MWI NEWS FEBRUARY 2016 Vol. 99 No. 2 February 2016 1129 Queens Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba Canada R7A 1L9 www.mbwi.ca In the spirit of Nellie McClung Inside this issue: January 28, 2016, was an Special guest speaker was FWIC 2018 2 auspicious evening for Mani- the Honourable Janice Film- From your President 3 toba Women’s Institute. At a on, the 25th and current Lieu- Convention notes 3 gala event at the RBC Con- tenant Governor of Manitoba. vention Centre in Winnipeg, The program was hosted by Nominations 4 MWI, along with 9 individu- Cheryl Hickey from ET Can- Convention program 5 al women, received a Nellie ada. Resolutions 7 Award, “presented in the The following is a portion spirit of Nellie McClung” by of the nomination submis- Regional conventions 10 the Nellie McClung Founda- sion: Bulletin Board 10 tion in partnership with Win- Primary Prevention 11 nipeg Free Press. Nellie McClung was “a prai- Proxy 11 MWI was represented at rie woman who used her tal- this event by President Don- ents, determination, and ener- na Young and President-elect gy to bring about change to Ann Mandziuk. It was a very society.” Manitoba Women’s impressive evening. The Institute is an organization of banquet room contained 100 prairie women that has used tables, symbolizing 100 the same attributes for the years since women were given the vote. As each same purpose – to change society. MWI has been recipient was announced, a biography of her working for over 100 years for the betterment of work was read. Each winner received a glass women and their families. The WI gave women etching (shown above). the opportunity to educate themselves and to Sixty-six nominations had been received by the work for common goals, as well as to break out Winnipeg Free Press. A selection committee of of their social isolation. Most of the women back Manitoba women whittled the list down to 10 in 1910 may have been uneducated, but they still winners. They are: had a thirst for learning. They were the back- Dr. Jessie Lang bones of their families, and they saw the great Beatrice Watson need for women to work with other women to Wilma Derksen improve the quality of life for everyone. The or- Attention! ganization has deep roots in the fabric of many Connie Magnusson Schimnowski rural communities. DCK This edition of Susan Hart-Kulbaba The News contains Dr. Alexandria Wilson information on busi- Shirley Kalyniuk ness and activities of the 2016 AGM on Dr. Rayleen De Luca May 6-7. Of special Sherri Walsh importance are the Manitoba Women’s Institute 10 resolutions. In addition, two Nellie Legacy Please bring this Award recipients were named: Gail newsletter with you to Asper and the Honourable Janice the convention. Filmon. The Centennial Gala itself was hosted by the Nellie McClung Foun- dation in partnership with the Cana- dian Museum for Human Rights. The event was held on the very day — 100 years later — when Manito- ba women became the first in Cana- MWI President Donna Young and members of the Manitoba Living Historical da to be awarded the right to vote. Society. Photo by A. Mandziuk 2 MWI NEWS FEBRUARY 2016 Manitoba Women’s Institute together who received a pep talk to FWIC 2018 Convention Executive Administrator: Joni Swidnicki start their own business or to climb 1129 Queens Avenue, Brandon R7A 1L9 update the ladder of leadership.” All ages 204-726-7135 Fax 204-726-6260 E-mail [email protected] were there, including young women Website www.mbwi.ca The Challenge of Change is the theme who could learn how to live a career we have been given by the FWIC life and family life in harmony. Provincial Board 2015-2016 Board around which to build the 2018 The tickets were sold out in four Convention. MWI will be hosting this President: Donna Young, Site 325, Box 17, RR3, days. Arenda found the $50 to be well Brandon, R7A 5Y3 204-728-2714 [email protected] national event from July 8 – 14, 2018, spent! President-Elect: Ann Mandziuk, Box 264, Minnedosa, with board meetings at the front end R0J 1E0 204-966-3829 [email protected] and conference sessions from Regional Representatives: Wednesday to Saturday. Planning is Eastern: Denise Joss, Box 1632, Lac du Bonnet, R0E 1A0 Celebrating female 204-345-5288 [email protected] underway with the venue of the Fort Northwest: Diane Hrychuk, Box 125, Fork River, Garry Hotel being secured and a tour- school trustees R0L 0V0 204-657-2466 [email protected] ism grant from Tourism Winnipeg Southwest A: Arenda Vanderdeen, Box 156, Rapid City negotiated. Co-chairs Lynne Hopley On behalf of Manitoba Women’s R0K 1W0 204-826-2626 [email protected] and Joan Clement attended the Con- Southwest B: Audrey Clark, Box 13, Lyleton, R0M 1G0 Institute, Gisela Nolting attended a 204-649-2258 [email protected] vention in New Brunswick to learn reception at the Legislative Building Wpg-Interlake: Valerie Watt, Box 160, Inwood R0C 1P0 from what happened there and to get on January 12, 2016, to celebrate the 204-278-3714 [email protected] ideas for the upcoming event. We are achievements of five women who Drectors-at-large: presently seeking members who Gisela Nolting, Box 87, Rosser, R0H 1E0 became the first members of their 204-467-5922 [email protected] might be interested in helping to plan communities to serve as school trus- Maren Mueller, Box 53, Arnaud, R0A 0B0 the Convention or to work or help out tees in Manitoba. 204-427-2487 [email protected] with a variety of committees. If you Marie-Antoinette Lamoureux Le- U of M, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences: Dr. have an interest in helping out in any Joyce Slater 204-474-7322 [email protected] maire was the first elected Franco- Manitoba Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development: way, please contact Lynne or Joan. If Manitoban woman to serve as a trus- Pat Orsak, Box 160, Russell R0J 1W0 you have suggestions of speakers you tee. Rose Cherniak Alcin became the 204-821-3814 [email protected] have heard or heard about that you first Jewish woman to serve as a trus- FWIC Executive Officer (Manitoba): think would be a draw for those con- Liz Chongva, Box 73, Dugald, R0E 0K0 tee in Manitoba and to hold public 204-853-2007 [email protected] sidering attending, we would be inter- office in Canada. Mary Dyma was the Man Gov’t Appointed Member: ested in hearing that information as first Ukrainian woman to serve as a Debbie Melosky, Box 10, Green Ridge, R0A 0P0 well. trustee in Manitoba. Inez Stevenson 204-427-2036 [email protected] One task that we need to accom- was the first Afro-Caribbean woman plish is to design and create a pin and to serve as a trustee in Manitoba and Regional Executives: logo for the event. If you have a de- the first black woman to hold office in Eastern: sign bent, or if you can get your crea- this province. These four are de- Pres– Liz Chongva, Box 73, Dugald, R0E 0K0 tive juices flowing around the theme ceased. 204-853-2007 [email protected] The Challenge of Change 2018 and Linda Ballantyne was the first Secretary– Janice Harrison, 48 Waterview, La Salle, the event being held in Manitoba, we R0G 0A2 204-736-2613 [email protected] woman of First Nations ancestry to Treasurer– Kathy Wilkinson, Box 568, RR #1, Dugald would love for you to share your ide- serve as school board chairperson in R0E 0K0 204-853-7760 [email protected] as. Manitoba. A Star Blanket was pre- Northwest: While 2018 seems a long way off, Pres– Ethel Lungal, Box 359, Russell, R0J 1W0 sented to her on behalf of the Frontier 204-773-2109 [email protected] we know that there is much work to School Board, and an Honour Song Secretary– Marilyn Kippen, Box 64, Fork River, R0L 0V0 do, and time seems to go by quickly was performed by the Teenage Bears 204-657-2438 [email protected] these days; however, working togeth- Drum Group of Maples Collegiate. Treasurer– Chris DeVos, Box 129, Fork River, R0L 0V0 er to accomplish a task helps us to 204-657-2475 [email protected] Women were able to serve as school Southwest A: have a stronger sense of purpose. We trustees from 1880, more than two Pres- Irene Draper, Box 884, Lenore, R0M 1E0 look forward to hearing from you. decades before the legal right to vote 204-838-2075 [email protected] Joan Clement Secretary- Linda Wilson, Box 577, Hamiota, R0M 0T0 was first granted to select women in 204-764-2642 [email protected] Manitoba in 1916. Three women trus- Treasurer– Elaine Thomson, Box 1533, Minnedosa tees went on to serve as Manitoba R0J 1E0 204-874-2379 [email protected] SHE Day Minister of Education: Maureen Southwest B: Hemphill 1981-1986; Linda McIntosh Pres– Fran Dickinson, Box 163, Waskada, R0M 2E0 Maren Mueller and Arenda Vander- 204-673-2468 [email protected] 1995-1999; and Nancy Allan 2009- Secretary– Sylvia Mitchell, Box 154, Douglas, R0K 0R0 deen attended SHE Day at the RBC 2013. 204-763-4781 [email protected] Convention Centre in Winnipeg on Premier Selinger signed a proclama- Treasurer– Sylvia Halls, Box 296, Reston, R0M 1X0 January 15, 2016. They along with tion commemorating 2016 as the Y ear 204-877-3763 [email protected] 800 other women spent the day listen- Winnipeg-Interlake: of Women Trustees.
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