Av«rag« Daily Net Preaa Ron For The Week Knded The Weather April M, UM Clear tonight. Vow near SO. Tomorrow sunny. lUgh 6B to M. 1 5 , 0 2 0 Mancheater 4 City of ViUago Charm VOL. LXXXVn. NO. 184 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 6, 1968 PRICE TEN CENTS H eart Feat Foe Presses Saigon Attack; a ^ ■ . SPENDING UMIT8LIMITS OK'D ^ WASHINGTON (AP) <1110 House Ways and Means Com­ mittee opened the way Mon­ day for congressional action on a $10 bUllon tax increase by accepting a spending limi­ Blast Rocks Heart of Gity tation plan worked out last week. The committee ended a long wrangle over the SAIGON (AP) — The B HVi the amount to be cut by enemy attack cm Saigon •tm f By The Associated Press agreeng to a reduction ‘'at l- m u swept on in full fury to­ i, Surgeons in Houston, Tex., have performed their sec­ least’’ as large as those the night, with North Vietna­ {• ond heart transplant operation in less than three days, Appropriations Committee of- mese reported fighting for fetid to undertake. ’This with both patients reported making progress. Joseph the first time in the capital a Rizor, the eighth heart transplant patient, died at Stan- means a spending ceiling that would require a $4 billion and a heavy explosion— be­ !) • ford, Calif., Sunday. w reduction under President lieved a rocket-blasting the At London's National Heart heart of the city. \e ■ ; ! Hospital, 46-year-old Frederick Johnson’s budget for the year The North Vietnamese were n H West, his heart replaced Friday beginning July 1. Transplant batUing South Vietnamese T night with that o f a young labor­ troops from gravestxme to er killed in a fall, Sunday had a m ]i gravestone in a cemetery near supper of pureed carrots and Saigon’s Tan Son Nhut airport. Of Thymus prunes—his first solid food since m The missile was believed to his operation. He also ^ ked for have exploded near the down­ J> Vote Ends '1 H \ books and a television set. town Sedgon U.S.O. and Interna­ Successful At Houston, 'the St. Luke's tional House, a private club fre­ H Hospital surgical team Sunday 58 quented , by Americans. Both t8 A’TLANTI. OCITY, N.J. (AP) night . performed the. world’s . vwore closed by Saigon’a curfew of — The first known successful 11th human heart transpluit, re­ Phone Rift ro \ but the area is ohe of many 59 human transplant of the thy­ placing the ailing heart of apartments and hotels occupied mus, a small, mysterious gland- James B. Cobb, 48, with that of 6 r- f by Vietnamese and Americans. a youth killed in a motorcycle 3) K like organ that helps in building Officially There was no sign, however, 3) the body’s resistance to disease, accident. Cobb was in "excel­ that any buildings were bum- a- lent condlUon,” a hospital was reported today by a Florida WASHINOTON (AP) —Strik- ing. Police vehicles, fire engines physician. spokesman said. If ing telephone workers have put and ambulances converged F, The same Houston surgical The thymus was implanted "the voice with a smlle^’ back in quickly on the scene, Hi team Friday gave Everett D>. into- the body^ of a 7-month-old _ , ^ . style with a nationwide' contract U.S. (military spokesman Ind- n> boy, bom without the organ and Thomas, 47, the heart of ratification vote that officially cated the new enemy offensive, _, . j ” o 116-year-old K.VAoip.y\1/4 bride. Thomas’o* given little chance for survival. ended an 18-day walkout against launched Sunday, was subsiding condition on Sunday was termed the Bell Telephone System. elsewhere across South Vietnam "At 18 months of age, the in­ satisfactory. fant is growing normally and But scattered locals an- has no unusual infections," said At the Stanford Medical Cen­ noUnced they wouldn’t heed th the attacks as more ter, the 40-year-old Rizor died Dr. William W. Cleveland, back-to-work order Issued by evidence the enemy p l^ s endocrinologist and profesmr of after his t n ^ la n te d heart stopped beating for a time the Communications Workers of ? pediatrics at the University of America alter its Washington ^ Miami, Fla., School of Medi­ Sunday afternoon. V Doctors got it working again headquarters announced Sunday ^ stren ^ - cine. the 64,680-30,721 vote to ratify !L.North Vietnam’s bargaW^ in a few minutes but said the Cleveland said in an interview stoppage had been caused by a the three-year contract. ZZZZ that the success of the operation Connecticut’s local. 