H2742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2004 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of accomplishments and quickly dem- ican by renaming the Federal court- my time. onstrate why his name deserves the house in Savannah, Georgia, as the Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- eternal respect of his fellow Georgians Tomochichi Federal Courthouse. I urge self such time as I may consume. and Americans. my colleagues to support H.R. 2523. H.R. 2523 is a bill to designate the Mr. Speaker, I believe Chief Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- U.S. courthouse located at 125 Bull Tomochichi, the Mico, or chief, of the port of H.R. 2523, a bill to designate the Street, Savannah, Georgia, as the Yamacraw nation to be the cofounder United States Courthouse located at 125 Bull Tomochichi United States Courthouse. of my State of Georgia. This bill will Street in Savannah, Georgia as the The bill was introduced by the gen- do much to reawaken the memory of a Tomochichi United States Courthouse. tleman from Georgia (Mr. BURNS). great man in the hearts of both Geor- Chief Tomochichi was born to the Creek In- In 1650, Chief Tomochichi was born in gians and all Americans for restoring dian Tribe in 1650 in the small village of the small village of Coweta along the our honor by recognizing his service to Coweta, along the Chattahoochee River. He Chattahoochee River to the Creek In- the beginnings of our great Nation. became the Chief of the Yamacraw Indians dian tribe. While he was the chief of The English general, James and was integral to the success of the Georgia the Yamacraw Indians he became a Oglethorpe, first launched Savannah on Colony. friend of James Oglethorpe, the the Savannah River in 1733. He founded Tomochichi enjoyed a reputation as a great English settler and leader of the set- the British colony there and he met warrior who possessed sound judgment and tlers of the fledgling colony in Georgia. Tomochichi as he came up the bluff at wisdom. In 1773, Chief Tomochichi encoun- He supported Oglethorpe’s plan for a what is now the city of Savannah. Un- tered James Oglethorpe, the English settler new English colony in Georgia to be like the tragic history of conflict be- who founded the Georgia colony. Tomochichi called Savannah. tween settlers and Native Americans in and the Yamacraw greeted the English set- Tomochichi was a great warrior, pos- other colonies, Tomochichi brought tlers warmly, and Tomochichi supported sessing both good judgment and wis- lifelong friendship to the infant colony, Oglethorpe’s plan to settle a new English col- dom. As repayment for his sound ad- granting the settlers permission to ony in Savannah, Georgia. He aided the plans vice and trusted friendship, Oglethorpe peacefully settle in the Savannah re- for the settlement and smoothed relations with took Tomochichi, his wife, his nephew. gion. Among Savannahians, as has the Creek and other nearby Indian Tribes. And other Indian chiefs to England for been pointed out, the hospitality that Tomochichi also warned Oglethorpe about un- 4 months. When Tomochichi died in Tomochichi showed these young set- friendly tribes. As repayment for his advice 1736, Oglethorpe was one of his pall- tlers is legendary. But Tomochichi’s and good counsel, Oglethorpe took bearers. He is buried in Wright Square, gifts to our State were just beginning. Tomochichi, his wife, his nephew, and other the site of the courthouse to be named Thanks to his diplomatic skills, this Indian Chiefs to England where they stayed in his honor. Tomochichi’s actions Yamacraw leader was instrumental in for four months. helped ensure the successful settle- convincing the other Creek tribes in When Tomochichi died in 1739, he was bur- ment of Georgia and earned him a the immediate vicinity to accept the ied at Wright Square in downtown Savannah. place in Georgian history. His hospi- fledgling colony of Georgia. Without Oglethorpe served as one of the pallbearers tality is legendary even today. It is his political leadership, Georgia may and gave Tomochichi full military honors at his most fitting his contributions to Amer- well have perished in its infancy, with funeral. The Federal courthouse to be named ican history are honored by this des- a hostile Spanish administration in in Tomochichi’s honor is located in this same ignation. what is now Florida, intent on turning square. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Native Americans against English set- Tomochichi’s friendship with the English set- my time. tlers. tlers helped the Georgia colony develop in Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, it is Tomochichi and his family then trav- peace, and his hospitality is legendary even my pleasure to yield such time as he eled to England where they met with today. It is most fitting that his contributions to may consume to the gentleman from the King and the Archbishop of Canter- Georgia and to American history are honored Georgia (Mr. BURNS), the author of this bury. Upon his return to Georgia, by this designation. I urge my colleagues to resolution. Tomochichi successfully lobbied his support H.R. 2523. Mr. BURNS. Mr. Speaker, I thank new neighbors to establish the first Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I have no the gentleman for his support of this missionary school among the Lower further requests for time, and I yield legislation. Creeks, recognizing that education was back the balance of my time. There are many Members of this the key to the future as these two cul- Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I body that deserve my State’s apprecia- tures became intertwined. urge the passage of this important res- tion for bringing this long overdue bill Tomochichi passed away at around 93 olution. to the floor, honoring a great Amer- years of age on October 5, 1739, at what Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ican, a great Native American and a we used to call the Yamacraw Indian of my time. great Georgian, Tomochichi. The gen- Village, just upstream from Savannah. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tleman from Ohio (Mr. LATOURETTE), But before he died, he requested that question is on the motion offered by chairman of the Subcommittee on Eco- his body be buried in Savannah among the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. nomic Development, Public Buildings his new friends. He was buried with full LATOURETTE) that the House suspend and Emergency Management, and sub- military honors in the largest public the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2523. committee ranking member, the gen- ceremony of the day, with cannons fir- The question was taken; and (two- tlewoman from the District of Colum- ing a final salute and his old friend thirds having voted in favor thereof) bia (Ms. NORTON) were both instru- General Oglethorpe serving as a pall- the rules were suspended and the bill mental in helping this bill advance bearer. His body was laid to rest in the was passed. quickly to the floor. I thank them for center of the city’s main square at the A motion to reconsider was laid on their bipartisan support. The gen- time, later to become Wright Square, the table. tleman from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG) and with a traditional Indian burial mound the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. atop his grave. A century and a half f OBERSTAR) should be credited with later in the 1880s, some shortsighted moving the legislation swiftly so that city officials allowed the mound to be GENERAL LEAVE we can bring closure to a long overdue removed and another statue placed on Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I need in my State and in my district. I the site. Admirers of the great chief- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- believe unanimous approval by this tain responded by placing an inscribed bers may have 5 legislative days within body to be of particular importance to granite boulder in honor of Tomochichi which to revise and extend their re- the nature of this bill. a few feet from his remains, but to this marks on H.R. 2523. This bill renames the Federal court- day many believe that we owe our old The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there house in my district the Tomochichi friend much more. objection to the request of the gen- United States Courthouse. A glance at Today this body can help restore the tleman from Ohio? who this leader was will indicate his honor and respect due this great Amer- There was no objection. VerDate May 04 2004 04:24 May 12, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.013 H11PT1.
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