TIIE 3IORNIXG OREGONtAN, FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1918. OWNER AND MANAGER OF THE G. M. STANDI FER CONSTRUCTION f High outfielders Clow and Helrake one brother to another, for this tro- CORPORATION. WHO A E the latter. making a double, a triple and phy was won BASEBALL MAY GO WILL TAKE FLING, AT THE DOUBLE-HEADE- R TO-B- in the annual contest NATIONAL a single out of five times at bat. Wil- TRACK filEET TODAY last year by C. 5. Dodele and he has PASTIME SUNDAY. lie Garbarlno, Kirkpatrick's pitcher, held it since then. Paul Dodele will struck out 14- - of the opposition. The be entitled to Its possession during1 the batteries for the winners were Garbar- coming year. lno and Leonetfi: for ' the Hill OUT OF BUSINESS 'losers. The two Dodele brothers reside in 1 PLAYED SUNDAY and Watson. Any team wishing a Benton County, north of this city, and ' game-wit- please call ; the Kirkpatricks, Inter-Scholast- ic Athletes are members of the Albany Oun Club. wr Main 2648 and ask for Jack Doane. ' to They have been among the moat con- 75 sistent performers in' all of the con- - COLUMBIA REACH SIGN'S GAMES Vie on Multnomah Field. ttests in which the local cib haa par ticipated. " Players Would Be Affected by Shipbuilders Aggregations to Intcr-Cit- y Ctubs- - Agree to Fjirnlsta MOTORBOAT CITS TO BE SHOWN Strict Enforcement of New Stage Contests at Vaughn--. Weekly Contest Beach. at. STARS IN GOOD CONDITION Trophies Win- Draft Regulation. The management of Columbia Beach to Ite Kxhiblted in ' Street Grounds. yesterday, signed a contract with the dow of Lipman & Wolfe Store. Inter-Cit-y Baseball League through President A. c. Stubllng whereby the The trophy cups that will go to the league guarantees Mr. Lewis, the su- Despite winners in the annual Portland Motor, perintendent of the beach grounds, a Absence of Experienced Men boat Club regatta on the Willamette SPECIFIC RULING DELAYED FAST GAMES IN PROSPECT league game on the beach diamond in Events, Competition Promises River Decoration day. May 30. will be every Sunday at 2 P. M. during the 1918 put on exhibition in one of Lipman & season. to Be Keen and t;ool Time Wolfe's windows and will remain there Lewis has a force of men at work on for several days. A number of hand- the new diamond daily, getting it Into ! Kxpectcd lu Races. some cups have been put up this year. first-cla- ss F. G. Epton, Theatrical Performers Exempted by McCormick to Meet shape for the opening game of the Eninrude Motor Peninsula and on Decoration day. May 30. The 601st Company, has donated a silver cup for Direction of Secretary Baker Who - Corn root to Vie With Xorwesco. Squadron Of the Vancouver Barracks the outboard motor race, one of the and the team will seven events to bo held on Decoration Believes Should Hare Journal furnish the The litli artnual track good-aile- Public Game to Be Played attraction-on- . interschoiastic day. and another d cup tor an at St. that date. meet will take place this afternoon at Evinrude canoe race. Some Entertainment. Johns and Vancouver. 1:S0 on the Multnomah Field. More It will be the first outboard motor than 100 athletes will be out for their race to be held on the Willamette respective schools, and the most ex- River, and will be run under the club's CONTEST ENDS IN TIE citing track meet In the history of that racing rules. sport la expected to take place. Most will not be to mem- SblDbullrim League Standings. of men Entries limited WASHINGTON. May 23. Whothar the the ' coaches had their track bers of the Portland Motorboat Club as or Army regu- W. L Pet. W. T. Pet out on the Multnomah Field for the iu the regular motorboat races, and will itv "work fight" draft Foundation 5 1 .8331 standlfy 8 S .BOO SEATTLE AND VANCOUVER past week, are rapidly open fr PLAY and the toy. be to all comers. lation announced today shall apply to G 51 .833 Supple-Bar- n 2 4 .833 getting used to Cornfoot 3 2 .714! Penlnaula. 1 B .167 UNTIL LIGHT the Multnomah track. professional baseball players and there- 4 2 . FAIL. Superintendent Alderman announced put leagues out Mccormick Nonreaco. 0 7 .000 by probably the bis of VT i j ' that all high school students will be business for the period of the war, will in The Shipbuilders will invade Port- Teams Ohllsred tn 0.nlt End of Ninth dismissed today at the end of the fourth FULTON TO BOX MEEHAN not be decided until the point is raised land proper again next Sunday, the at period. The admission charge will be Ml..