Try ^ w ea th er THE HILLSIDE 'TIMES >nd somewhat warawJ to- For Your Next Order Of Ui tome1TOf ’ . v'> ; , She Ifriltoiflc Sinus PRINTING ^U f^or-660- - HILLSIDE, N, J„ FRIDAY, JULY i m PRICE FIVE CENTS Cougji Vaccine HILLSIDE ELKS AT nHle&fion Authorize Formation Of Industrial FROLIC IN UNION Death Rides Held Success ■’"About twenty-five members of., Hills? Negotiation Board Awaiting Report side Lodg'fe 1591, B. P. Q. Elks, attended Highway For It an informal .outdoor frolic b n the Formation of an official Industrial could, toe a .part' of the, industrial Asso-. Health Physician -Believes grounds: of Union Lodge last night wnets call N orth - Broad Plffitiiiiiag Board for the township was tatidn, "tout, deblared his wiflngness tqt The .occasion wds’: th e birthday-. anni­ Eg of Rid?way av^tde, W W Of H.S. Site delayed another week, w hen: flo report support' ahy. plan Which would pro- Semm Will Become More versary'of Ohailes 'V^'^Mink, thred Second Time i received by the Township Commit- tecT industfy and bring otlers Jibre, Effective With Time times exalted ruler" of 'the Union group. ^ uhml said th is week in WedheSday night from-the Shows Bayonne Pamphlet other "lodges’ were repre® iits on' the east siae oi CnmnntteB Givte ■School- pidiiiiing its w g a m z a m r wuow- ""'"ECiwara T rm c g i^ ..tfeuenjr 7 leading Elks .of the City Man Succumbs te declared f f l i M i M M Board Power tp Buy a Ing* a meeting Monday with -repr m ent agent for th e Lehigh mlley R ail- sough vaccine in Hillside doning- thS state . attending, To Punctured Lung Due side twe half hidden by tatives p f the" Hillside Industrial Asso- road,, showed a pamphlet published \y, last year ’ was pqintedtout Wedn^day Sheldon, the ne' reeuilr-ihaLotte of the Portion of Nurseryy Bayonne1 through its Industrial R ela­ •nigh t-tO“ the--B0aihl j f Assoeiatlon, To a Brokem Rib i’s main thoroughhares Is attorney Sigurd A. Emer- tions. 3og&L_teUbig. oT avf^able sites "heaLit^ a^part- ffiast » » W > a tin lg it. WILL RETAIN- LIENS secretary of the committee to and gave. important data for indus­ ment physician. Sponsoi?ed by w " PRIEST ON DANGER PENDING OUTCOME determine>the policy and rules for tli® tries. Emerson asked for‘Copies of th is Board of Health, ’ physicla iisc of fire- LIST AT HOSPITAL <tB that "ffiffioip | to’7Ioe8eBA -offlcialTioar-drSaid-^-ter-Monday-nigh-to -axxdnthers^for=^use-ln Hillside; township have given 138 ichildren the Instant Death he “no killing" policy .for s~'~~ Formal authorization turning conference,. “Whatever- the coinmittei - I t was, indicated the future -vaccine. Issued by police officers the Board of Education * to negotiate does is without prejudice: and is what -of the Industrial Association - will be The serum, given to childrefi be- F joIIo w s Crash rjffip ro rtlie ooaferenseiof ?OT“a ’hew ^ M th e t p the members toul^ b<^ieve"v^ll-be best declded^upon after, the Township Comr tween six months and orie- year _oLd, wnahio - Ciommlttee Wednesday. -iierifi-aimounting-to-$39.6QQ-Qn th e-20rl6- for the township. There p'robatoly-wtil -mitteehastakenaotloil oilfthepend 111 becofcae jibgiyt » a ir : wiiji Poliee - OhairBaan rootert acres tract of the- Elizabeth Nursery 'l3FTiotliing ""of the" relation of the" -tag^epoi^to-rTheHindusb-riM-^ianni-ng- preventing—wlwSjflng congl- ing. ' - -bdaTdS“^meiitionedHlnrTiie--reporfc^- -Board-organizattoni -khrraalinann .said. a« the chlldrer Union Youth Found Dead lompson declining. M : back down: Company on . Liberty avenue and Con- When Extricated From wasdoas^Ntet^-^a^Kiafc street was voted’ - Wednesday hdghi; Monday’s meeting was 'arranged to- older and come h r greater contao The second fatal accldent-onr^Routo m the occasion fo r plenty of by the Township Committee^" obtain the ideas of members of the. in.- other, children. Wreckage of Autos 29 in the- township within a1 week W ed-“ " | He quoted figures showhjg that so [political arguments: yesterday Under the terms-, of- the resolutidSl dustrial Association on. the set-up .of r night brought instant death to; ^ r this year there have been, only, I Sight. ■ 1 > the liens will 'n o t be delivered to .the the official-board,%sinpe alarm* had-bee Lack O f Wi|l Raymond LaSecla, 18, of 19 Oakland p passenger in one car and left a Cath- ;welve cases of. whooping cough here, ^ o a rd ^ o f—.Education, timtil expressed that4ftie board/would eli- venudf Union, was killed instantly’ F st unconscious yesterday in a :omparod wrthJorty-elght for..the same negotiated with the Elizabeth Nursery Ifirate the* neM" for • an association. tay^ftoVwto-^k-is g&y-was-otninfid. cmaition. * Often Costly peflcd in last year, when the vaccine _ police circles yesterday by Company for acquisition of 10.6 W ould Retain Assooiation l -crash with a truck at Route 29 a was Patrick Caplis, 55, of. 285_ was first, used/r Totals for slmilM per­ ting articles that 0. Lloyd Fisher, of tM iand Tpr school “purposes. < Township Committeeman' “Harry lilldttie place. NicliOlasJZaimes. 