Page 75 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 45a–1 served forest lands, was transferred to section 471c of feet); thence westerly along the crest of the this title. Kings-Kern Divide to a junction with the crest Section 45, act Oct. 1, 1890, ch. 1263, § 3, 26 Stat. 651, of the Great Western Divide at Thunder Moun- which related to additional forest reserves in Califor- nia, was transferred to section 471d of this title. tain (United States Geological Survey bench mark thirteen thousand five hundred and sev- § 45a. Sequoia National Park; revision of bound- enty-eight feet); thence southwesterly along the aries crest of the Great Western Divide to Triple Di- vide Peak (United States Geological Survey alti- The boundaries of the Sequoia National Park, tude twelve thousand six hundred and fifty-one California, are changed as follows: feet); thence westerly and northwesterly along Beginning at the southwest corner of the the crest of the hydrographic divide between the present boundary of Sequoia National Park, headwaters of Roaring River and the headwaters being the southwest corner of township 18 south, of the Middle and Marble Forks of the Kaweah range 30 east of the Mount Diablo base and me- River to Kettle Peak (United States Geological ridian, California, thence easterly along the Survey altitude ten thousand and thirty-eight present south boundary of Sequoia National feet); thence westerly and southwesterly along Park to its intersection with the hydrographic 1 the crest of the main hydrographic divide next divide between the headwaters of South Fort north of Clover Creek and Dorst Creek to the Kaweah River and the headwaters of that branch Junction of Stony Creek and Dorst Creek; of Little Kern River known as Pecks Canyon; thence following the west bank of the North thence southerly and easterly along the crest of Fork Kaweah River to its junction with Cactus the hydrographic divide between Pecks Canyon Creek; thence easterly along the first hydro- and Soda Creek to its intersection with a lateral graphic divide south of Cactus Creek to its divide at approximately the east line of section intersection with the present west boundary of 2, township 19 south, range 31 east; thence Sequoia National Park, being the west line of northeasterly along said lateral divide to its township 16 south, range 29 east; thence south- intersection with the township line near the erly along said west boundary to the southwest southeast corner of township 18 south, range 31 corner of said township; thence easterly along east of the Mount Diablo base and meridian; the present boundary of Sequoia National Park, thence north approximately thirty-five degrees being the north line of township 17 south, range west to the summit of the butte next north of 29 east, to the northeast corner of said township; Soda Creek (United States Geological Survey al- thence southerly along the present boundary of titude eight thousand eight hundred and eighty- Sequoia National Park, being the west lines of eight feet); thence northerly and northwesterly townships 17 and 18 south, range 30 east, to the along the crest of the hydrographic divide to a place of beginning; and all of those lands lying junction with the crest of the main hydro- within the boundary line above described are in- graphic divide between the headwaters of the cluded in and made a part of the Roosevelt-Se- South Fork of the Kaweah River and the head- quoia National Park; and all of those lands ex- waters of Little Kern River; thence northerly cluded from the present Sequoia National Park along said divide now between Horse and Cow are included in and made a part of the Sequoia Creeks and the headwaters of East Fork Kaweah National Forest, subject to all laws and regula- River to its intersection with the present east tions applicable to the national forests. boundary of Sequoia National Park, approxi- (July 3, 1926, ch. 744, § 1, 44 Stat. 818.) mately at Tar Gap, being the east line of town- ship 17 south, range 30 east; thence northerly EXCLUSION AND ADDITION OF LANDS along said line to its intersection with the main Certain lands excluded from Kings Canyon National hydrographic divide north of East Fork Kaweah Park and added to Sequoia National Forest, see section River; thence easterly following said divide, 80a–1 of this title. passing through Timber Gap to the summit of Certain lands excluded from Sequoia National Forest Sawtooth Peak; thence southeasterly along the and added to Kings Canyon National Park, see section 80a–2 of this title. crest of the Great Western Divide to the summit of Coyote Peaks (United States Geological Sur- § 45a–1. Addition of lands authorized vey bench mark, altitude ten thousand nine The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in hundred and nineteen feet); thence northeast- his discretion, to accept title to lands and inter- erly following the main hydrographic divide ests