Product Lines

Product Lines

Product Lines _ June 2021 Greenville, SC _ 6-4-2021 Buyers Guide Lines Booth Number First Name Last Name 7 Diamonds 1030-1034 Michael Novak Abaco Polarized Sunglasses 9, 10 Bill Nelson Accent Paddles 22, 23 Spencer Cooke Acorn 122-124 Levi Sandelin AFTCO 407, 506 Stack Bell Aftershokz 424-428 Jim Bertrand Aku Footwear 13 Cameron Gadd Alite Designs 709-713 Kev Martin Alpine Provisions 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Alpine Start 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Altra Running/VFC Outdoor 513 Erin Thomson American Backcountry 636-638, 637-639 Jacki Nicholson AMK 616-618 Bo Boran Aqualung Sport 109-110 Kyle Lynch Arcade Belt Co. 113 John McDanel Arctix 122-124 Levi Sandelin Asolo USA 815-817, 914-916 Allyn Morton Astral Designs 22, 23 Spencer Cooke Astral Footwear 22, 23 Spencer Cooke Aventura/Old Ranch 24, 25, 26 Paul Jones BAJIO Sunglasses 407, 506 Stack Bell Basix 808-810 Beryl Minghini Baypointe Apparel 808-810 Beryl Minghini Beach & Barn 1035-1039 Ronnie Warner Beantown 1007-1009 John Drummond Bell, Giro, Blackburn, CoPilot, C-Preme 524-530 Rob Robinson Big Agnes 815-817, 914-916 Allyn Morton Brown Dog Hosiery by Wilson Sock Company 414 Kathy Pope Biion 519-521 Matthew Sablowski BioLite 1011-1021 Chaz Warren Bison Designs 815-817, 914-916 Allyn Morton Biza 122-124 Levi Sandelin Black Diamond Equipment 415-417, 514-516, 515-517 T.J. Maurer Blundstone 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis Boardworks SUP 709-713 Kev Martin Body Glide 424-428 Jim Bertrand Body Glove 109-110 Kyle Lynch Bogs Footwear 520 Eddie Fant BruMate 928-938 Brad Decker BruMate 929-939 Elliott Hardin Brunton 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Buff 1029-1033, 1128-1132 Ron Frongillo California Board Company 109-110 Kyle Lynch Camelbak Hydration 524-530 Rob Robinson Camillus 109-110 Kyle Lynch Cannon Paddles 22, 23 Spencer Cooke Capita Snowboards 419 Bryce Hucks Carve Designs 928-938 Brad Decker Cascade Designs/ MSR 732-738, 733-739 Scott Eddins Chaco 732-738, 733-739 Scott Eddins Chap'el Eyewear 636-638, 637-639 Jacki Nicholson Charlie's Soap 412 Rick Johns Chili's Eyegear 620 Denny Penry Chums 620 Denny Penry Coal Headwear 419 Bryce Hucks Coghlans 729, 828-838 J. David Ripley Conformable Thermic 928-938 Brad Decker Coros Watches 424-428 Jim Bertrand Costa Del Mar Sunglasses 929-939 Elliott Hardin Cotopaxi 907-911, 1006-1010 Katherine Corbett Crazy Creek Products 815-817, 914-916 Allyn Morton Croakies 406-410 Jonathan Taylor CrossKix 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond CrossKix 616-618 Bo Boran Dakota Grizzly 24, 25, 26 Paul Jones Danner Footwear 633-635 Trey Beckett Darn Tough 928-938 Brad Decker DC Shoes 519-521 Matthew Sablowski Deuter USA 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond Deuter USA 616-618 Bo Boran Dippin Daisy's 406-410 Jonathan Taylor Dovetail Workwear 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond Dubarry of Ireland 616-618 Bo Boran Duer Pants & Performance Clothing 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis Eagles Nest Outfitters 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee ECCO 907-911, 1006-1010 Katherine Corbett Eco Candles 519-521 Matthew Sablowski Element 519-521 Matthew Sablowski Etowah Gear 707, 806 Chris Hall Eureka! 