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F_ _‘F NEW TITLES NEW ANARCHIST REVIEW The titles listed below are available to the trade and ANARCHIST BOOK N0- 24 October 1994 mail order, from A Distribution, AK Distribution or LIST direct from the publisher, as shown at the end of Bob Erier Published by: Advertise each review. See back page for addresses. libertarian Book Club New Anarchist Review Advertising in the New Anarchist Re- 24 pages c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street view costs from £10 a quarter page. N £1.95 London El 7QX Series discounts available. A ONE-MAN A useful little bibliography We can prepare your artwork for you if MANIFESTO AND from the US, annotated Printed by: required. OTHER WRITINGS and with an introduction, Aldgate Press FOR FREEDOM of anarchist books from Subscribe PRESS theory to practice. AK Artwork: The New Anarchist Review can bc sent Herbert Read CS to you direct for a minimum donation Freedom Press AGAINST THE GOD of just £2.50 for four issues (overseas 212 pages EMPEROR Cover: £5), £6 The anarchist treason Based on the handbills for the 1994 Any further donations would help us to Herbert Read (1893-1968) trials in Japan Anarchist Bookfair. Illustrated, re- become more frequent. Please make is known as a poet, literary Stefan Anarkowic searched and put together by Clifford cheques payable to: NewAnarchist Re critic, educationalist, phi- Kate Sharpley Library Harper. view. losopher, art critic, and 18 pages above all propagandist for £1 modern artand design. He Another exhumation of was also an anarchist, con- hierarchies which impli- lost anarchist history. Dat- Anarchist Bookfair 1994 tributing to Freedom and cate it in the system it is ing from 1911, when the other Freedom Press jour- supposedly wanting to de- cry of‘Long Live Anarchy!’ THE largest ever UK Anarchist Bookfair is being held this year on 22nd October, ; nals from 1937 until his stroy. Essential reading. AK was heard in the courts of from 10am-8pm, atthe usualvenue: Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1. controversial acceptance Japan. AK (Nearest tube Holborn.) The Bookfair is being held at the start of the ten-day l of aknighthood in 1953. AK CARRY ON Anarchy in the UK festival, and promises to be our best yet — with more stalls, ; RECRUITING END TIME more meetings, more of everything! ANIMAL LIBERATION Why the Socialist Notes on the Devastate to liberate? Workers’ Party (SWP) apocalyspe Or devastatingly dumped the GA Matiasz An apology _. hberal? ‘downturn’ in a ‘dash AK Press NAR regulars will probably be wondering what happened to us, since this is the Anon for growth’ 320 pages first issue we’ve managed in a year . We can’t claim any of the usual politically- Pelagian Trotwatch £5.95 correct reasons (fascist trouble, lack of money, being inside . .) The real reason 36 pages 52 pages A prophetic novel. The was lack of time. Still, both the supporting groups have been busy publishing — £1 .50 AK Press year 2007, and the US is and we have managed an issue now. Thanks for not writing to complain about Excellent and timely cri- £2.95 fighting a high-tech war in unfulfilled subs. We’re working on it. tique of the animal libera- A savage exposé of the op- Southern Mexico againsta tion movement - its lack portunism of the largest revolution claiming the of understanding of capi- organisation of the so- legacy of Zapata. A mili- Anarchy in the UK talism’s role in animal ex- called British ‘revolution- tary draft is reinstated. For details on Anarchy in the UK write to PO Box 1096, Bristol BS99 IBW, or ploitation, its easily-recu- ary left’. Essential reading The city of Oakland rises réhorlltfe 071-274 6655. Otherwise, look out for the special stall in the lobby at the perable reformism, middle for advanced workers in anger. In a small town oo a1r. class politics and informal everywhere! AK north of San Francisco a Q 2 3 small group ofanti-war stu- mont was arrested at a po- this mighty tome, in a lim- tions, their links with na- making profits can provide things, the ‘Manifesto of dents gains possession of lice check-point whilst in ited edition of 200. Get in tive American resistance a better health service the Dutch Provos’, and a bomb grade uranium. Do possession of subversive quick. AK and their attempts to live a than people trained in car- history of post-war youth they use it? AK literature. He recounts free life. AK ing for the sick.’ Light- cults and rebellion, as well how he was then arrested GONE TO CROATAN hearted look at newspeak as notables like the for a robbery undertaken Origins of North THE GREAT BRITISH of the current health serv- Rosemonts. AK to raise funds for political American dropout BRITISH MISTAKE ice, with the raging pussy- SYNDICALISM activities. AK culture Vague 1977-1992 cat in fine form. AK KEEPING THE Pages of labour Ron Sakolsky & James AK Press history Koehnline (eds) RABBLE IN LINE 1 16 pages MEMOIRS OF A Noam Chomsky Tom Brown FUNDAMENTAL AK Press £7.95 MAKHNOVIST Kate Sharpley Library PRINCIPLES OF 384 pages AK Press Vague has been essential PARTISAN 320 pages 32 pages COMMUNIST £8.95 reading for the last 15 Ossip Tsebry £1 PRODUCHON Incredible collection of es- £9.95 years. 'Ihe Great British Kate Sharpley Library Afollow-up to Chronicles of AK Jan Appel says exploring the sup- Mistake is a compendium 18 pages MNC pressed history of Ameri- Dissent. A further collec- of this legendary ’zine’s £1 tion of recent interviews FIGHTING TO WIN 600 pages can dropouts and dis- finest moments — A Makhnovist partisan Boris Dumont £19.95 sidents, from the earliest with Chomsky by David through punk to hip-hop, gives his account of the Barsamian. AK Black Economy Classic expose of the ‘eco- settlers, to escaped slaves, from Adam and the Ants to revolutionary struggle 20 pages nomics’ of communism, sailors, white and black ‘In- Xmal Deutschland, Crass against the Whites and the £1.50 from the German KAPD dians’, utopians and ‘tri-ra- to the Situationist Interna- Bolsheviks. AK MY VISIT TO THE In September 1985, Bel- revolutionary. The first cial communities’. Their tional. AK KREMLIN gian anarchist Boris Du- translation into English of struggles and insurrec- HE¢\'WVAVE Nestor Makhno HEALTH SERVICE Chronos Publications Kate Sharpley Library WILDCAT 30 pages 20 pages £1 Donald £3.95 Rooum/Victoria N Facsimile reprint of this Makhno’s account of his COUNTER PRODUCTIONS interviews with the Bol- Furmtury legendary magazine from Freedom Press 1966. Editor Charles Rad- shevik leaders Lenin and PO Box 556 London SE5 ORL £1 .95 cliffe later joined the Situ- Sverdlov in June 1918. He was not impressed. AK Send sae or imo for our free descriptive mail-order catalogue ofthe world's ‘Dedicated to the daft doc- ational International. Con- trine that people trained in tains, amongst other most startling and unusual publications: the original and still the best user's l -.-"1 - :,,'4.' MYTHS OF s-—~-.1 _~';LA..-.--".5 L ‘\- DISPERSED guide to the marginals milieu. Books, magazines and journals to see you Tk'-.s jf ‘-1r‘*r- 1” (Fat FORDISM throughthe rnilleniuin: conspiracy theories, hollow earth, ufo flaps, anarchic A controversy about agitation, poetic terrorism, ecstatic politics, post-everything aesthetics, the transformation of the working class dissident musics, frenzied mail—art, subliine rants and hardcore weirdness. Tins is $lSI.|:‘l‘ A and this is Sister B. They have been friends since they trained togedacr. Echanges et B ooks that youthought were only rumouredto exist, brought to your hearth anl .1 Mouvement ‘:1 \'ll Bi I ‘Q-M .1.»If \t._, §:- ‘ -is ‘T,'.‘ "" g.f§ .‘4' __',_-,_<_\ > \ ‘| -k‘ apt 1 Advocom post-haste. Titles from all the unusual suspects - from Aporia Press and Atlas ’~. -‘w ‘r "' \ {<9 N 52 pages .\ .f¢'l\ to Zodiac House and Zone Books.
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