BANJO ~ GUITAR J8URNALo No. 62. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Tf-lE BANJO The following selections, especially arranged for Banjo Club., , are published by s. S. STEWA~T, 221·223 Chul"eh Stl"eet, Philadelphia, Pa. "Excelsior Medley," arranged. by Arm­ "~artaneau. Overture,'" by · Vernet. strong. Complete for banjeaurinc: piccolo, Complete for firs t an~l second banjos, ban­ first and seco~nd banjo~ . ... price, $1.00 jeaurine and piccolo banjo, . price, $ 1.00 -Four part. complete- "LIghts and ~hadows," Gavotte, by Stewart. Complete for the four, in)l(,um ents. "Bella Bocca Polka," by Waldteufel, a r­ first and second banjlJS, hanjei urine and ranged by Armstrong. Complete for first piccolo banjo. price, .50 and second b~njos, banjeaurine, piccolo banjo , and gu ita r .. price. 1.00 "Grand Inauguration March," by Stew­ -Five parts complete- a rt, arranged by Lee. Complete for ban­ "In Wild Haste," Galop, by Faust, ar­ jeaurine. piccolo banjo, and first and ' second ranged by Arm.trong. Complete for first banjos . ~ . .. price, .75 and second banjos, banjeaurine, piccolo and guitar, thp. five parts . price 1.00 Waltz, "The Wayfarer," by Stewart. -Five parts complete- Complete for first and second banjos, han· jeaurine and piccolo banjo, . I ., price, 1.00 "Sliver Crown" Medley, Overture, by E. H. Frey. Complete for first and second "Rocky Point Schottische," by Huntly. banjos, banjeaurine, piccolo and guitar, the Complete for first and second banjos, first . five parts . price. 1.00 and second piccafo banjos, and first and sec. - Five parta complete- ond banjeaurine. The second piccolo and •• Normand•• March," composed and ar­ second banjeaurine parts may be omitted if ranged for banjo club by Thomas J. Arm­ desired, .. price, .50 strong. Complete for banjeaurine, firs t and .. St•• art's Favorite Quickstep," by second banjos, piccolo banj~ and guitar 1.00 H erbruger. Complete for first and second -Five parts complete- banjos, fi rst and second piccolos, banjeau- "Co.ur Atout Polka," by Zikoff, arranged rines and guitar, ..... , price, 1.00 Thomas J. Armstrong. The five parts com­ plete. • . • . price 1.00 ....rry War March," by Strauss, ar­ ranged by Baur. C<>mplete for first and "A Danca-.. 1M W.IItII," P.lka ........ second banjos, banjeaurine. piccolo and part by C. Faust, arranged by T. J. Armsttong. for bass banjo, ad li6.,. _ price, 1.00 Five parts complete . : . price 1.00 Vol. VIT. No.6. Whole No. 62. February and March, 1891. PRIDE. TEll DENTS. THE BANJO AND THE ".FAD." "Its Slriuss seenl to be the very chortll of belnlt; S. S. STEWART' S theirmLUicis'lO nn.r tome, th:tt they seem 10 vibrate It is becoming more and more II.I,p:uent Ih20 1 the from the emotions of the player. The lOundl are BANJO AND GUITAR JOURNAL, industry of cheap cb.p tr:ap binjo manufacturing and mellow:' in their e!l5ence they are pathetic, tbough 18 PUBLl8HED UCH AlT[RMATf MONTH AT brainless Iyaenu of hanjo teaching are on the rapid they un rise to a humoroul cheerfulness, II one decline. The Ib.njo o( the day is a "'UJi~al imtru· laughs with a sorro"" at tbe hean. II II Ihe music of n l and. 223 Churcb Stnet, Pb11&4elphla, Pelll1a. ment, Ilnd it il being studied II a .,ui.tll art. The nature, ordered Ind humanized. No charlatan or £.ntdual weetllll!: out and tbe aepa .... Linc: of the chaIT coal"le minded person can play on luch a banjo; it il SUBSCRIPTION, flnY CENT8 A YUII, WITH PREMIUM. from the wheat,lI it were, has been going on for some a falal reveaier of eha .... cur. Pus;ionale and Genlle time, and now that tbe clap.trap "38" or "48 bn.eket" naturel U5C the instrument best, and men ofiener than aff.irs. that used to be so la~cly upheld by certain women." music dealep'" "p,,/tuI'#PfIlI Ba"fo!," hIVe 5unk No beuer, truer, or.!"Ore clelrly expressed ana1ysil into their proper le~el and found their natuntl Iphere THE BOSTON IDEAL CLUlI. of the banjo Il5 an instrument hll ever been written, of usdulneu among our street Iweeping machines, thaQ appears in the foregoina: quotltion from the Mr. Ceo. L. l..ansina:, Leader ohhe "hton Ideal it ia quite natura] that one ahould occuionaliy meet novelbY Jul~lIawthornc,entitled,".l/illiu"fa"rI Banjo, lttUldolin and Guil&r Club," pve us a call on witb a paragraph in the newspapel"l laying thlt "banjo Rlllillinrl." Deeember ~th last, which wu by the way, the day playing as a (ad appears to be on the d«line." Our