729, 828-838 J. David Ripley Eurosock 27, 28, 29 Buck Rowlee Evolv 1011-1021 Chaz Warren Ex Officio 1029-1033, 1128-1132 Ron Frongillo Exped 1025-1027, 1124-1126 Heath Rowland Farm to Feet 709-713 Kev Martin Feetures Socks 424-428 Jim Bertrand Fits Sock Company 616-618 Bo Boran FITS Socks 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond FjallRaven 27, 28, 29 Buck Rowlee Flyshacker 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis Fozzils 1025-1027, 1124-1126 Heath Rowland Free Fly Apparel 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Freewaters Footwear 113 John McDanel Friction Labs 1011-1021 Chaz Warren Frogg Toggs 507 Thomas McCalla Garmont 729, 828-838 J. David Ripley Gear Aid 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Gnarly Apparel 419 Bryce Hucks Goal Zero 425-427 Crandall Caughman Good To Go 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Grand Trunk 706-712, 15 David Link Granite Gear 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Grayl 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond Green Street 1007-1009 John Drummond Gregory 907-911, 1006-1010 Katherine Corbett Grip 6 Belts 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond Grip 6 Belts 616-618 Bo Boran Groove Life 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Andrew Gillett GSI 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis GU Energy 732-738, 733-739 Scott Eddins Haflinger 122-124 Levi Sandelin Hang Ten 519-521 Matthew Sablowski Hanwag 27, 28, 29 Buck Rowlee Hari Mari 126-127 Nicole Patterson Helinox 524-530 Rob Robinson Helly Hansen 928-938 Brad Decker HeroClip 706-712, 15 David Link High Range Designs 808-810 Beryl Minghini High Wind Productions 808-810 Beryl Minghini Hook & Tackle 125 Leigh Ann Caruso Hot Chillys 928-938 Brad Decker Howler Brothers 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Huk Performance Fishing 928-938 Brad Decker Huk Performance Fishing 929-939 Elliott Hardin Hunter's Reserve 636-638, 637-639 Jacki Nicholson Hydra Flask 615-617, 714-716; 715-717, 814-816 Andrew Gillett Hydrapak 706-712, 15 David Link Icebreaker 519-521 Matthew Sablowski Ignik 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond Immersion Research 22, 23 Spencer Cooke Jack Georges 7, 8 Tim Crowley Jambu 116-117 Carrie Pawlus JBU by Jambu 116-117 Carrie Pawlus Jet Boil 729, 828-838 J. David Ripley Jetty 519-521 Matthew Sablowski Jsport by Jambu 116-117 Carrie Pawlus Kamik 519-521 Matthew Sablowski Katin Clothing 113 John McDanel KAVU 729, 828-838 J. David Ripley Keen Footwear 409-413, 508-512 Dave Alexander Kelty 416-420 Curtis Low Klean Kanteen 709-713 Kev Martin Knockaround Eyeware 424-428 Jim Bertrand Krass & Co. 11, 12 Sheila Brown Batten Kuhl Sportwear 829-839 Greg Smith LaCrosse Footwear 633-635 Trey Beckett LaForst/Hola Footwear 111-112 Randy Roberts Lamo/Apres Footwear 111-112 Randy Roberts LaSportiva 425-427 Crandall Caughman Lawson Hammocks 109-110 Kyle Lynch Legacy Athletic 808-810 Beryl Minghini Leki USA 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond Leki USA 616-618 Bo Boran Lever Gear 27, 28, 29 Buck Rowlee LIfe is Good 11, 12 Sheila Brown Batten Life is Good Pet 11, 12 Sheila Brown Batten LifeStraw 1011-1021 Chaz Warren Lifestraw 706-712, 15 David Link LivinLifeMan 22, 23 Spencer Cooke Livsn Designs 415-417, 514-516, 515-517 T.J. Maurer Local Boy Outfitters 421 William Chastain Lone Rock Clothing 808-810 Beryl Minghini Lowa 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Lowe Alpine 1025-1027, 