University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Publications 1969 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 1969 Annual Report Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nebgamepubs "Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 1969 Annual Report" (1969). Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Publications. 59. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nebgamepubs/59 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. TABLE OF CONTENTS Land Management. ................................ 52 Commissioners . ... ... .. ... .. 3 Law Enforcement .................................. 59 Budget and Fiscal . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .4 Aircraft ...............................................65 Permits................................................ 14 Communications .................................. 69 Engineering ......................................... 17 Boating ............................................. 70 Federal Aid........................................ .19 Parks ................................................71 Fisheries..... ... .. .. .. .... ... .. .. 33 Personnel ............................................ 80 Game .............................................. 39 Realty ...............................................82 Information and Tourism ...................... .48 Research .............................................. 84 C O M M I S S I O N E R S Term Expires Charles L Wright, McCook, Fifth District ... .. .. .... .... .. ..... January 15, 1970 M. M. (Milt) Muncie, Plattsmouth, First Distri ct . ........ .... January 15, 1971 James C. Columbo, Omaha, Second District . .. .. .. .. .. January 15, 1972 Francis Hanna, Thedford, Sixth District .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. Septe~ber 6, 1972 Dr . Bruce E. Cowgill, Silver Creek, Third Di strict .. .. ..... .. .. January 15, 1973 ' Floyd Stone, Alliance, Seventh District ............ ... .. January 15, 1974 Lee Well s , Axtell, Fourth Di strict . .... .. ....... .. ...... ..... September 6, 1974 VI VI I V Di rector M. O. Steen Ass istant Di rector Willard R. Barbee Di vision Chiefs Budget and Fi scal .... .. Lyle D. Hanna Information and Tourism . .. Dick H. Schaffer Engineering . .. .... .. Lyle K. Tanderup Land Management . .. .. , ... Richard J. Spady Federal Aid .. .. William J. Bailey, Jr. Law Enforcement .. .. .. ... Carl E. Gettmann Fisheries . .. .... .. .... Glen R. Foster Parks ..... .. ...... .. .. .... Jack D. Strain Game .... ... ........... .. Lloyd P. Vance Personnel .. .. .... , .. ... , . Lloyd M. Steen Research .. .. ... C. Phillip Agee Page 3 B U D G E T A N D F I S C A L Budget and Fiscal includes two sections: (1) Permits and (2) Budget and Accounting. The Permit Section has three departments : Boating Administration, Accounts Receivable, and Permit Accounting . The Budget and Account ing Section includes four departments : Audits j Records Management, Plant and Equipment, and Fiscal Accounting. The major functions of the Budget and Fiscal Div isi on are : l. Maintain all fiscal records in accordance with state and federal laws. 2. Maintains area cost accounting on income and expenditures for internal control of the Commission . 3. Administers the fiscal operation and control of federal programs. 4. Administers the fiscal control of the State Boating Laws. 5. Issues all hunting and fishi ng permits to vendor accounts. 6. Receipts, deposits , and maintains accounts receivable records on all funds received by the Commission . 7. Prepares the Commission Biennium Budgets. 8. Prepares and maintai ns the Commission fiscal and operating budgets. 9. Administers the purchasing of all equipment , supplies, and materials for the Commission. 10 . Maintains inventory control and records of real and personal property of the Commiss i on . 11 . Performs audits of federal programs relating to participating subdivisions and internal audits of the other divisions of the Commission. 12 . Administers an internal program of forms control, including development of f orms and defining their purpose, use , and retention, and maintains an agency policy and procedure manual . 