MercantileSee section our NovemberNovemberNovember 2001 2001 2001 CowboyCowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicleChronicle PagePagePage 111 (starting on page 90) ew Y NEW Happy N ear! The Cowboy Chronicle~. The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Society ® Vol. 20 No. 1 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. January 2007 SHOWDOWN AT BUCK CREEK, THE SOUTWESTERN REGIONAL By Captain George Baylor, SASS Life #24287 Photos by Major Photography leburne, TX – The Ormsby See HIGHLIGHTS on page 73 Ranch is located in a lovely C part of Texas (as if there night, gave Texans an opportunity were any unlovely parts), south of to wear cowboy clothes we don’t usu- Fort Worth, north of Waco, in farm- ally wear because of the tempera- ing/ranching country. It has a well ture. Nueces Outlaw met me laid out shooting range with room Thursday morning wearing a for all the necessary stages, perma- Confederate Greatcoat. This may be nent props and buildings, and room common garb in colder climates, but for all of the campers and RVers that it’s rare in Texas (though, I suppose, arrive for a major SASS match. The not as rare as a Yankee Greatcoat). weather was perfect, chilly in the Friday morning the stages start- morning and seventies in the after- ed on time and ended on time. noon. Singlehandedly, I prevented Obviously the committee had been any rain. How? I remembered to keeping up with the “discussions” bring my $179 Fish Raincoat. Yes, I about what constitutes a good stage know Fish Raincoat replicas are $69 on the SASS Wire and in Tex’s edito- now. I believe I bought the last of rials. The targets were BIG and the $179 ones. I’m told it was CLOSE, but there were few if any American made and is more authen- dump targets, and target order went tic than the Chinese imports. I sup- from reasonable to confusing. If pose if I ever wear it in the rain, it’ll there were five targets in a row, they keep me dryer. Whenever I forget it, Showdown at Buck Creek #1 and #2 overall winners are brothers— were at different heights. Their perhaps a first in SASS Regional competition. Badlands Ben (l) bested his it rains. When I have it, it doesn’t infamous rifle knockdowns were big brother and former World Champion, Shalako Joe (r), shooting rain. Thus, I’ve never worn it at a Gunfighter! Interestingly, the top ten winner positions were represented used on one stage. match. The event committee failed by nine different shooting categories. It just goes to show, Some examples: to compensate me for this meteoro- there are no easy categories! Stage 1 had three upside-down logical miracle, however. V shaped rows of targets: five rifle, Comanche Valley Vigilantes, on Shooting™ Club on the planet.” the side matches. If Texas doesn’t five revolver, and six shotgun. their website, bill themselves as (“We’ll try harder.”) As usual, they have the biggest collection of World Shooter starts standing at fence “The second largest Cowboy Action tried very hard at making Show- and National champions of any with both hands grasping rope and down at Buck Creek a really good, state, they’re in the top two. So, not touching horns (of a steer). really enjoyable match. If there winning a side match is tough. Shooter says, “Circle the wag- SASS Cowboy Chronicle were any serious glitches, they Shalako Joe, SASS #24746, won ons!” stayed beneath the Baylor radar. three: Derringer, Fastest Rifle, and At the buzzer place rope on Each day of the main match five Fastest Pistol. Then he went on to horns and move to Position A. In This Issue stages were scheduled, and they fin- win the Master Gunfighter Shootoff. Engage rifle targets in order R1, R5, ished up pretty much as advertised, But then, he’s won a few matches R2, R4, R3 – twice. 57 EMF’S 1892 WINCHESTER .44-40 around 1:00 PM. here and there. Move to position B between wag- by Tuolumne Lawman But, let’s start at the beginning, The weather, turning cold over- (Continued on page 71) 58 CHARLES DALY LIGHTNING AND BISLEY by Nubbins Colt 68 7TH ANNUAL NORTH MOUNTAIN SHOOTOUT C h C by Swift Montana Smith r o 70 15TH ANNUAL APPALACHIAN o w SHOWDOWN n b by Hardrock Hiram i o c 23255 La Palma Avenue y SHOOTOUT AT MONITEAU 78 l Yorba Linda, California 92887 CREEK by Drummer Girl e www.sassnet.com 7302 E. Main St., Suite #7, Mesa, AZ 85207 800-596-0444 • (480) 218-1181 • FAX 888-528-5487 Email [email protected] www.wildwestmercantile.com Page 4 Cowboy Chronicle January 2007 January 2007 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle 1 ON THE COVER Showdown At Buck Creek, The Southwestern Regional . 6 FROM THE EDITOR Who Are We? What Are We? And, Where Are We Going? Editorial Staff 8, 9 NEWS Winners Of The SASS Membership Renewal & Referral Program . Tex Editor-in-Chief Comments From SASS Members . Cat Ballou 10-20 LETTERS Editor Chiz 16 CAT’S CORNER The Making Of Cat Ballou’s Fashion Plate 1886 Amethyst Gown Managing Editor Advertising Director 18 CHIZ BIZ What’s Goin’ On . Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 22 POLITICAL Why Study History? . Mac Daddy Graphic Design 24-32 ARTICLES How To Shoot A Match Clean (Volume III) . Suicide Kit For T.G.... Donna Oakley Advertising Administrator 34-42 GUNS & GEAR Wild Bill’s Last Gunfight . Boots . Women, Guns, And Gear . Contributing Writers Bob Boze Bell, Bob Crismon, Capt. George Baylor, Cinnamon Lucy, 44 PROFILES California’s Own Count . Col. Dan, Cree Vicar Dave, Ellsworth T. Kincaid, Holy Terror, Ioway, Joe Fasthorse Harrill, 46, 48 MOUNTED SASS’s New Mexico Mounted State Championship . BRR Mounted . Juaquin Malone, Madd Mike, Mr. Quigley, Nubbins Colt, This Month In History . Little Known Famous People . Purdy Gear, Quick Cal, 50 HISTORY Sierrita Slim, Swift Montana Smith, Tuolumne Lawman 51 REVIEWS-BOOKS Cowboy Princess . Hombrecito’s War . The Cowboy Chronicle is published by The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting 53-56 END of TRAIL 2007 . Society. For advertising information and rates, administrative and editorial EMF’s Model 1892 Winchester 24" .44-40 Rifle . offices contact: 57, 58 REVIEWS-PRODUCTS Chronicle Administrator 23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 64, 65 TRAIL MARKER 714-694-1800 FAX: 714-694-1813 66-78 ON THE RANGE What’s Goin’ On In Your Town? . email: [email protected] http://www.sassnet.com Hell To Freeze Over . The Battle At The Old Stone Barn . The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) 82-86 CLUB REPORTS is published Monthly by the Single Action Shooting Society, 23255 La Palma Nice SASS Collectibles . Avenue, Yorba Linda, California 92887. 90-96 MERCANTILE Periodicals Postage is Paid at ANAHEIM, CA and additional mailing offices (USPS CLASSIFIED #020-591). POSTMASTER: Send ad- 97- dress changes to The Cowboy Chronicle, 23255 La Palma Avenue, Yorba Linda, 101- SHOOTING SCHEDULES (MONTHLY)-(ANNUAL) California 92887. DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting Society does not guarantee, 107 SASS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION warranty or endorse any product or service advertised in this newspaper. The publisher also does not guarantee / SASS® Trademarks the safety or effectiveness of any prod- SASS®, Single Action Shooting Society®, uct or service illustrated. The distribution Cowboys and cowgirls aren’t the of some products/services may be ille- ® ® only ones with a love for leather END of TRAIL , EOT , gal in some areas, and we do not cowboy tack. Kareem, Tex and The Cowboy ChronicleTM, assume responsibility thereof. State and Cat Ballou’s Himalayan, has COWBOY ACTION SHOOTINGTM, local laws must be investigated by the purchaser prior to purchase or use or discovered Tex’s saddle and TM CAS , products/services. made it his own. Not only is it The World Championship of comfortable and smells just Cowboy Action ShootingTM, WARNING: Neither the author nor The Cowboy Chronicle can accept any right, it’s also at the right Bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the height to watch birds out the responsibility for accidents or diffe- Rocking Horse Design ring results obtained using reloading front window. If any land on data. Variation in handloading tech- the window sill, “Ride ‘um, Cat!” are all trademarks of The Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. niques, components, and firearms takes on a brand new meaning! will make results vary. Have a compe- Any use or reproduction of these marks tent gunsmith check your firearms / without the express written permission before firing. of SASS is strictly prohibited. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle January 2007 WHO ARE WE? WHAT ARE WE? AND, WHERE ARE WE GOING? By Tex, SASS #4 quit griping and enjoy them. And, The truly talented competitors real- building a new life for themselves he’s right. ized they needed the lightest loads, in the Old West. SASS is a multifaceted game— the smallest calibers, and “highly The point is, there are many dif- it’s a competitive sport, it’s a fanta- tuned” firearms if they were to be ferent fantasies, and they each will sy game, it’s a family pastime, it’s a successful. And, they proceeded to necessarily evolve along different way of life, it’s preservation of the evolve their game along this direc- paths. What makes for a great com- Old West, it’s Old West adventures tion. These folks are willing to prac- petitor doesn’t always make for a … and maybe lots more. It tice diligently and daily to hone their great silver screen hero. We’re all dif- attempts to provide something of competitive skills to unbelievable ferent and should happily accept that.
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