![1982 Thidtv:"C' the Amate Ur Ath Let I C Un Ion of Australia](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Athletic of Australia ~~ HANDBOOK OF RECORDS AND RESULTS 1982 THIDTV:"C' THE AMATE UR ATH LET I C UN ION OF AUSTRALIA (Fonnerly the AIrwItelir Attll etl( UnIon a f Austrd l asfaj founded 1897 K£~ER OF THE INT[I/N ATJ ONAl AMATEUR ATHLETIC FrOCRATlOH Affiliated with: All~t r ~1fan Olymp ic Fe derH i on Au~tralian (O!mlOnwealth Gdmes A!.soChtion Co n fl:'drr~tion of Australian Sport MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Qll een~ la n d Amateur Athletic A~soclat j on Queenslalld Women's Amateur Ath let ic Assochtion New So uth lIa les AmIItelir Athletic Assotiati on Vi ctorian Athletic Assoch t lon P.rn<Iteur Athletlc Msoclation or riSllli,lnia Amate ur Ath letic Association of So uth Australia At hletic Anac:iation o f Western Au stral ia Au5tralhn Ca pital Te r ritory Amateu r Athleti c "'.sotiat i on KONOAARY LIFE M[ItIERS (Eletted by A. A.U. of A.J (Elected by A. W.A . A.U.) HU9h R. lIefr, C.B.[. (1951) Miss Gwen Bull i1 ':162) C. Ronald Aitken, C.B.L (1965) Hiss Nell Gou l d , B.E. I'1 . (1962) Ar thur J. Hodsdon, M. B.E . ( 1965) , ~. !lor; s Magee, A.M •• H.B.E. , (1968) 962 No~n G. Hut t on {l l l:'onud B. Cu rnow, 0 .8.L ( 1968) Lil l ian Neville (1962 1 Ro ~rt L Gr aham . O.S.E. (l9MI) Havis Eblery. O.A . M. (1967) F. Theo Treacy, O.B. E. ( 1969) Haisle ~":Ou1st o n. B.E.H. G. SOp!:! r (l969) (1971 ) Co Kerbert Ga rdi ne r ( 1974) Mrs . Margan!'t Cahill (1972 ) Tholll<ls C. Blue ( 1980) Mrs. Mabel RobI nson, M.B.E. (1973) Mrs . Joyce Bonwic k P97B) Dec ea~ed H. Georgl' Carruthers DIA.(CTQ RY Posta l Addn!'ss: Grands tand. Olynplc Park Athlet Ic Trac!; , Swan St.reet', Helboume, Victoria. ]002 . Tele9faE>: Amathunlon, Mel bourne Tele~ : M. L 200 • Melbourne 30625 Teltlltlone: National (OJ) 42 9 5077 !ntematlonal ~l 3 429 S017 In our view, they deserve a place here too. Our customers. all Games competitors tbe very It was their support for us best of luck. tbat allowed us to support the And to our customers in Games Foundation. the stands, and those watching Providinj( financial assis- on TV, may we say, thank you. lance to get them started on You're great ~Ct:~Cti organising the Games. sports too. So, as official bankers to : • the Foundation, may we wish Th..,Cm"m ... ~ ml B~llk jngC<}/nllfl.ny()ni~~lneo.· L,miled . U~1. !W.~ CONTENTS R[SUL TS AUSilV\L IAH CHAMPIONSHIPS Road Running Ch~~ion~hi p s 4 Road Walk ing Chollllpion~hi ps 4 Cro~s Co untry CII~p jon~lIip s 5 Austral l ~n All Schools Cross Countroy C llalllpions~ f ps 5 Austr~llan ,All Scllool Tract; and FIE'ld Championships. 