RSTL LOGO Association of Train Operating Companies STAFF TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS SUMMER 20142012 Sunday 1318th May 20142012 to th SaturdaySaturday 138th DecemberDecember 20122014 INDEX 2 Restrictions Information 3 Codes Used In ‘Facilities Barred’ and ‘Exceptions’ columns 4 Abellio Greater Anglia 5 Arriva Trains Wales, Chiltern Railways & CrossCountry Trains 6 CrossCountry Trains (continued) & East Coast 7 East Coast (continued) 8 East Midlands Trains 9 East Midlands Trains (continued) , First Capital Connect & First Great Western 10 First Great Western (continued) & First Hull Trains 11 First Hull Trains (continued) 12 First Hull Trains (continued) & First TransPennine Express 13 ScotRail 14 ScotRail (continued) 15 ScotRail (continued), Southeastern & Southern and Gatwick Express 16 South West Trains & Virgin Trains 17 Virgin Trains (continued), Eurostar International & SHIPPING SERVICES - Caledonian MacBrayne 18 Caledonian MacBrayne (continued), Isle of Man Steam Packet Company 19 P&O Ferries & Stena Line 20 Stena Line (continued) 21 Wightlink - Isle of Wight , LEISURE RAILWAYS - East Lancashire Railway & Mid Hants Railway (Watercress Line) 22 North Yorkshire Moors Railway 1 This is your guide to the restrictions on the use of free andThis isprivilege your guide staff to thetravel restrictions facilities. on If thea s erusevice of is freenot and privilege staff travelINDEX facilities. If a service is not listed then specific restrictiINDEXons do not apply. Please bear listedthe following then specific notes restrictiin mindon whens do notplanning apply. yourPlease journey bear asthe these following will notesassist in youmind in when getting planning the yourbest journeyout of youras these concessions. will assist you in getting the best out of your concessions. • Trains shown in the passenger timetable with U or S • Trainsstops cannotshown bein usedthe passenger for either timetablealighting orwith joining U or atS stopsthe stations cannot designated. be used for either alighting or joining at the stations designated. • Buy your privilege tickets in advance before boarding • theBuy train.your privilegeFailure ticketsto do inso advancewill mean before you boarding will be thecharged train. the Failure standard to singledo so farewill formean the journeyyou will or be a chargedpenalty thefare standardif appropriate. single fare Where for thethe journey facility or toa purchasepenalty farea privilegeif appropriate. ticket doesWhere not theexist facility at your to purchasecommencing a privilegestation, ticketyou shoulddoes notactively exist seekat your to commencingobtain a ticket station, at the firstyou available should opportunity,actively seek either to oobtainn the atrain ticket or fromat the gateline first available staff. opportunity, either on the train or from gateline staff. • If you wish to use a sleeper service, book as early as • Ifpossible. you wish Only to usea limited a sleeper number service, of reservationsbook as early may as bepossible. available Only for a stafflimited travel number on each of reservations service and maythis becan availablesometimes for be staff reduced travel if demandon each isservice high. and this can sometimes be reduced if demand is high. • If you wish to travel on a train marked with the • Ifsymbol you wishR in theto passengertravel on timetablea train marked you must with obtain the asymbol seat reservation. R in the passenger This will betimetable issued freeyou mustof charge obtain to ticketa seat holders.reservation. On This those will servicesbe issued designated free of charge R seat to reservationsticket holders. are stronglyOn those recommended services designated (a fee, Rwhere seat applicable,reservations will are be strongly payable). recommended (a fee, where applicable, will be payable). • Grand Central are an open access operator. They have • noGrand agreement Central toare e anxchange open access travel ope facilitiesrator. They with h avethe nofranchised agreement Train toOpe exratingchange Companies travel facilities and as suchwith freethe andfranchised privilege Train rate Ope travelrating facilities Companies are notand availableas such free for useand onprivilege Grand rateCentral travel services. facilities are not available for use on Grand Central services. • Please note that the Business Zone on Chiltern • RailwaysPlease note Silver that Trainsthe Business services Zone is onnot Chiltern First ClassRailways accommodation, Silver Trains but services an additional is not facilityFirst availableClass accommodation, to all staff travel but facilitiesan additional holders facilityupon paymentavailable to ofall staffthe travelfull facilitiespublic holderssupplement upon (currentlypayment of£20) the. For fullfurther public information supplement go to