Maadi Rainscourt Expressm an Downs Stonington Merricourt Nelia Yanbora Revenue Richmond Walkcege Denbigh Mount Fairlight Ellim eek Glen Helenslee Pallam ana Ponds Dow ns Bettsvale Molesworth Harrogate Silver Dow ns Spring Valley Desolation Wongalee Houghton Bethel Downs Com pton Downs White Mountains White Mountains Oban Hills Station National Park Resources Reserve Slogan Downs Nonda West Toronto Saego Plains Delbessie Wam biana Boree Valley Downs Longview Park Villadale Torver Valley Springhill RAPAD QFPI Round 1, 2, 3 Fencing ApplicatioVnicstor ia nd Round 5 EOI Nonda Downs Park Doongara Mckinlay Dow ns O rm onde Glendower Hot Air Shire Borem ba Glendalough Longreach, Barcaldine, Barcoo and W inton W ild Dog Exclusion Applications Boree Lucerne Torquay Telem on Station Koon Kool Myttonvale Majuba Hopevale South Posiedon Lascelles Soda Valley Successful and Successfully Funded Harvest Home Wyangarie Dow ns Blantyre Lo n es o m e Stra th a llen Rellum Park Rangeside Red Hill Alstonvale Milray D o v e Station Row ena Stewart Park Bogglie Western Queensland Channel Gairloch Sand hills Kara Dow ns Wyangarie Wallah Glentor D ow ns South Montel Canterbury Corea Plains Chatsfield Rokeby Strathglass Lauderdale Talm oi Riverdale Mona The Plains Bundoran Vernon D ow ns Marathon Wattle Vale Maxwelton Willburra Vale Kalleroo Denna Old Rocky Downs Allaru Station ±Pajingo Station Dow ns Dunluce Station Police Holdings Station Victoria Bligh Ck Mount Elva Vale 0 12.5 25 50 Dow ns 75 Alexm ere Langdale Glen Nevis Sylvania Coolibah Baronta H id en Binkar Beckford Glenm oan Laurel Vale Strathhelen Flinders Park Minam ere Kilom etres Rose Downs Nindi Fernlees Eurunga Gunnerside ! Tweedsm uir Benean Moselle Jardine View Towns New oSrratockroutes RAPAD Q FPI Round 1 Fence RAPAD Q FPI Round 1 Successful Applications Dow ns Renfrew Penrice Broadleigh Kalboona Wantima Olive D owns Hilltop Park Julia Park Dow ns Hughenden Ellington Primary East Marathon Ashbrook Watercourse RAPAD Q FPI Round 2 Fence RAPAD Q FPI Round 2 Successful Applications Scottsvale Merriula Patroy Station Park Nosnillor Orlando Hilltop South Lucindale Loddon Station Scotsburn Morvada Thornhill Mount Secondary Em lyn Cannonball Nocoleche Minor Road Devon RAPAD Q FPI Round 3 Fence RAPAD Q FPI Round 3 Successful Applications Walker Cannum Downs Afton Downs Iona Coton Vale Lyons Creek Park Mount Elsie Richmond Mount Devlin Railview Egera Am andam ere Glenalvon Woodbine Minor Moonlight W a tte n Oakley Principal Road RAPAD Q FPI Round 5 Fence RAPAD Q FPI Round 5 Expressions of Interest Torryburn Shire Clare Valley D o w ns Etna Creek Torryburn Warianna Killarney East Leslew Downs Row en Lynn Unused Hazelw ood May Downs Secondary Road BRC W ild Dog Existing Fence South Tam bo CAM Baroona Lynwood Redcliffe Launceston Helen Ardbrin Erap Southern Ophir Maitland Illalong Moondah Dow ns Elm eera Lonsdale Gulf Nrm LGA Boundary QLD Protected Areas BRC DAWR Stage 1 Under construction Existing Fence Cluster Bunuro Berno Balcom o Clareborough Cheltenham Reay Arrara Taem as Tam worth Wilfred Downs Teewarrina Wolston Arjuna Bare eba NRM Regional Boundary Good Neighbour Fencing LRC DAW R Stage 2 Successful Applications Whitew ood