8 Shell/Charles Hansl'lI National Sub-Junior Match 1982 16 Track and Fiel d Chanlpionshl ps Jl\en 21 Trac~ and Field Championships Junior NE'n 22 TraCk .tnd Field Championships WOlllE'n 25 Tr.c ~ and Field C~ampio ns~ips Junior WOTTll'n 27 AUSTRALIAN CC/f1PfTlTORS 1M IMITRHATJONAL COMPE TJTlON: Pre World Cup Competitions: 30 Zu ri ell Ber1 in Menden Kob1enl LU~E'mbour9 Ilo rtlllund .-Koln World Cup III 31 ~ntrul Huathol'l - lJlh SeptelltJer 31 Uni ~ershd e - Buc harest 31 Mannln9~ International Marathon - ltamllton 32 Luga no Cup - Yalencla 32 Ouka Ladies "'arathon 32 [)ecalhlon/Heptathlon Mat ch - New lul .s nd 32 Records AuHral '.n Reconls superseded 47 Best on reco r d for non reco rd e~ent s 48 Australian Records outstanding 47 AUSTRALIAN RANKING LIST FOR 1961/82 49 Pho tographs tn this Almanac have been suppl ied by Mr. John Punshon. This AIII',,!nIC has been compiled on behal f of the Mateur At ll iet i c Un ion of Aust ral l. by the Hono rary Statistician. Hr. Paul .)enes. Appre<l.t ion Is e~p ressed to the foll owing people for reguhrly supplying "r. ,kolles with results;- Berni I' Geci ll s Fletcher Mc[wen JIll! r::olotchcff Bruce Cc ok Hike Hclaughl 11l D.... e Cundy Rod Griffin John ~$te~ Everard Ba rtholomewl Joyce Bonwlck P~m Turney Fred tester Fl o Wr ighter ~hi rley lIent Mark. lIa11 and the Member Associations 3 CHAMPIONSH IPS OF AUSTRALIA 19 81 · 8l 2.17 .22; Y. 't)ri u (Jap4n) 2.17.48; .21.4l: N. Go tto (JO pall ) 2. 22 . 41; 2.24. 19: t . OiJAbur y IV) 2. 26.1 8: MARATHON CHA~[O ~SHIP FOR WOMEN II. LOlIgstaff (AC T) 2.46.48; P. Wat~ r s (N) l .48.37; J. TurFleY (Y) 2. 49.l5; D. Letherby is) 2.54.S7; A. C<llnan (0) l.11.45; S. Gray (S) 3.18.21 : H. ,l,lde r50n {SI 3.16.45; A. !'.allll { 51 3.19.l8; P. Sedlllolll {NT)3.2:3 .ll; S. Dalrymple (NT) 3.l5.03. Teams: First· S.A. 25,000 M£TU ROAD RUNNING CHAMPIONSHIP FOR ~EN R. DeCastelh (V); l. Whitty (1'1); S. Poulton (N) R. Gllf111all ( W); D. Mor9~11 (N); D. Fearly LI9.d2.8 10,000 METRE ROAD RUNH1HG CHAMPIONSHIP FOR W{)fEN A. lor d ( ~34. 31.1; S. PierSOIl (V) 34.33.8; O. lethll"rb-¥ (5) 34.]4.1; G. Clews (WA) ]4.41.4: J. Kim I S) 35.11.4; M. Moyle (5) 35.51.l. Teams : S.A. 8 polllt!.; W.A. 17 points; Old. lO points. ROAD RELAY CHAMPIONSHIPS J Jl 3000 HETRE ROAD RELA'f CHNtPIONSHIP FOR WOHEN Victoria (A. Lord . R. I4aliinder, K. Wilkillson) 19 . 