REGJ). GOA· 5 Panaji, 30th September, 1999 (Asvina 8,1921) SERIES II No. 27 ~ OFFICIAL~~~GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA Noll': 71ler(' are /l1'o Erll"llordil/ary iss lies 10 Ihe Otficial GlI~el1e. Series II No. Certificate of Registrati6n 26 daled 23-9-/')')9 as f{Jllows: 1) Ertl'llorC/illary daled 23.9-1 999/i'o/ll paKes .Jl 7 10 -118 regardil/g The Assonora Urban Cooperati ve Credi t Society Ltd .. Assonora, Form-G. F. R. 33 fi'lJtll DeparTment of Personnel. Bardez-Goa has been registered on 26th February, 1999 and it bears 2) Extraordinary No.2 daled 2.J-9-/,)99 from pages .J19 to -120 registration Code Symbol No. RES-(a)-33/NZ/Goa and it is classified regardil/g NOliticlIlioll fi"IJI1l DeparTmellt of" Fillal/ce. as a 'Resource Society' under Sub-Classification No. 8(a): Credit Resource Society' in terms of Rule 9 of the Cooperative Societies GOVERNMENT OF GOA Rules, 1962 for the State of Goa. Department of Cooperation S. S. Valvoikar, Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (North Office of the Asstt. Registrar of Coop, Societies Zone). Mapusa, 26th February, 1999. Notification In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I )01' the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 as applied to the State of Goa, 'Glendale' Cooperative Housing Society Ltd., Notification Altinho, Mapusa-Goa is registered under Code Symbol No. HSG-(b)-I64INZ/Goa. In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I) of the Maharashtra Cooperati ve Societies Act, 1960 as applied to the S. S. Valvoikar, Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Socjcties (North State of Goa. "Green Valley Apartments" Cooperative Housing Zone). Society Ltd., Mapusa. Bardez-Goa is registered under Code Symbol No. HSG-(b)-166/NZ/Goa. Mapusa. 28th January. 1999. S. 5, Valvoikar, Asstl. Registrar of Coop. Societies (North Certificat~ of Registration ZOlle). 'Glendale' Cooperative Housing Society Ltd., Altinho. Mapusa. 11th March. 1999. Mapusa-Goa has been registered on 28-1-1999 and it bears registration No. HSG-(b)-164/NZ/Goa and it is classified as 'Housing Certificate of Registration Society' under Sub-Classification No. 5(b): Tenant Co-partnership Housing Society in terms of Rul,e 9 of the Cooperative Societies "Green Valley Apartments" Coo'perative Housing Society Ltd .. Rules, 1962 for the State' of Goa. Mapusa, Bardez-Goa has been registered on 11-3-1999 and it bears registration No. HSG-(b)-166/NZ/Goa and it is classified ,,3 S. S. Va/l'oika/'. Asst(. Registrar of Coop. Societies (North . Housing Society' under Sub-Classification No. 5tb); Tenant Zone). Co-partnership Housing Society in terms of Rule 901' the Cooperative Societies Rules, 1962 for the State of Goa . Mapusa, 28th January, 1999. S. S. Valvoikar, Asstl. Registrar of Coop. Societies (North Zone). Notification Mapusa, 11th March. 1999. In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I) of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act. 1960 as applied to the State of Goa. the Assonora Urban Cooperative Credit Society Ltd., Assonora. Bardez-Goais registered under Code Symbol No. Notification RES-( a)-33/NZ/Goa. No. ARCSICZIConsc391 ADM/98 S. S. Vall'oikar, Asstt. Registrar of' Coop. Societies (North . Zone). In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I) of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 as applied to the Mapusa. 26th February. 1999. State of Goa. Goa Uni,versity Campus Consumerr-Co-operative ---~- 422 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 27 30TH SEPTEM BER. J999 Society Ltd .. Taleigao-Plateau. Goa is registered under Code Symbol Certificate of'Registration No. ARCS/CZ/Cons.-36/Goa. The Alfred Apartments Co-operative Housing SOl:iety Ltd., Sd/- D. M. Pathan, Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central Kerant, Caranzalem. Tiswadi. Goa is registered on 12-3-1999 and Zone). it bears registration No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/403-(b)/Goa and it is classified as "Housing Society" under Sub-Classification No. Panaji. 19th February, 1999. 5(b): "Tenant Co-partnership Housing Society" in terms of Rule 9 of the Cooperative Societies Rules. 1962 for the State of Goa. Certificate of Registration Sd/- D. M. Pathan, Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central Goa University Campus Cons·ume.rs Co-operative.Socicty Ltd., Zone). Taleigao-Plateau, Goa has be.en registered on 19-2-1991) and it bdrs registration Code Symbol No. ARCS/CZ/Cons.-36/Goa and it is classified as -"Consumers Society" under Classification No. Panaji. 12th Marl:h. 1999. 2 in terms of Rule 9 ( I ) of the Cooperati ve Societies Ruies. 1962 for the State of Goa. Sd/- D. M. Pathan, Asst!. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central Notification Zone). No. ARCS/CZ/H SG/Credit/1281 ADM/98 Panaji. 19th February, 1999. In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I) of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 as applied to the State of Goa. the Kuber Urban Cooperative Credit Society Ltd .