June 15, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 8 10769 gone far beyond his own experiences on the Yesterday, we celebrated our national Flag voice for an entire region and a true icon. That court. His empathy for youth started during Day by commemorating the adoption of the is why Congressman CONNIE MACK and I are these years when Mr. Blair conducted basket- national flag of the United States as pro- pleased to jointly recognize the accomplish- ball clinics in Greece and created a basketball claimed by President Woodrow Wilson on ments and patriotic spirit of the legendary academy in Italy. June 14, 1916. As such, a public display of Lynyrd Skynyrd. Mr. Blair now is retired from basketball, but State and Territory flags at the Washington From humble beginnings, Lynyrd Skynyrd his philanthropic contributions continue. In ad- Monument will be an opportunity for each has become one of the most revered and ac- dition to teaching athletic and life skills at his State and Territory to share its own unique- complished bands in the history of music, hav- basketball academy, he is deeply involved ness through its icons and figures rep- ing sold nearly 30 million records worldwide in with the Ronald McDonald House in Tucson resenting the traditions, values, and local his- the last four decades. Through their live per- where he and his staff provide and serve din- tories that collectively have made the United formances and the music and songs still ners for patients’ families during the acad- States. played on radio stations around the world emy’s week of camp. Flags have always been a part of our his- every day, the members of Lynyrd Skynyrd At the end of his camp, Mr. Blair visits tory and traditions. This legislation will ensure have established themselves as timeless art- young patients in the pediatric unit of Univer- that every American will be part of one of our ists who transcend any one musical era or sity Medical Center in Tucson, bringing smiles great national treasures. generation. to them through gifts and an exhibition of his f basketball skills. As validated by their induction into the Rock Mr. Blair has worked and travelled in many COMMENDING THE PATRIOT and Roll Hall of Fame in 2006, Lynyrd other countries but has remained true to his GUARD RIDERS Skynyrd has had a seminal impact on the de- roots. He is a living testimony of how to give velopment of rock and country music and a back to one’s community, not only as a big HON. JO ANN EMERSON profound influence on the career development of many artists who followed in their creative man, but as a man with a big heart. OF MISSOURI I am proud to recognize Joseph Blair on the footsteps. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10th anniversary of his Arizona Basketball Through their collective voices, the band Academy and I join with a grateful community Tuesday, June 15, 2010 has become a beacon for regional identity and to commend him for his valuable contributions Mrs. EMERSON. Madam Speaker, I rise pride in the American South. This is perhaps to the young people of Tucson and Southern today to commend the work of a distinguished best epitomized by the song ‘‘Sweet Home Arizona. Thank you Joseph for being such a group of veterans and volunteers who con- Alabama,’’ an anthem so universally identified great role model and for all that you do to help tinue to serve the men and women of our mili- with the State of Alabama that it is the official our youth develop their athletic and leadership tary and their families. The Patriot Guard rid- motto displayed on license plates. skills. ers can be seen at nearly every event cele- Since their start in Jacksonville, Florida, in f brating our long tradition of military service to the late 1960s, Lynyrd Skynyrd has been a INTRODUCING LEGISLATION FOR the Nation in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional spokesman for the everyday working man and THE DISPLAY OF STATE AND District. woman, the friends and neighbors of their TERRITORY FLAGS AT THE It is difficult to miss the Patriot Guard riders, formative years. Their ability to capture a WASHINGTON MONUMENT with their motorcycles emitting a low rumble unique part of the American spirit has given en route to a Memorial Day ceremony, a wel- their music emotional meaning to many fans HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA come home celebration, a Veterans Day event and built a legacy that continues to grow year or a military funeral. Their presence is always after year. OF AMERICAN SAMOA a respectful tribute to those who serve in uni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Amid triumph and loss, these sons of the form, and they are frequently a comfort to the Tuesday, June 15, 2010 South have evolved from band to close-knit families who have lost loved ones in the family. A tragic airplane crash in 1977 claimed Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I course of duty. original members Steve Gaines, Cassie rise today to introduce legislation to ensure The members of the Patriot Guard do every Gaines, and lead singer Ronnie Van Zant, but that the flags of the several States, the District day something that too few Americans take Ronnie’s brother Johnny carried on the tradi- of Columbia, and the Territories of the United time for: they are always, always available to tion as the new vocalist. Devoted fans also re- States encircle the Washington Monument. our troops, our veterans and our military fami- member and cherish the contributions of Allen 1 Standing at 555 feet and 5 ⁄8 inches tall, the lies. They mark the service of Americans who Collins, Leon Wilkeson, Billy Powell, and Ean Washington Monument is the most prominent have left their homes and risked their lives to Evans. Today, led by core members Johnny structure in the nation’s capital and is the defend our freedoms. Van Zant, Gary Rossington, Rickey Medlock, world’s tallest stone structure and the world’s In the U.S. House of Representatives, I and Michael Cartellone, Lynyrd Skynyrd con- tallest obelisk. Completed in 1884, it memori- think it is important and fitting to single out tinues to share an unbreakable bond with the alizes the first President of the United States, such examples of service to our country. With fans they count as family as well. President George Washington, who led our honor and with dignity, the Patriot Guard rid- country to independence and helped shaped ers are a source of constant support to our Lynyrd Skynyrd has been a generous sup- the role of the presidency and the course of servicemembers, past, present and future. porter of our men and women in the Armed our democracy in its early days. It was most They are also a source of inspiration to young Forces for many years. The band has long un- fitting then that Congress in 1833 established Americans considering a future in the service derstood that our military personnel bravely the Washington National Monument Society to of our Nation, and I am very proud to thank and unselfishly stand guard over our everyday create a monument in honor of the Father of them for all their efforts. security and freedom. They have enthusiasti- cally raised money for military families and our Country. f Today, the Washington Monument serves played countless shows for our service mem- as a reminder of the greatness of this Nation, RECOGNITION OF THE MUSICAL bers in uniform. Their song ‘‘Red, White, and as an object of pride to the American people ACHIEVEMENTS OF LYNYRD Blue’’ was written as a tribute to the men and and of admiration to all who see it. SKYNYRD women who serve in the defense of freedom. The legislation I am proposing directs the As representatives of timeless American val- U.S. National Park Service through the Sec- HON. SPENCER BACHUS ues and champions of working class heroes, retary of Interior, to ensure that the flags of OF ALABAMA Lynyrd Skynyrd continues to entertain and in- the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spire millions of fans across the world. Along the Territories of the United States encircle the with Congressman MACK, I find it highly appro- Washington Monument. As an object of pride Tuesday, June 15, 2010 priate that the people’s House takes time to to the American people, I think it is most fitting Mr. BACHUS. Madam Speaker, in the music recognize this classic band for lasting con- that the flags of all States, DC and U.S. Terri- world, it is challenging enough for a band to tributions not just to the world of music, but to tories are flown at the Washington Monument. record one hit song, much less become a American popular culture as a whole. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:47 Jul 11, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E15JN0.000 E15JN0 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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