22 : South AustralIa (J. Ham, 1'1. i'1OylII". O. Let1lerby) 29.45; Queensland (5. Barrett, K. Wh8nnell, J. Green) 30.26: NN South Wales (J . Gallievoort, M. Jolley! P. Aitkell) ]0.51; Western Austr,lh ( D. lOller9~II , M. JftllleS, J. RenniSJ 31.4]; A.C.T. (J. Praltell, S. Free, R. lOll9stdff) 32.05 ; TIIsmdllia (B. KenyOll. ~. ~ar,ls, A. Waddle) 33.25. ] K 2000 METRE ROAO R,LAY CkAMP10NSHIP FOR JUNIOR WOMEN Qu eenshlld (K . Roberts, K. Fischer, J. NykuiHl 19.00; Victoria (J. Pollard, 1'1. ~s, 1. Turney) 19.28; >jestern Australla (T. Bromley, J. Robinson, V. Freestolle) 19.48; South Aus tralia (D. Gol.lld, 1(. Vandenheuvel, E. AlIlI"lI) 19.58; New South Wales (H . >ja~elTlan , S. Lawtoll. D. H15CO~) W.20; A.C.T. (C. Reeve, l. l OlWS, M. l()lllas] 21.10 3 )( 1000 METRE: ROAD RELAV CIWIPIONSH IP FOR SUB - JUNIOR. >j(J1EN New South Wales (C. Ba".j , T. Adams , T. Raimond) 9 .06; Queensland (A. I'IcVie , W. lunll, F. Eldin) 9.17; Victoria (M. McGhee, E. Blyth, M. Lealley) 9.tl; South Australia (A. Hayward, K. Camp, J. nart) 9.42; Western A.ustr411a (N. Ha".jreaves, T. Hanllan, G. OeGruchy) 10.01; A.C.T. (r.. Burton, l. Mahony, M. Bled kle ) 10.03; Tasmania (P. Nichols , S. McNicol. S. Gr~ham ) 10 . 19. ROAD WALKING CtWtPIONSfHPS COllducted at FishenTl(lns Bend, Victoria 011 26th July, J981 5KM CHAMPJOr6HJP FOR WO'IEN S. Cook (V) 22.58; S. Pierson (V) 2].04: l. Youn9 ( VI 24.14: A. Ryan (I.I) 24.38; R. Thompson (N) 24.57; L. Harpur (S) 25.06. ~: Victoria 6 points ; N. S.W. 16 points; S.A. 23 poillts. )~ CHAMP IONSHIP FOR JUNIOR WOME N T. Chrke (1'1) 17.11; P. lallgley (1'1) 17.14; R.. Smi th (V) 17.46; D. Robertsof1 (V) 18.01; "1. Curry (V) 18.01; K. Gilbert (N) 18.09. Teams: Victoria 9 points; N.S.W. 14 points; S .A. 22 points , 2~\ CHAMPION SHIP FOR SUR·JUN IOR W(»4fN S. Miller (V) 9.26: Y. Waters (V) 9.33: R. Webster (V) 9.39; J. J ones (N) 9.48: R. T~lbot (5) 9.57: P. Hurray (H) 9.58. Teams : Vfctorla 6 PO fnts; H. S.W. 17 pO ints: S.A . 22 points . 50I(l0l CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR MEN W. Sawa ll t V) 233.55 : J. Sheard (V) 269.16 : H. SUn1IlC'rs {V) 273.Jl ; K. KnOll (N) 273.14: C. Jack (V) 27 9 .20, T. Jones (w) 287 .21. Teams: Vic t oria 6 points, N. S. V. 15 point s lOKM CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR MEN UNDER 20 M. Woods (N) 44.09; A. Muir (N) 44. 34; M. H.1rwey (v ) 45.08; A. Jackno (v) 47.35 ; D. Cr ui s(' (V) 47.44; S. Richardson (V) 48.08. Teams : N.S.W. 9 points; Victoria 12 po ints; 5.A. 24 point s CROSS COU NTRY CHAMPIONS HIPS Co nducted at Ade1alde, South Austnlh, on 12!1I and 13th September, 1981. 12,000 METRE CHAMPIONSHIP FOR MEN G. S<lrrett (0) 36.16; A. Lloyd 1'136.23; T. O'Shaughnessy (V) 36.2S; 8. Lewry (V) 36.45; J. Andrews N 36.50; N. Oecutelh (v) 36.53. Teams: Vfctorla, N. S.W. , A.C. f. 8,000 METRE CHAMP IONSHIP FOR JUNIO~ MEN O. ~r1 ey ( H) 12. 10 , A. Hoyle (V) 12 . 10 , S. Monegtletti (v) 12 . 10 , O. Campbell (0) 12. 16; H. Martin (0) 12.24; D.
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