9038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 3 3381. By Mr. COCHRAN: Petition of George resolution with· reference to l'epeal of the which was referred to. the Committee on Kiburz and 22 other St. Louis citizens, pro· Chinese Exclusion Act and. support of House Military .Affairs. testing against·the passage of House bill 2082, bill 2011, making citizenship possible for which seeks t o enact prohibition for the pe· persons of Oriental nationality; to the Com­ RESOLUTION BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS riod of the war; to the Committee on the mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. OF KANSAS ENGINEERING SOCIETY­ Judiciary. PROPOSAL TO MOBILIZE SCIENTIFIC 3382. Also, petition of Joseph Ringenbach AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES and 24 other St. Louis citizens, protesting Mr. CAPPER. Mr. President, I ask against the passage of House bill 2082, which seeks to enact prohibition for the period of SENATE unanimous consent to present for ap­ the war; to· the Committee on the Judiciary. propriate reference a resolution adopted 3383. Also, petition of Fred Mogab and 20 '\yEDNESDAY, NovEMBER 3, 1943 by·. the board of directors of the Kansas other St. Louis citizens, protesting against Engineering Society expressing its op­ the passage of House bill 2082, which seeks to <Legislative day of Monday, October 25, position to the bill <S. 702) to mobilize enact prohibition for the period of the war; I 1943 the scientific and technical resources of to t h e Committee on the Judiciary. the Nation, to establish an office of 3384. Also, ·petition of John B. Ross and The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on scientific and technical mobilization, 23 ot her St. Louis citizens, protesting against the expiration of the recess. and for other purposes, which I also ask the passage of House bill 2082 which seeks The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown to enact prohibition for the period of the to have printed in the RECORD. • Harris, D. · D., offered the following There being no objection, the resolu­ war; to the Committee on the Judiciary. prayer: · 3385. Also, petition of William Getchman tion was referred to the Committee on and 40 ot her St. Louis citizens, protesting · God of light, in whom is no darkness Military Affairs and ordered to be printed against the passage of House bill 2082 which · at all, with gratitude we lift our hearts in the RECORD, as follows: seeks to enact prohibition for the ·period of to Thee for the daily sacrament of beauty Whereas the board of directors of the the war; to the Committee on the Judiciary. when morning glory · gilds the skies and Kansas Engineering Society, being in ses:­ 3386. Also, petition of Paul Kokalis, of sion ori this 9th day of October 1943, at the Washington, D. C., and 20 other citizens, pro· the splendor of dawn awakens the earth · to newness of life. 0 Thou Sun of Jayhawk Hotel in Topeka, Kans., an analy_. testing against the passage of House bill 2082 sis of the Kilgore bill, S. 702, was taken up which seeks to enact prohibition for the Righteousness, dawn upon our shadewed and thoroughly dfscussed and it beJng the period of the war; to the Committee on the lives with the light of Thy revealing consensus oftopinion that this bill is a meas­ Judiciary. truth. Dispel the darkness of our minds, ure to socialize and regiment engineering 3387. Also, petition of the Municipal Archi· burn up the dross of our little ·loyalties and scientific research and design, it is the teet's Office; Washington, D. C., and signed with the fire of a consuming sacrifie for opinion of this society that such socializa­ by 20 others, protesting against the passage causes greater 'than ourselves. -· May we tion and regimen-tation will retard progress of House bill 2082 which seeks to enact. pr_o­ die to the · hings , that seem-earth's and undermine individual thinking and ini­ hibition fo,: the period of the war; to . the tiative and therefore be detrimental to the Committee on the Judiciary. sham and show-may we 'rise above public welfare of this Nation: Therefore be it 3388. By Mr. LEONARD W. HALL: Petition poisoning hatreds, above greed. and Resolved, That the Kansas Engineering So­ of sundry members of the Rockville Center pride and prejudice·and all the base con-· ciety go on record as opposed to this or any (N.Y.) Baptist Church, urging enactment of · tempts of sect and cr.eed. similar type of' legislation. House bHl ·2082; to the ·committee on the Release ·us from · an inner tyranny RESOLUTION BY BOARD OF MA~AqERS OF Judiciary. w!lich makes us cry out in ·our slavish 3389. By Mr. 'TOLAN: Petition of the Cen­ .AXTELL CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL, NEW­ tral Labor Council and Building Trades chains, "The things I would do I do not, TON, KANS.