The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan uttG 7tans topid Soc. .lapan 52(3): ISO-156, June 2001 Two new species of Diomeu Walker (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from Japan, Taiwan and Myanmar Hiroshi YosmMoTo Tokyo High School, 39-1, Unoki 2-chome, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 146-O091 Japan Abstract Diomea insulana sp. n. from Japan and Taiwan and Diomea .femosticta sp. n. from Myanmar are described and illustrated. Cbrsa Walker, 1858 is sunk as a synonym of Diomea Walker, 1858, and Btoptina petrina Butler, 1879, so far placed under Coflsa, is transferred into PaniUa Moore, 1885. Key words Diomea, Cbrsa, Panitki, Diomea Evida, Diomea jankowskii, Consa petrina, new species, synonym, South East Asia, taxonomy. Diomea rotundota Waiker, 1858 and Cbrsa iZgnicolora Walker, 1858 are the type species by monotypy of Diomea Walker, !858 and Cbrsa Walker, I858, respectively. Kobes (1983) described Zigera suvarnadvipae from Sumatra, and Sugi (1992) transferred it into Diomea in a check list of the Taiwanese Noctuidae. Sugi's (1992) treatment seems to be correct, because the male genitalia of suvarnaabipae have simple valvae with also simple harpes similar to those of D. rotunclata. As illustrated here, recently I found that suvamadvipae is a clese relative of Cbrsa iignicolora (Fig. 9), and I pointed out that Diomea and Cbrsa become synonymous with each other (Yoshimoto, 1994), The generic names Diomea and Clorsa were published in Walker's same wotk at the same date, and here as aii act ofthe first reviser I select Diomea as a valid name of this genus, of which synonymy is summarized as fo11ows. Diomea Walker, 1858 ("lg57"), List 5ipecimens tepidl Inseets Colin Bn Mus. 13: I079, 1 109. Type species: Diomea rotundata Walker, 18S8 (C`1857"), ibidl 13: 1110, by monotypy. Cbrsa Walker, 1858 (L`1857"), List 5Pecimens mpiOL hisects thllv Bn Mus, 13: 1079, 1101. Type species: Cbrsa iignicolora Walker, 1858 ("1857i'), thid 13: 1101, by monotypy. Syn. nov. Zigera Walker, 1862, J Rroc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 6: 182. Type species: Zigera orbijZira Walker, 1862, thid 6: 182, by monotypy. Hbteroscotia Bryk, I949, Ark ZoeL 41 (A)1] 138. Type species: Hbteroscotia sCMgia Bryk, 1949, thidL 41 (A)1: 138, pl. 5, fig. 9, by original designation. This genus contains about 20 species in Asia east ofthe Himalayas (Poole, 1989), The adults have generally dull and dark forewings speckled with black dots, but are so rich in variety of wing pattern that the grouping of species seems to be yery diMcult. Among them the fbllowing three species, nj'ankowskii (OberthUr, 1880), D. Ib,idd Hampson, 1902 and D. insulana sp. n. have the same pattern ofthe fbrewing maculation and the same basic structure of the male genitalia and apparently constitute a natural group within the genus. In the forewing pattern, they have rather pale gray to brown and plain ground color with a large triangular costal black marking in the middle. This marking is comprised of a black reniform accompanying two costal black bars above it and a dark shade between these bars, of which the inner one is oblique to reniform. The basal pait of the costa is stained with black and a short black bar is present befbre the costal triangular black marking. The postmedian line is thin and serrate, black, and the subtermen is irregularly shaded with dark grayish brown. Jn the male genitalia, these three species share the unique character that the NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan Two New Species of Diomea from Japan, Taiwan and Myanmar ISI 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 Figs 1-10. Diomea spp. 1. D. jankowskii (OberthUr), cl, Japan, 2. D, insulana sp. n., cP, holotype, Japan, Okinawa I. 3, Ditto, dn, paratype, Taiwan, Nantou Hsien. 4. D, fivida Harnpsen, dii, Nepal. 5. Ditto, clZ, syntype, sp. Simla,BMNH. 6. D. .ferrosticta n., cn, holotype, Myanmar, Kachin, 7, D, eupsema Swinhoe, cii, Myanmar, Kachin. 8. Ditto, 6n, syntype, Perak, BMNH. 9. D. iignicolora Walker, g, syntype, BMNH. 10. D. suvarnadvipae (Kobes), dii, paratype, Sumatra. harpes are asymmetric, the Ieft one being lenger. D. eupsema Swinhoe, 1902 has similar wing markings, but the fbrewing is broader and the male genitalia are diflerent in having syrmnetric harpes. The early stages of these throe species are as yet unknewn, but the larva may be fungivorous, because in n cremata Butler, l878 the larva is well known to feed on fungi of the Polyporaceae in Japan (Sugi, 1987). Piomea jankowskii (OberthUr) (Fig, 1) Capnocles J'ankowskit' OberthUr, lg80, Etud Eleit 5: 87, pl. 9, fig. 1. Length of fbrewing 13-16 mm, expanse 26-31 mm. Male genitalia (Fig. 11). Uncus long and slender; tegumen narrow and high;valva with a NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan IS2 Hiroshi YosHnioTo small knob-like swelling near the middle ofthe costa; left harpe leng and its