our laIt iuue (No. 61 of the ~11,.,.a/) wu Jenl.OUI. newspaper reponel"l do .,ery onen get hold or lOme The Ideal Club a:.. e a very luccus(ul concert on peculiar "takes" in the aruggle to fill up Iheir blank COMPLETE CATALOGUE. that evening at Asaociltion UIlI, thia eily, under the spaces. "FadI" and fashiuns must change, but the Out new and complelc catalogue of banjo mlUlc lupica; of the V. M. C. A.. Their programme rea1lo.,el"l o( mUlic and of the ba.njo care very lillie and banjoe, hu bec:n iu ued (Of the year I&J I. It embraced some choice numbel"l, a rtiltically rendered for " fads." One of the .cry beiI Indicationl of contains a complete lilt of all our banjo music from on Mandolina and Guital"l, Banjos Ind Guitll"l, and the great and inerelling popularity of the banjo to· No. I 10 No. 473, inclusI.,e, together with a descriptive Banjeaurinel and Guital"l. On account of the long day, is the COIWantly increasing lale of, and in the list of all of our bookl and inllrumenll, with prices.. and prot .... cteJ indiaposition of Mr. Hmu:, the coMtantly crowing demand for luch bookl o( Thia cltalogue being a {llano rolume of over liny Guitarist, Mr. A. C. Robinson hu laken hia place in in5lruclion as "Stewart'l American BlI.njo School," (laI::CS, we will mail to any lubtcriher, or to any o f the cl ub for Ih ia aeuon. and for music o( a much better order than used 10 be our eUitomel"l who apply (o r ii, free of ~a:t Of The Ideal Club on III pretent tGu r of the United iJl\led fo r Ihe ba.njo. To·day all tbe prominent upense. States, COIlllW of the (ollowinl: named membel"l: mu~e dealel"l are. halldHnl: banjo music, and our large alld interestin&, corrupondence, the .cry latge Mr. G. L. Lantinl:', Mandolin Uld Banjo. If you wlnt to make a good aelectioo of choice number of Jettel"l of inquiry beina: recci.,ed from Mr. A. D. C rover, rohndolin and Banjo. banjo mulic for tbe banjo alooe, for tw{) banp, or banjo playel"l and thOle ansious to become playel"l, Mr. B. F. Shattuck, Banjo and Guitar. for the banjo alld piano. IilO carefully throuih coming from all t-ns of the country, could scarcely Mr. L. H .-Galeucia, Guitar and Banjo. Stewart'l catalogue. That ia where 10 look for It. fail to convince anyone that banjo playing ia on Ihe Mr. A. C. RobinJOn , Guitar Uld Mandolin. All orders by niail are. promptly a!tended 10 and a ll increase and the IlU o( the t.ojo still in its bu.sines.l ia carried on in a ., bUlintSa like wa," As mandolin and banjo artists. the three first a.sceodenCf· at Stewan'l establUbmenl. named hu e no IUperiO.... , ani for eaquiaite gu itar 'I"bc;>' Fad. ..d Full.. .u. .. Dd WI. playing, Messl"l. Galeucil alld RobinlOn hold the Th.. b.. jo ! b)' all. poI m. The foregoing couplet ia believed to be original, "NO JllICROBES ON JID(." The Club bll b«:n Citing l uceeuful concerta in all but il not copyrighted. the pri ncipal atie&: and townl, and this, their fou n h We b..,e recrind the following leiter (rom a 'Ve cannot resil! the temptation of once more annual tour, il to be .,erl gTeatly utended, having banjo teacher in a di1lant city: "Your 711f1rlflll con· quoting those beauliful lines from the we ll known taining the Tuskaloou. Reel was duly received, and I booked (or concerti II far weat II California. litt,rllfntr, Julian H awtborne. ' 'Ie wish every reader feel II though I musl wrile you a fe w lines In praise The Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar, are by thil of the 7 /J llrlflll to im prcu them fi tmly in mind. of 10 fin C' a ~ur" lIl. I am a teacher of the banjo oraaaiw.ion brouabt prominenlly before the mu~c "An inatrument which wheen much milrepresented here for the present and I have got a few pupill and lo.ina: public, and •• Mr. Lanaill, upre..a it, "the and mia· made, as well u miauaed. There are naaal. 1 am leaching each one the TU lkalOOIa Reel with banjo fail. to cacile interest, Ind II II the banjo metallic banjos, which are b exasperatinlt II vulgar good I UCCCII , as they an leem to Uke it and tbey .11 that leads." talket1. You can hear tbem a mile off, and the agree wilh me thai it contains good old time. Pleue Cuthef off the better. There are banp which a re Ci.,e Mr. Blanchard my beu regardl and tell him thai '" FOf fadl, there il the (addle-daddle, mumbliolt and demora1 i ~ . But there are l uch thinp he il a dandy on compoaini a reel.
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