Regional Archives Adelong, Batlow and Tumut Court Houses SA615 Download Accession List Use ‘Ctrl + F’ to search list CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES Accession List Tumut Court House SA 615 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Box 1 Coroners Files Year/No. Report of Death / Report of Fire 1957/1 Fire - National Sawmills 1957/2 O'CONNELL, Charles William 1958/1 VISKI, Francis Karl 1958/2 MILTON, Isobel Bessie 1958/3 HARRIS, Hugh Hamlyn 1958/4 Inquest: 1. MEACHAM, Rex 2. HANCOCK, Glen William 1958/5 Fire - James Tod, Newsagent 1958/6 POLSON, Frank Neil 1958/7 Fire - "Lynbrook", Adungbilly 1958/8 Fire - Shire Council Yard, Tumut 1958/9 Fire - Tumut Council Rubbish Tip 1958/10 WEBSTER, Eric Milton 1958/11 Fire - Tumut Rural Co-operative Millet Society 1958/12 HARRIS, Cecil Norman 1959/1 Fire - Hillangle, Tumut 1959/2 Fire - Car, RMB 629, Tumut 1959/3 ANDERSON, William James 1959/4 WADE, Kenneth Norman 1959/5 IBBITSON, Ernest Colin 1959/6 CORBETT, Raymond Francis 1959/7 BENNETT, Frederick John 1959/8 CHRISTIE, James Thomas 1959/9 GALLAGHER, Arthur Edward 1959/10 McDONNELL, Cecil Thomas 1959/11 BUEBACK, Anthony Augustus 1959/12 CRAWFORD, Allan John 1959/13 NICHOLLS, Ethel Megan 1959/14 Fire - Murray's Crossing, Tumbarumba 1959/15 LYNCH, Pamela Nestor 1960/1 YORKE, John Phillip 1960/2 Fire - Morgan's Reserve, Lacmalac 1960/3 PATON, Raymond Ernest 1960/4 BULLOCK, Margaret Jean 2 Tumut Court House SA 615 1960/5 Application for increased fee for holding of inquest: 1. HARVEY, Edward William 2. HARVEY, Linda Joy 3. HARVEY, John Edward 1960/6 Fire - Semi-trailer, GFZ 039, Jugiong 1960/7 Fire - "Babinda", Bookham 1960/8 Fire - Carey Street, Tumut 1960/9 BUTLER, Ian Leslie 1961/1 BROWN, Kenneth Joseph 1961/2 FOWLER, Charles Barry 1961/3 DAVIS, Anthony Stewart 1961/4 Fire - Herbert Street, Tumut 1962/1 DIACZYSZYN, Peter 1963/1 FREEMAN, Ernest Joseph 1963/2 HUGHES, Brian Oliver 1963/3 ERIKSEN, Inga 1964/1 JOHNSON, Gordon Oliver 1964/2 BRIDLE, Maurice Claude 1964/3 BRIDLE, Maurice Claude 1964/4 BARTON, Terris Verne 1964/5 WITHERS, Edward Robert 1964/6 HARMER, Alexander Colin 1964/7 GOGALA, Gordon Douglas 1965/1 HIBBENS, Charles Edward 1965/2 DARCY, Francis Leo 1965/3 BAKER, Alan Grenville 1965/4 HAYDEN, Eric Herbert James 1965/5 HAYDEN, Ernest Richard 1965/6 NOLTE, Maxwell John 1965/7 NOLTE, Maxwell John 1965/8 BULLOCK, Neville John 1965/9 HAYDEN, Eric Herbert James 1965/10 MIRKOVIC, Thomislaw 1965/11 ALCHIN, Daniel Peter 1965/12 TRIGG, Michael Elliot Samuel 1966/1 HUGHES, William George 1966/1 HUGHES, William George 1966/2 WINDLE, Ricki John 1966/3-4 LUCRE, Kenneth Clive 1966/3-4 LUCRE, Kenneth Clive 1966/5 WILLIAMS, John Charles James 1966/6 STEEK, Hans Werner 3 Tumut Court House SA 615 1966/6 STEEK, Hans Werner 1966/6 STEEK, Hans Werner 1966/7 ROBINSON, Jeffrey Lewis 1966/8 HIATCHENKO, Nicholas 1966/9 MANNS, Terrence George 1966/9 MANNS, Terrence George 1966/9 MANNS, Terrence George 1966/9a MANNS, Terrence George 1966/10 BUCKLEY, Rhonda Margaret 1966/10 BUCKLEY, Rhonda Margaret 1966/10a BUCKLEY, Rhonda Margaret 1966/11 KRISTANOVSKI, Hristo 1966/11 KRISTANOVSKI, Hristo 1966/12 FORD, Thomas Joseph 1966/12 