Sport and Recreation South Africa | Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 Africa | Sport and Recreation South 2016/17 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN FOR THE 2016/17 FINANCIAL YEAR FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER As the Ministry of Sport and Recreation we have ensured that our National Sport and Recreation Plan finds resonance in the National Development Plan (NDP). The NDP recognises unequivocally that sport plays an important role in promoting wellness and social cohesion, and treats sport as a cross- cutting issue, with related proposals in the chapters on education, health and nation building. In 2009, the current administration adopted the Outcomes-based approach. This approach is predicated on the culture to improve and manage the ways things are done for the realisation of the society we seek to achieve. Central to this is improved coordination across all spheres of government and to use empirical evidence to determine impact and future policy making and implementation. Sport and Recreation contributes, as a delivery partner, notably in sub-outcome 3 of Outcome 14. To address the strategic intent of the NDP, SRSA has committed to: » Increase the access of South African citizens to sport and recreation facilities » Provide mass participation opportunities » Advocate transformation in sport and recreation » Develop talented athletes by providing them with opportunities to excel, and » Support high performance athletes to achieve success in international sport. The Annual Performance Plan (APP) is aimed at accelerating the drive for access and excellence within the sports movement. In this 2016/2017 APP we have taken into account both the short-term and the longitudinal Medium-Term Strategic Planning Framework as the hallmark of SRSA’s policy planning and implementation. Our APP is systemic and precise in its outline of addressing these outcomes. Looming on the horison is a year that promises a quantum leap for sport development and transformation. SRSA will also further ensure that strategic leadership, management and support services are provided and that we develop and maintain an integrated support system to enhance the delivery of sport and recreation in South Africa. We enter the APP exercise for the 2016/2017 Financial Year imbued by yet another unqualified audit report for the Department, from the Auditor-General. I would like to express my gratitude to the men and women in SRSA who made it possible for us to receive a further feather in our cap. It is acts and deeds such as these that will continue to propel us from the current pedestal into a new world of opportunities and success. Fikile Mbalula (Hon) Minister of Sport and Recreation Republic of South Africa 4 • Sport and Recreation South Africa OFFICIAL SIGN-OFF It is hereby certified that this Annual Performance Plan: » Was developed by the management of Sport and Recreation South Africa under the guidance of Minister Fikile Mbalula. » Was prepared in line with the National Development Plan, the National Sport and Recreation Plan and the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan of the Department. » Accurately reflects the performance targets which Sport and Recreation South Africa will endeavour to achieve given the resources made available in the budget for 2016/17. Minister Fikile Mbalula Mr Gert Oosthuizen Executive Authority Deputy Minister Signature Signature Mr Alec Moemi Ms Sumayya Khan Accounting Officer Chief Operations Officer Signature Signature Mr Lesedi Mere Dr Bernardus van der Spuy Chief Financial Officer Chief Director: Strategic Support Signature Signature Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 • 5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS A-G Auditor-General AG African Games (Formally All-Africa Games) AENE Adjustment Estimates of National Expenditure AFCON African Cup of Nations AFS Annual Financial Statements ARA Industry Association for Responsible Alcohol Use AU African Union AUSC African Union Sports Council BEE Black Economic Empowerment BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment BRICS Brazil Russia India China and South Africa BSA Boxing South Africa CATHSSETA Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Sector Education and Training Authority CDA Central Drug Authority CHAN African Championship of Nations DCOG Department of Cooperative Governance DIRCO Department of International Relations and Cooperation DoRA Division of Revenue Act DPME Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration DPW Department of Public Works EAP Employee Assistance Programme ENE Estimates of National Expenditure EPG Eminent Persons Group GIS Geographical Information System GBV Gender Based Violence HEADCOM Heads of Departments Committee HIV & AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HRD Human Resource Development IBSA India Brazil South Africa ICSSPE International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education ICT Information and Communication Technology IFS Intermediate Financial Statements INADO Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations IMC Inter-Ministerial Committee IOC International Olympic Committee IYM In-Year-Monitoring LTPD Long Term Participant Development MACRe Ministerial Advisory Committee on Recreation MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant MINEPS International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport 6 • Sport and Recreation South Africa MINMEC Ministers and Members of the Executive Council MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPAT Management Performance Assessment Tool MPP Mass Participation Programme MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework M&E Monitoring and Evaluation NADOS National Anti-Doping Organisations NCOP National Council of Provinces NDP National Development Plan NDMP National Drug Master Plan NF National Federation NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NPC National Planning Commission NSRA National Sport and Recreation Act NSRP National Sport and Recreation Plan NT National Treasury NTC National Training Centre ODA Official Development Assistance QSRM Quarterly Status Review Meeting RADO Regional Anti-Doping Organisation SAIDS South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport SALGA South Africal Local Government Association SMME Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises SAPS South African Police Services SASCOC South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee SASREA Safety at Sport and Recreational Events Act SCM Supply Chain Management SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plan SDP IWG Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group SGB School Governing Body SLA Service Level Agreement SONA State of the Nation Address SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats SRSA Sport and Recreation South Africa TAFISA The Association for International Sport for All UN United Nations UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation WADA World Anti-Doping Agency WHO World Health Organisation Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 • 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword by the Minister » 4 Official Sign-off » 5 Part A: Strategic Overview » 10 Updated situational analysis 10 Legislative and other mandates 19 Overview of the 2016/17 budget and MTEF estimates 20 Expenditure trends related to strategic goals 21 Strategic outcome oriented goals of the institution 23 Part B: Programme and sub-programme plans » 24 Vision for programme 1: Administration 24 Strategic objective annual targets for 2016/17 27 Programme performance indicators and annual targets for 2016/17 27 Programme performance indicators and quarterly targets for 2016/17 27 Reconciling performance targets with the budget and MTEF 28 Vision for programme 2: Active nation 30 Strategic objective annual targets for 2016/17 34 Programme performance indicators and annual targets for 2016/17 35 Programme performance indicators and quarterly targets for 2016/17 36 Reconciling performance targets with the budget and MTEF 38 Vision for programme 3: Winning nation 40 Strategic objective annual targets for 2016/17 44 Programme performance indicators and annual targets for 2016/17 45 Programme performance indicators and quarterly targets for 2016/17 46 Reconciling performance targets with the budget and MTEF 47 8 • Sport and Recreation South Africa Vision for programme 4: Sport support 49 Strategic objective annual targets for 2016/17 51 Programme performance indicators and annual targets for 2016/17 52 Programme performance indicators and quarterly targets for 2016/17 53 Reconciling performance targets with the budget and MTEF 54 Vision for programme 5: Sport infrastructure support 56 Strategic objective annual targets for 2016/17 57 Programme performance indicators and annual targets for 2016/17 57 Programme performance indicators and quarterly targets for 2016/17 58 Reconciling performance targets with the budget and MTEF 59 Part C: Links to other plans » 61 Outcome 14 – 2016/17 61 Estimate of National Expenditure Indicators – 2016/17 61 Conditional grant – 2016/17 62 Sector indicators – 2016/17 63 Long-term infrastructure and other capital plans 63 Public entities 63 Public-private partnerships 63 Other partnerships 63 Revisions to 2015-2020 strategic plan 63 Revision to strategic goals 63 Revisions to strategic objectives 64 Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 • 9 PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Updated Situational Analysis Within the international framework the 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan (APP) of Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) is guided by the policy documents from the United Nations (UN) relevant to the sport and recreation sector. Succeeding the
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