in lands near the entrance to the Sequoia south of Coyote Creek to the junction of Coyote National Park, subject to existing easements for Creek and Kern River; thence due east across public highways and public utilities, within the Kern River to the east bank; thence following following described tracts: said east bank of Kern River northerly to the Tract A. A portion of tract 37, township 17 junction of Golden Trout Creek and Kern River; south, range 29 east, Mount Diablo meridian, thence northeasterly following the main hydro- Tulare County, California, comprising approxi- graphic divide north of Golden Trout Creek, and mately two acres. between the headwaters of Golden Trout Creek Tract B. A portion of the east half of the and Rock Creek to a junction with the main northeast quarter of section 4, township 17 crest of the Sierra Nevada, northwest of Cirque south, range 29 east, Mount Diablo meridian, Peak; thence northerly and westerly along said Tulare County, California, comprising approxi- main crest of the Sierra Nevada to Junction mately thirty-eight acres. Peak (United States Geological Survey bench Tract C. A portion of the south half of tract 37, mark thirteen thousand nine hundred and three township 17 south, range 29 east, Mount Diablo meridian, Tulare County, California, comprising 1 So in original. Probably should be ‘‘Fork’’. approximately sixty one-hundredths acre. § 45a–2 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION Page 76 The owners of the lands to be conveyed to the under were to be exercised in accord with Federal United States, before any exchange is effective, Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.) and rules and regula- shall furnish to the Secretary of the Interior tions promulgated thereunder, and which was to expire no later than Aug. 6, 1974. evidence satisfactory to him of title to such Section 3 of act Dec. 21, 1943, provided as follows: lands. Such property shall become a part of the ‘‘Nothing in this Act [sections 45a–1 and 45a–2 of this Sequoia National Park upon the acceptance of title] shall be construed to alter or affect in any man- title thereto by the Secretary, and shall there- ner the provisions, or extend the term, of the permit after be subject to all laws and regulations ap- heretofore granted to the Southern California Edison plicable to the park. Company and predecessors thereof for the use of lands in the Sequoia National Park for electric power devel- (Dec. 21, 1943, ch. 372, § 1, 57 Stat. 606.) opment purposes, or to relieve the company of any fi- ELECTRIC POWER DEVELOPMENT PERMITS nancial or other obligation under said permit, or under agreements or orders relating or supplementary there- Pub. L. 99–338, June 19, 1986, 100 Stat. 641, as amended to.’’ by Pub. L. 103–437, § 6(d)(4), Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4583; Pub. L. 108–447, div. E, title I, § 139(c), Dec. 8, 2004, 118 § 45a–2. Exchange of certain lands for lands con- Stat. 3069, provided: ‘‘That the Secretary of the Inte- veyed to United States rior is hereby authorized to issue a permit for ten years, and may issue not more than 3 renewals of In exchange for the conveyance to the United equivalent duration, for portions of an existing hydro- States of tract A, as provided in section 45a–1 of electric project, known as the Kaweah Project of this title, the Secretary is authorized, in his dis- Southern California Edison Company, to continue to cretion, to patent to the owner of tract A, sub- occupy and use lands of the United States within Se- ject to such terms and conditions as the Sec- quoia National Park as necessary for continued oper- retary may deem necessary, certain lands of ap- ation and maintenance. ‘‘SEC. 2. The Secretary shall not execute any permit proximately equal value described as follows: renewal prior to one hundred and twenty calendar days Tract D. A portion of the southeast quarter of from the date the same is submitted to the Committee section 33, township 16 south, range 29 east, on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Mount Diablo meridian, Tulare County, Califor- Senate and to the Committee on Natural Resources nia, comprising approximately two and fifty [now Committee on Resources] of the United States one-hundredths acres. House of Representatives. In exchange for the conveyance to the United ‘‘SEC. 3. The permit shall contain the following provi- States of tracts B and C, as provided in section sions: ‘‘(1) A prohibition on expansion of the Kaweah 45a–1 of this title, the Secretary is authorized to Project in Sequoia National Park. patent, in a similar manner, to the owner of ‘‘(2) A requirement that an independent safety as- tracts B and C certain lands of approximately sessment of the Kaweah Project be conducted, and equal value described as follows: that any deficiencies identified as a result of the as- Tract E.
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