13 . Performs other administrati ve functions as assigned by the Board of Commissioners, Director, and/or Assistant Director. Boating Admi nistrati on: Annual activities continue to increase each year . In 1969 a total of 26,776 powered boats were issued registration certificates, This represents an increase of approximately 9½ percent over 1968. Accounts Receivable: Activities remained basically similar to 1968 , A total of 280 cash transmittal reports was prepared and submitted to the State Treasurer. These reports represent deposits of all cash income received by this agency. A total of 13,739 individual auditor receipts was prepared to support monies received and deposited by cash transmi ttals for 1969. This department also recei ves and distributes all incoming mail for this agency . Permit Accounting: Duri ng 1969, this department maintained accounting records on 1,398 permit ven dor accounts . Ninety-three (93) new vendor accounts were opened and 92 vendor accounts ceased handling permits dur ing 1969. Detailed accounting records are maintained for each vendor account. An annual report of number of permits sold by type of permit by counti es is prepared . Fiscal Accounti ng: This depa rtment i s responsible for preparati on and processing of all payments to vendo rs; i ntr a-department transfers on use of equipment, employees time and expenses applying proper distribution of costs to each area or admin i strative units , preparation of monthly Commission Reports of paid vouchers and coding of all vouchers for payment . Page 4 Activities of this department remained similar to 1968. A total of 15,103 vouchers were prepa red and processed for payment in 1969. Twelve monthly Commission Reports of paid vouchers were prepared, Plant and Equipment: This department is responsible for purchasing all materials, supplies, and equipment and administering and maintaining all inventory records of real and personal property for this agency. Seven -hundred and eighty-six (786) purchase orders were processed in 1969. Inventories were maintained on 208 areas and administrative units, Inventories and reports were maintained on 353 vehicles. Audits: This department reviews all vouchers and intra-department transfers to insure accu racy of amounts paid. Correct data process i ng code information is completed on all document s. It audits all expense vouchers to insure compliance with state laws, rules, and regulations of this agency. It maintains various electronic data processing ledqers, assists i n preparation of various area reports , and performs all field audits of political subd i vi si ons participating in the Land and Water Conservation Program . During 1969 , a total of 9 pre-audits , prog ress audits, and final audits was performed by this Department . Records Mana ement Department: The Budget and Fiscal Division was directed to establ i sh a recor 3s management program for thi s agency in November 1968, for the purpose of establishing uniformity in the design , use, retention , or disposal of forms and records, elimination of duplications and to develop a budget and fiscal policy and procedure manual. Some preliminary guidelines were developed but very little was accomplished in 1969 since staffing of this department was delayed due to lack of facilities . Administrati on of the Budget and Fiscal Division is performed by the division chief, who is also this agency's budget officer. In addition to the administration and supervision of all activities of the Budget and Fiscal Division, the division chief is responsible for the preparation and submission of this agency's Bi ennium Budget Requests. FI NANCIAL STATEMENT January 1, 1969 - Cash or General Fund Appropriation on Hand Game Fund 182,350.54 State Park Facilities Cash Fund 139,847.82 State Park Special Cash Fund 29,348.54 State Park - General Fund - Balance of 67/69 Bienn i um App~ 1,253,874.33 Touri st Promotion - General Fund - Balance of 67/69 Biennium Appropriation 24,650.81 Tourist Promotion Cash Fund 35,801.39 Land & Water General Fund - Balance of 67/69 Biennium Appr. l ,052,432.93 Land & Water Conservation Cash Fund 576,172.04 Cash Gifts 4,141.49 Total Cash & General Fund Appropriations on Hand Jan. l, 1969 3,298,499 .89 Page 5 Cash Revenue Rece i ved Du ring 1969 Game Fund 3,392 ,090 . 04 State Park Facilities Cash Fund 214,905 . 97 State Pa rk Special Cash Fund 14,779 . 20 Les s amount lapsed to General Fund 6/30/69 (44 ,182.29) (29 ,403.09) Tourist Promotion Ca sh Fund 24,404 . 61 Land & Water Con servation Cash Fund 861 ,724.66 Cash Gifts . 00 Le ss amount lapsed to General Fund 6/30/69 ( 4, 141 . 49 ) ( 4 ,141.49 ). _____ Total 1969 Cash Income Less Lapsed Amounts 4,459,580.70 General Fund Appropriations Ava i lable Duri ng 1969 Tou rism Promotion & General Operational & Maintenance - General Fund 976,420 .00 Gene ral Fund Reapp ropriation (Indian Caves Acquisition) 100 ,660.00 General Fund Reappropri ation Subdivision Capitol Projects 165,615 . 00 General Fund Appropr i ation 69/71 Biennium Capitol Projects 26,005.00 ------ Total Gen eral Fund or Reappropriations Available During
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