![Sanibei Captiva Slander Voi.20No.43 Tuesday, October 21,1980 O Ne Section, 15 Cents ] of Special Interest](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Everyone's guide to Portrait of a woman the Islands - The Island Almanac -page 26 The bam owls make a comeback on Sanibei - ^ since 196iyo1i ^ The Sanibei Captiva slander Voi.20No.43 Tuesday, October 21,1980 O ne section, 15 cents ] Of special interest The City of Sanibei will be holding several meetings this week of general interest to the public. Today (Oct. 21), at their regularly scheduled meeting, the City Council will be reviewing a rate adjustment for Sanibei Disposal, a recommendation regarding beach access and parking strategy and a request from Mariner concerning a density determination and fact-finding team. The above issues will be discussed between 9 and 10 a.m. Construction of an eight car parking lot for use by Sanibei residents at the intersection of Nerita St. and Tulipa Way is scheduled for discussion at 10:40 a.m. A second reading of a specific amendment to the land use plan requested by Jerry Paulsen for a 53,800 square foot shopping •••• \ center on Periwinkle Way is slated for a 2:15 p.m. hearing. Final action on the request may be taken at this time. A second reading will also be held at 2:30 p.m. on the establishment of a City vegetative disposal center proposed for Island Inn Rd. On Oct. 28 the City Council and Planning Commission will be meeting hi a special workshop session to discuss revisions to the The man on the left is Sgt Ray Rhodes of the Sanibei Police land use plan under the mandated five year review and hear a presentation by Smith and Department - and there is something about him that you Gillespie Engineers, Inc. on the proposed addition by the Lee County Electric Co-op. should know. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. at -page 2 MacKenzie Hall. SFD to buy new vehicle By Eilen Mulligan In a matter of minutes the hurst tool can The Sanibei Fire Control District (SFCD) be inserted, and with a spreading capacity of board of commissioners met last Tuesday 32", pries the car apart from the accident afternoon to discuss the initiation of several victim. Without the tool, it can take up to a plans that have been in the making, the most half an hour to do the job that the hurst tool important of which, was the decision to can do in a few minutes. purchase a new rescue vehicle The SFCD '80-'81 budget met with no A motion was unanimously passed by the opposition from the Lee County Commission board to purchase the new truck from the and it has been tentatively adopted. '79-'80 SFCD surplus funds. This new rescue Renovations will begin at Station 1 to vehicle will provide the community with two improve the appearance of. the station for emergency units. the firemen as well as for the public. There During the season, emergency calls often will be a general remodeling of the front come within a few minutes of each other, office space and Hie kitchen and living area and it has been difficult in the past for the of the firemen's quarters will also be im- SFCD to respond to both calls proved. simultaneously. However, the new truck will The SFCD is continuing to install fire prevent this from being such a problem in hydrants in response to the new ISO in- the future. surance rating change. So far, they have The new Fescue truck, a utility body, installed approximately 134 hydrants and matching the paint of the truck with the plan to bring that number up to 300. They utility body, and new radio equipment will will begin testing the newly installed cost the SFCD an estimated $14,220. hydrants next week with the assistance of -page13 Another investment that the SFCD ap- the Lee County Health Department. proved was the allocation of funds to pur- As indicated by Tuesday's meeting and chase a hurst tool, commonly referred to as the new ISO insurance rating change, "the jaws of life." The hurst tool becomes an (which became effective October 1,1980), essential element in situations where there the SFCD is continuing to upgrade the is a threat of entrapment or if someone has a department for the betterment of the whole limb pinned. community." Tuesday, October 21,1S80 The ISLANDER Ray Rhodes is marching a controlled '68) who played football on Cypress' first march up and down the sidelines when, for a varsity team and participated in both split second, he screams wildly into a basketball and track. headphone set that has been shorting out on Today, as Cypress' varsity line coach, Ray and off all night. says there's more coaching emphasis put on If you blink you miss the emotional display discipline, responsibility, weight training and are witness to only the march. and academics. When the score hits 14-8 in the third "We're teaching our kids responsibility," quarter, over crosstown rival North Fort he says, "not only for the game but for life. Myers, he erupts again, "I want those SOB's Our boys have to carry so many credits and 46 to eight!" he screams at any players keep their grades up but we don't try to within earshot, shaking his fist at those too "fix" up a kid's grades with the other far away to hear. teachers. We tell them that classes come Ray Rhodes, better known to Islanders as first. The only concession made for team a sargeant on the Sanibel police force, is players is that we try to get them all performing this ritual in the persona of a scheduled into the same P.E. class so they Cypress Lake High School assistant varsity can take their weight training together." football coach. A role he comes by naturally. Ray, who for the second year in a row has Ray himself was more than a little bit volunteered his time for free, works out with involved in competitive athletics back in his the Panther team from 2:30 till 5:30, Monday high school heyday - so involved, in fact, that through Thursday. Friday is game night and he managed to separate both his shoulders, Sunday evenings are spent studying films of pop a knee out and break an ankle. the upcoming competition and developing' But high school sports, football in par- strategies. ticular, have changed in recent years, or so "There are," says Rhodes, "60 com- says the 6' 2 Cypress Lake alumnus (class of binations we can call to screw up the other Life on the <i The ISLANDER Tuesday, October a, ltM teams'offense!" trouble at home we usually know about it The days of one on one, do or die high and try to help build him up and not get on school athletics are over, he says, and more him. Drinking and smoking and drugs are emphasis is given to the game as a means of absolutely not allowed but we don't get on staying in shape and perhaps furthering an the guys too much about their girlfriends education. anymore. "Coaching today has moved a lot of the "You're not their friend, as such," he college level play down to the high school continues, "and sometimes they hate you level," Ray says, adding, "It's more because of what you put them through. But, sophisticated, more complicated; we've put when the chips are down, they'll often talk to more responsibility on the kids and they've a coach when they won't talk to their own responded. parents." "I like the little mental games," he ex- Ray also dispells the traditional "dumb plains, "guessing their plays and that kind of athlete" myth with a laugh. "Most of our thing, more than the hitting and screaming. kids want to go to college for a career, not Each week is a different preparation for a just to play sports," he says. "Weemphasize totally different team." that being good at sports is a good way to get The hours team members and coaches help in paying for college. spend together frequently lend themselves "We realize that a lot of our kids are never to an intimate relationship. Oftentimes the going to set the world on fire," he ad- coach becomes counselor as well, a role that mits, "but we're trying to instill in them, Ray does not recoil from. 'Right now you're in high school and you're "The kids have to like you and respect playing football and you should be doing the \ you," he says, "but they have to hate you too bestyoucan.'" ™ - so they'll go out there and prove you wrong when you get on them. If a kid's having sidelines Story by PatHarmel Photos by Mark Harmel More than a generation of experience in with island real estate... eionei and how it can help you. 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