Myuna Com o Mokana Tarbrax Charlie Creek Jum ba Caerphilly Saint R ita Curragilla Wim mera Terranburby Essex Downs Merlin Property Nam es as at January 2012 LWDEFS Stage 1 Constructed LWDEFS Applications Mugwee Wogadoona Wagstaff Moonby D ow ns Thurso Carnwath Dalm uir Station Peronne Elba Station Longton Belford Wick Timaru LRC W ild Dog Existing Fence BRC DAWR Stage 1 Station Lim bri Loana Sayah Park Quam betook Exm oor Winchester Stirling Woura Park Hanging Rock Star Downs Canesby LRC DAW RN Sattaal gDeo w2n Us nder construction BSC Cluster Areas Dow ns Weanbah Zara Wyom ing Ashton Coleraine Abbotsford Stamford Zara Saranac Malakoff Hopewell Park BSC DAW R Stage 1 Under construction WSC DAW R Stage 1 Sarre Charters Eldorado Ewen Plains Hanworth Melinga Bora Ingleounda Strathroy Towers WSC DAW R Stage 1 Under construction Funded by QFPI and BRC DAWR Flinders Bindi Regional Vacquera Cassilis Nottingham Lam m erm oor Dow ns Braem ar Shire Funded by QFPI and WSC DAW R Elton D ow ns Tarella Maroola Stanley Downs Stam ford Barragunda D isclaim er: Marionvale W hile every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the S tate of RAPAD Dow ns Redpath Clarafield Tum ut Vale Q ueensland (D epartm ent of N atural R esources, M ines and E nergy) 2020 Dundee Glenlyon Kingle Cam eron Ventcher Nareallnadn A gF orce Q ueensland m ake no representations or w arranties about its accuracy, Vine Creek Vuna Dow ns Statrieolniability, com pleteness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim s all Ham ilton Windsor Park Bernborough Tiverton responsibility and all liability (including w ithout lim itation, liability in negligence) for Moorrinya Cranford Dow ns Dow ns Maranie all expenses, losses, dam ages (including indirect or consequential dam age) and Minerva National Park costs w hich you m ight incur as a result of the product being inaccurate or incom plete in any w ay and for any reason. Mirtna Daw son Vale Mount Ensay Bogunda Elvira Jireena Hope Mundoo Bluff Date: 5 November 2020 Bingeringo Maryron Panam a Aireworth Plainby Vellum Downs Kentle Downs Dow ns Cracrin West Mim ong Station Kiriwinia Katandra Judith Royl Sesbania Keen-G ea Station Atherfield Aireworth West Evandale Albion Downs Holm leigh Nunkum bil Wetherby Waihaorunga Sandalwood Sutton Downs Landsborough Evandale Dow ns Eyrie Plain Creek Robyn Downs Evandale Raelee Downs Vellum West Moreena Hyde Park Wyreema Downs Anrod Downs Conam ore Tiree Glenelg Clio Barenya Elabe Waterview Thirlestone Be lfa st Banjoura Yarrowm ere Mount Fairview Station Etna Blairmoor Naroolah Ballater Wanora Downs Blairmore Uanda Bulliwallah Balmoral Koondi Jindaroo Aberfoyle Antrim Mentone Coorabelle Waverley View Hill Ingle Downs Roseburn Broadford McKenzie Corfield Ludgate Hill Wilandspey Wilandspey Elwell Dow ns Conservation Wombat Manuka Eversleigh Donald Wongan Brooklyn Corfield Tangorin Park Dow ns Wybenia Reserve Woolfield Janeville Bannockburn Ronlow Park Wirilla Griffo Beauley Prairie Vale Cairnhope Ca m b erw arra Yarm ina Truro Bowie Belfield Congewoi Werna Dooyne Nuken Ascot The Ranch Nq Dry Coralton Escombe Snake G ully Rockwood Moonoom oo Tropics Apache Bundella Dagworth The Hut Birricannia Casterton