• Notification Banastari, Ponda-Goais registered under Code Symbol No. ARCS/CZ/Credlt-R (a)1114I.Goa. No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/4331 ADM/99 Scl/- D. M. Pathan, Assn. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( 1 ) of the Zone). Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 as applied to the State of Goa, Mariam Ashirwad Co-operative Housing Society Panaji. 19th March, 1999. Ltd .. Corlim, Tiswadi-Goa has been registered under Code Symbol No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/402-(a)/Goa. Certificate of Registration Sd/- D. M. Pathan. Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central The Kuber Urban Cooperative Credit Society Ltd., Banastari. Zone). Ponda-Goa is reg'istered on 19-3-1999 an9 it bears registration No. ARCS/CZ/Credit-8 (a)1I14/Goa and it is classified as "Resource Panaj!. 12th March, 1999. Society" in terms of Rule 9 ·of the Cooperative So~ieties Rules, Certificate of Registration 1962 for the State of Goa. Mariam Ashirwad Co-operative Housing Society Ltd .. Corlim. Scll- D. M. Pathan, Assn. Registrar of Coop. Societies <Central Tiswadi-Goa is registered on 12-3-1999 and it bears registration Zone). No. ARCS/rZ/HSG/402-(a)/Goa and it is classified us "Ho,-!sing Sodety~ under Sub-Classification No. 5(a); "Tenant Ownership Panaji. 19th Marcll. 1999. Housing Society" in terms of Rule 9 of the Cooperative Societies Rules, 1962 for the State of Goa. Sd/- p. M. Pathan, Asslt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central Notification Zone). No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/42II ADM/98 Panaji, 1.21h March, 1999. In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I) of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 as applied to the State of Goa, The Filomena Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., Notification Molloco. SI. Cruz. Tiswadi-Goa has been registered under Code Symbol No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/404-(b)/Goa. No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/4291 ADM/98 Sd/- D. M. Palhan, Asslt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I) of the Zone). Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Al:t, 1960 as applied to the State of Goa, The AI fred Apartments Co-operati ve Housing SOl:iety Panaji, 9th April. 1\)99. Ltd .. Kerant. Caranzalem, Tiswadi-Goa has been registered under Code Symbol No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/403-(b)/Goa. Certificate of Registration Sd/- D. M. Pathan, Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central Zone). The Filomena Cooperative Housing Society Ltd .• Molloco, St. Cruz. Tiswadi-Goa is registered on 9-4-1999 and it hears registration Panaji, 12thMarch, 1999. No. ARCS/CZ/HSG/404-(b)/Goa and it is classified as 'Housing OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 423 SERIES· II No. 27 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1999 Society' under Sub-Classification No. 5(b): "Tenant Co-partnership 5-(b)-Tenant Co-partnership Housing Society in terms of Rule 9 of Housing Society" in terms of Rule <) of the Cooperative Societies the Cooperative Societies Rules 1962. for the State of Goa. Rules. 1962 for the State of Goa. Sd/- Fernando Bonamis. Asst!. Registrar of Coop. Societies Sd/- D. M. Pathan. Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Central (South Zone). Zone). Margao, 30th March, 1999. Panaji. 9th April. 1999. ---... --- Department of Food & Civil Supplies Notification Directorate of-. Food & Drugs Administration No. 5-761-19991 ARSZ/GEN Order In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9( I ) of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act. 1960 ~is applied to the No: 5/131 183/PHD State of Goa. Shri Sateri Mahadev Pani Vantap Vyavastha Sahakari Saunstha Maryadit. Xeldem. Quepem-Goa. is registered under Read: I) Government of Goa. Public Health Department. Order. code symbol No. 9-GEN-(c)-24/South Goa/99. No. 5/131 183/PHD dated 29-2-1996. 2) Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Silvassa, Sd/- Fernando Bonamis. Asst!. Registrar of Coop. Societies Order No. 1-2( B )(92)194-ADM/2,.181 dated 26-7-1999. (South Zone). On reverting back to his substantive post of Drugs Inspector in Margao. 30th M-arch. 1999. Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration before the expiry of his lien period Shri Salim A. Veljee is appointed to his said Certificate of Registration substantive post of Drugs Inspector w.e.f. 29th July. 1999 (F.N.) by treating 28th July, 1999. as joining time. His pay shall be 'fixed Shri Sateri Mahadev'Pani Vantap Vyavastha Sahakari Saunstha as per the rules. Maryadit. Xeldem. Quepem-Goa. has been registered on 30-3- 1999 and it bears registration code symbol No. 9-GEN-(c)-241 By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa. South Goa/99 and it is classified as "General Society" under Sub­ classification No.
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