Cox Scrub Conservation Park

Cox Scrub Conservation Park

Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COX SCRUB CONSERVATION PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : CP47 Accepted Species Common name First - Last Record Acacia acinacea Wreath Wattle 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Acacia myrtifolia var. myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle 01/01/1990 - 31/10/1993 Acacia paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn 09/05/1986 - 01/01/1990 Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Acacia retinodes var. retinodes (swamp form) Swamp Wattle 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Acacia spinescens Spiny Wattle 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Acacia verniciflua Varnish Wattle 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Acacia verticillata Prickly Moses 09/05/1986 - 01/01/1990 Acaena echinata var. Sheep's Burr 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Acianthus caudatus var. caudatus Mayfly Orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Acianthus pusillus Mosquito Orchid 09/05/1986 - 01/01/1990 Acrotriche serrulata Cushion Ground-berry 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Adenanthos terminalis Yellow Gland-flower 28/04/1986 - 02/03/2000 Agrostis avenacea var. avenacea Common Blown-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Aira cupaniana * Small Hair-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Allocasuarina mackliniana ssp. Macklin's Oak-bush 31/10/1993 - 31/10/1993 Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana Common Oak-bush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Allocasuarina pusilla Dwarf Oak-bush 01/01/1990 - 31/10/1993 Allocasuarina striata Stalked Oak-bush 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Alternanthera denticulata Lesser Joyweed 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Amphibromus archeri SA:R Pointed Swamp Wallaby-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Amphibromus nervosus Veined Swamp Wallaby-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Amphipogon strictus var. setifer Spreading Grey-beard Grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Amyema miquelii Box Mistletoe 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Anagallis arvensis * Pimpernel 01/01/1987 - 01/01/1990 Aphelia gracilis Slender Aphelia 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Aphelia pumilio Dwarf Aphelia 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Arctotheca calendula * Cape Weed 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Argentipallium blandowskianum Woolly Everlasting 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Argentipallium obtusifolium Blunt Everlasting 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Arthropodium fimbriatum Nodding Vanilla-lily 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Arthropodium strictum Common Vanilla-lily 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Astroloma conostephioides Flame Heath 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Astroloma humifusum Cranberry Heath 09/05/1986 - 01/01/1990 Avena barbata * Bearded Oat 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Baeckea crassifolia Desert Baeckea 30/04/1988 - 01/01/1990 Baeckea ramosissima ssp. ramosissima Rosy Baeckea 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Banksia marginata Silver Banksia 09/05/1986 - 04/12/1998 Banksia ornata Desert Banksia 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Baumea acuta SA:R Pale Twig-rush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Baumea arthrophylla Swamp Twig-rush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Baumea juncea Bare Twig-rush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Baumea tetragona Square Twig-rush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Wednesday, 24 March 2004 Page 1 of 12 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COX SCRUB CONSERVATION PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : CP47 Accepted Species Common name First - Last Record Billardiera bignoniacea Orange Bell-climber 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Billardiera cymosa Sweet Apple-berry 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Billardiera uniflora One-flower Apple-berry 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Billardiera versicolor Yellow-flower Apple-berry 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Blennospora drummondii Dwarf Button-flower 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Boronia coerulescens ssp. coerulescens Blue Boronia 30/04/1988 - 02/03/2000 Boronia filifolia Slender Boronia 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Boronia nana Dwarf Boronia 09/05/1986 - 01/01/1990 Bossiaea prostrata Creeping Bossiaea 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Brachyloma ciliatum Fringed Brachyloma 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Brachyloma ericoides ssp. ericoides Brush Heath 09/05/1986 - 16/06/2002 Briza maxima * Large Quaking-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Briza minor * Lesser Quaking-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Bromus diandrus * Great Brome 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Brunonia australis Blue Pincushion 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Burchardia umbellata Milkmaids 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Bursaria spinosa Sweet Bursaria 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Caesia calliantha Blue Grass-lily 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Caladenia carnea var. carnea Pink Fingers 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Caladenia leptochila Narrow-lip Spider-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Caladenia