PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Thnrs.. June 21, 1973 Vernon Police Hospital * • ^ • VERNON (VISITING HOURS) Kathleen Lembreck, 17, and the nevew emergency room en- Also, fiuth M. Dumais, East Schwegler and son, Glaston­ trance oh Armory St. Access to SESQUICENTEmiAL her 15-mqnth-old daughter were Intermediate Care Semi­ Hartford; Maienna J. Cox, bury; Jerry G. Dufour, Cooper ihe entrance via existing given emergency treatment at private, noon - 2 p.m., and 4 Hartford; Gaston D. Morin, Lane, Coventry; Marlene J. driveways. WEEK Rockville General Hospital p.m. 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 Broad Brook; Jeannette P. Ehm an, RFD 2, Tolland; after a one-car accident on a.m. - 2 p.m., and 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Pediatrics; Parents allowed 8 Davis, Stafford Springs; Diane Joseph H. Doyon, 156 Wells SL; iUanrl^THtTr SuTtiinn Mmlh a.m. to noon and 2 p.m.'to mid­ High St., Rockville, Wednesday Self Service: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; I. Lawson, 188 Scott Dr.; Mary Peggy Castner, Kelly Rd., Ver­ VOL. XCII, No. 223 morning. The two, of 47 Main 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. night; others, 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. F. Tedford, 642 Birch Mt. Rd.; non; Phillip L. Hanun,-Hebron June 23 - 30, 1973 Robert D. Walnum, 16 Gulley Rd., Andover. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 22. 1973 Manchester—A City of ViHage Charm TWENTY-FOUR p a g e s St., Rockville, were later Intensive Care and Coronary PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS released from the hospital. Care; Immediate family only, Discharged Wednesday; Dr., South Windsor; Pamela L. Also, Floyd B. Lambert, RFD -------------------------------- ------------------------------------- TWO SECTIONS The Lembreck woman is anytime, limited to five Francis W. Young, 172 N. State Fellows, 15 Chester Dr. 4, Coventry; Francis J. Schedule of Events charged with operating a motor minutes. Rd., Arnold P. Doody, Also, Gloria A. ’Thoresen and Schiebel, 25 Hamlin St.; Joan L. vehicle without an operators’ Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. - Willimantic; Geneva B. son, 305 Redwood Rd.; Diana Cole, Mansfield Center; Ruth \ license, operating a motor vehi­ 12:45 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. 8 Toomey, Rochester, N.H.; M. Adams and^ daughter, B. Boland, 49 Winter St. Saturday, June 23 Skylab cle with unsafe tires and failure p.m.; others, 3 p.m. - 4 p.m., Dolan baby boy, 54 Carriage Willimantic; Linda N. Kemble P arade - 2 p.m. Dr., Hebron; Ruto Balkus, Box and daughter, 753 Hartford to drive right, in connection and 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Favors Meat Import Fair on the Green (Center Park) 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. with the accident in which Age Limits: 16 in maternity, 366, Bolton; Lottie Schroder, Tpke., Vernon; Thomas M. Crew WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Historical Sites - Permanent Markers police say that her vehicle 12 in other areas, no limit in 252 E. Middle Tpke., Stella McCTuskey, 145 Avery St.; Anna Lichanec, Stafford Springs; R. Moriarty and son, 66 Ella T. Grasso, D-Conn., said struck a steel fence. self-service. Wednesday she will co-sponsor Court date is July 17. All emergency patients, and Freda L. Lanz, 15 Lawrence St., Linwood Dr. Sunday, June 24 Returns Rockville; Kathleen L. Costa Also, Anne M. Spencer and two bills aimed at encouraging outpatients are requested to use this country’s importation of Fair on the Green (Center Park) 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. and daughter, Enfield. son, Ashford; Dianne M. a b o a r d u s s Edward O’Connor, 22, of meat. Country Fair - Mt. Nebo, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Hebron, was charged with TICONDEROGA (AP) - J Commemorative Religious Services, 7:30 p.m.,‘Center Skylab’s astronauts came safe­ failure to drive in the proper Congregational Church lane, after an accident ly home from man’s longest Parade rain date - 2 p.m. Wednesday night on E. Main space journey today, splashing St., Rockville, in which the car Historical Exhibit — Whiton Library, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. down with pinpoint precision in il he was driving struck a parked the Pacific Ocean after 28 days car. Court date is July 7. No in­ Cheney Homestead — Open House and Colonial Crafts and 11 million miles in orbit. juries were report^, police Show, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. “We’re all In good shape,” say. Commander Charles Conrad Jr. Lutz Junior Museum - Special Exhibit 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. reported as the spacecraft descended. “Everything’s Monday, June 25 OK.” Bolton The astronauts almost were Square Dance (Manchester State Bank lot), 7 p.m. - mid­ night. held over in orbit to try to Chain, Sign