386 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 20 No. 6 State Highway (Blenheim-lnvercargill via Nelson and No. 73 State Highway (Christchurch-Kumara)~Commencing Greymouth)_JOommencing at Blenheim and proceeding thence at No. 1 State Highway at intersection -of Hansons Lane and 'to Invercargill vfa Renwick, Havelock, Rai Valley, Nelson, Rich­ Blenheim Road, and proceeding thence to Kumara via Han­ mond, Brightwater, Wakefield, Belgrove, Spo'Oners Hill, K'Orere, -sons Lane, Ohurch corner, Y·aldhurst, West Mel·ton, Aylesbury, Clark VaUey, Hope Hill, Kawa1irj, Murohison, O'·Sullivans Kirwee, Darfield, Waddington, Sheffield, Springfield, Porters Bridge, Lye'll, Inangahua Junction, Cronadun, Reefiton, Ma­ Pass, Cass, Bealey, Arthur's Pass, Otira, Jacksons, Wainihi­ wheraiti Ikamatua, A:haura, Ngahere, Kaiata, Greymouth, nihi, Dillmanstown, Kumara, to Kumara Junction. Paroa, Kumara Junction, Hoki•tika, Kaniere, Rimu, Ross, Harihari, Wataroa, The Forks, Waiho, Weheka, Karangarua, No. 75 State Highway (Christchurch-Akaroa)-Oommencing Bruce Bay, Mahitahi, Paringa River Bridge ~o Lake Par-inga at No. 1 State Highway at Chri~tdhurch and proceeding thence (a distance of approximately 4 miles south of the Paringa •to Akaroa via Halswell, Tai Tapu, M·ortukarara, Kaituna, Bird­ River bridge). Recommencing at Makarora and proceeding lings Flat, Little River, Hill Top, Barrys Bay, Duvauchelle, via Lake Wanaka, Lake Hawera, and Alberttown to Robinsons Bay, and Takamatua. junction No. 89 St:a.te Highway; <thence via Luggate, Queens­ berry, L'Owburn, and Kawarau Goiige 'to Queenstown; return­ No. 77 State Highway (Ashburton - Rakaia Gorge)-,Com­ ing from Queenstown via Frankton, Kings-ton, Garston, Athol, mencing at No. 1 State Highway at Ashburton and ,proceeding Lumsden, Car,oline, Dipton, Winton, Lochiel, Makarewa, and thence via Racecourse Road to Winchmore and Methven to Waikiwi to Invercargill. No. 72 State Highway approximaitely 3½ miles west ·of Rakaia Gorge. No. 7 State Highway (Waipara-ReeftonJ-Oommencing ai No. 1 State Highway at Waipara and proceeding thence to N o. 79 State Highway (Rangitata-Fairlie)-Oommencing at Reefton via Waikari, Hurunui, Culverden, Montrose, Hanmer No. 1 Sta·te Highway at Rangitaia and proceeding thence to Junction, Hope River bridge, Engineer's Camp, Boyle R.iver No. 7,2 State Highway east of Upper Orari Bridge; recom­ bridge, summit of Lewis Pass, Maruia Springs, Springs mencing at No. 72 State Highway at Geraldine Post Office and Junction, Rahu Saddle, and Crushington. thence to Fairlie via Gapes Valley and Skipton Bridge. No. 8 State Highway (Timaru•MN<ton~Oommencing art No. 80 State Highway Wukaki-Hermitage)-Oommencing at No. 1 State High.way at Washdyke and proceeiling thence to No. 8 State Highway at Pukaki and proceeding thence to the Milton via Pleasant Point, Cave, A'lbury, 'Fairlie, Kimbell, Hemitage via Glentanner Station and Birch Hill Station. Burkes Township, Lake Tekapo, [rishmans Creek, :Pukaki, Oh.au River bridge, Omarama, Lindis Pass, and 11arras .to the No. 82 State Highway (Deep Creek - Kurow)-Commencing junction of No. 6 State Highway at Lowburn; recommencing a,t No. 1 State Highway at Deep Creek and proceeding via approximately 3 miles south •of Lowburn at No. 6 State High­ Waimate, Waihao Forks, Ikawai, and Hakataramea to Kurow way, and proceeding thence via Cromwell, Clyde, Afexandra, on No. 83 State Highway. Roxburgh, Millers !Flat, Raes Junction, Lawrence, and Wai<ta­ huna, and terminaiting at rts junction with No. •1 State High­ No. 83 State Highway (Pukeuri•Omarama)'-Commencing at way at Clarkesville, appmximately 2 miles sout!h of Milton. junction with No. 1 State Highway at Pukeuri Juncti'on and proceeding !!hence via 1Papakaio, Peebles, Geo-rgetown, Dun­ tro-on, Otekaike, Kurow, and Otematarta, and ,terminating at No. 60 State Highway (Richmond-Collingwood~Com­ its junction with No. State Highway at Omarama. mencing at its junction with No. 6 State Highway at Three 8 Brothers corner and then proceeding in a westerly direction to Collingwood via Appleby Bridge, Moutere Hill, Upper Mou­ No. 85 State Highway (Palmerston~Alexandra)--Commenc­ tere, Jubilee Bridge, Motueka, Riwak:a, Takaka Hill, Upper ing at Palmerston and proceeding 'thence via Glenpark, Dun­ Takaka, Lindsay's Bridge, Takaka, Waitapu Bridge, Parapara back, Kyeburn, R·anfurly, Wedderburn, Hills Creek, 'Becks, Bridge, and terminating a.t Co'llingwood Post Office. Lauder, Omakau, and Chalita Creek, and terminating at its junction with No. 8 State Highway in Aiexandra. No. 61 State Highway (Motueka-Motupiko)-Commencing No. 87 State Highway (Mosgiel-Kyeburn),-Commencing at at its junction with No. 60 State Highway at the corner of its junction with No. •1 Staie Highway 