Thursday 30 September 2021 Fixed Interest Daily Rate Sheet Government Bonds Rating Issuer Code Maturity Coupon Int Yield Price Min %pa Freq %pa ($) ($) AAA GB0423 15/04/2023 5.500% 2 0.99% 1.0941 10000 0800 272Sovereign 442 Debt / craigsip.com Securities AAA GB0524 15/05/2024 0.500% 2 1.23% 0.9832 10000 Sovereign Debt Securities AAA GB0425 15/04/2025 2.750% 2 1.37% 1.0603 10000 A disclosureSovereign statement Debt Securities is available on AAA GB0526 15/05/2026 0.500% 2 1.53% 0.9562 10000 request and free ofSovereign charge. Debt Please Securities AAA GB0427 15/04/2027 4.500% 2 1.61% 1.1734 10000 contactSovereign your Adviser.Debt Securities AAA GB0528 15/05/2028 0.250% 2 1.74% 0.9082 10000 Sovereign Debt Securities AAA GB0429 20/04/2029 3.000% 2 1.82% 1.0965 10000 Sovereign Debt Securities AAA GB0531 15/05/2031 1.500% 2 1.95% 0.9665 10000 Sovereign Debt Securities 1 yr swap 1.09% 5 yr swap 1.86% 7 yr swap 2.06% Local Authority Bonds Rating Issuer Code Maturity Coupon Int Yield Price Min Security Type %pa Freq %pa ($) ($) AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF090 14/04/2022 2.750% 2 0.79% 1.0233 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Christchurch City Holdings CCH010 6/12/2022 3.400% 2 1.30% 1.0354 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF050 15/04/2023 5.500% 2 1.28% 1.0895 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Auckland Council AKC070 25/03/2024 5.806% 2 1.65% 1.1018 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF100 15/04/2024 2.250% 2 1.57% 1.0273 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Auckland Council AKC110 27/06/2023 3.170% 2 1.45% 1.0378 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Christchurch City Holdings CCH020 27/11/2024 3.580% 2 1.90% 1.0637 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Auckland Council AKC120 10/07/2025 2.013% 2 1.90% 1.0087 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF070 15/04/2025 2.750% 2 1.79% 1.0456 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF120 15/04/2026 1.500% 2 1.97% 0.9867 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Auckland Council AKC100 27/07/2026 3.338% 2 2.05% 1.0649 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF060 15/04/2027 4.500% 2 2.08% 1.1469 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF110 20/04/2029 1.500% 2 2.30% 0.9517 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF140 15/05/2031 2.250% 2 2.42% 0.9941 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF080 14/04/2033 3.500% 2 2.66% 1.0994 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AAA NZ Local Govt Funding Agency LGF130 15/04/2037 2.000% 2 2.89% 0.8986 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Auckland Council AKC130 28/09/2050 2.950% 2 3.52% 0.8974 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities Corporate Bonds (AA-A Rated) Rating Issuer Code Maturity Coupon Int Yield Price Min Security Type %pa Freq %pa ($) ($) BBB+ Christchurch International Airport CIA002 4/10/2021 6.250% 2 6.25% 1.0311 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd FCG030 20/10/2021 4.330% 2 0.40% 1.0215 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ASB Bank ABB060 24/02/2022 4.200% 2 0.75% 1.0180 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Westpac New Zealand WP0622 7/06/2022 3.775% 2 1.00% 1.0309 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Bank of New Zealand BNZ120 27/07/2022 3.856% 2 1.00% 1.0302 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TRP030 30/06/2022 4.300% 2 1.05% 1.0350 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A Bank of China BOC001 17/10/2022 4.090% 2 1.35% 1.0470 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A China Construction Bank (NZ) CCB010 9/11/2022 3.932% 2 1.40% 1.0433 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ANZ Bank New Zealand ANB140 1/09/2022 3.750% 2 1.05% 1.0277 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TRP040 16/09/2022 4.069% 2 1.15% 1.0295 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Auckland International Airport AIA200 9/11/2022 4.280% 2 1.45% 1.0479 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd FCG040 7/03/2023 4.420% 2 1.60% 1.0428 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TP0323 15/03/2023 5.448% 2 1.35% 1.061 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Westpac New Zealand WP0323 23/03/2023 3.720% 2 1.40% 1.035 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Auckland International Airport AIA220 17/04/2023 3.640% 2 1.65% 1.047 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A Bank of China BOC003 19/04/2023 4.020% 2 1.65% 1.0543 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ANZ Bank New Zealand ANB150 30/05/2023 3.700% 2 1.45% 1.0494 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Bank