1124-1126 Heath Rowland M.H. Bertucci 815-817, 914-916 Allyn Morton Madrock 707, 806 Chris Hall Magic T-Shirts 808-810 Beryl Minghini Mammut 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Manzella 122-124 Levi Sandelin Marmot 1029-1033, 1128-1132 Ron Frongillo Marsh Wear 407, 506 Stack Bell McGowan Gifts 636-638, 637-639 Jacki Nicholson Medterra 6150617, 714-716; 715-717, 814-816 Andrew Gillett Melin Headwear 525-529 Bernie Wheeler Merrell Performance & Lifestyle Footwear 532-538 Kent Doobrow MiniShades 407, 506 Stack Bell Minus 33 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Mishmi Takin International 731 Kapil Dev Singh Mission Belt Company 829-839 Greg Smith Mora Kniv 616-618 Bo Boran Mountain Hardwear 913-917, 1012-1016 Chip Parker Mountain Khakis 1035-1039 Ronnie Warner Mountainsmith 928-938 Brad Decker Muck Boots 119-121 John Faus Mystery Ranch 913-917, 1012-1016 Chip Parker Nathan Sports 424-428 Jim Bertrand Nature Bound 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Natures Dual Fuel 429 Anthony House Nemo Equipment 1011-1021 Chaz Warren New Era Cap 518 Jim Call Nex Belt 412 Rick Johns Nomadix Towels 9, 10 Bill Nelson North River Outfitters 1029-1033, 1128-1132 Ron Frongillo Northside Outdoor Footwear 111-112 Randy Roberts Oboz 606-614, 607-613 Tom Hammond Oboz Footwear 616-618 Bo Boran Ojai Women's Apparel 24, 25, 26 Paul Jones Olukai Premium Footwear 9, 10 Bill Nelson OPI 636-638, 637-639 Jacki Nicholson Opinel 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Optic Nerve Eyewear 13 Cameron Gadd Osprey Packs 732-738, 733-739 Scott Eddins Ouray Sportswear 16, 17 Rob McCloskey Outdoor Research 907-911, 1006-1010 Katherine Corbett Outside Inside Games 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis Pair of Thieves 929-939 Elliott Hardin PAT-Pain Alleviation Technologies 412 Rick Johns Pawket 415-417, 514-516, 515-517 T.J. Maurer Peak Design 415-417, 514-516, 515-517 T.J. Maurer Pendleton Woolen Mills 1030-1034 Michael Novak Pepper's Eyewear 808-810 Beryl Minghini Peppers Polarized Sunglasses 620 Denny Penry Petzl 1025-1027, 1124-1126 Heath Rowland Pistil Designs 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis Polar Bottle 706-712, 15 David Link prAna 624-634 Phil Flamand Primus 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Princeton Tec 615-617, 714-716, 715-717, 814-816 Beaty Jackson Princeton Tec 616-618 Bo Boran Puravida 406-410 Jonathan Taylor Pure Lure Fishing 113 John McDanel QALO 706-712, 15 David Link Rab 1025-1027, 1124-1126 Heath Rowland RAEN Eyewear 525-529 Bernie Wheeler Ramatex 1007-1009 John Drummond RCKMNKY 1038 Jordan Mountjoy Recovery Brands 22, 23 Spencer Cooke Rein Designs 808-810 Beryl Minghini Rheos Eyewear 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Rightline Gear 109-110 Kyle Lynch RIGWA Life 807-813, 906-912 Jeff Weathersbee Rocky Mountain Leaf Company 636-638, 637-639 Jacki Nicholson Royal Robbins 18, 19 Cynthia Kelly Salewa 1011-1021 Chaz Warren Salomon Footwear 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis Salomon Socks 507 Tom McCalla Salomon Winter Sports 629-631, 728-730 Mitch Davis Salty Britches 1028 Amy Tucker Sanuk 406-410 Jonathan Taylor SAS Shoemakers 509-511 Andrew Hughes Savage Supply 812 Dustin Savage Scarpa 1025-1027, 1124-1126 Heath Rowland Seirus Innovation 524-530 Rob Robinson Shelta Water Hats 113 John McDanel

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