II August, 1894 A Family Paper 237 thus place their views formally on record. In the House at large no organized hostility has MAKE SURE manifested itself thus far, and very few criti­ that the figure of TiJ^OutlooK cisms, even of the milder sort, are heard. a woman as here AFamily Pafier But the Committee has on its docket one indicated, bill whose author is desirous of bringing it New Series of The Christian Union before the House for its effect on the fall PRINTED IN RED, Copyngrht, i8g4, by The Outlook Company. electioneering in parts of the West and South­ is on the label of Entered as second-class matter in the New York west. It provides for the discharge of con­ every box of Post-Office. tract debts in any form of currency which Tlie Outlook is a weeltly Family Paper, con­ Congress may have made legal tender, irre­ SILVER taining: tliis, week forty pages. The subscription price is Three Dollars a year, payable in advance. spective of the conditions under which the con­ Postage Is Prepaid by the pubhshers for tracts were made. Its effect will be to rake up all iubscriptions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. For all other countries in the Postal all the financial and moral issues involved in Union add jfi.56 for postage. the greenback and silver controversies of past Clianses of Address.—When a change of years. Every anti-greenback and anti-silver z^^W^l address is ordered, both the new and the old ad­ member on the floor will array himself against , , Trial quantity free or dress must be given. The notice should be sent it, and will join in an effort to talk it to death. one week before the change is to take effect. None other is genuine, box post-paid, 15 cts. There is little hope, therefore, that any other ^ It's sold everywhere. Discontinuances.—If a subscriber wishes his business reported from the Judiciary Com­ cony of the paper discontinued at the expiration THE ELECTRO SILICON CO,, 72 John Sf„ New York of his subscription, notice to that effect should be mittee will get a hearing in the House if the sent. Otherwise it is assumed that a continuance legal tender bill is pushed to the front for \LARGEST MANUFACWRERSl\ of the subscription is desired. politics' sake. IN THE WORLD Ho-W to Kemlt.—Remittances should be sent MOFCHURCH FURNISHINGS^ by Check, Draft, Ejqpress Order, Money Order, On this contingency hangs the fate of the payable to order of THE OUTLOOK COMPANY. Anti-Lottery Bill for the presen t session, assum­ Cash and Postal Notes should be sent m Regis­ ing that Congress is to settle its tariff quarrel tered Letter. speedily and adjourn. Mr. Broderick seems CPUnni FURNITURE! L,etters should be addressed: KOUnUUL COMPANY I to be thoroughly in earnest in trying to push GBAND ftAPIDS.MICH. THE OUTLOOK, it to passage, and all the Representatives CUnton Hall, Astor Place, from Kansas,. Missouri, and one or two other New York. States where the lotteries are now making dangerous inroads are in receipt of letters The Anti-Lottery Bill daily from their more intelligent constituents PAINTROOFS urging them to do all they can to suppress the From a Special Correspondent DIXON'S SILICA GRAPHITE PAINT evil. If the bill does not get through this ses­ Water TTiUnin from it pure and clean. It coTers double After many tedious preliminaries, the Hoar sion, it undoubtedly will next winter ; but in the lilie surface of any other paint, and will last four or five times longer. Equally useflil for any iron work. Send foi bill for the suppression of tiie lottery traffic, meantime there is always danger of the revival ffliroulars= Jos, DIXOK CRVCIBLB Co., Jersey City, N. J vyhich passed the United States Senate last of the powerful lobby which made so success­ May, has reached a stage in the House of ful a fight against all reform legislation in this . Representatives where it gives fair promise of field for a number of years. Thus far the to 7R Buys our $9 Natural Finish Baby Carrlagt becoming a law. The Judiciary Committee of iP £ I I w complete Tvith plated steel wlieels. axfe, lobby, if it has been doing any work at all, has g springs, and one piece steam beat handle. Made of best mate- the House, which had it in charge, was very kept well under cover; but it may come out rial,finelj finished,reliable,and guaranteed for 3 jears. Shipped slow in disposing of it. It was referred to a and make itself felt if the bill is forced to go I oalOdays'trial. FREIGHT PAIDjno money requiredJa advance. 