DepartmentDepartment ofof DefenseDefense HighHigh PerformancePerformance ComputingComputing ModernizationModernization ProgramProgram Supercomputing:Supercomputing: CrayCray Henry,Henry, DirectorDirector HPCMP,HPCMP, PerformancePerformance44 May MayMeasuresMeasures 20042004 andand OpportunitiesOpportunities CrayCray J.J. HenryHenry AugustAugust 20042004 http://http://www.hpcmo.hpc.milwww.hpcmo.hpc.mil 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference PresentationPresentation OutlineOutline zz WhatWhat’sWhat’’ss NewNew inin thethe HPCMPHPCMP 00NewNew hardwarehardware 00HPCHPC SoftwareSoftware ApplicationApplication InstitutesInstitutes 00CapabilityCapability AllocationsAllocations 00OpenOpen ResearchResearch SystemsSystems 00OnOn-demand-demand ComputingComputing zz PerformancePerformance MeasuresMeasures -- HPCMPHPCMPHPCMP zz PerformancePerformance MeasuresMeasures –– ChallengesChallengesChallenges && OpportunitiesOpportunities HPCMPHPCMP CentersCenters 19931993 20042004 Legend MSRCs ADCs and DDCs TotalTotal HPCMHPCMPP EndEnd-of-Year-of-Year ComputationalComputational CapabilitiesCapabilities 80 MSRCs ADCs 120,000 70 13.1 MSRCs DCs 100,000 60 23,327 80,000 Over 400X Growth 50 s F Us 60,000 40 eak G HAB 12.1 P 21,759 30 59.3 40,000 77,676 5,86 0 20,000 4,393 30,770 20 2.6 21,946 1, 2 76 3,171 26.6 18 9 3 6 0 688 1, 16 8 2,280 8,03212 , 0 14 2.7 18 1 47 10 0 1,944 3,477 10 15.7 0 50 400 1,200 10.6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 0 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 200 200 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 Year Fiscal Year (TI-XX) HPCMPHPCMP SystemsSystems (MSRCs)(MSRCs)20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference HPC Center System Processors Army Research IBM P3 1,280 PEs Laboratory (ARL) SGI Origin 3800 256 PEs 512 PEs IBM P4 768 PEs 128 PEs Linux Networx Cluster 256 PEs MajorMajor LNX1 Xeon Cluster 2,100 PEs IBM Opteron Cluster 2,372 PEs SGI Altix Cluster 256 PEs SharedShared Aeronautical Compaq SC-45 836 PEs Systems Center IBM P3 528 PEs ResourceResource (ASC) COMPAQ SC-40 64 PEs SGI Origin 3900 2,048 PEs SGI Origin 3900 128 PEs CentersCenters IBM P4 32 PEs Engineer Research Compaq SC-40 512 PEs and Development Compaq SC-45 512 PEs FYFY 0101 andand earlierearlier Center (ERDC) SGI Origin 3800 512 PEs Cray T3E 1,888 PEs FYFY 0202 SGI Origin 3900 1,024 PEs FYFY 0303 Cray X1 64 PEs FYFY 0404 Naval IBM P4 1,408 PEs Oceanographic SV1 64 PEs Office (NAVO) IBM P4 3,456 PEs 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference HPCMPHPCMP SystemsSystems (ADCs)(ADCs) HPC Center System Processors Army High Cray T3E 1,088 PEs Performance Cray X1, LC 128 PEs FYFY 0101 andand earlierearlier Computing Center 64 PEs FYFY 0202 (AHPCRC) FYFY 0303 Arctic Region Cray T3E 272 PEs FYFY 0404 upgradesupgrades Supercomputing Cray SV1 32 PEs Center (ARSC) IBM P3 200 PEs IBM Regatta P4 800 PEs Cray X1 128 PEs WhyWhy isis thethe datedate Maui High Performance IBM P3 (2) 736/320 PEs important?important? Computing Center IBM Netfinity 512 PEs Generally we see (MHPCC) Cluster 320 PEs Generally we see IBM P4 price-performanceprice-performance gainsgains ofof ~~ 1.681.68 Space & Missile SGI Origins 1,200 PEs (e.g., 2001 = 1 Defense Command Cray SV-1 32 PEs (e.g., 2001 = 1 (SMDC) W.S. Cluster 64 PEs 20022002 == 1.681.68 xx IBM e1300 Cluster 256 PEs 20032003 == 2.822.82 xx Linux Cluster 256 PEs 20042004 == 4.744.74 xx IBM Regatta P4 32 PEs 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference HPCMPHPCMP DedicatedDedicated DistributedDistributed CentersCenters Description Location System (Processors/Memory) HP Superdome 32 PEs Arnold Engineering IBM Itanium Cluster 16 PEs Development Center (AEDC) IBM Regatta P4 64 PEs Pentium Cluster 8 PEs Air Force Researh Sky HPC-1 384 PEs Laboratory, Information Directorate (AFRL/IF) Air Force Weather Agency IBM Regatta P4 96 PEs (AFWA) Heterogeneous HPC 96 PEs Powerwulf 32 PEs Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) Powerwulf 32 PEs Fleet Numerical Meterology SGI Origin3900 256 PEs and Oceanography Center IBM Regatta P4 96 PEs (FNMOC) Joint Forces Command Xeon Cluster 256 PEs (JFCOM) FYFY 0404 newnew sysystemsstems and/orand/or upgradesupgrades AsAs of:of: AprilApril 20042004 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference HPCMPHPCMP DedicatedDedicated DistributedDistributed CentersCenters Description Location System (Processors/Memory) Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft SGI Origin 2000 30 PEs Division (NAWCAD) SGI Origin 3900 64 PEs Naval Research Laboratory-DC SUN Sunfire 6800 32 PEs (NRL-DC) Cray MTA 40 PEs SGI Altix 128 PEs SGI Origin 3000 128 PEs Redstone Technical Test Center SGI Origin 3900 28 PEs (RTTC) Simulations & Analysis Facility SGI Origin 3900 24 PEs (SIMAF) Beowulf Cluster Space and Naval Warfare Linux Cluster 128 PEs Systems Center-San Diego IBM Regatta P4 128 PEs (SSCSD) Whites Sands Missile Range Linux Networx 64 PEs (WSMR) FYFY 0404 