tip tapered and the right one gently curved; juxta roundish, widened below m{ddle, Aedeagus long and slender, vesica without cornutus. Material examined. Japan:1dZ, Yamanashi Pref, Uenohara, 250m, 6. viii. I977, H. Yoshjmoto leg.; 1 (1, Kanagawa Pref, Ohdarumi, 350m, 14. viii. 1977, H. Yoshimoto leg,; l di, Tokyo, Okutama, Nippara, 700 ni, 10. vi, 1978, H, Yoshimoto leg. Distribution. Russia (the Primorye Territory), Korea, Japan, Diomea insulana sp. noy. (Figs 2, 3) Male. Length of fbrewing 13-14mm, expanse 23-27 mm. Very similar to junkowskii, but fbrewing more tinged with gray, with less erange tint; antemedian line obsolete; a black costal bar aboye antemedian line closer to the costal triangular marking; postmedian line not so excurved beyond cell as in jankowskii. Male genitalia (Fig. I2), Uncus a litt]e shorter than in junkowskii; valva with the costal swelling larger; left harpe much elongated ahd nearly equal to the tip ofthe valva and right harpe bent; juxta hjgher and narrower than in jonkowskii. Aedeagus as in J'ankowskii. Holotype. cl, Japan, Okinawa Pref, Okinawa I,, Kunigami, Okuma-rindo, 26-27. v, 2000, H. Yoshimoto leg, Paratypes, 1 cl, Taiwan, Nantou Hsien, Lushan Spa, 1,2oo m, 29. iv- 1. v. 1984, H.Yoshimoto leg.; I dn, same locality, 30, vii-1. viii. 1984, K,Yazaki leg. Holotype will be deposited in Laboratory of Insect Systematics, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba. Distribution. Japan (the Ryukyus), Taiwan. Diantea livida Hampsen (Figs 4, 5) Diomea tividtx Hampson, I902, Z Bombay nat Htst 14: 216. Length of fbrewing 12-13 mm, expanse 2I-25 mm, Male genitalia (Fig, 13). Uncus long and stout; valva without costal kneb-like swelling; left harpe rounded at tip and right harpe spatular; juxta roundish dorsally, and deeply cleft at bottom, Aedeagus shorter than in the two preceding species. Material examined. 1cl,syntype (Fig,5), Simla, BMNH, not dissected. IdFn,Nepal, Kathmandu, Godavari, 1,600 m, 1. v. 1990, M. S. Ljmbu leg.; 1 cii, Nepal, Janakpur, Dolak- ha, Deolari 2,8oo m, 25. v-7. vi, 1994, M. S. Limbu leg, Distribution. India, Nepal. Diomea empsema Swinhoe (Figs 7, 8) Diomea eupsema Swinhoe, 1902, Ann, Mtig nat Htsa (7) 9: 85. Length of forewing 16 mm, expanse 29 mm. Male genitalia (Fig. 14). Uncus slender, tapered at tip; tegumen moderate]y high; valva with its costal margin a little concave before middle; harpe short and acute, angled at base; a densely setose ridge below base ofcosta; juxta horseshoe-shaped with its bottom protruding NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocletyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan Two New Species of Diomea from Japan, Taiwdn dnd Myanmdr 153 ww/'l,I a/.mrw / //zatthttht .tx. ' / /f//diny"tw ,l$il //I -"l*ew . F]ggli-16 Male genitalia of Diomea 1] DJankowsku (Oberthur), Japan 12 D insulana sp n, holotype, Japan, Okinawd I 13 D hvido Hdmpson, Nepal 14 D etcgxsema Swinhoe, Myanmar, 15 Dsuvarnadmpae (Kobes), paratype, Sumatra 16 D forrosticta gp n holotype, Myanmar, Kachin caudally, sa ¢ cus wrde U-shaped Aedeagus slender Material exdmined 1[1, syntype (Fig 8), Goping, Perak, BMNH, not dissected I di1. Myanmar, Kachin, Putao, Machanbow, 500m, 22-23 vi 1998, K Yazaki leg DistribuUon Malaysia, Myanmar NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 154 Hiroshi YosHiMoTo Diomea fo,vvsticta sp. n. (Fig. 6) cin. Length of fbrewing 11 mm, expanse 21 mm, Forewing dark blackish brown, a pale bluish gray shade beyond postmedian line; orbicular represented by an ill-defined black bar. Hindwing with inner margin widely sutfused with ferreus orange, its outer side defined by a whitish gray line. Male genitalia (Fig, 16). Uncus long, a little swollen befbre tip, which is pointed; tegumen narrew; valva with both margins nearly parallel, roundish at tip; harpe very short; a small setose knob below harpe; juxta triangular; .saocus roundish. Aedeagus thick and short, weakly curved, Holotype. cl, Myanmar, Kachin, Putao, Mt Nwe Zin, 750m, 16-20. vi. 1998, K. Yazaki leg. Holotype will be deposited in Laboratory of Insect Systematics, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba. Distribution. Myanmar. The fo11owing two are apparently sister species. The ground color ofboth wings is light to dark brown with a reddish to purplish tinge, Forewing has a wide and black basal marking and a wide and black apical band, which is edged inside with pale yellowish brown and continues narrowing to tornus, and has two costal black bars. Hindwing has a similar terminal black band widened around apex. Diomea lignicolora (Walker), comb. n. (Fig. 9) "not Consa iignicolora Walker, 18S8 1857", Ltst Specimens kpidL insects CoiZh Bn Mtis. 13: 110L Forewing pale grayish brown, with apex roundish. Material examined, 1 9, syntype (Fig, 9), BMNH, not dissected. Distribution. Sri Lanka, China (Jjangxi) (Chen, 1985, 1999), Sikkim (Hampson,1 895).
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