75,000 in use. We are the oldest and bestbnown sub-committee of three members, one of whom over the recess. The short session is the conoem ofour kind, reliable and responsible. Eeferenoe was detained at home for several weeks by lobby's opportunity, for business is hurried ^furnished atany time. ATake and sell nothingbutfrhatns ^guarantee to be aarepresented, sold at the lovrest factory illness in his family, while another was hostile then, members are too impatient to draw nice y prices. WRITE TO-DAT for our lai^eFREEilluatrateo to the bill on technical grounds. The result distinctions, and log-rolling becomes the order catalogue oflatestdesigns andstjies publishea. was that the sub-committee let a long period of the day. If the tariff deadlock should OXFORD MFG. CO., 340 Wabash Ave., Chicago, IIL elapse without a meeting. At last the bill was result in holding Congress in Washington for TWO-CENT stamp will carry turned over to Mr. Broderick, of Kansas, who another month, the friends of the bill must try this paper to your friend in any was friendly to its purposes. He made a care­ to do some sturdy work for it by personal and A ful examination of its provisions, satisfied him­ direct appeals to all the members whom they part of the United States, Canada, or self that it was not repugnant to any principle can hope to influence. Mexico, after you have read it and of the Federal Constitution, and reported it written your name on the corner. back to the full Committee, which in turn Washington, D. C. reported it favorably to the House on his recommendation. Only three of the seven­ teen members of the Committee—Messrs. Cul­ berson and Bailey, of Texas, and Boatner, of EMEMBER there are hundreds of brands Louisiana^voted against reporting it, and the of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White proportion of opposition in the Committee is probably considerably larger than that which R Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other materials- will appear in the House itself. Although the three opponents in Committee are all Demo- Bu<- the number of brands of genuine .crats, and Mr. Broderick is a Republican, party lines are not drawn on the support of the bill. The trio named base their objection upon constitutional grounds altogether, belong­ Strictly Pure White Lead ing to the " strict constructionist " wing of their party; whereas, on the other hand, two of the is limited. The following brands are standard "Old Dutch" process, most loyal supporters of the bill in the Com­ and just as good as they were when you or your father were boys: mittee are Democrats—Mr. DeArmond, of Missouri, and Mr. Terry, of Arkansas. " ANCHOR " (Cincinnati). " JEWETT " (New York). "ARMSTRONG & McKELVY" (Pittsburgh). " KENTUCKY " (Louisville). The next question which confronts the " ATLANTIC" (New York). "JOHN T.LEWIS & BROS. CO." (Phila.) friends of the bill is when and how to get it "BEYMER-BAUMAN" (Pittsburgh). "MORLEY" (Cleveland). before the House. The Judiciary Committee " BRADLEY " (New York). " MISSOURI " (St. Louis). has consumed a good deal of time lately, and "BROOKLYN " (New York). "RED SEAL " (St. Louis). there is an etiquette about Such matters in "COLLIER " (St. Louis). "SALEM " (Salem, Mass.) Congress which would require this Committee " CORNELL " (Buffalo). " SHIPMAN " (Chicago). "DAVIS.CHAMBERS" (Pittsburgh). "SOUTHERN "(St.Louis and Chicago). to make way for any other important commit­ " ECKSTEIN " (Cincinnati). " ULSTER " (New York). tee which had enjoyed fewer privileges and "FAHNESTOCK" (Pittsburgh). "UNION" (New York). which still had some pressing measure to pre­ If you want colored paint, tint any of the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s sent. The Committee on Rules has been Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a pound of color to 25 pounds of lead. The best merchants asked to fix one more day for the House to sell them, the best painters use them. consider business reported by the Judiciary ... good many thousand dollars have been saved property-owners by having our book on Committee, and will doubtless endeavor to do painting and color-card. Send us a postal card and get both free. so. If a day be fixed, there may be a strug­ gle in the Committee as to the order in which NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. two or three of its perfected bills shall be called up. In case the friends of the Anti- Lottery Bill on the Committee can induce their colleagues to give that measure the right of way, the chances are that it will go through •TIFFANYCLASS^^DECORATINCCOMPANY- with very little opposition. The three commit­ teemen who object to it, at any rate, disavow 'FVRNISHERSWCIASSWORKERSJDOMESTICWECCLESIASTICAL' all purpose of technical obstruction, being con­ DECORATIONS- GO-MEMORIALS- tent to set forth the arguments which have con­ vinced them of its unconstitutionality, and • 333 •TO-341FOVKrH AVENVE • NEV-YORIC? PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 238 The Outlook II August, 1894 Petroleum in Concerning the deposits of The Business World Sumatra petroleum discovered a few years since along the Malacca The World's Sugar ^" connection with the fected the prices for Granger railway secu­ Straits and in the province of Lanhkat in the Production '=1"^ discussion now in rities somewhat.
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