aINTEKaSCH PLASTIC LEAG U E ^4 Vol. XXXI AUSTIN, TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1948 No.fi School Executives Suggest Separate Regional Meets Are Set Severance Tax for Question For Conferences AA, A, B Schools Texas Problem Would and for the community. Properly Make Sound Query directed, it develops an interest in public questions, provides a field Contest Directors, Centers For '49 Debates for teaching the sound methods of Good Radio Habits (By the Editor) research, offers an opportunity for Listed for '48 Spring Meets 'ir'IME arrives for selection sound instruction and practice in public speaking, as well as many Can be Developed "pvUE to the inauguration of the new plan for separate •*• of' the query for next other values which the public year's debates. There's no de­ competition for Conferences AA, A and B schools, and speaking teachers enumerate with Today's Children Spend More the recently organized City Conference, a number of changes nying the fact that this con­ enthusiasm. test needs something more Time Listening Than have been made in the Regional Meet set-up. Severance Tax Query Proposed Reading Regional Meets will be held at the various centers on than a mere shot in the arm to re­ Why, then, the lag in this great store it to some of its old-time April 24 under direction of thef- contest? We have been inquiring (By Dr. A. L. Chapman, Director, Directors General who will make vigor. around among school executives Center: Odessa. Bureau of Research in Edu­ all arrangements for the track and In Conference AA, the number There was a time when more and have received several sugges­ cation by Radio, The Uni­ field events and literary contests. than a thousand high schools par­ tions. One high-school principal, of regions has been changed from versity of Texas.) Regional Directors General for ticipated yearly in the debates. R. B. Norman, who has had a fine eight to five, as a result of the Many teachers are now asking, the 1948 Spring Meets are: Now there are hardly half that public speaking program going in organization of the City Confer­ "What does radio mean for me and Region I: Director General, Dr. number. The war was responsible the Amarillo High School for many ence. my teaching?" Many educational Ernest Wallace. Center: Texas for decreased participation in all years, writes as follows: AA Regional Meets workers have already answered Technological College. Conference AA schools will at­ League contests, but the war is "I do think that it is time for this question. Schools are using Region II: Director General, tend the Regional Meets with Con­ over and other contests are re­ the schools of Texas to begin radio. But how? Nat Williams. Center: Abilene. ferences A and B schools in Re­ covering with remarkable rapidity, again debating questions of According to most research, chil­ Region III: Director General, gions I, II, III, and VII. A center but not so the debate. current interest without refer- A grandstand at the race track was the setting McMurry, and Jimmy FitzGerald, Donald Dropple- dren listen to the radio approxi­ Dr. C. L. Wisseman. Center: for AA competition only will be The Interscholastic League be­ ence to war-time situations for "I'm a Fool," presented by Midland High School man, Bob Short, Sara Lou Link and Maurine Den­ mately, on the average, three hours Southern Methodist University, set up in Nacogdoches for Region gan as a debating league nearly and I don't know of a better at the 1947 State Contest. From left to right, back ton, front row. Midland won second place in the a day. How many children read Dallas. IV schools. forty years ago. The contest is a one than the Severance Tax. row, are Evangeline Theis, Mary Lee Cowden, Fred tournament. three hours a day out of school? Region IV: Director General, classic one. Properly directed, it is Of course, this was a subject Conference AA Regional Meets: perhaps the most truly educational In the course of a year students Dr. B. E. Masters. Center: Kil- will be held at the following for debate a few years ago, but listen to the radio nearly as much gore Junior College, Kilgore. contest that is scheduled in any it would be entirely new now." centers: as they go to school, counting re­ Region V: Director General, M. League, for the actual partici­ Resolution No. 22 adopted at the UIL Sponsored Music Competition-Festivals Districts 1-3, Region I, Texasi cess time. B. Etheridge. Center: Sam Hous­ pants, for the school as a whole, Fifteenth Mid-Winter Conference Technological College, Lubbock. ton State Teachers College, Hunts­ of Texas School Executives, which Teachers who have been con­ Districts 4-6, Region II, Abi­ Are Scheduled in 10 Regions for April-May ville. calls for a Severance Tax to help cerned about the reading habits lene. and tastes of their students are Region VI: Director General, Districts 7-9, Region III, South­ support the public schools, has the /'AVER 30,000 Texas high- Region X, Vocal, Band and Or­ Region II, Vocal, Band and Or­ now being concerned about the Pat H. Norwood, Southwest Texas ern Methodist University, Dallas, Ft. Worth Writer advantage of being a public ques­ ^-^ school musicians will take chestra—April 30-May 1, Denton. chestra—April 2-3, Abilene. radio listening habits and tastes State Teachers College, San Mar­ Districts 10-12, Region IV, Ste­ tion, a Texas question and one of Chairmen of the three contests, part in League sponsored Region III, Vocal, Band and Or­ of these boys and girls, who are cos. phen F. Austin State Teachers great immediate concern to the Music Competition - Festivals by regions, are: Wins ILPC Honors schools themselves. chestra—May 7-8, Waco. actually listening more than they Region VII: Director General, College, Nacogdoches, Lawrence this year throughout the ten Region IV, Vocal —April 30- Region I, M. J. Newman of Can­ are reading. Furthermore, listen­ Dr. Eldon D. Brinley. Center: Franks, Director General. yon, Band; Lewis Stoelzing of Superintendent R. L. Williams regions of the state, according to May 1, Gladewater; Band and Or­ ing to the radio does not require Arts and Industries College, Kings­ Districts 13-14, Region VII, Clementine Murray Edits Lubbock, Orchestra; Miss Ada V. of Beaumont believes that a ques­ chestra—April 16-17, Longview. a skill. The poorest reader can ville. Kingsville. F. W. Savage, director of music Clark of Canyon, Vocal. Page I of Jacket tion in this field could be formu­ Region V, Vocal and Orchestra listen to such a program as "Ex­ Region VIII: Director General, Conference A activities. Region II, Raymond T. Bynum Journal lated which would be suitable for —April 9-10, Huntsville; Band— ploring the Unknown" with just Superintendent Murry H. Fly. Conference A Regional Meets Several of the regions have of Abilene, Band; Homer A. An­ Interscholastic League debates. April 2-3, Huntsville. as much pleasure, and possibly un­ will be held at the following Clementine Murray of Arling­ planned to hold their band, orches­ derson of San Angelo, Orchestra; Other members of the Resolu­ Region VI, Vocal and Orchestra- derstanding, as the best reader in centers: ton Heights, Ft. Worth, was tra and vocal contests on one Miss Elizabeth Wright of Abilene, tions Committee of the Mid-Winter April 9-10, San Marcos; Band— the group. Districts 1-5, Region I, Texas awarded three honors in the Jour­ week-end, while others have sched­ Vocal. Conference express interest in a April 2—3, San Marcos. Technological College, Lubbock. nalism Contest last spring. She proposal to debate some aspects of uled the contests on separate week­ Region III, Lyle Skinner of Good Listening Lists Marfa Publishes Region VII, Vocal, Band and Or­ Districts 6-9, Region II, Abilene. took first place in Copy Reading this question. Superintendent H. ends. Waco, Band and Orchestra; Miss chestra—April 9-10, Kingsville. Those teachers who have been Districts 10-14, Region III, and third place in Headline Writ­ L. Foster of Longview says: Dates and centers for the Com­ Leta Spearman of Waco, Vocal. ing, which gave her third place most successful with teaching Southern Methodist University, petition-Festivals, as reported by Region VIII, Vocal, Band and Region IV, Ellis Wood of Long- News Bulletin honors as an individual winner. "I want to assure you that radio program discrimination have Dallas. the general chairmen, are: Orchestra—April 2-3, Odessa. view, Band; Miss Virginia Lee so far as I am personally con­ begun with the students at their Districts 15-20, Region IV, Kil­ The Jacket Journal, of which she Region I, Vocal—April 16-17, Region IX, Vocal—April 2-3, Nelson of Gladewater, Orchestra Public Is Given Pertinent cerned that the resolution was level of listening. The next step gore Junior College, Kilgore/ edited page one, won third place Canyon; Band and Orchestra— Brownsville; Band—April 16-17, and Vocal. Facts on School not just something to project is to organize the group into sub­ Districts 21-25, Region V, Sam honors among high-school paper's. April 30-May 1, Canyon. Mercedes. Region V, C. R. Hackney of System • Another honor she received last on paper, but something that groups for preparing a "Good Lis­ Houston State Teachers College, needs and deserves our most Huntsville, Band; Dr. Lena Milam tening" list of radio programs. summer was third place in the The complete story of Marfa Huntsville. careful consideration. There­ of Beaumont, Orchestra; Euell These early lists will probably not Texas State Junior Historian Con­ schools, the salary program, ele­ Districts 26-30, Region VI, fore, I would like to see the Porter of Huntsville, Vocal.
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