Non-Timber Forest Products: Availability, Production, Consumption, Management and Marketing in Eastern India Mitchell, Corbridge, Jewitt Mahapatra, Kumar April 2003 NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India NON TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS: AVAILABILITY, PRODUCTION, CONSUMPTION, MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING IN EASTERN INDIA C P Mitchell* S E Corbridge S L Jewitt Department of Forestry Department of Geography Department of Geography University of Aberdeen University of Cambridge University of London A K Mahapatra S Kumar Department of Forestry Department of Geography University of Aberdeen University of Cambridge *Project Manager April 2003 i NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India DISCLAIMER This publication is an output from a research project funded by the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom. However, the Department for International Development can accept no responsibility for any information provided or views expressed. The project was funded under the DFID RNRRS Programme for Forestry Project Reference Number R6916. i NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NTFP Availability, Production, Consumption, Management and Marketing in Eastern India 1. Project Purpose The project focused on the increased production, consumption and trading of NTFPs as a development strategy to improve the livelihoods of forest-dependent populations in eastern India. 2. Research activities Participatory resource assessment was used to determine levels of NTFP production, consumption and trading in 24 villages from 2 districts each in Bihar and Orissa. NTFP yields were estimated from sample plots in different forest types. Medicinal plants were collected, identified and their use detailed. Information was collected and analysed on price and cost and the constraints on increased NTFP production and marketing identified. 3. Outputs A review of NTFP production, collection and consumption highlighted the importance of NTFPs in the economy of the forest-dependent communities of Bihar and Orissa. Detailed information on annual patterns of household collection, consumption and sale of some 45 different NTFPs was collected and analysed with respect to ethnic group, gender and nearness to markets. The marketing and infrastructural aspects of NTFP marketing and trade and limitations in the system were identified and recommendations made to overcome them. Some 300 different species of NTFPs were collected, identified and their medicinal and nutritional importance documented. The yield of selected NTFPs in the forests of Bihar and Orissa was estimated but the results not representative due to a “poor seed year”. Predictive equations were developed which allow more appropriate harvesting limits to be set for long term sustainability. Due to insufficient and unreliable data only a simple financial model was developed. ii NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India Strategies for sustainable development of NTFP production and use were formulated following State level workshops which were attended by FD Officers, NGOs and other stakeholders. Some recommendations are being used to formulate a new NTFP policy in Orissa. 4. Contribution of Outputs to Project Goal In broad terms the original outputs of the project have been achieved. Unseasonable weather, unreliable official data, data transmission problems, personnel changes and shifts in focus of some of the NGOs involved have combined to give project management problems. The main shortcomings are concerns about the lower than average yield figures due to unusual weather patterns and lack of adequate/reliable data to develop the financial model. The project has contributed to the RNRRS goal by: · Providing a fuller understanding of the importance of NTFP production, collection, use and trade in Bihar and Orissa. · Collating existing official data and data from forest sample plots to estimate actual and potential yield figures and growth patterns for selected NTFPs. · Identifying the biological, socio-economic, informational, political and legal constraints on the production, collection and use (including marketing) of NTFPs in Bihar and Orissa. · Determining the actual and potential returns to economic agents within selected NTFP production and marketing systems. · Developing a simple financial appraisal model (given the provisos raised above). · Raising the awareness levels of FD officers, NGOs, village forest committees, village cooperatives and villagers of the economic opportunities associated with sustainable and improved NTFP production, use and trade. · Raising awareness concerning the dangers of over-exploitation