FORD, Thomas Joseph 1966/13 77 Russel Street, Tumut 1966/13 Stables, near Commercial Hotel, Tumut 1966/14 O'SULLIVAN, Kathleen Mary Box 2 Coroners Files Year/No. Report of Death / Report of Fire 1967/1 ANDERSON, Trevor William 1967/1A KOHN, Ivan William (known as Le Cerf) 1967/2 SCHMUTTER, Edward Sylvester 1967/3 SINDEL, Elizabeth Jean 1967/4 EDMONDS, Peter John 1967/5 Fire - 139 Broughton Street, Tumut 1967/5A Fire - Vauxhall Sedan, HCA 507, at Killimicat, near Tumut 1968/2B Fire - Societe Dumex Jounama Dam Contract 1968/3B Fire - Upper Gilmore Road, Upper Gilmore (Car) 1968/4B Fire - The Ranch, West Blowering 1968/5 INNES, James Allan 1968/6 Fire - Dwelling at Wyangle 1968/7 Fire - Hut at Tumut Rubbish Tip 1968/8 LOBLINZK, Kenneth Allen 1968/9 ANDREWS, Kay Ellen 1968/10 Fire - Hayshed, "Elm Cottage", Gocup 1968/11 Fire - Blowering and Gilmore Valleys 1968/12 Fire - Dwelling, Corner of Clarke and Lambie Street, Tumut 1968/13 Fire - Carvan, Corner of Herbert and McAlister Streets 1968/14 Fire - 39, 41-43, 45 Russell Street 1968/15A Fire - Broughton Street 1968/16A HICKEY, John Richard (Senior) 4 Tumut Court House SA 615 1968/17A Fire - Broughton Street (FREE, R.A. Occupier) 1968/18 Fire - Round Hills, Gocup 1968/19 Fire - Monaro Saw Mill, Adelong Road 1968/20 Fire - Pyneboard Factory, Adelong Road 1968/21 Fire - 181 Broughton Street 1968/22 Fire - Tumut Convent School, Copper Street 1968/23 McALISTER, Una Margaret 1968/25 BROWN, Robert James 1968/26 Fire - Grahamstown, Dwelling of BROWN, Gordon 1968/27 MAKNE, Alojz 1968/29 PASLEY, May Margaret 1969/1 TURNER, Ian Charles 1969/1A Fire - Dwelling, Tumut Plains, HARGREAVES, T.B. (Owner) 1969/1B Fire - Motor Lorry, FVS 188, WISE, R.W. & M.J. 1969/2 QUINN, Ida Elizabeth 1969/2A Fire - 30 Merrivale Street (Owner McKEY, K.B.) 1969/2B Fire - 125 Russell Street 1969/3 THOMPSON, Constantine James 1969/3A Fire - Scrub Larch and Fence, Post on "The Willows", Yawven Creek and "Billapalap", Haven Creek 1969/3B Fire - 72 Lockhart Street, Adelong 1969/4A Fire - Paddock Fencing at "Braesyde", Gilmore 1969/5A Fire - Dwelling, Car Camp at Tumut Strs, Adelong 1969/6A Fire - D.M.R. Mess Hall, Yarrangobilly Village 1969/7A KELL, Wiliam 1969/8 DESEREAUX, Peter Ray 1969/8A DANIHER, John Patrick 1969/9 Fire - 4 Macquarie Street 1969/10 Fire - Motor cycle which crashed and caught fire 1969/11 LOWE, Dianne Alda 1969/12 CUMMINS, Stanley Vincent 1969/13 DAVIES, William 1969/14 DOWNING, Matthew Sylvester 1969/15 ARCHER, John Morrison 1969/16 SEARLE, John Robert 1969/17 BECK, Edna Muriel 1969/18 Fire - Baker's Garage, Wynyard Street 1969/19 Fire - Blowering Road, 2 Miles South of Tumut 1969/20 Fire - Tumut Motors, Pty Ltd 1969/21 HALL, David 1969/22 McCULLOCK, Mona Jean 1969/23 BROUGHTON, William Robert 1969/24 McLAREN, Russell John 1970/2 LITTLER, Henry Wilson 1970/3 LONG, Julia Dorothy 5 Tumut Court House SA 615 1970/4 Fire - Tumut Co-operative Dairy 1970/5 DOWLING, Clement David 1970/7 DICKENSON, Catherine Anne 1970/8 WILLIAM, William Thomas 1970/9 DYDE, Stanley George 1970/10 ZAIZLO, Mikolaj 1970/11 VINCENT, George Henry 1970/12 CHAPPLE, John Date 1970/13 McGRATH, Patrick 1970/15B Fire - Motor Cycle