www.chilternrailways.co.uk/mainline/faqs(currently £20). For further information go to www.chilternrailways.co.uk/mainline/faqs 2 CODES USED IN ‘FACILITIES BARRED’ CODES USED IN ‘FACILITIES BARRED’ CODESAND USED ‘EXCEPTIONS’ IN ‘FACILITIES COLUMNS BARRED’ CODESAND USED ‘EXCEPTIONS’ IN ‘FACILITIES COLUMNS BARRED’ CODESAND USED ‘EXCEPTIONS’ IN ‘FACILITIES COLUMNS BARRED’ CODESAND USED ‘EXCEPTIONS’ IN ‘FACILITIES COLUMNS BARRED’ ‘FACILITIESCODESAND U BARRED’ S‘EXCEPTIONS’ED IN ‘FA CILI COLUMNSTIES BARR ED’ ‘FACILITIESCODESAND USED BARRED’ ‘EXCEPTIONS’ IN ‘FACILITIES COLUMNS BARRED’ ‘FACILITIESA AllAND First BARRED’ Class‘EXC NationalEP TIO RailNS’ free CO LandUM privilegeNS travel A AllAND First Class‘EXCEPTIONS’ National Rail free COLUMNS and privilege travel ‘FACILITIESfacilities (includingBARRED’ privilege season tickets). ‘FACILITIESA Allfacilities First (includingBARRED’Class National privilege Rail season free tickets).and privilege travel BA‘FACILITIES facilitiesAll FirstFirst Class (includingBARRED’Class National National privilege Rail Rail free season freetravel tickets).and facilities. privilege travel AB‘FACI LfacilitiesAllITIES FirstFirst Class (includingBARRClass National ENationalD’ privilege Rail Rail free season freetravel tickets).and facilities. privilege travel C All First Class National Rail privilege travel facilities BA‘FACILITIES facilitiesAll FirstFirst Class (includingBARRED’Class National National privilege Rail Railfree season travelfree tickets).and facilities. privilege travel BCA (includingAllAll FirstFFirstirst Class CClassprivilegelas Nationals NaNational tseasonion Railal Rtickets).Railfreeail travelfprivilegeree a facilities.nd ptravelrivil e gefacilities travel facilities (including privilege season tickets). BCA All(includingfac iFirstlFirstities Class ( iClassClassnprivilegeclu Nationald inNationalNationalg pseasonriv Railile g Railetickets).Railfree se a travelfreesprivilegeon tiandc facilities.ket s)privilegetravel. facilities travel CD All First ClassClass NationalNational RailRail freeprivilege and privilegetravel facilities travel B (includingAllfacilities First Class(including privilege National privilegeseason Rail tickets).free season travel tickets). facilities. CDB (includingfacilitiesAllAll FFirstirst C (includingl ClassasClassprivileges N aNationaltNationalio nseasonprivilegeal Ra il Rail tickets).Railfr eseasone freetprivilegerav etickets)land fac iliprivilegetravelti eins. First facilities travelClass DCB accommodat(includingAllfacilitiesAll FirstFirstFirstFirst Class (including ClassClassCprivilegelasion Nationals NationalNationalNa (mayseasonprivilegetio nRaila l Railtickets).RailfreeR abeseasoni l freetravelprivilegepriused v itickets)land efacilities.g e privilegetraveltinr ain ve Firstl Standardfacilitiesfa ctravelClassilities D All First Class National Rail free and privilege travel accommodation).facilitiesaccommodat(including(includin g(including privilegeprionivile g e (mayprivilegeseasonseaso n tickets).ti cbeseasonke ts).used tickets) in in FirstStandard Class DC accommodataccommodation).facilitiesAll FirstFirst (includingClassClassion NationalNational (mayprivilege RailRail beseason freeprivilegeused tickets)and privilegetravelin in First Standardfacilities travelClass ED Allfacilities(includingAll FirstFStandardirst (including ClassCprivilegelas s NationalNationalNa tprivilegeseasoniona l Rail RailRtickets).a seasonil freefreefree andtickets)andand privilegeprivilegepr iinvi leFirstge traveltClassravel E accommodation).Allaccommodat Standardion National (may Railbe free usedand privilegein Standard travel E facilitiesaccommodatAll Standard (includingion National privilege(may Rail seasonbe free used tickets).and privilegein Standard travel D facilitiesaccommodation).Allfac ilFirstities (including(including(Classinclud inNational g privilegeprivilegeprivile gRaile seasonseasons eafreeson tickets). tickets)tandicke ts)privilege inin FirstFirst travelClassClass E accommodation).Allfacilitiesaccommodatacc oStandardmm o(includingdationi onNational privilege(may(ma y Rail seasonbeb efree usedu tickets).sanded privilegeini n StandardS tatravelndard FE Allfacilities StandardStandard (including National National privilege Rail Rail free season travelfree andtickets)facilities. privilege in First travelClass facilitiesaccommodation).accomm o(includingdation). privilege season tickets). EF facilitiesAllaccommodat StandardStandard (including ionNational National privilege(may Rail Rail free seasonbe travelfree used tickets). andfacilities. privilegein Standard travel G All Standard National Rail privilege travel facilities FE facilitiesAllaccommodation).All StandardStandardStan (includingdar dNational NationalNa t iprivilegeon Railal RailRfreea iseasonl travelfreefree
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