of NTFPs. iii NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Term or Meaning Abbreviation Bag (of kendu leaves) Bag of kendu leaves (60kg) in Orissa BISCOLAMPF Bihar State Cooperative Lac Marketing Federation BSFDC Bihar State Forest Development Corporation CF Community forests CTRTI Central Tassar Research and Training Institute FDC Forest Development Corporation ha Hectare HH Household ILRI Indian Lac Research Institute JFM Joint Forest Management Kerries Bundles of 20 kendu leaves (Orissa) kg Kilogram km Kilometer Lakh 100,000 (rupees) LAMPS Large multi-purpose cooperative society MFP Minor Forest Products MK Mundari-khuntkattidari – a tribal land tenure system recognised by the Government of Bihar in which the village common lands, including forests, is held by the village chief, Munda, for use by the village community. MP Madhya Pradesh MPMFPF Madhya Pradesh Minor Forest Products Federation MT Metric tonne NGO Non governmental organisation NTFP Non timber forest product OFDC Orissa Forest Development Corporation OSTSCS Orissa State Tassar Silk Cooperative Society PF Protected forest Phadi Temporary storage house for kendu leaves Phal Bundles of 30 – 40 kendu leaves Pola Bundles of 50 kendu leaves (Bihar) PPF Private protected forests syn CF & MK) Quintal Unit of weight equivalent to 100 lbs RF Reserve forest Standard bag Bag of kendu leaves (35 – 40 kg) TDCC Tribal development cooperative corporation TRIFED Tribal marketing federation UFP Utkal Forest Products UFPL Utkal Forest Products Ltd VF Village forest WB West Bengal iv NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India GLOSSARY OF LOCAL AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES Common name Latin name Ach Morinda tinctoria Achu Morinda tinctoria Ahsing Grewia tiliaefolia Ainta Helicteres isora Alcosi Mucuna purita Alkir Smilax parviflora (Syn. Smilax macrophylla) Am Mangifera indica Amboo Spondias mangifera Ambura Spondias mangifera Amla Emblica officinalis (Syn. Phyllanthus emblica) Amra Spondias mangifera Amti Antidesma diandrum Ankol or Akola Alangium lamarckii Ankula Aonla Emblica officinalis Arar Acacia pennata Arjun Terminalia arjuna Arrowroot Maranta arundinacea Asan Terminalia tomentosa Ashok Sarraca indica Asparagus Asparagus racemosus Aswagandha Withenia somnifera Baborang Embelia robusta (Syn. Antidesma ghaesembilla) Babul Acacia nilotia Ba-chom Eulaliopsis binata Baghanakhi Bahada Terminalia bellerica Bahera Terminalia bellerica Baibirang Emebelia trjeriam-cottam (Syn. Embelia robusta) Baigoba Bair Zizyphus jujuba Bakain Melia azadirachta Bamboo Dendrocalamus strictus Ban tulsi Erantemum pulchellum Bans (salia bans), Dendrocalamus strictus Bar Ficus bengalensis Bara bans Bambusa arundinacea Baranga Kydia calycina Barhar, Dahu Artocarpus lakoocha Barjono Thysanolaena agrostis Continued overleaf / v NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India Glossary (continued) Common name Latin name Baru Bel Aegla marmelos Belonjan Cordia macleodii Ber Zizyphus jujuba Bhant Clerodendron infortunatum Bhelwa Semecarpus anacardium Bhurkun Hymenodictyon excelsum Bhurkund Hymenodictyon excelsum Bia Pterocarpus marsupium Bija Pterocarpus marsupium Bis tendu Diospyros montana Bondarlauri Cassia fistula Broom grass Thysanolaena agrostis Buru-sanga Dioscorea sp Cashew nut Anacardium occidentale Champa Michelia champaca Chandra Rauwolfia serpentina Char Buchanania latifolia Chatavan Alstonia scholaris Chatni Alstonia scholaris Chilbil Holoptelia integrifolia Chilla or Reri Casearia graveolens Chiraita Swertia pulchella Chireita Casia tora Chironzi Buchanania latifolia (Syn. B. lanzan) Churanth Heteropogon contortus Churchu or Beri Casearia tomentosa Dadki Woodfordia fruticosa Dahu Artocarpus lakoocha Dathora Zizyphus oenoplea Dau Artocarpus lakoocha Dekamali Gardenia gummefera Detranga Ehretia leavis Dhadhki Woodfordia fruticosa (Syn. W. floribunda) Dhak Butea frondosa (Syn. B. monopserma) Dhaman Grewia tiliaefolia Dhanta Anogeissus latifolia Dhao Anogeissus latifolia Dhatki Woodfordia fruticosa Dhaura Anogeissus latifolia Dhawai Woodfordia fruticosa Doka Lannea grandis Continued overleaf / vi NTFP availability, production, consumption, management and marketing in Eastern India Glossary (continued) Common name Latin name Edel Salmalia malabaricum Eri Gaj Milletia auriculata Galgal Cochlospermum gossypium Galphuli Flemingia chappar Gamhar Gmelina arborea Gara-hatna Terminalia arjuna Gende Type of mushroom Genthi-kand Dioscorea wallichii Ghanto Schrebera swietenioides Giliri Indigofera cassioides Gilla Caesalpinea crista Ginjan Lannea grandis Harida Terminalia chebula Harra, Terminalia chebula Harsinghar Nyctanthes
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