newnew sysystemsstems and/orand/or upgradesupgrades AsAs of:of: AprilApril 20042004 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference CenterCenter POCPOCPOC’s’’ss Name Org Web URL Contact Information 703-812-8205, Brad Comes HPCMO http://www.hpcmo.hpc.mil [email protected] ARL 410-278-9195 Tom Kendall http://www.arl.hpc.mil MSRC [email protected] ASC 937-904-5135, Jeff Graham http://www.asc.hpc.mil/ MSRC [email protected] AFRL http://www.if.afrl.af.mil/tec 315-330-3249, Chris Flynn Rome DC h/facilities/HPC/hpcf.html [email protected] SSCSD http://www.spawar.navy. 619-553-1592, Dr. Lynn Parnell DC mil/sandiego/ [email protected] MHPCC 808-874-1604, Maj Kevin Benedict http://www.mhpcc.edu DC [email protected] 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference DisasterDisaster RecoveryRecovery RetainRetain third-copythird-copy ofof criticalcritical datadata atat aa hardenedhardened backupbackup sitesite soso usersusers cancan accessaccess theirtheir filesfiles fromfrom anan alternatealternate sitesite inin thethe eventevent ofof disruptiondisruption ofof theirtheir primaryprimary supportsupport sitesite zz Status:Status: 00AllAll MSRCs,MSRCs, MHPCC,MHPCC, andand ARSCARSC willwill havehave ““off-site”off-site” thirdthird-copy-copy backup storage for critical data 00OnOn-going-going initiativeinitiative zz WorkingWorking withwith centerscenters toto documentdocument thethe kindskinds ofof datadata thatthat wouldwould needneed toto bebe recoveredrecovered zz ImplementationImplementation toto beginbegin Q1Q1 FY05FY05 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference UserUser InterfaceInterface ToolkitToolkit ProvideProvide anan APIAPI-based-based toolkittoolkit toto thethe useruser ccommunityommunity andand developersdevelopers thatthat facilitatesfacilitates thethe implementationimplementation of webweb-based-based interfaces to HPC Facilitates Information Integration 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference BaselineBaseline ConfigurationConfiguration ImpImpllementement andand SustainSustain aa CommonCommon SetSet ofof CapabilitieCapabilitiess andand FunctionsFunctions AcrossAcross thethe HPCMPHPCMP CentersCenters Enables Users to Easily Move Between Centers Without the Requirement to Learn and Adapt to Unique Configurations 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference SoftwareSoftware ApplicationsApplications SupportSupport HPC Software PET Partners Applications Institutes zz LLaastingsting impactimpact onon servicesservices zz TransferTransfer ofof newnew technologiestechnologies fromfrom universitiesuniversities zz HighHigh valuevalue serviceservice programsprograms NDSEGNDSEG zz OnOn-s-siitete supportsupport zz TrainingTraining HPC Software Software Portfolios Protection zz TightlyTightly integratedintegrated softwaresoftware zz AssureAssure softwaresoftware intendedintended use/useruse/user zz AddressAddress toptop DoDDoD S&TS&T andand zz ProtectProtect ssooftwareftware throughthrough sourcesource T&ET&E pprroblemsoblems insertioninsertion 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference HPCHPC SoftwareSoftware ApplicationsApplications InstitutesInstitutes andand FocusedFocused PortfoliosPortfolios HPC-SAI MGR z 5–8 HPC Software (Applications) z 55–8–8 HPC Software (Applications) Service InstitutesInstitutes Service ManagementService 00 Management Portfolio MGR HPCMPHPCMP charteredchartered ManagementService 0 ManagementService 0 ServiceService managedmanaged ManagementService Management 00 33–6–6 yearyear durationduration zz EndsEnds withwith TransitionTransition toto Project Team LocalLocal SupportSupport HSAI at/for XXX 00 $0.5$0.5–3M–3M annualannual fundingfunding for:for: PET $8-12M ON-SITES zz 33-12-12 computationalcomputational andand computercomputer scientistsscientists zz SupportSupport developmentdevelopment ofof newnew andand existingexisting codescodes zz AdjustAdjust locallocal businessbusiness practicepractice toto useuse sciencescience-- Computational Projects basedbased modelsmodels && simulationsimulation 0 0 IntegratedIntegrated withwith PETPET $8-12M 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference 20042004 HPECHPEC ConferenceConference HPCHPC ComputationalComputational FellowshipsFellowships zz PatternedPatterned afterafter successfulsuccessful DOEDOE fellowshipfellowship programprogram zz NationalNational DefenseDefense ScienceScience andand EngineeringEngineering GraduateGraduate FellowshipFellowship ProgramProgram (NDSEG)(NDSEG) chosenchosen asas vehiclevehicle forfor executionexecution ofof fellowshipsfellowships 00 HPCMPHPCMP addedadded asas fellowshipfellowship sponsorsponsor alongalong withwith Army,Army, Navy,Navy, andand AirAir ForceForce 00 ComputerComputer andand computational sciencessciences added as possible discipline zz HPCMPHPCMP isis sponsoringsponsoring 11 fellows for 2004 and similar numbersnumbers eacheach followingfollowing
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