of New Zealand BNZ110 15/06/2023 4.102% 2 1.45% 1.0567 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A China Construction Bank (NZ) CCB011 19/06/2023 4.005% 2 1.75% 1.0494 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ANZ Bank New Zealand ANB130 1/09/2023 3.710% 2 1.50% 1.0448 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Spark Finance Limited SPF560 10/03/2023 4.510% 4 1.45% 1.0463 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ASB Bank ABB070 7/09/2023 3.310% 2 1.55% 1.0357 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A China Construction Bank (NZ) CCB013 25/09/2023 0.954% 2 1.90% 0.9819 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Auckland International Airport AIA210 2/11/2023 3.970% 2 1.90% 1.0587 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Bank of New Zealand BNZ130 16/11/2023 3.648% 2 1.60% 1.0564 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities Corporate Bonds (AA-A Rated) cont. Rating Issuer Code Maturity Coupon Int Yield Price Min Security Type %pa Freq %pa ($) ($) A- Spark Finance Limited SPF580 7/03/2024 3.370% 4 1.75% 1.0408 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TRP060 14/03/2024 2.730% 2 1.65% 1.0272 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ANZ Bank New Zealand ANB160 20/03/2024 3.030% 2 1.70% 1.0330 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A ICBC (NZ) Ltd ICB009 27/06/2024 2.610% 2 2.15% 1.0191 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Westpac New Zealand WP0724 29/07/2024 2.220% 2 1.85% 1.0141 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ASB Bank ABB080 19/08/2024 1.830% 2 1.85% 1.0017 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A Kiwibank KI0924 20/09/2024 2.155% 2 1.95% 1.0066 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Auckland International Airport AIA230 10/10/2024 3.510% 2 2.05% 1.0594 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Bank of New Zealand BNZ140 29/01/2025 2.160% 2 1.90% 1.0122 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Westpac New Zealand WP0225 20/02/2025 2.083% 2 2.00% 1.0052 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TRP050 6/03/2025 3.823% 2 1.85% 1.0680 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TRP070 4/09/2025 1.735% 2 1.95% 0.9933 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd FCG050 14/11/2025 4.150% 2 2.25% 1.0903 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Westpac New Zealand WP0226 24/02/2026 1.439% 2 2.20% 0.9699 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TRP080 8/04/2026 1.520% 2 2.00% 0.9868 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- ASB Bank ABB090 4/05/2026 1.646% 2 2.20% 0.9827 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA- Bank of New Zealand BNZ150 8/06/2026 1.884% 2 2.22% 0.9912 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TRP090 8/09/2026 2.047% 2 2.05% 1.0013 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities A- Spark Finance Limited SPF570 7/09/2026 3.940% 4 2.05% 1.0912 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities AA Transpower NZ TP0328 15/03/2028 5.893% 2 2.35% 1.2138 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities Corporate Bonds (BBB+-BBB- Rated) Rating Issuer Code Maturity Coupon Int Yield Price Min Security Type %pa Freq %pa ($) ($) BBB Contact Energy CEN030 15/11/2021 4.400% 4 0.50% 1.0104 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB+ Genesis Energy Ltd GNE030 18/03/2022 4.140% 2 1.10% 1.0156 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB+ GMT Bond Issuer GMB030 23/06/2022 5.000% 2 1.40% 1.0397 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB Heartland Bank HBL010 21/09/2022 4.500% 2 1.50% 1.0302 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities NR Air New Zealand AIR020 28/10/2022 4.250% 2 2.50% 1.0367 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB Contact Energy CEN040 15/11/2022 4.630% 4 1.45% 1.0413 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB+ Meridian Energy Ltd MEL030 14/03/2023 4.530% 2 1.55% 1.0449 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities NR Wellington International Airport WIA030 12/05/2023 4.250% 2 1.95% 1.0529 10000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB+ GMT Bond Issuer GMB050 1/09/2023 4.000% 2 1.90% 1.0428 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB+ Kiwi Property Group KPG020 7/09/2023 4.000% 2 2.00% 1.0405 5000 Secured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB+ Meridian Energy Ltd MEL040 20/03/2024 4.880% 2 1.85% 1.0744 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB Heartland Bank HBL020 12/04/2024 3.550% 2 2.00% 1.0548 5000 Unsecured Unsubordinated Debt Securities BBB+ Christchurch International Airport
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