minor SA:R Pigmy Caladenia 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Caladenia reticulata Veined Spider-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Caladenia tentaculata King Spider-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Caleana major SA:V Large Duck-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Callistemon rugulosus var. rugulosus Scarlet Bottlebrush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Callistemon sieberi River Bottlebrush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Calochilus robertsonii Purplish Beard-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Calytrix glaberrima Smooth Heath-myrtle 01/01/1990 - 02/03/2000 Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe-myrtle 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Carex appressa Tall Sedge 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Carex tereticaulis Rush Sedge 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cassytha glabella forma dispar Slender Dodder-laurel 09/05/1986 - 04/12/1998 Cassytha melantha Coarse Dodder-laurel 09/05/1986 - 01/01/1990 Cassytha pubescens Downy Dodder-laurel 01/01/1990 - 02/03/2000 Centaurium tenuiflorum * Branched Centaury 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Centipeda cunninghamii Common Sneezeweed 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Centrolepis aristata Pointed Centrolepis 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Centrolepis fascicularis Tufted Centrolepis 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Centrolepis polygyna Wiry Centrolepis 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Centrolepis strigosa Hairy Centrolepis 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Chamaescilla corymbosa var. corymbosa Blue Squill 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cheiranthera alternifolia Hand-flower 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Chenopodium album * Fat Hen 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Chenopodium glaucum * Glaucous Goosefoot 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Chenopodium pumilio Clammy Goosefoot 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Wednesday, 24 March 2004 Page 2 of 12 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COX SCRUB CONSERVATION PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : CP47 Accepted Species Common name First - Last Record Choretrum glomeratum var. glomeratum White Sour-bush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Chorizandra enodis Black Bristle-rush 30/04/1988 - 01/01/1990 Chrysanthemoides monilifera * Boneseed 09/05/1986 - 09/05/1986 Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common Everlasting 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Chrysocephalum baxteri White Everlasting 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cirsium vulgare * Spear Thistle 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Clematis microphylla Old Man's Beard 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Comesperma calymega Blue-spike Milkwort 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Conospermum patens Slender Smoke-bush 09/05/1986 - 02/03/2000 Correa reflexa var. reflexa Common Correa 01/01/1990 - 02/03/2000 Corybas dilatatus Common Helmet-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Corybas incurvus Slaty Helmet-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cotula australis Common Cotula 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Craspedia glauca Billy-buttons 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Crassula closiana Stalked Crassula 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Crassula decumbens var. decumbens Spreading Crassula 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Crassula natans var. minus * Water Crassula 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Crassula peduncularis SA:R Purple Crassula 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Crassula sieberiana ssp. tetramera Australian Stonecrop 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cryptandra hispidula Rough Cryptandra 30/04/1988 - 02/03/2000 Cryptandra leucophracta White Cryptandra 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cryptandra tomentosa Heath Cryptandra 28/04/1986 - 01/01/1990 Cryptostylis subulata SA:V Moose Orchid 30/04/1988 - 01/01/1990 Cyanicula deformis Bluebeard Orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cymbonotus preissianus Austral Bear's-ear 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cynodon dactylon * Couch 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cyperus gunnii ssp. gunnii Flecked Flat-sedge 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cyperus tenellus Tiny Flat-sedge 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cyperus vaginatus Stiff Flat-sedge 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cyrtostylis reniformis Small Gnat-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Cyrtostylis robusta Robust Gnat-orchid 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Dampiera dysantha Shrubby Dampiera 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Danthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Danthonia racemosa var. racemosa Slender Wallaby-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Danthonia semiannularis Wetland Wallaby-grass 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Danthonia setacea var. setacea Small-flower Wallaby-grass 01/01/1990 - 04/12/1998 Daucus glochidiatus Native Carrot 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Daviesia arenaria Sand Bitter-pea 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Daviesia brevifolia Leafless Bitter-pea 28/04/1986 - 02/03/2000 Daviesia ulicifolia ssp.

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