'at Mosgiel Junction and Queen Victoria Street and King Edward Street and then pro­ proceeding thence via M·osgiel, Outram, Lee 'Stream, Olarks ceeding in a southerly direction to .Motupiko via Panga•t,01tara, Junction, Sutton, Middlemarch, Hyde, and Kokonga, and ter­ Ngatimoti, Woodstock, Stanley Brook, Tapawera, and •ter­ minating at its junction with No. 85 State Highway at Kye­ minating at its juncti-on wiith No. 6 State Highway. burn. No. 63 State Highway (Renwick-Kawatiri)-Commencing at No. 89 State Highway (Queenstown-Wanaka)-Oommencing -its junction with No. 6 State Highway :and proceeding thence art its junction with No. 6 Stia•te Highway between the Arrow genera-lly in a south-westerly and nor.th-wesiterly direction to River bridge and Roya'lburn and proceeding •thence via Car­ Kawafai via Wairau Valley, Hillersden, Lake Rotoiti, and drona and Wanaka, and .terminating at its junction wit-h the terminating at its junction with No. 6 'State Highway at No. 6 State Highway near Mount Iron. Kawatiri. No. 90 State Highway (Raes Junction - McNab)-,Com­ No. 65 State Hi'ghway (Murchison-Maruia via ShenandO'ah) mencing at its junction with No. 8 State Highway at Raes -Commencing at its junction with No. 6 State Higlhway at Junction and proceeding thence via Edievale, Crookston, O'Sullivan's •Bridge and proceeding thence generally in a Tapanui, Glenkenich, 'Iweedie's Ford bridge over the Poma­ south-easterly direction via the Maruia and Shenandoah Val­ haka River, Waikoikoi, and Waikaka Valley to its junction leys, Warwick Juncti-on, Maruia, and Springs Junction aJt No. wit!h No. 1 State Highway at McNab. 7 StMe Highway. No. 92 State Highway (Balclutha0lnvercargill)--Oommencing at its junction with No. 1 State Hig'hway a.it Balclutha and No. 67 State Highway (lnangahua-Karamea)~mmencing proceeding thence vfa Owaka, Tokanui, Fortrose, and Gorge at No. 6 State Highway at Inangahua Junction and proceeding Road to Invercargill. thence to Karamea via Berlins, Westport, W:aimangart>a, Granity, Ngakawau, Nikau, Mokihinui, Oorbyvale, Te Namu, Konga:hu, and Market Cross. No. 94 State Highway (Gore - Milford Sound)--Commencing at Gore and proceeding thence via Mandeville, Riversdale, and Balfour to its junction with No. 6 State Highway at Lumsden; No. 69 State Highway (Westport-Greymouth}-Oommencing recommencing at its junction with No. 6 State Highway at N-0 . 67 'State Highway a pproximately 4 miles s·outh of approximately 1 mile north lof Lumsden and proceeding thence Westport and ,proceeding thence to Greymouth via Charleston, via Mossburn, Te Anua, Eglinton Valley, and Homer Tunnel Tiromoana, Punakaiki, Barrytown, Rapa!hoe, Runanga, and to Milford Sound. Greymouth at No. 6 State Highway. No. 96 State Highway (Mataura-Tuatapere~mmencing No. 70 S,tate Highway (Kaikoura-Culverden)-Dommencing at its juncti'On witlh No. 1 State Highway approximately 20 at No. I State Highway on S'outh-west side of Kowhai River chains south of ,Mataura and proceeding thence via Hedgehope and pr,oceeding via OharweU Forks, Oonway, Whalesback, and Browns -to junction with No. 6 State Hi•ghway ail Winton; Highfield, Waiau, and Rotherham to Red P:ost at junction recommencing at its junction with No. 6 State Highway with No. 7 State Highway near Culverden. approximately I mile north of Winton and proceeding thence via Wreys Bush, Nightcaps, Ohai, Birchwood, Oraw.ia, and Cliftlen and termina,ting at its junction with No. 99 Staie No. 72 State Highway (Woodend-Winchester)~mmencing Highway at Tua:tapere. at No. 1 State Highway at Woodend approximately ½ mile south of the !YOSt office and pmceeding thence via Rangiora, Fernside, Springbank, Cust, Bennetts, Oxford, Waimakariri No. 99 State Highway (ll'IJVercargill-Tuatapere)-Cornmenc­ Gorge bridge to Waddington at No. 73 Sta•te Highway; re­ ing at junction with State High.way No. 6 approx.imately 1 commencing at No. 73 State Highway at the road junction 48 mile south of Makarewa, and proceeding thence via Wall:ace­ chains south-east of Waddington; thence via Homebush School town, Wrights Bush, Waimatuku, River>lon, Oolac Bay, Paihia, corner, Kirkstyle corner, Glentunnel, Glenroy, Windwhistle Orepuki a nd terminating at i•ts junction with No. 96 'State corner, Rakaia Gorge bridges, Alford Forest, 'Staveley, Mount Highway at Tuatapere. Somers, Anama Sch'O'ol Rload corner; and !'hence along Ellerys Road (north-east of Hinds River) , MayfieldNaletta road, As the same is delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. Mayfield, Arundel, Upper Orari River bridge, Geraldine, to 161299 deposited in the office of the National Roads Board Winchester at No. 1 State Highway. at Wellington, and thereon coloured red or blue. .
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