EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE PROVINCIAL TREASURY PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN PTB No.21 04 September 2020 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21 FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 1 INDEX PAGE DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO. INSTITUTION NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS 3-6 EXTENSION OF VALIDITY PERIOD EASTERN CAPE NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS PROVINCIAL TREASURY NUMBERS ERRATUM & EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE EASTERN CAPE SCMU8-20/21-0113 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 170 DEPARTMENT OF LAPTOPS AND PROVISIONING OF 7 RURAL DEVELOPMENT DATA FOR TARDI STUDENT AND AGRARIAN REFORM EASTERN CAPE SCMU 10-GFMS- PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER DEPARTMENT OF 20/21-0003 EQUIPMENT FOR GFMS TRADING TRANSPORT ENTITY GOVERNMENT FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICES 8 EASTERN CAPE NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS DEPARTMENT OF NUMBERS EDUCATION 9-10 DEPT OF PUBLIC NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS WORKS NUMBERS 11 DEPT OF SPORTS, SCMU14-20/21-0001 BID SPECIFICATION FOR THE RECREATION, ARTS APPOINTMENT OF A PANEL OF AND CULTURE. EVENTS MANAGEMENT COMPANIES TO ORGANISE AND MANAGE THE COMMEMORATION OF NATIONAL DAYS AND HOSTING RELATED DEPARTMENTAL EVENTS FOR 3 YEARS BID NOTICES 12 EAST LONDON IDZ PROJ-ICT-091 CORPORATE CELLULAR PHONE CONTRACT 2020 12;14;17 EASTERN CAPE NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS DEPARTMENT OF NUMBERS RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND AGRARIAN REFORM 13 EASTERN CAPE NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS DEPARTMENT OF NUMBERS TRANSPORT 14-17 EASTERN CAPE NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS DEPARTMENT OF NUMBERS PUBLIC WORKS AND INFRASTRUCTURE Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21 FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 2 18 EASTERN CAPE SCMU3-20/21-0125- PROVISION OF CLEANING SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF BCM FOR EMS FACILITIES AT BUFFALO HEALTH CITY METRO AND CHC’S FOR A PERIOD OF 24 MONTHS AWARDS EASTERN CAPE NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS 19 & 20 DEPARTMENT OF NUMBERS RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND AGRARIAN REFORM 18 EASTERN CAPE SCMU12-20/21-0001 PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES PROVINCIAL FOR EASTERN CAPE PROVINCIAL TREASURY TREASURY (ECPT) CHRIS HANI DISTRICT OFFICES FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY FOUR (24) MONTHS 20-22 EASTERN CAPE PARKS NUMEROUS BID NUMEROUS BID DESCRIPTIONS AND TOURISM AGENCY NUMBERS CANCELLATION Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 3 NOTICE TO ALL SUPPLIERS! Suppliers need to be aware of the phishing scams! “National Treasury will NEVER ask you to click on a link to provide your CSD username and password. Please be vigilant when online.” SUPPLIERS MUST ALSO NOTE: More details of the bid notices and conditions are available on E- portal on this website: www.e-tenders.gov.za / ADVERTISED Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21 FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 4 ATTENTION TO ALL SUPPLIERS It has come to our attention that there are small businesses and co-operatives in the Province who are manufacturing and supplying cloth masks but are not registered with the Department of Small Business as per the requirement of Paragraph 4.6 (d) of the National Treasury Instruction Note No. 05 of 2020/2021 and as such do not appear on the list accessible from the link that I had emailed earlier today. You are kindly requested to take note of the attached REQUEST FOR INFORMATION and small businesses and co-operatives are encouraged to register as advertised. In addition, you can email Mr Kgolane Thulare from the Department of Small Business with requests on behalf of small businesses and co-operatives for inclusion in the list. Please note that the closing date for registration has been moved to the end of May 2020 as per the trailing email from Mr Fani from the Office of the Chief Procurement Office within National Treasury. Mr Thulare’s email address is : [email protected]. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 5 EXTENSION OF VALIDITY PERIOD BIDDERS WHO HAVE SUBMITTED BIDS FOR THE BELOW MENTIONED BIDS ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO COMPLETE THE REPLY SHEET FOR THE EXTENSION OF VALIDITY PERIOD. MANUFACTURE, SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR COVID-19 EMERGENCY AND FUTURE PROCUREMENT TO THE EASTERN CAPE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT FOR PERIOD OF TWENTY-FOUR MONTHS (24) FOR VARIOUS COMMODITIES. BIDDERS ARE REQUESTED TO ACCESS LETTER AND REPLY SHEET ON PROVINCIAL TREASURY’S WEBSITE on www.ectreasury.gov.za. THE VALIDITY OF THE FOLLOWING BIDS HAVE BEEN EXTENDED AS FOLLOWS: BID EXTENDED VALIDITY PERIOD SCMO-20/21-003 – General Purposes 18 November 2020 SCMO-20/21-002 – Plastics and Chemicals 21 November 