--'- - Vaughn-stre- et v 30 cents. This sum cover on Marshal-General- 's . grounds being the spot With Sean Indiana Are will the appeal to the Provost ; selected for double-head- er heavy expenses be- r'w a featuring Drubbed. 4 to 8. of the meet. office, after the regulation " 1 - McCormick vs. Peninsula and Cornfoot Most of the boys entered in the meet comes effective July 1. - . vs. North wesco (Northwest Steel). are baseball players. seems HEAVYWEIGHTS TO APPEAR IX Department was x f?- Sunday Jefferson The War bombarded will mark the first appear- VANCOUVER. B. C. May 23. Get- to be the only school that has not been BENEFIT FOIl RED CKOSS. with Queries on the subject soon after ance of the St. Helens team away from ting away with a late start today. handicapped by having the greater part the new regulation was made public Its home ground. Bddie Mensor. for- Seattle and Vancouver were compelled of her track team out on the baseball mer Oakland second baseman, who Is to quit the Inning on diamond Instead of practicing the Ingle tn Meet Willie Robinaoa for At first it was indicated that ballplay- managing the McCormick team, haa a at ninth account sprints or field events. Formerly only ers certainly would be classed among speedy of darkness, although the score stood Coast Cfeamplonsnln aggregation of ballplayers un- 6 to C. Score: such stars as Karl Knudson or "Moose" those in non-usef- ul occupations who der his guidance. Buck Keith, with his Vancouver Seattl' Mulrhead were given permission by the In Seattle Friday. must seek new Jobs or go into the Peninsula outfit, should give tre St. an OAK' B H O A E track or baseball coaches to go out for Army. Helens team a stiff argument. Kinn.l 0 OlSmale.l S 0 1 0 0 both events. This Spring. h5wever, with H&milt'n.S I V 1 1 rd 3 2 1 S 0 Marshal-Gener- al Crowder an- Charley Moore's Cornfoot team, which l.a most of the in Uncle uni- SKATTLK. Wash.. May 13. (Specials Provost upset Wolfer.m . 4 4 4 0 Murphy.3.. S 1 0 2 X stars Sam's nounced, however, that there would be the dope last Sunday by trimming Boelile.l.. 2 8 OflCarman.r. 3 O 0 0 forms, the coaches found it necessary Fred Fulton, claimant of the world'a GUY STA.VDIFF.B AND CLARKSON. Smith-Port- er no decision until a case arose through JIM the Grant team, is slated Stewrt.r". 1 O 1 l.b vau.rn 4 0 0 to allow their men to go out for both title, who is a Seattle - visitor, an- De- to duplicate the against North- Brown. 2 . 1 3 0 DtmDwv.L 4 O IS OO manager official channels and later the War feat the 1 a- teams. nounced through his today con-tea- t. Pet'rson.c. 110 0;l.eother.. 4 0 - 4 0 partment insued west Steel Company in the other O 1 he had been "matched in this formal statement: discrim- Conk.s .... 2 3 l Richle.c. 2 5 lO The fine 'time the boya have been that tobox "No ruling as to whether baseball confidence that it will not be Luko'vlc.p 0 0 2 1 Vouni.p... 4 0 0 0 0 makings in the dashes and the long- San Francisco the last of this month ten-xi- against by or good players or persons engaged in golf, is inated the Government With weather prevailing, the 4! distance roll's they not In a bout for the Red Cross Willie double-head- er 27 shows that have any sport, come any department head." MUFF TO BOX should draw a good-size- d Totals.. 38 10 10 Totals.. 34 8 27 10 2 hampered any by Meehan. the popular California heavy- or other under the NEFF . Vancouver 2 O 2 O 2 O 0 0 O 0 been to great extent regulations regarding idlers or non- crowd. Seattle 1 o 2 u 1 0 2 0 0 0 going out for both sports. Recently, weight, will take on "Ferocious Fred- LOUISVILLE, May 23. Persons con- Good Game Inspected. Columbia-Jefferso- n erick," Collins, the re- essential pursuits, will be made until- a race Runs. King. Hamilton. Wolfer 8. Boelxle. In the dual meet, declares entire specific case has been appealed to- - the nected with tracks at Churchill A game expected Stolen basea. 8male, Lard 8. Lebourveau. Dunnlgan; of Preppers. ceipts to go to charity. which is to be one Tivo-uai- .the made the l's Downs Douglas e 4-- Marshal-Genera- , and Park, two of the Stewart, t'nrman. hit. U'olfer. 100 in 10 & on poor Collins agreed to the match to help .Provost office." of the best of the day will be the Stolen Learrl 3.
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