation session three, June 30. dom afforded by the college. "The ties. ability to tailor my course load, and "Itis so important that she settle the personal attention. Everyone I in fine and not be worried about "It's just _as important that we are involved because now we know who's come here hasn't said roommates. I guess my only disap­ a bad thing about it.'' pointment so far in orientation has don't mind sending them here. Ldst night I walked around After going through orientation, been finding out that about 75 per­ CO!llPU:S however, Vimolchalao was a little cent of the incoming freshmen are in the.(i(!,rk andfelt safe. There are not many places you less optimistic about the diversity. tripled. I just wish they made that i:an do· that.,,- , "I didn't think there would be so clearer," Lyons said .. many jocks here," she said. The Parents Orientation -Susanne Deisenroth, Sitting beside Vimolchalao was Program parent speech pathology major Amber "It's great that the parents are Kerner, diligently trying to figure involved. I have a friend whose out her schedule. Kerner echoed daughter is also going to college nized just for the parents, so they when they have problems. If par- independent choices for himself, the thoughts of many of her peers this fall, and for orientation they wouldn't just be following the stu­ ems know about the resources of by himself. I am concerned about wh.en she stated her reasons for took her 10 the school and just dents around," Policello said. the campus then they can help di- course selections and the possibil- choosing this ~chool._ "I like the dropped her-off because there is Summer orientation also allows rect students to the proper places. ity of him being closed o_ut of cer- environment, the area and the nothing for the parents," said students and parents prepare better Additionally, parents have.to make tain courses, but it is great he is strength of the program." Sandra. Bioko of Perry Hall, MD, for the start of school in the fall. the transition just like students and doing it on his own.'' Kerner com pared orientation whose daughter will be majoring in "By coming in the summer the the program helps_ them become The experience of sending the with her previous visit. "I hadn't biology in the fall. students and parents don't have to morecomfortabletoIC,thusmaybe firstchildofftocollegeisenoughto seen as much of the campus. I'm The parent program as it exists wait until August to· make the tran­ a little less worried," Policello said. send anybody "crazy,'' according really impressed with the facilities. today ·was developed by Sharon sition ..They find out needed infor~ AppreJiension and Worry to Vince Mauriello of Newton, CT, I like it a lot more now." While Policello, director of campus ac­ · mation earlier, making it easier on Like Anthony DeChristopher of but the apprehension he felt before Kerner did enjoy orientation, she tivities and orientation when she everyone," Policello said. · Ronkonkoma, NY, many parents he came has lessened, like other was a little flustered by the number ·came to IC in 1978 .. Eventhoughtheconceptofswn­ didn'tlikethethoughtofbeingsepa- parents,aftercompletingtheorien- of activities. "It's been very well At that time. IC was uncommon mer orientation has become the rated from theirsonsanddaughters !ation program. organized, butlhaven'thad time to among east coast schools offepnga norm among colleges, a parent ori­ for the 2 1/2 day program -- but that "They did an excellent job at . catch up.'' summer orientation. prog11lm fpr, entation program is still unusual, was before they came. - -· ·· explaining different things, and I Standing between the smoking both parentsandstodentiPoliceUo Polkello said. · "I now see, as many of the par- have found out through discussions and non-smoking sections, David . developed the id~ of a, separa1e· So why offer a program for par- ents I talked to also see, it was that my feelings are not unique. Besner,anexploratorystudentwho -parent prpgram· independent from ents? _. -in~ntional and a great idea/' Otherparentswhohavehadexperi- · hopes to be a cinema major, sur­ the students:_... .· · ,_. ; ·· ~- : . "Parents are normally the first DeChristopher said. "By keeping ence with other children have been veyed the scene. Besner was swayed -. ''.W~ wanted. something orga;. people students are g~ing to call us se~. he [my son] will make See "Parents," page 5 See "Students," page S . ' ' .,. ' ~ ' ' - ' ~ ~ . ' · .. 'July(;!d9~ .,, .' ·~ .2 . THE SUMMER.lJHAC'fN , , , . ' . ·Ithacan re~etves·::~W~J:~- ':,: The Ithacan Inquirer- . '.F~i- the·seconct'fall in·a ~ow, the ·si~le' AP-<;olu~bi~ Hone>rs, _!h~. · · Ithacan has been awarded a medal- Ithacan now will be J:Udged_agamst · By Heidi Krug ist rating __ the highest possible -- o~er newspape~ for possible ad­ by the Columbia Scholastic Press diuonal honors. .: ~'W~at.a~racted you toUha~~?" Association . · . Results of that Judgm~ will be The associaton, a department of announc'M at th~ _C?lwnbia Sc~o­ Parents ~ttendi_n9._ <:>ri~~m~9!ion: Columbia University in New York, !astic ~ess,:',ssociati~ C0'1vent1on was.
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