20 Sc"" h (;, Chwnann Cheol Tt re h reann Newsletter of ~he Folk Musi c Society of Ira l and Sarnhain November o , , s , , s FO r aome documentary and r "necUv" notes on the fire t ten y "" I' S of t he life of the Society, s ee pp. '2 & 19 '1/ " t r 0 S P e c t' Page '2 Recent nleetlnga: ''I'he Irish wllrPiP" e ' 6 ' F"stivlll of tra ditional singin g' Po rtrus h 8 'Songs from Irish islands' 9 Annu"l General JlJeetingl II Songs from Tom Lenill.. n More on islands: ' The g r s.rno phone in Aran 1917' "11 '/Il~ire Bhruinne"ll' a Tory frllglnent 12 'Singing in IIl1tblin 1837' 13 • The dewy dens of Yarrow': Clare 19I&nd 15 Baill a g Bao t hru, Recent publica tion" by member.. 16 " • o }' . vol . 5 no '2 11 'lIel1g io\J8 f olk eong: .. seminar' Mee tings and confe rence s . Droghede and Durham " Fol k muBie on c88sette, '2 "19 Re vival Or survival: a ten-year record 19 Subecription r ates ,tlO't meetin,9: " "WELSH F 0 L K M U SIC" A lecture "itb sound recordings fro:>m t raditional sources, by W. R 0 Y S a e r, of tbe Welsh Folk .IIuseum, Csrd1ff Roy Seer has worked profesaionally in .... ny brllnches of folk 11fe studi"". His eepecial interest in music is evident in bis publi­ cations, whicb inolude " collection of' 'Songs from Oral Tradi­ tion ' and articles on carol singing He 1s "" experienced and cri tiCal guide to an are" of Celtic " rai art unfll.ll'.1liar in Ire­ land Sat urday I ~ No:>v ember i t 8 p . .. , " I., HenneUa St , Dublin 1 , 'Re troePect' R E T B 0 S P BeT The Folk Mu sic Soeiety b., just completed 1t8 tenth full year of eriatence . IIlId w, Ollll look back on a fine lIucc8al!ion of interesting m,etings, punctually held on tile date. appoint.­ ed ( ..ith 0118 I;,:ception ..bieb 5Ba.n Coreoran 8epeci&11y '11'111 re­ member). in a variety of venU88 lDOetly 11'1 Dublin, w1th e di­ versity of Participants often in numbers few but never 11'1 diecuBlion dilatory. To remind our lon~tBrm members, inform our recent 01'188 , and document our early hietary before 1t be­ camel blurred, _, give a 11et of tbe ~eetlng8 held during thoee ten years. 191~1 Initi.l dlscul810n end appointment of a provisional co~ltt'8 ( 1) JW18) Consideration of B draft constitution (7 Nov.) Formal inauguration - SIGil'se Bodley: 'Thl Irish harp' (24 Apr.) Annual General Meeting and o!cbe Cbeoil (19 June) 191 1- 2 Se~ 6 Baoi 111 'Al;lhr~in Tbir Cbonaill' (23 Oet . ) Alf Mac I..ochlainnl 'The broadeide tradit1on' (20 Nov.) Caitl!n ut hgeartaighl 'The Joyce collection' (18 Dec . ) ProlnSiae /it Dborcba{ 1 ' Ambraln an Achraldb' (29 Jan . ) Breand~n Breathnacbl 'The inetru;aental tradition' (76 Feb.) Otche Mhor Cheoil (13 Ap r. ) A. G, ~. , and O{cbe Cbeoll (20 Way) 1977-3 D. K. Wilgusl 'Rose ConnollY: an Iriob ballad' (73 Sept.) ProineiaS 6 Conlualn: 'A two-way traffiol lIome lIongll tbat croaoed tbe language barrier between Irieb and Engliob' (2B Oct . ) 'Dusty bluebello' TV film of Belfallt ehildren's aonge and C e 0 1 T ! r e 3 games, by David Hammond (25 Nov . ) James Porterl ' P!bbai r eacbd, the Scot tieh Highland