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The economic and employment Agenda Grant Program. The economic and employment Marie Butera WashingtonMarie Butera Street Bridge a difference in the lives of the tively,” he added. “ABCD goes Revere arm of The Neigh- base by utilizing large-scale Revere arm of The Neigh- base by utilizing large-scale has been closed to become most of vulnerable people in his above and beyond for the citi- Richard Buttiglieri Richard Buttiglieri borhood Developers (TND) and high value assets includ- borhood Developers (TND) and high value assets includ- a worksite, according to zens of Boston.” was one group given $50,000 ing Suffolk Downs, Wonder- district. was one group given $50,000 ing Suffolk Downs, Wonder- Theresa Conte Theresa Conte Rep. Michlewitz has been an MassDOT. in funding to help establish land, a soon-to-close NECCO The localin fundingNeighborhood to help establish land, a soon-to-close NECCO Dr. Adrian Costanza Dr.Those Adrian seeking Costanza to use a sideworkforce- development ser- plant, and the MassDevelop- Service Center,workforce 1 Michelangelo development outstandingser- plant, and friend the ofMassDevelop ABCD and- walk to travel across the bridge ment TDI Waterfront District. Street nominated Rep. the local Neighborhood Service Dorothy Cordaro Dorothy Cordaro vices in Revere to support lo- vices in Revere to support lo- ment TDI Waterfront District. will be directed to the easterncal residentsThe ABCD to acquire North newlyEnd/West EndThe Neighborhoodprogram seeks Service to un -Center (NE/WE Michlewitz ascal their residents Hero. to acquire newlyCenter sinceThe program2005, asseeks a legisla to un-- Gerardo Iannuzzi sidewalk.Gerardo IannuzziSigns will be posted.createdNSC) jobs. held its annual Thanksgivinglock community-driven luncheon on Friday, re Nov.- 16. Those “As an electedcreated official jobs. it is my lock community-driven re- (MICHLEWITZ Pg. 3) Lt.who Gov. attended Karyn Polito were alongserved withsponses a full to Thanksgiving local obstacles, spread. Close to 70 Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito along sponses to local obstacles, Patricia Muse Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Ann Houston of The Neighborhood Developers, StatePatriciaOnce Rep. Museclosed, RoseLee theVincent, western withLt. Gov. seniorsHousing Karyn attended Polito, and Economic Ann the Houston luncheon. andof The Seepromote Neighborhood more economicphotos onDevelopers, develPage -7. State Rep. RoseLee Vincent, with Housing and Economic and promote economic devel- Paul Penta, Jr. Bob O' Brien of Revere Economic Department, Mayor Brian Arrigo andsidewalk Secretary will of Housing become and a work Paul Penta, Jr. DevelopmentBob O' Brien of RevereSecretary Economic Jay Department,opment opportunities Mayor Brian through Arrigo and Secretary of Housing and Development Secretary Jay opment opportunities through Ecomonic Development Jay Ash at the announcement of the Urbanzone. Agenda Following Grant Program the on closure, Antonetta Salamone AshEcomonic came Developmentto Revere City Jay Hall Ash atpartnership-building, the announcement of problemthe Urban Agenda Grant Program on Ash came to Revere City Hall partnership-building, problem Monday morning in the Revere City Council Chambers. Antonetta Salamone Monday morning in the Revere City Council Chambers. crews will secure the area withto presentCouncilor the check toEdwards the solving, co-sponsors and shared account - to present the check to the solving, and shared account- temporary concrete barriers andNeighborhood Developers. ability in urban centers. The Neighborhood Developers. ability in urban centers. The Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 fencing in preparation for dem- “Ourordinance administration underto assist- competitive elderly awards homeowners offer flex- “Our administration under- competitive awards offer flex- ible funding for local efforts Real estate values continue to be strongolition activities, in Revere to begin instalstands-Real theCouncilor estateimportance Edwards valuesof local cospon continue- which togives be municipalities strong in the Revere stands the importance of local ible funding for local efforts leadership and its impact on that bring together commu- lation of temporary supports for sors ordinance to assist elderly ability to offer payment agree- leadership and its impact on that bring together commu- INDEPENDENT By Sue Ellen Woodcock days on the market in 2016. “2017INDEPENDENT was a fantastic year the lives of residents,” said daysnity onstakeholders the market in to 2016. pursue “2017 was a fantastic year NEWSPAPER GROUP the 115-kilovolt electrical line homeownersBy Sue Ellen Woodcock with overdue tax ments to older homeowners the lives of residents,” said nity stakeholders to pursue The number of listings in to beNEWSPAPER in real estate,” GROUP said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. economicThe number development of listings inini - economic development ini- across the bridge. payments with low income,to struggling be in real estate,”to said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. The Revere real estate mar- 2017 also dropped to 265, “TheThe UrbanRevere realAgenda estate Grantmar- 2017tiatives. also Thesedropped awards to 265, will “The Urban Agenda Grant tiatives. These awards will MarioThe ofclosure Century began 21 Mato- the by Phil Orlandella repay their overdueMario taxes. of Century 21 Ma- ket in 2017 was definitely a 10.8 percent down from 297 Programket in 2017 relies was on definitely the strong a 10.8fund percent projects down in Boston, from 297Clin - Program relies on the strong fund projects in Boston, Clin- rio Real Estate. “There’s a District One (North End) “As a city, it’srio criticalReal Estate. we “There’s a good one with higher prices in 2016. The good news for north (towards Charlestown) ofpartnershipsgood one with between higher priceslocal in 2016. The good news for partnerships between local lot of confidence and equity Boston City Councilor LydiaSee TND take GRANT every , Page step 3 possiblelot of confidenceto keep and equity See TND GRANT , Page 3 $1.5 MILLION FOR for homes than in 2016, but sellers is that the original list- the$1.5 stairs MILLION leading FORto Lovejoy government,for homes than non-profits in 2016, but and sellers is that the original list- government, non-profits and in homes. For 35 years now Edwards and Councilor Ed our elders housedin andhomes. to Forsup -35 years now NORTHERN STRAND a drop in the number of new ing price was matched 100 Wharf.NORTHERN The stairs STRAND and elevator a dropBy in Sue the Ellen number Woodcock of new ingCouncillor price was Robert matched Haas 100 Jr. Councillor Robert Haas Jr. it’s been positive. Now is the Flynn have co-sponsored an port Bostonians in building and By Sue Ellen Woodcock COMMUNITY TRAIL listings, making home-buying percent of the time. toCOMMUNITY the wharf as well TRAIL as the duallistings, making home-buying percenttried to of get the barrierstime. installed it’s been positive. Now is the tried to get barriers installed an adventure. The condominium mar- time to sell. Revere is getting ordinance, which will provide retaining wealth timeover to generasell. Revere- is getting The Executive Office of wayThe to 160Executive North OfficeWashington of an For adventure. years the abutters of inThe 2011 condominiumand received nomar re- - For years the
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