-PROPOSAL . TO" PLACE council. of Alameda County, Calif., and signed for when I would do good evil is present HOSPITALS UNDER SOCIAL SECURITY by 856 residents of Alameda, Calif., request­ with me." Break down every debasing SYSTEM ing active f?Upport of l~gislation to ( 1) re­ idol,· cast out every lurki'ng foe. Smite peal of the Smith-Connally 'bill; (2) the down the arrogant specter of self; set - Mr. CAPPER. Mr. President, I also American Federation of Labor amendments our spirits free. 'May love cast out fear. ask unanimous consent to present for to the Social Security Act; and (3) subsidies Send us forth more than conquerors in appropriate reference a letter from the for the purpose of rolling back the cost of tune with the Infinite, at home with the superintendent of the Axtell Christian living; to the Committee on Military Affairs. eterhal.· We ask it in the Redeemer's Hospital, of Newton, Kans., together with 3390. By M,r. THOMASON: Petition of the a resolution adopted by the board of Commissioners' Court of El Paso, Tex., urg­ name. Amen. managers of the hospital, ·in opposition ing ;favorable. action on House bill 2426 and 1 DESIGNATidN OF ACTING PRES~DENT to Senate bill 1161, which provides for Senate blll 971, authorizing an appropriation PRO TEMPORE of $3 ,000,000,000· for highway construction; the placing of hospitals under the social­ to the Committee on Roads. The Secretary, Edwin A. Halsey,- read security program. I also ask that the 3391. By Mr. BROWN of Ohio: Petition' of the following letter: letter and accompanying resolution be ·printed in the RECORD. 29 cit izens of Union County, Ohio, favoring UNITED STATES SENATE, the p assage of House bill 2082, to reduce PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, · There being no objection, the letter, absenteeism, conserve manpower, and speed Washington, D. C., November 3, 1943. with the accompanying resolution, was production of mateJials necessary for the To the Senate: referred to the Committee on Finance winning of the war; to the Committee on the .Being temporarily absent from the Senate, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Judiciary. I appoint Hen. ELMER THOMAS, a Senator as follows: 3392. By Mr. POULSON: Petition of Wilma from the State of Oklahoma, to perform the AxTELL CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL, A. Morgan and others, urging the passage of duties of the Chair during my absence. Newton, Kans., October 29, 1943. the Bryson bill (H. R. 2082) prohibiting the CARTER GLASS, Han. ARTHUR CAPPER, manufacture, sale, or transpcrtation of alco­ President pro tempore. United States Senator from Kansas, holic liquor in the United States for the . Washington, D. C. duration of the war and until the termina­ Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma thereupon MY DEAR SENATOR CAPPER: There is before / t ion of demobilization; to the Committee on took the chair as Acting President pro Congress a bill known as the Wagner-Murray­ the Judiciary. tempore. Dingell bill, that -proposes to put practically 3393. By Mr. SHORT: Petition of Mrs. THE JOURNAL all hospitals under a social-security program. W. P. Davis and others 9f Neosho and New­ If this bill ·becomes a law, it will not only ton County, Mo., urging support of Hous~ On request of Mr. CoNNALLY, and make hospitalization very expensive to the. bill 2082, introduced by Hon. JosEPH R. by unanimous consent, the reading of individual, but it will place a very large sum BRYSON, of South Carolina, to reduce ab· the Journal of the proceedings of the of money under the direction of one man. senteeism, conserve manpower,. and speed calendar day Tuesday, November 2, 1943, It is generally felt that it would force every p;oduction of mate):'ials necessary for the was dispensed with, and the Journal was hospital to become, in fact, a Government winning of the war, by prohibiting -the man­ approved. hospital. I am enclosing a resolution passed ufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic by our hospital board after they had reviewed liquors in the United States for the duration REPORT OF AMERICAN WAR MOTHERS this bill and considered what it would mean of the war and until the termination of de­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ to our hospital. I sincerely hope . you will mobilization; to the Committee on the Ju­ use your influence to defeat this measure. diciary. pore laid before the Senate the annual Very sincerely, 3394. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the report of the Ame~ican War Mothers AXTELl; CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL, State, County, and Municipal Workers of covering .the period October 1941-Qcto­ JOHN R. GOLDEN, .America, petitioning consideration of their ber 1942, submitted pursuant to law, Buperintend en t. 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9039 • Whereas this hospital is a part Of 'the free personnel, was read twice by its title and As to officers of all the services there is no and volunt ary hospital system of the United referred to the Committee on Finance.
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