repair a refrigeration problem Rock Band and Dance, Manchester Parkade, 7-11 p.m in their space station. But Mis­ Are Cut Down sion Control decided there was Colemaa Amusement Rides, Parkade, 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. nothing the astronauts could do After midnight, last night, Historical Exhibit — Whiton Library, 1 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. and told them to come home. parties unknown cut down a Cheney Homestead — Special Exhibits, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. So, 10 minutes behind schedule, Conrad, Dr. Joseph Proud Moment For Proud Parents^ chain and “No Vehicles’’ sign ' Tuesday, June 26 Sesquicentennial Souvenirs at the entrance to Bolton Notch P. Kerwin and Paul J. Weitz un­ Fathers and paduates share a happy moment at last night’s Beard Judging Contest - VFW Home, 7:30 p.m. docked their Apollo ferry ship State Park that had been in­ ^n ch ^ ter High ^hool commencement ceremonies at Memorial K ® ‘“I''®" Ph‘HP Susag, member of the Mrs. Royal Isham, resident hostess, left„ and Mrs. Ernest Shepherd, chairman of the sales Bike Route Ride to Historical Markers - 7 - 9 p.m., starting from the station and executed a Board of Education, congratulates his daughter Margaret after stalled recently by Ward Field. Dr. Walter Schardt, (left), principal speaker for the event table a t the Homestead, are showing some of the item s which will be on sale a t the Cheney Krause. at Municipal Building. series of maneuvers that sent presenting her with a diploma. (Herald photo by Pinto* Homestead, shown in the background, during Sesquicentennial Week. Mrs. Shepherd Krause has a right-of-way Square Dance rain date (same place, time) them slamming into the at­ mosphere above ’Thailand for a is holding a ten-inch white china plate decorated with a draw ing of the Cheney H om estead through the park to his home. Band Concert by Salvation Army Band - Center Park - 7 Due to the state not having park fiery descent. circa 1780, home of George Wells Cheney and Electa Woodbridge Cheney and five of their P.M. Premiere performance of Manchester Sesquicenten­ The Apollo craft hit the calm sons who founded the world-famous silk industry. The drawing is the work of Richard boundary signs posted and hir nial march. forming Krause that the Pacific waters at 9:50 a.m. Hassett of 60 Benton St. The plates have a fluted edge and gold border and will cost 84.50 Manchester Memorial responsibility of maintenance Coleman Amusement Rides, Parkade, 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. EDT about 830 miles southeast Manchester High each. Mrs. Isham is showing a six-inch white ceramic tile with a map in outline of of the road was his and other Historical Exhibit — Whiton Library, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m of San Diego, Calif., within Manchester containing sketches of the Woodbridge Tavern, a Spencer rifle, the Lyman sight of the main recovery ship, Hospital Donor\s Club property owners involved, Cheney Homestead - Special Exhibits, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Blacksmith Shop, a Podunk village, some Pitkin bottles, and other Items representative of the USS Ticonderoga. It was The first 810,000 mark of the Krause installed the chain and Donations to the campaign just after dawn off the West Manchester Memorial Hospital the town’s past. The tile will sell for 82.25. Mrs. Isham also holds large-sized cookie lock on June 16. COMING JUNE 23 Rites Conducted can be sent directly to the W ednesday, June 27 Coast. cutters. ’These, and other items, will be on sale at the Homestead starting Sunday at the Krause said he has not heard Appreciation Fund drive has Hundreds of white-clad SUE KLEMENS directed by Miss Martha White, Hospital Appreciation Fund, in Open House from 1 to 5 p.m., and the remainder of the week through Saturday during the from anyone concerning his ac­ An Evening with the Performing Arts (Manchester High abilities for “setting this coun­ been reached and passed with a School) 8 p.m. sailors on deck and millions (Herald Reporter) Christopher Saunders, senior try back on a course of honesty any amount, and those wishing same hours. (Herald photo by Pinto) tion. His next step, he said, will total of 810,800 to date, an ad­ The qiiiet generation, nutured c^ass president and to become a Master Donor at be to install a permanent gate watching television around the and decency in keeping with ditional 82,200 to yesterday’s H istorical Exhibit — Whiton Library, 1 p.m. -^8:30 p.m. world again had a ringside seat on rebellious words of previous salutatorian, briefly criticised past hopes,” Schardt said. He total. the cost of 8150 can defer pay­ at the entrance. an educational system func­ ment over the next six months. A special edition Cheney Homestead — Special Exhibits, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. to a U.S.
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