2020 SCMO-20/21-001 - Textile 24 November 2020 RESPONSES MUST BE EMAILED TO: [email protected] & [email protected] Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 6 ERRATUM & EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON INSITUTION SCMU8-20/21-0113 - Supply and delivery of 170 laptops and provisioning SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EASTERN CAPE PTB NO. 20 of data for TARDI student Mrs. R. Bester DEPARTMENT OF 20/21 FY Tel: 040 – 602 5205 RURAL REASONS FOR ERRATUM Email: [email protected] DEVELOPMENT Virtual briefing meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9th September AND AGRARIAN 2020 @ 10:00 with the following link below; REFORM TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC Meeting not compulsory, but highly recommended. Dr. N. Ndudane Tel: 047 - 542 3700 TARDI VIRTUAL BRIEFING LINK: Email: [email protected] https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_YWZiNDZlNWItYTI4Yi00YTEzLWE0OWEtMTlmND JhNDJkZjQx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a53b95 a8-01b3-43ea-81f3- 20ef20539a65%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ddcd3400-1a0c-4021-8755- 8aff765caf8c%22%7d Bid closing date will remain – 18 September 2020 at 11:00 am DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON INSITUTION SCMU 10-GFMS-20/21-0003 Procurement of computer equipment for SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EASTERN CAPE PTB NO.20 GFMS Trading Entity L Majavu DEPARTMENT OF 20/21 FY Tel: 043 731 1140 TRANSPORT EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE Email:[email protected] GOVERNMENT The SITA Contract applicable for this procurement is RFB / 2015 and the FLEET closing date has been extended from the 22nd September 2020 at 11:00 to MANAGEMENT the 28th September 2020 at 11:00 TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC SERVICES S.B. Ngceba Tel: 067 429 3371 Email:[email protected] a Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 7 DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON INSITUTION SCMU6-20/21-0001 - Request for proposals from suitably qualified and SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EASTERN CAPE PTB NO. 20 accredited training providers to facilitate the Implementation of Skills and Mr. P. Nxozana DEPARTMENT OF 20/21 FY Training Programmes in the Education Training and Development (ETD) Tel: 040 608 4524 EDUCATION sector for a period of three years with an option to extend for a period of Email: [email protected] not more than 24 months which will be at the discretion of the eastern cape department of education TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE Ms L Sidiya Please note that the closing date for the above-mentioned bid has been Tel: 040 608 4554 extended to 11h00 on Friday 11th September 2020. Email: [email protected] REASON FOR EXTENSION Most bidders are experiencing difficulties on uploading their bid documents on the online link. To ensure that submissions are done in a manner that is safe and which prevents the spread of the virus interested suppliers must register their interest or submit the returnable documents using the following link: https://ecdoe-scmu6-bid.azurewebsites.net SCMU6-20/21-0002 - To source a Service Provider with expertise in the SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES provisioning of catering services for the Provincial Teacher Development Mr. P. Nxozana Institutes (PTDIs) situated at East London, Queenstown, Umtata and Port Tel: 040 608 4524 Elizabeth for a contract period of three (3) years with an option to renew for Email: [email protected] a maximum period of 24 (twenty-four) months based on a need, budget availability and supplier performance. TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC REASONS FOR ERRATUM Mr. M Jack Please not the will be no briefing session. Tel: 043 702 7402 The bid document will be available at the departmental website: Email: [email protected] www.ecdoe.gov.za REASON FOR EXTENSION Most bidders are experiencing difficulties on uploading their bid documents on the online link. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 21 20/21FY 04 September 2020 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 8 To ensure that submissions are done in a manner that is safe and which prevents the spread of the virus interested suppliers must register their interest or submit the returnable documents using the following link: https://ecdoe-scmu6-bid-0002.azurewebsites.net/ DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION HEAD OFFICE CONTACT INSITUTION PERSON DEPT OF PTB NO SEE BELOW SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES PUBLIC 19 & 20 Mr. Z. Billie WORKS Tel No: 040-602 4563 / 4000 BID NUMBER & DESCRIPTION DETAIL AS PER BID INVITATION & ERRATUM Cell No: 082 885 3425 during BID DOCUMENTS office hours 1. SCMU5-20/21-0078 A. The bidder is required to sub- A. The bidder is required to sub-contract a Email Address: Appointment of service provider to provide contract a minimum of 30% of the minimum of 30% of the R- value of the [email protected].
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