pipe tradition of tbe ceol mo r ' (27 Jan . ) John Blaclting: 'Tbeory and methods in ethnomusicolcgical re- searcb' (24 Feb.) Breandan Breat!mscbl ' Local styles in dance mudc ' (31 Ifarcb) o{che Ifhor Cb e oil (14 APr.) A. O. If . (29 June) 1973- 4 Fr Emmanuel Giblin: 'Some Oriental styles and traits in s co11eo­ Hon of Irish music' (29 Oct . ) Alf Idac Lochlainn : ' Bunting and songa in Irisb' . Revd Chria Warren: 'Harp lIlus1c in the Bunting collection ' (24 Nov.) John Teeham 'Musica l instruments in the National Museum ' (2 Feb.) Richard Hllwldns: 'Bluegrass, a professional traditional music' ( 2) Feb. ) Tom J.!unnellYI 'Songs of the travelling people' ()O L!arch) T. Gwynn J onesl ' Penillion, a traditional Welsh style of singing' ( 21 Apr. ) A. G. M. (VId O!che Cheoil (24 JWle) 1 97 ~5 ' Teaching f olk music? A di soussion', 1 (26 Oc tober) W. H. A. williams : 'Folk SOllg as vernacular culture' 00 Nov. ) Leslie ShePard: 'The broadside ballad: tbo printed tradition i n folk music' (14 Dec .) 'Collecting folk music. A panel discussion' with Breand~n Breatlt­ nach, Dians Hamilton, Tom Uunnelly, Proinsias 6 Conluain, Hugh Shielde (25 Jan.) Revd Tercnce NcC aUE(hey: 'Scottish GaeliC folk song and literary culture' (22 Feh.) Miscellany ::: Linda Leet- Howe: 'Keening'. Pat lIitchell: 'Teaohing the pipes'. ciarin Dalton: 'Irish and Au stralian song'. Lee MaoCurtain: 'Playford dancing'. Ian !.!ac Loohlainn: 'Playing the ivy lea f ' (22 March) 'Teaching f olk mus ic ? A discussion', 2 (19 Apr,) A, 0 , II!, and Oicbs Cbe01\. 197r 6 Eddie Bu tcher: A recital of Ulahr e.ongtl (6 Sept. ) SeaClua 6 Cath;in, 'Lappa and Lapphb singing' (4 Get . ) Ho11a1g 6 hUMllolta1gb, 'Songs in Iriah from Tory, Donegal' ( I Hov . ) Ann BuckleYI '~hat was the medieval Irish ti omp~?' (l3 Dec.) )! lcbe;l 6 S\.111eabh~in ' ' Tbe manuscript aou rees of Bunting 's 18~O collection ' (LO Jan . ) ·Miacellany - till s Hi Bb radaigb' 'Dublin children' . gamee' . Ciaran 6 Coigll.gb, 'Ambrain Raifte1r{' . Alt iliac LochIainn, 'Printed versions of Caoineadh n. dtr! Mhuire'. Hugh Shield" 'Songs from Newfoundland: Irish parallels'. (2IFeb.) An Canonach CO$llllett 6 Cuinn: ' senll-amhrain Ulsdb sgue Oi r ghialla' (20 March) An Uth. Padraig 6 Hesla!: 'An ceol all bbealoideau ' (1 !tay) A. G. 11 . and Olche Cbeoil (2~ JWlII) 1916-1 Virginia Blankenhorn: 'N a tive and foreign elemente in the "aean-nos" tradition ' (23 Get , ) Proinsia9 6 Gon1ua1n: 'Folk- song collecting in Tory, 00. Done- 8a1 ' (27 Nov.) Sean CorcorlllH 'Polk. aongs of county Louth' (15 Jan . ) Sean O'D1qer, 'The concertina in Ireland' (26 Feh.) Miscellany - Hugh Shields, 'Ballad and chantefable in Ireland'. Angela h rtridge, 'Cnoineadh na eStr! Muire'. Nicbolas Caro1an: ,.,i111am Bsauford and Irish music'. 