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REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF TEE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 1979: ERRATA n ESTABLISHMENT Page 2: Paragraph 3 (i)-Substitute 21118 for 21291 in the second line and 127 for 300 in the third line. 11'.0 ..<?> Annual Report AUG '12 1980 of the Commissioner of the South African P%it~"""Uf5rTIONS for the year ended 30 June 1979 . The Hqnourable the Minister of Police: ( . I have the honour to submit the following report on the activities of the South African 4.V Police for the year ended 30 June 1979. INTRODUCTION An order known as "The South African Police Star When one looks back on the activities of the Force for Distinguished Leadership" was instituted as an during the past year, in general one can say that not­ honourable tribute in recognition of distinguished leadership shown by officers of the general staff in the withstanding the manpower position the South African carrying out of their duties. The Order was awarded Police' acquitted themselves satisfactorily of their to the Commissioner, General M. C. W. Geldenhuys. inumerous responsibilties. There were no extraordinary j trends in the crime sphere, and the Police were A new decoration, "The South African Police Star I successful in combating terrorism and maintaining for Outstanding Service", was instituted to be awarded lintemal security in the Republic. There is no doubt to members of the Force or the Reserve Police Force that in the future higher demands will be made on for outstanding services rendered and gallantry displayed the Police, but I am gratified to be able to state that in the execution of their duties or in protecting or when an appeal is made to the men and women of the saving property or life. Force they always respond positively. This decoration was awarded to: A trend causing a I:ertain amount of concern was General M. C. W. Geldenhuys. the exceptionally high resignation figure, especially Lieutenant-General J. F. Kleinhaus. during the second half of the year under review. Lieutenant-General F. L. C. Engels. Although resignations .and purchases of discharge are Lieutenant-General D. J. Kriel. not unusual occurrences in the Force, staff wastage Major-General J. C. Visser. received unprecedented publicity and was directly linked Major-General (Rev.) C. Colyn. with the question of salaries. Major-General H. V. Verster. Although remuneration was given as the immediate Major-General A. G. van Tonder. reason for resignations in many cases, many other Major-General H. G. de Witt. factors play an equally important role. In cases where Major-General A. A. J. Coetzee. better remuneration is decisive this is usually only so 1I.1ajor-General C. P. de W. Crafford. in the short term aJld for this reason ex-members Major-General C. F. Zietsman. frequently apply to rejoin the Force within a few The introduction of these merit awards met a long­ months. felt need, since there had been few merit awards to Because members of the Force are disciplined they award to the South African Police for their valuable have little difficulty in finding employment in the private services to the country. sector. As a matter of fact, it is well-known that The medals awarded for Faithful Service in the ex-members are snapped up by the private sector and Police Force, were also revised by the new warrants are sometimes even lured from the Force by the private and Faithful Service Medals will henceforth be awarded sector with offers which are difficult to refuse. for 10, 20 and 30 years of faithful service. The medals Employers luring policemen from the Force are are the S.A. Police Medal for Faithful Service awarded definitely not doing their country a service. It should after 10 years, the S.A. Police Star for Faithful Service be borne in mind that in the times in which we live awarded after 20 years and the S.A. Police Star for the services of the Police Force are indispensable and Merit awarded after 30 years. every member who is lured from the Force is one less (2) The South African Police Star for Distinguished person to ensure the safety of everyone in South Africa. Service was awarded to Lieutenant-General F. L. C. Engels and also to Lieutenant-Generals D. J. Kriel and 1. ROLL OF HONOUR C. W. Louw, who had already retired. 1. DEATHS (3) The South African Police Star for Merit was During the year under review, 11 White and eight awarded to nine White members and one Non-White Non-White members lost their lives in the execution member for services of a particularly meritorious or of their duties. exemplary nature, and to 292 White and 132 Non­ White members who had completed 30 years of faithful 2. HONOURABLE MENTION, AWARDS AND service. COMMENDATIONS (4) The Bar to the South African Police Medal for (1) The State President has, by his warrants of 1 Faithful Service was awarded to 12 White members May 1979, instituted a series of new merit awards for and one Non-White member. members of the South African Police and has revised (5) The South African Police Medal for Faithful requirements for the award of certain existing merit Service was awarded to 323 White and 465 Non-White awards. members. G.P.S.(L) (5) The South African Police Medal for Combating (4) No significant problems were experienced in Terrorism was awarded to 231 White and 18 Non­ recruiting suitable Coloured and Indian applicants for White members, while 171 White and four Non-White the Force. As regards the recruitment of suitable members received bars. Black members for the Force, everything possible was done to fill existing vacancies. (7) Six White and four Non-White members of the Force and three White members and one Coloured member of tlie Reserve Police Force were specially IV. THE RESERVE POLICE FORCE commended for outstanding devotion to duty, courage 5. (1) During the year under review there was and perseverance in the performance of their duties. continued public interest in the activities of the Reserve (8) The Medal of Honour for Courage and Faithful­ Police Force and large numbers of civilians again came ness was awarded to patrol dog Zulu of Port Elizabeth. forward to offer their services. The trend for consider­ able numbers of prominent people to join the ranks II. ESTABLISHMENT of the Reserve Police Force continued. A large number 3. (1) The Force's authorised establishment is now of immigrants also offered their services and this 21291 White and 17447 Non-White posts, an increase reflects their loyalty towards their new country and of 300 and 251 posts, respectively. At the end of the their desire to contribute to its continued existence. year under review the Department's actual numerical (2) The active members of the various groups con­ strength was 18464 White and 15612 Non-White tinued to render valuable service and more and more members. The number of White civilian employees rose police stations could be successfully manned over week­ by 79 and that of Non-White civilian employees by ends by these members. Coloured, Indian and Black 255, while temporary members increased from 182 to reservists rendered invaluable service in maintaining 410. law and order in their own residential areas, on (2) The establishment of the Women's Police Force occasion under difficult and dangerous conditions. was enlarged by 98 posts, which brings the total to 960 posts. (3) The diving units in the various divisions helped the police to search for the bodies of persons who had (3) Staff wastage during the year was as follows: drowned and to recover exhibits from deep water. Their loyalty and willingness to serve is praiseworthy. Reasons Whites' Non-Whites I (4) In the combating of crime, using the South African Police Wachthuis Radio Reserve again paid Purchase of discharge ......•....... 2400 344 Medical Unfitness ................. 182 91 dividends. The valuable information transmitted by Superannuation ................... 103 154 these amateur radio operators to the police proves Misconduct. ..................... 41 273 their desire to perform an important and valuable task Deaths........................... 69 133 in the interest of the country. Other reasons ..................... 67 178 Total ...................... 2862 1173 (5) All members of the Reserve Police Force deserve the highest praise and appreciation for the services they render without payment. III. RECRUITMENT (6) At the end of the year under review the numerical 4. (1) Notwithstanding sustained efforts, recruitment strength of the Reserve Police Force was as follows: for the South African Police was not as successful as could be desired. In spite of this, strict screening was Whites still applied and of the 1 944 applications received Groups A, B and D from White applicants only 1681 were approved. Of the Active: 8 827 approved applicants 48 held degrees and/or diplomas Non-active: 6 546 a,nd 1 329 were matriculants. In addition 956 applica­ Divers tIons from former members for re-enlistment in the Active: 172 Force Were considered, 235 of which were approved.
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