no Vic GF 061 (Owner HELMUT, Arnold) 1970/16B Fire - Tumut Co-operative Broom Factory, Adelong Road 1970/17B Fire - P.G.H. Sawmill, Gilmore 1970/18B Fire - P.G.H. Sawmill 1970/19 Fire - "Thornleigh", Adelong 1970/20 DOWLING, James Patrick 1970/21 DUCKETT, Robert Arthur 1970/22B Fire - Tumut Co-operative Co., Wynyard Street Box 3 Coroners Files Year/No. Report of Death / Report of Fire 1963/2B Fire - Tumut Plains 1963/3B Fire - Midway via Tumut 1963/4B Fire - 181 Russell Street 1963/5B Fire - 19 Wynyard Street, Tumut 1964/1B Fire - New Road Construction, Wermatong 1965/1B Fire - P.G.H. Wood Products, Gilmore 1965/2B Fire - West Blowering Road, Blowery (Lorry destroyed) 1965/3B Fire - Snowy Mountains Highway, Talbingo, via Tumut 1965/4B Fire - Herbert Street, Tumut (opp. Golf Club) 1966/1B Fire - Tumut Showground Pavillion 1966/2B Fire - Tumut High School, Salhuntz Street 1966/3B Fire - Tumut High School, Salhuntz Street 1966/5B Fire - Caravan, rear of Globe Hotel, Tumut 1967/1B Fire - Wynyard Centre, Wynyard Street, Tumut 1967/2B Fire - "Willow Vale", Adjungbilly 1967/3B Fire - Blowering Camp Barracks 1967/4B Fire - P.G.H. Wood Products Pty Ltd 1967/5B Fire - Blowering Wages Barracks, Blowering 1967/6B Fire - Hayshed and Hay, "Springfield", Tumut 1967/7B Fire - Braeside, Gilmore 6 Tumut Court House SA 615 1971/1 SMITH, Kenneth Richard William 1971/2 HERRING, Leonard 1971/3 Fire - Gundagai Road, Brungle 1971/4 MORGAN, Maurice Earl 1971/5 GREEN, Jemma Lee 1971/6 KOCIOLEK, Dianne 1971/7 COLE, Roy Oscar 1971/8 ELLIS, Joseph Milton 1971/9-10-11 1. BURGESS, Jack 2. WHITING, Stanley 3. SIMS, Charles 1971/12 PIPER, Gordon 1971/13B Pine Board Pty Ltd 1971/14 COULTON, Ronald Peter 1971/15 Fire - 47 Gilmore Street, Adelong 1971/16 PEARCE, Richard Boyd 1972/1 DOWLING, Amy Primrose 1972/2 McPHERSON, Allan 1972/3 TRABAS, Nicholas 1972/4 VENABLES, Belinda Jane 1972/5 Fire - Property, RMB 665, Kunama via Batlow 1972/6B Fire - 44 Kindred Street, Tumut 1972/7 BRAYSHAW, Vincent Theodore 1972/8A LECK, Frederick Charles 1972/9B Fire - Tumut Road, Batlow 1972/10A LANE, William Stephen 1972/11B Fire - 54 Lambie Street 1972/12 AMY, Vernon Charles 1972/13A MONTGOMERY, Veronica Anne 1972/14B Fire 1972/15 LEVAY, Sarah Christina 1972/16A DOUGHTY, Donald Mathew 1972/17 McDONALD, Raymond Stanley 1972/18A DICKENSON, Frank 1972/19B Fire - 20 Hudson Street, Tumut 1972/20 CLAFFEY, Bridget Anastsia 1972/21 O'BRIEN, Laurence Henry Fire - Commonwealth Bank, Tumut 1972/22B Fire - A.P.M. Wood Products, Tumut 1972/23B 110 Herbert Street, Tumut 1972/24B 4 Quinn Street, Tumut 1972/25 BROWN, Anthony John 1972/26A KELL, Garry Gordon 1972/27 MATCHETT, Marcia Nona 1972/28 HARMER, Michael Henry Sturt 7 Tumut Court House SA 615 Box 4 Coroners Files Year/No. Report of Death / Report of Fire 1973/1A CISZEK, Jane 1973/2B Fire - Thurgoona Stud, Batlow Road, Gilmore 1973/3 JURKOVIC, Bozo 1973/4B Fire - Blowering View Point 1973/5B Fire - Willowvale, Sheppardton via Adelong 1973/6B Fire - 34 Pioneer Street, Batlow 1973/7 WHITLEY, John Henry 1973/8 Fire - Grahamstown via Adelong 1973/9 COLLINS, Evelyn Ada 1973/10A Fire - A.P.M.
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