47, Webster avenue,, Jersey City, butler hi of pufiterdon County and Schnabel, member?qf • the. organization- iods .in other" years are: .. 1931, 158; 15 Richmond street, -Plainfield, dri the rectory of St. Paul’ of the ’Cross - jfcjfe-was stipulated^ th a t-'in th e event' Sui;rogate Tells G.O.P. Wom­ 1982, 50; 1933, .48; 1834, 93; 1938, 40. oi thg- defense oounserl: for- That cne" amount—to-be paid for said1 comm ittee, safd 'Tt would bea_ehame” 1 the tructoi was released by Act: phui'ch, Jersey City._JHe was with* the He said th a t about thirty of the chll- ■Rlcharcf Hauptmann in the land by the Uoard of Education shall to get rid of the Industrial Associa- en Families ate Fre­ priest, * Rev. Michael J. Connor, who jdren who have received the serum have |g)i kidnapping case, h a d been be .less titan tlie amotifit due on-said tfidS) Since it-had done good work in was driving east on Route- 29 -just east quently Not Aided. come Into contact with cases '.and Ilia vc et” for speeding'on-SfflgsJ tax lien, tlie B oard of Education, after the p est and1 could accomfWsfh much oil :(.he‘ Liberty avenue overpass. - • ;ieems Fisher, in a letter senjjaat i the future. [not received the disease. (Driving the other*car, going west on releasing said lien and crediting against Warning th a t failure to g Chicken Permit Revoked Recorder Emil Herrlgel, praised the; amount"due- thereon the said agreep Emerson announced hls^ belief that [will, regardless “of the emallj :hway, turning left die highway, Was Bernaf.d Mueller, 38’, [ - Tim hoard1, receiving. the luan William Dierolf for doing ‘price, shall reassign th e : said lien to. I[tire Tow nship- Committee wishes- the [estate, is expensive was givwi Tuesday 0 Hilldale place wJ of 2126 Stanley 1 terrace, tJnfon, who K k t pointed.out h e was right to nam e an official board to make | complaint of Wade B. Lewis 1008 | uok by .the truck, [.told police that the First car apparently - the townshin covering the remaining night by Surrogate' Charles -L O tt Salem avenue; aiUi a petitli reach a criminal w anted In land. In the "event that it‘should be. t-offleial and* therefore -respon- at. the HUl^lde Presbyterjan fhurcl was going too fast to make the turn in ^ by other"neighbors, ordered nc igi-hifi automobile c e time, and as a result, of 'determined th a t said purchase price fsibTe;W*and. able to speak for Th [fore members- of th e iiiUs;® Wot the road ajld crossed the center- line to ;?« ■ ■ william Glbver. ol 1010 S: acinent with th e tr i collide head-on with his.. The motor idelay her TIoSl iiiT by i Tew shall' equal, or exceed the am ount due Townsh^j-Committee.- —Representatives TSepUhllcah.Olub and guests; 1 e, to get rid of his chicken riling him. He \ of the priest’s car was pushed ' back The papers " played up the on the tax lien the township shall have, the Industrial Association admitted Speaking -'on the subject Of "Wills," m [timber • 1, revoking his permit a eckage, with unripei to- the front seat by the impact. Both ijint Fisher had instituted1 a dr ftnp. feversionary interest thetein.” [tpat. its large enrollment made it ini [pttO pointed o ut that woman too-, fre­ speeders in his county, last Sun- possible t'o work as efficiently aS t fthat date.' Lewis had'.complairfed s truck scattered cars were well wrecked and' .were Worth $4,000 An Acre quently are ’ le f^ in dlscoutaglng sltua- |nnnti~-r>f . the noise created by| [iisF wait until ffiilside1 •driVEf& small board. James E. Stem,.-who. w& [tieng by Sire failure, of"their husbands hicles.— Mpre' th a n towed to Nyse’s Garage. [ believed th at negotiations toe-' thickens afid ..the annoyance did the law in Hunterdon, now! •ganizer of the Industrialu xAijowAo,-Associa have a11 w .u' draw n ui>.or.;qpiie right, ire taken to retnov Lungs Perforated tween the Board of Education‘and the alongside :of his liomL-.' Clou, as chairman of. the Township T a 6cifi a:i e xecutor or exebutrlk should, 1 wreck 1 1 Caplis died from a perforation of the. will decide th a t about, [ R ealth Officer Samuel M.-Jowid members of the Township Com- Committee in 1931, declared himself in always be nam ed in the will fcb*^a.vojd Skull Fi uigs caused by fractured ribs.
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