Tomori Pál Főiskola TUDOMÁNYOS MOZAIK 16. kötet 2019 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola ISSN 2063–1227 ISBN 978–615–80727–4–8 Kiadó: Tomori Pál Főiskola Felelős vezető: Dr. Meszlényi Rózsa 2 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola Tomori Pál Főiskola TUDOMÁNYOS MOZAIK 16. kötet Határtalan tudomány Budapest, 2019 3 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola 4 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola Szerkesztette: Dr. Csanádi-Bognár Szilvia Dr. Fata Ildikó Lektorálta: Dr. Kromják Laura 5 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola 6 Tartalomjegyzék Tudományos Mozaik 16. TARTALOMJEGYZÉK Előszó ......................................................................................................................................10 LEKO Tomislav Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Watershed of Histories and Cultures: Heritage and the Shaping of Modern State Based on European Values, EU Accession and Vigorous Bilateral Relations with Hungary………………..11 I. MŰVÉSZETTÖRTÉNET DR. CSANÁDI-BOGNÁR Szilvia Sokszorosított jelenlét. Műtárgy-reprodukciók a központosított tervgazdálkodás időszakában ……………………...……………………………..18 DR. KISSNÉ DR. BUDAI Rita Képzőművészet a hálón. Művészeti blogok és videó-csatornák Magyarországon …………………………….……………………………………...27 DR. SZALAY Gyöngy Épületornamentika. Szenes-ház…………………………………………………...36 ZUGOR Zoltán Attila és a hunok a filmiparban……………………………………………………48 II. GAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYOK GYULAFFY Béláné DR. BERÉNYI Mária Régiók változása – nemzetközi együttműködés…………………………………67 7 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola HARNOS László A városfejlesztés és a lakáspiac kapcsolata Sopronban…………………………75 DR. HEGEDŰS Mihály A digitalizáció hatásai a számviteli és adózási rendszerekre…………………..82 Krisztina HOLMÁR Comparative Analysis of the Tax Systems in the Central and Eastern European Countries……………………………………………………….95 MOLNÁR Petronella Magyarországi önkormányzati vállalatok elemzése csőd-előrejelzési modellekkel……………………………………………………………………….. 113 MOLNÁR Petronella – DR. HEGEDŰS Szilárd Közfeladatot ellátó vállalatok és a piaci alapon működő vállalatok összehasonlító elemzése………………………………………………………… .124 III. TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYOK DR. DOMBORÓCZKY Zoltán Menedzselhető-e a kreativitás? …………………………………………………134 GAJZÁGÓ Gergő Kreatív ipar és városfejlesztés Dunaújvárosban……………………………….142 DR. Laura KROMJÁK From Cultural Homelessness to Cultural Awareness: Creative Industries as Engines of Cooperation between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Its Diaspora……………………………………………………………………150 8 Tartalomjegyzék Tudományos Mozaik 16. DR. LAKATOS Andor Országos hírű nagygimnázium egy alföldi kisvárosban – jezsuita sikertörténet Kalocsán (1860-1920)……………………………………167 DR. Ömür ÖNHON The Impact of Leadership Behavior on Work Engagement: The Mediating Rule of Self-Efficacy………………………….. ………………..180 DR. Ihor RUDENKO – Sophia RUDENKO Tourism Potentials of Poltava Region as a Condition for Cultural Development………………………………………………………..200 DR. SCHUCHMANN Júlia A kreativitás mint gazdasági erőforrás………………………………………….207 DR. ZSARNÓCZKY Martin A magyarországi egészségturizmus vizsgálata egy XXII. kerületi idősek körében végzett kérdőíves felmérés alapján……………………………………218 IV. ABSTRACTS Abstracts …………………………………………………………………228 9 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola ELŐSZÓ Tisztelt Olvasó! Határtalan tudomány címmel a Tomori Pál Főiskola Tudományos Mozaik című sorozatának 16. kötetét ajánlom figyelmébe. Főiskolánk 2018 novemberében immár tizennegyedik alkalommal rendezte meg hagyományos éves konferenciáját és tárja az érdeklődő olvasó elé annak tanulmánykötetbe rendezett anyagát. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia által kezdeményezett ünnep alkalmat ad az oktatók, kutatók és egyéb tudományos szakemberek találkozására, új kutatási eredményeik bemutatására és disszeminációjára, de ugyanakkor fórumot teremt az ismeretszerzés számára is. Bízom abban, hogy a jelen kötet hitelesen tükrözi a Főiskolánkon folyó tudományos munka minőségét, valamint azt a folyamatot is, amely által intézményünk bekapcsolódik a nemzetközi felsőoktatási hálózatba. Minden érdeklődő számára ebben az évben is jó szívvel ajánlom színvonalas tanulmánykötetünket. Dr. Meszlényi Rózsa főiskolai tanár Alapító Rector Emerita 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Watershed of Histories and Cultures… Tomislav LEKO BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AT THE WATERSHED OF HISTORIES AND CULTURES: HERITAGE AND THE SHAPING OF MODERN STATE BASED ON EUROPEAN VALUES, EU ACCESSION AND VIGOROUS BILATERAL RELATIONS WITH HUNGARY Tomislav LEKO (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bosnia and Herzegovina Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Hungary) This article gives an overview of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Middle Ages, after the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire and then its alteration to the Western (Christian) world from 1878 onwards. It also examines facts on