Dow ns Burnside Knapdale Bundella Beenboona Weeba Silverdale Wyora Lilford Catum nal Cooinda Cressy Corinda Scott Springs Bernfels Claydon Strathbowen Talkara Bendem eer Th o rda le Lanifer Harwood Ogg Oakhill Thornville Carm ichael Station Elis Rainsby Luckham Gue Farewell Weston Orielton Inveresk Tancred Ayrshire Enryb Downs Kyong Dunrossie Mount Dow ns Cam pbell Am elia Downs Lana Downs La Luckham nif Moray Downs Mount er Inverdoone Eyriew ald Burslem Malboona Eastfield Gregory Hexham Inverdoone Tower Hill Wogra Ulcanbah Webb Maroom ba Cathedral Myrall Caledonia Karoola Bonnie Downs Belmont Culloden Thorton Isaac Albinia Ashfield Daintree Forest Den Alni Regional Corunna National Park Leeson Nargon Hardington Castle Hill Lovelle Cam ara Bibil Thornton Eskdale Lerida Fleetwood Dow ns Lucella Doongm abulla Corella Marengo Lignum East Top Narangie Oondooroo H illview Sum ana Kittyvale Labba Kywong Thistlebank Glen Carraward Mahrigong Glenullin R ow an Teviot Hillview Pastoria D o ts w o o d Rangelands Dahlia Levuka Thistlebank Lake Huffer Aldingham Gelebele Bim bah East The Avenue Potosi Mellaluka Llorac Marie Downs Elderslie Jabiru Albion Vale Ten Balranald Hillpenside Bede Jochm us Mile Nadjayamba Marita Downs R andw ick Brom vil Reedy Creek Collingwood Western River Penlan Downs Nadjayam ba Beryl North Carusoe Woolthorpe Crewkerne Lou Lou Park Tibourie Leswalt Wirralee Alinya Owens Creek Em u Apsley Fairym ead Bengal Woodstock Goolm a Wando Kollareena Northern Winderm ere Ingleside Lillarea Colane Aramac Stockholm Adelong Swanlea Eastmere Verastan Jarvisfield Tragowel Carinya Maylands Caber Feidh Overton Glen Avon Hazelm ere Lillianfels Lydia Culladar Birdwood Kensington Bungoona Lake Dunne Everton Laglan Dow ns Dow ns Mountain View Drum lion Tooleys Tijuana Toorburra Tatoo Angora Blandfield Maynard Scrubby Creek Old Park Girrahween Bowen Downs Tyrone Cotswold Lockanbar Lorraine Kensington Brom pton Maylands Hills Abrach Weewondilla Blue x Gate Suprise e Kenya Girrahween Suvla Winton Shire Vindex Cronulla Kenya V2 Ellendale d Morago Barcoorah Coorabah n Tulm ur Mount i Mount Booram eel Gordon Lestree Downs Landsborough V Ardno Cornish Brook Widgem an New lands Dunrobin Athelstane Hypatia Weewondilla Clunie Vale Bladensburg Pauralos Park Woodleigh The Lake ds Rosehearty Ashra Downs Carisbrooke National Park Tucson Newlan Glanagh Creek Rankin Cherhill Ballyneety Albro Tranby Luthrie Clare Rosebery Wilton Kingsborough Warrandaroo Dow ns Colston Clyde Weewondilla Highbury Springdale Fysh Rea Dudley Fortuna Whyrallah Westward Ho Bude Richfield Edgbaston Park Muyong Degulla Selwyn Kellys Dow ns Glenrobin Nalem ba Scotstoun Lennox Park Creek Boongavinia Nareen Acacia Downs Stagm ount Station Mirabilla Melrose Aviem ore Willean Thym ania Nam arva Llewellyn Stainburn Beldevere Kism et Red Hill Hartree Am bo Myross Hexam MacGoffin Maranthona Hereward Tuaburra Merino Downs Arranm ore Riverview Darr River Stainburn Ballygar Haven Downs Warnam bool Baratria Dow ns Werite Brendallan Dow ns Yarraman Elm ore Crossm ore Glenam ple Glen-Kyree Hereward Leebrook Cudmore Forrester Westbury (Limited Depth) Winhaven Merriw in
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