'M. H. A. \H111ams, ' Iriah folk. muaic in Amedca ' (reed by Alf l! ac Lochl ainn) . (26 March) Seoirse Rodley, 'Polk. lIIusic end cOIllPositiOll : a pareons l vie ... C e 0 1 T { r e 5 pOint' (30 Apr.) A. O. M. and O{ene CneoH (~ June) 1917- 8 Oeorge&-llenis Zimmermann: "Wnat is an "Irisn ballad"?' (10 Sept . ) Charlea Lennon: 'Traditiona l Irish fiddling' (5 Nov.) Breand~ Breathnach: ' James CaodlDan , piper and music collector' (10 Dec.) Seamue Mac MathUna : ' Songs of lIiuscral> (28 Jan.) Cathal Ooanl 'CeoHa Hai11{ H{ Dnolllbnei 11 , (25 Feb.) Miscellany - Breand~n Breathnach: 'The Church and Irish tradi­ tional dancing' . Sr Cora Oafiney: ' Irish music in the clss&­ room' , 1l0uglas Sealy: 'P!obaireachd, the classical music of the Highland plpes ' . Tom Uunnelly. 'Some recently collected songs'. (1 Apr. ) A. O. M. and O{che Cheoil (10 J\llle) I9?&-9 John Mouldenl 'The Sam Henry collection ' (30 Sept . ) 'Irish traditional music in the marke~pIace' wi t h Breand~ Breathnach, Riobard Mac Ooraln , Ciaran Mac Ma t hUna {ll Nov . } Allen Feldmaru 'Fiddling and fiddlers in southwest Donegal' (9 Dec,) LiOlD 6 Dochartaigh: 'N orth Ulster music and songs on film ' videotape of Edd1e Butcber, Joe Holmes, Sammy ~ade (20 Jan.) lain ~ontague. 'Ireland and the historic dances of Europs ' (24 Fsb. ) Pat Mitcbelll 'The piPing of Patsy Touhey' (7 APr. ) Oeorge Hroder iekl 'Tradi Uonal muaic and aongs of the Isle of Man ' (12 May) A, C, w, (23 June) 191 <r 80 Martin TaltYI 'Musical life in county Clare ' (6 Oct.) Tom lIIunnelly: ' The songe of 'Meat Clare' (3 Nov . ) 6 ' R e t rOB p e e t' Mieheal 6 hAllllhai.n: ' Traditional flu t llll and nut~pl aying' (2 Dec.) Hugh sbidds: 'Folk singing in North De rry' (26 JILll.) lo\ lIrl an De asy: ' Tbe Fetr1e eollection. sources and methods of edi ting' (2) Feb.) ltl ecelle,."'JY - PT oinsias 6 Conlutlin. 'Ballade In D'l gliBb in tbe Gaelh,eht' . N1cbo1 88 Carola.n : 'Sbak.eepeate ' s " uilleann" Pipe"' " Alf l4ac Lochlai.nn: 'lo\uaic of the Pon tine Cr eeks' . (12 AP r.) C!lthel Go&n : 'The RTE a rchives of Irish traditiona l mustc' (10 May) A. G. M. an d Otolle Cbeoll (28 June ) 198~1 Breandan 6 W.adasain: 'The music of Irish bar dic poetry' (20 Sf!Pt. ) Malte Ainll Ni Dbo nncbadba ' • Sr::;>ointe f aotn allan-noB i gCona­ me ra' ( 1 Nov . ) '~'iko Russell on vl.deotape' _blat1a , Clute and songs from co. Cltt.re (6 Dec . ) Jobn Kelly: Fiddle and concertin. reeitel (31 Januar y) Johnny O'Leary, Button accol'd.ion r ecital (28 February) - A(\d , Ronnie \\'a t hen , ' The Cretan lyre and NePalese Sa rangi' T H , I R I SH ·",t,R P IPES Wo at cultures , eapecially outdoor or no~adio, bave a need f or a loud and arres ting mueioal inetrument . Conches , horne . drums, trumpets are widely ueed for c ommun ication, entertainmen t, intimi4atl Oll, ritual . For centuriee t he Iris h inst rument C e 0 1 T { r e ,0 7 of tbia type waa e now e%tinct form of tbe moutb-blown bagpipe, uaually r eferrsd to, from its cbter runction, aa tbe warpipea. Seen Donnelly, a player on both war and uilleann pipea wbo i e making a etudy of tbe history of tbe wa r pipee in Ireland, pre­ sented a a~ary of bis reaaarcb to date at tbe f iret meating of t be Soc1ety after Jonnny O' Lesry, in Henrietta St on 4 April.
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