the country's comprehensive and complex historical and social legacy. Furthermore, it provides a contemporary look at Bosnia and Herzegovina after the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia and the subsequent Dayton architecture of the country. Finally, it negotiates the EU as a driver for necessary economic and political reforms in the country by revealing both the shift towards good-neighborly cooperation and the importance of good and robust relations with Hungary for the country's EU aspiration and hoped welfare. Keywords: Historical Insight; Yugoslav State Dissolution and Formation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dayton Peace Accord, EU Accession Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Highly Esteemed Attendants, Dear Rector of Tomori Pál College, Dr. Rózsa Meszlényi, It is my great pleasure and privilege to have this remarkable opportunity to address this highly praised gathering as Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Hungary! I have arrived in Budapest just two months ago and this is one of my first public appearances! I am also grateful for your interest in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for your efforts in promoting Bosnia and Herzegovina. That deserves our greatest gratitude and appreciation! Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country of ethnic, cultural, linguistic – with three official languages: Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian, and two official scripts: Latin and Cyrillic – and religious diversity, the latter of which includes Islam, Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism. Its culture, tradition and civilization have received impetus from Ancient Roman, Old Byzantine and (Ancient) Slavic, Medieval Turkish and Mediterranean to the much younger Central European influences. A look and insight into the Bosnian-Herzegovinian cultural heritage is always a look into the complicated and confused history of (Southern) Europe. Our two countries, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina, have enjoyed traditionally good relations at all levels – political, economic and cultural. Our shared story is abundant and sumptuous. Moreover, between 1878 and 1918, our two states 11 Tudományos Mozaik 16. Tomori Pál Főiskola were part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and thus they belonged to the same political system. I would say that this era of shared history has had a significantly positive impact on our good relations today. Even before that era, our historical paths have crossed each other. I even encountered a piece of information according to that after the death of King Louis I – also known as Louis the Great (Ludovik I Veliki) – in 1382 and in the ensuing period of dynasty fighting, one of the claimants to the throne of Hungary was the Bosnian King Tvrtko I (Stephen Tvrtko I 1377 – 1391)! The territory of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina was conquered by the Ottomans in 1463 and it lasted till the 1878 Congress of Berlin, when it was subsequently granted in favour of Austria-Hungary. Alongwith the 1699 Treaty of Karlowitz (Sremski Karlovci), the Congress of Berlin defined the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina as they are today. Therefore, the duration of the Turkish– Ottoman rule was a period of 415 years, while that in Hungary lasted for 160 years between 1526 – 1686/1687. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Bosnia and Herzegovina became a part in the first and in the second Yugoslavia until its dissolution in 1991/1992. The sovereignty and recognition of Bosnia and Herzegovina was finally achieved in 1992. That process was followed by the outbreak of the hostilities between Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats, and, consecutively, all-out war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today's state form of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been constructed according to the international treaty of “the General Framework for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” also known as the Dayton Peace Agreement or Paris Protocol which was forged in Dayton, Ohio and signed in November/December 1995. The Dayton Peace Agreement represents a construct of a unified, but also of a highly decentralized (even federal) state. Constitutionally, Bosnia and Herzegovina is composed of three constituent peoples: Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats. Furthermore, it consists of two entities (the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska) and one Condominium (the Brcko District). In addition, the entity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of ten cantons or counties. Although nowadays much is heard about the complicated and difficult-to- govern state structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the fact is that the current order of Bosnia and Herzegovina is rather an outcome of an international covenant, which was signed by eight signatories, including the U.S., France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Russia. This fact
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