DOCUMENT RESUME ED 126 094 , to SP 010 293 TITLE CompFghensive--S-C-i6o1Health Education'hct; Hearings Befoote the on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor. House of Representatives, Ninety- Fourth Congress, First Session on H.R. 2600. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washin9ton, D.C. House Committee on Education andZ'abor. PUS DATE 76 NCTE 127p. EDRS PRICE NF -$0.83 HC-$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Committeps; Curriculum Development; Elementary, Schools; Elementary_ Secondary Education;lederal Legislation; *Goernment Role; *Grants; *Health Education; *Health Programs; Pilot -Projects; Secondary Schools; *Teacher Education IDENTIFIERS *Hearings; Testimony 4 ABSTRACT The purpose of H.R. 2600, which is commonly referred to as the Comprehensive School Health Education Act, is to encourage the provision cf comprehensive.programs in elementary and secondary schools with respect to health education and health programs by establishing a system of grants for teacher training, pilOt and emonstration projects, and the development of comprehensive health education programs. These hearing include statements before the actual committee and prepared statements, letters, and supplemental materials submitted to the committee. All of the people who testified' befor,e the committee, excluding Senator Clark, were in some capacity related to the medical field, the health education field, or the education field. (SK) '**************************#******************************************** Documents acquired by\ ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this effects the quality * * Of the-rtsrofiche,and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the, quality; of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * *********************************************************************** I ,c) COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL HEALTH EDUCATION' ACT %so r--I HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY r AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST ON*,SESSION H.R. 2600 TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION TO MAKE GRANTS FOR TEACHER TRAINING, _PILOT AND DEMONSTRA- TION PROJECTS, AND COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL PROGRAMS, WITH RESPECT TO HEALTH EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROBLEMS HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C. MARCH 11 AND 12, 1975 , Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor CARLD.PERKINS,Chairman U S DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH, EDUCATIONAL WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION HAS SEEN REPRO. THIS DOCUMENT RECEIVED FROM DUCE() e )(Am.,/ORGANIZAT AS tON oRiOiN. THE PERSON OR A TtNG IT POINTS OFVIEW OR OPINIONS, NECESSARILY REPRE- STATED DO NOT INSTITUTE OF SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL EDUCATION POSITION ORPOLICY U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 70-980 0 WASHINGTON :1976 r COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION ANDLABOR CARL U PERKINS, Kentucky,Chairman FRANK THOMPSON, in, New Jersey ALBERT H. QUIE, Minnesota JOHN II. DENT, Pennsylvania JOHN M. ASHBROOK, Ohio DOMINICK V DANIELS. New Jersey ALI'HONZO BELL, California JOHN BRADEMAS. Indiana JOHN N. ERLENBORN, Illinois JAMES G. OHARA, Michigan MARVIN L. ESCH. Michigan, AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California EDWIN D ESHLEMAN, PeSnsylvania WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan PETER A. PEYSER. New York PATSY T MINK, Hawaii (on leave) RONALD A. SARASIN, Connecticut LLOYD MEEDS, Washington JOHN BUCHANAN, Alabama PHILLIP BURTON. California JAMES M JEFFORDS, Vermont JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania LARRY PRESSLER, South Dakota WILLIAM "BILL" CLAY. Missouri WILLIAM F. GOODLING. Pennsylvania SHIRLEY CHISHOLM, New York VIRGINIA SMITH, Nebraska MARIO BIAGGI. New York IKE ANDREWS. North Carolina WILLIAM LEHMAN, Florida JAIME BENITEZ, Puerto Rico MICHAEL BLOUIN, Iowa ROBERT CORNELL, Wisconsin TED RISENHOOVER, Oklahoma PAUL SIMON. Illinois EDWARD BEARD. Rhode Bland LEO ZEFERETTI. New rk GEORGE MILLER, Cali ornia '-RONALD MOTTL, Ohio TIM HALL, Illinois SUBCOMMIA 1EF. OS ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND VOCATIONAL EDI( ATIOS CARL PERKINS, Kentucky. Chairman WILLIAM D FORD. Michigan ALBERT H QUIE. Minnesota PATSY T MINK. Hawaii (on leave, A LPHOSZO BELL. California LLOYD MEEDS, Washington EDWIN D ESFILENIMAN. Penns4 Ivania SHIRLEY CIIISHOLM. New York BUCHANAN Alabama IKE ANDREWS'. North Carolina LARRY PRESSLER. South Dakota WILLIAM LEHMAN Florida EDWIN I) ESHLEMAN. Pennsylvania TED RISENIIOOVER. Oklahoma JAMES M JE'FFORDS, Vermont PAUL SIMON, Illinois RONALD MOTTL. Ohio TIM HALL. Illinois MICHAEL BLOUIN, Iowa JAMES O O'HARA Michigan LEO ZEFERE'l T I, New York GEORGE MILLER, California (ID C,ON.TENTS Hearings held in Washington, D.C.. Page March 12, 1975 1 Mara 13, 1975 61 Text of H.R. 2600 1 Statement of Clark, Hon. Dick., a Senator in Congress from the State of Iowa 13 Fenton,Florence, supervisor, healtheducation,PrinceGeorge's County Public Schools, Md 92 Gendel, Evalyn, M.D ,director,Division of Maternal and Child Health, Kansas City State Health Department 42 Hemdcd, Ms Lilly E., president, National Congress of Parents and Teachers 16 Mahar, ReV. Trafford P., member, board of directors, American Social Health Association, St. Louis, Mo., accompanied by Samuel R. Knox 87 McGuire, Willard, vice president, National Education Association___ 82. Nelson, Joe T ,American Medical Association, accompanied by Wallace Ann Wesley, HS. D director, Department of Health Edu- cation, American Medical Association, and Charles W. Pahl, as- sistant director, legislative department 107 Stauffer,Delmar, director, Bureau of Dental Health Education, American Dental Association 116 Tritsch, Len, president, American Association for Health Advance- ment 37 Trucano, Lucille, assistant in health education for the Seattle School District, Seattle, Wash .. 62 Prepared statements, letters, supplemental material, etc..- Brouillet, Dr. Frank, Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction, prepared statement of 4 k - }. 62 Cuddy,Joseph L , Peggy S Cuddy, Raleigh, N.C., letter to Hon Ike Andrews, dated February 24, 1975 55 Federau, Raymond, chairman, board of trustees, Capitol Area Com- prehensis e Health Planning Association, East Lansing, Mich., letter to Hon. James O'Hara, dated Jury 15, 1975 122 Fenton,Florence, supervisor, healtheducation,PrinceGeorge's County Public Schools, :,1.1aryland, "AAHE Directory of Institu- ions Offenng Specialization in Health Education," an article_ _ _ _ 97 Gabrielson, Rosamond C , M A , R N., president, American Nurses' Association, Inc., Kansas City, Mo ,letter to Chairman Perkins, dated April 1t,"1975 56 Gendel, Evalyn, M.D ,director,Division of Maternal and Child Health, Kansas City State Health Department: Letter to lion. Albert H. Quie, dated April 14, 1975 57 Prepared statement of _ 42 Herndon, Ms. Lilly E., president, National Congress of Parents and Teachers, prepared statementof_ 20 Lamb, John 1°, Jr ,dean, College of Health, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tenn.,letterto Chairman Perkins, dated April 23, 1975 55 Moore, Steven R., associate director, School of Pharmacy, the- Uni- versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.0 , letter to lIon.°L. H. Fountain, dated April 8, 1975 59 Nelson, Dr. Joe T , American Medical Association, prepared state- ment of 107 Un r INT Prepared statements, letters. supplemental material. etc. Continued Quie, Hon. Albert H., a Representative in Congress from the State of Minnesota: Page Letter to Dr. Evalyn Gendel, dated March 18, 1975 33 Letter to Len Tritsch, dated March 18, 1975 32 Letter to Lilly E. Herndon, dated March 18, 1975_ 32 Riso, Gerald R., managing director, American Lung Association, New York', N.Y., letter to Chairman Perkins, dated March 12, 1975 54 Stauffer, Delmar, director, Bureau of Dental Health Education, American Dental Association, prepared statement of 115 Tritsch, Len, president, Association for the Advancement of Health Education, prepared statement of 37 Weinberger, Hon. Caspar W., Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, letter to Chairman Perkins, dated March 14, 1975 35 0rt COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL HEALTH EDUCATION ACT -WEDITASII.AXIALSAMEE-49,- 19M, HoCSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBC-OMMITITF, ON ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR, Wa8hing'tbn, D.0 . The subcommittee met at 8 :30 a.m., pursuant to call of the Chair, room 2257, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. LloydMeeds presid- ing. Members present :Representatives Perkins, Meeds, Risenhoover, Mottl, Blouin, and Quie. Staff present : John F. Jennings, majority counsel ; and Christopher T. Cross, minority legislative associate. Mr. Mr.Ens. The hearing-swillcow to order. The Subcommittee on Elementary. Secondary, and VocationalEctu: cation will be in order for the purpose of taking testimony on billH.R. 2600, and companion bills. [Text of H.R. 2600 follows :] (1) 2 94TH CONGRESS R., IN THE HOUSE, OF REPRESENTATIVES FEBRUARY j3,1975 hlt Mr.Mans (for himself, Mr. PERKINS, Mr. DAVIS, Mr. Orrixors, Mr.Nix, Mr. BROWN of California. Mrs. MINK, Mr. BOILING, Mr. Brvvre.af-Mr,..- BADILLO, Mr. Riess, Mr. SoLaaz, Mr. FORD of Michigan, Mr.Hzufrosz..4. Mr. DELLUY18, Mr. FRASER, Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland.,Mrs. ComNs Illinois, Mr. CLAY, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. MOROAN, Mr,DE Ltroot introduced t-ile following bill; which was .. referred
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