1290, vot- expected lack o f oxygen to the blood. to open this week in Pails. Eht lends strong support to the im- ed by a three to one margin Death was caused, they sedd, by While Hanoi radio claimed IS- mimologlc fimctions of the thy­ Saturday to reject the con­ lit the inability of Rizor’s lungs— "brilliant victories,” Gen. Wil­ or mus that so far have been based tract, but its members did re­ long damaged by his own heart liam C. Westmoreland’s head­ me on animal. studies. port for work today. See story be- impairment—to supply suffi­ quarters said in a communique: ss page. 13. He reported in a paper pre­ cient oxygen to his new heart. "Scattered fighting has taken Viet Police Chief is aided after being: wounded by sniper in Saigron. (AP Photofax) pared for-the annual meeting of Rizor, father .of four, was a The vast majority of the place throughout yesterday and the American Society for Clini­ carpenter in Salinas, Calif. His 200,000 workers involved in the this morning; however, the spoiling actions, cutting off ene­ unite made up mostly of North increase in fighting during the may be able to move to even strike were expected to begin cal Investigation that the Infant heart came from an athletic 43- over-all activities remain con­ my units reported headed to at­ Vietnamese replacements. day Inside Saigon, around Tan closer and set up mortars. showed poor immunologic reac­ year-old man who died of a returning to work today under tack Saigon. siderably lower than during the The officials said that North Son Nhut and on the fringes of U.S. infantrymen moved in tion before the dperation. Al­ massive brain hemorrhage. what CWA officials called the U.S. officials said an estimat­ Vietnamese prisoners have been closer toward the city to back Tet (Itmar new year) offen­ the capital. most immediately ^tcrward his Cobb, a salesman from Alex­ best contract ever 'achieved in sive.” ' ed battalion of enemy troops, taken and some of the enemy up South Vietnamese rangers, immunologic responses im­ andria, La.,' is the father of two the IndusbyT^-^^ Headquarters reported 12 lo­ I>erhaps 400 to 800 men, fighting dead have been identified as American officials were re­ pauratroopers and marines bat­ proved, the doctor said. children. His wife is a junior And CWA spokesmen said any cations were hit Sunday by mor­ allied forces around Tan Son North Vietnamese. ported deeply concerned about tling the enemy in three places The thymus, found in the up­ high school teacher. He has a refusal to end picketing as of tar and artillery fire but new Nhut air base are predominant­ U.S. official estimated that as fighting on the northesistem inside Saigon and trying to cut ^ per chest near the base of the history of heart trouble lor the midnight would be in defiance edge of the city. M shelling today was Insignificant. ly North Vietnamese soldiers. of early Monday there were off infiltration attempts on the neck in children, has long l)een_ past several years and has been of the union executive board, There also was ground fighting This is the closest to Saigon that about 300 Viet Cong troops fight­ Enemy troops were said to be east and west sides. in the north but this appeared te North Vietnamese have fought ing inside Saigon. Preliminary advancing slowly rather than (See Page Twelve) (iee Page Eleven) (See Page Eleven) Two companies of infantry­ be a continuation of last week’s in these numbers. estimates also hKdlcated there being driven back. They report­ men from the U.S. 199th light 1 ot battles. The American officials said it might be as many a s '300 more edly were nearing a bridge lead­ Infantry brigade were locked in »n female Viet Cong agents who in ing into the city. The fact that les, A U.S. spokesman said tdlied was not Immediately clear to fighting with an unknown sized forces so far had killed 714 ene­ .what unit the North Vietnamese some cases have done some of they were able to move forward enemy force in the Phu Tho my troops in and around Saig<m, belonged. This led to specula­ the fighting but are being used during daylight caused concern ak- race track area not far from tes including 177 inside the city it­ tion that the enemy forces ac­ mostly for political agitation. because it was feared that un­ led self. Some of the fights were tually are Viet Cong designated. ' The officials noted a definite der the cover of darkness they (See Page Eleven) en* A itb- her Columbia Reopens Doors Poverty Buses evD He­ art ■61 res, Heading North Y But Class Teaching Ends By BILL CRIDER cars guarded the march but NEW YORK (AP) —^Besieged up to the individual units how to Henry Coleman, the.
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