Dhananjayarao Gadgil Library 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 GIPE-PUNE-021313 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE R. p. LAMONT, Secretary BUREAU OF FOREICN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE REDERICK M. FElKER, Director Trade Promotion Series-No. 72 (Revised edition) SHIPMENT OF SAMPLES AND ADVERTISING MATTER ABROAD Including Use of the Mails in Foreign Trade BY ROBERTA P. WAKEFIELD Senior Reaearch A ••iatant AND HENRY CHALMERS Chief Division of Foreign TarUl. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. 1932 For ..10 by the Superintendent of Document., Washington, D. C. _ _ Price $1.00 (Buckram) HOW TO KEEP THIS HANDBOOK UP TO DATE The information here presented is believed to represent correctly the situation at date of publication. Change may take place at almost any time, however, in this or that detail of the requirements or charges of individual countries. Purchasers of this handbook who wish to keep it up to date should arrange to receive CoMMEBOB REPORTS regularly and to have the section on .. TarilTs and trade regulations" scanned for any announcements of changes, which will be printed in a form ready to clip and paste over the original passage In the handbook. u X~\', ~~ ,7?­ C-r L. CONTENTS Page WEST INDIES Page Foreword_______________ _______ VII Int.roduct.ion_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 British West Indies: Antigua, Method of handling shipments_ _ 1 Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Mail shipments_____________ 1 Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica Montserrat, St. Christopher and FreightIUents __________________and express ship- _ 2 Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Prepayment of duty _______ _ 2 Trinidad and Tobago, British Use of the mails in foreign trade_ 3 Virgin Islands, etc____________ 65 Re~ular mails _____________ _ 4 Cuba (including Isle of Pines)____ 68 First-class (letter)-maiL ___ _ 4 DOIUinican Republic _____ -----__ 78 Second-class mail and com- French West Indies: mercial papers _________ _ 5 _Guadeloupe __________________ " 81 "Printed matter" or Martinique__________________ 84 "prints" _____________ _ 5 HaitL_________________________ 87 Sample post _____________ _ 6 Netherland West Indies:" Aruba, Articles grouped together __ 6 Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eu­ "Combination packages" __ 7 statius, and southern part of "Small packets" ________ _ 7 St. Martin_ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 91 "8-ounce merchandise" packages ______________ _ 8 SOUTH AMERICA International air mails _____ _ 9 Parcel post _______________ _ Argentina _______ ~_____________ 93 11 Bolivia________________________ 99 Sealing and indorsing of BraziL ________________________ 104 packages______________ 12 Clli1e __________________________ 110 Declarationsnotes _________________ and dispatch _ Colombia ______________________ 114 13 Ecuador _______________________ 119 Markin~ and dociunentation __ _ 14 Falkland Islands ________________ 124 ~farklng __________________ _ 14 {}oods __________________ _ Guianas, The: Packages _______________ _ 14 British Guiana_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 125 15 French Guiana _______________ 127 Documentation: ___________ _ 15 Mail shipments __________ _ 15 ParaguaySurinam______________________ (Netherland Guiana) _ 132130 Freight shipments ________ _ 15 Peru __________________________ 137 "Uruguay ______________________ 141 NORTH AMERICA Venezuela _____________________ 146 Canada ____________________"___ 17 Greenland_____________________ 24 EUROPE Mexico________________________ 24 Albania _______________________ 151 Austria ________________________ 153 Newfowldlanddor) ________________________ (including Labr&- 30 Belgium and Luxemburg ________ 155 St. Pierre and Miquelon _____ c___ 34 Bulgaria_______________________ 158 Cyprus ________________________ 161 Czechoslovakia_________________ 162 CENTRAL" AMERICA Denmark ______________________ 165 British Honduras_______________ 37 Dodecanese Islands: Aegean Is- Costa Rica _______________"":_:._'- 38 lands of Cachi, Calimno, (Ka­ Guatemala_____________________ 42 lymnos), Cas 0, Castelrosso, Honduras, Republic oL_________ 46 Coo (Kos), Lero, Lipso, Lisso, Nicaragua_____________________ 49 Nisiro, Pat.mo, Piscopi, Rodi Panama_______________________ 54 (Rhodes), Scarpanto, Simi, anrl Salvador, EL__________________ 58 Stanlpalia _______________ _____ ll"".S m IV CONTENTS Page ~stonia _____________________ ._ 168 AFRICA PAIII aroe Is18.nds __________________ 171 Be~g.ian Alrica: Belgian Co~go_ _ _ 271 BritISh Alrica: An,g~o-Egyptian Sudan ________ 274 BritISh East Atric_Kenya, Gibraltar ______________________ 180 Tanganyika, and Uganda 277 ~~~~~~=================::::: i~! British SOmaliland ________ =::: 279 British West Atrie-. Gambia ____ ,_______________ 280 Irish~~~;r~~~==================== Free State _______________ iii187 Gold Coast (lIIcluding Ashaoti .an~ British Togoland>----- 282 NI~erla (including British Lithuania________________~:t~~::~=================:::: ____ 195tg~ . amerooI\S) ______________ 284 !dalta__________ ~ ____________ :: 197 Sierra Leone _______________ 286 Netherlands ___________________ 199 !dauritius, Seychelles, and St. Norway _______________________ 201 Helena ________________ 287,354 Poland and Danzig _____________ 203 Nyasaland ___________________ 287 Portugal (including Azores and Rhodesi_ !dadeira Islands) _____________ 206 Northern __________________ 289 Rumania ______________________ 209 Southern __________________ 291 Soviet Russia __________________ 212 Union of South Alrica (includ- in~ South-West Africa) ______ 294 Spainlands) (including _______________________ B a I ear i c Is- '214 Zanzlbar ____________________ 297 Sweden ________________________ 218 Egypt _________________________ 298 Switzerland____________________ 220 Ethiopia (Abyssinia) ____________ 300 Turkey ____ J ___________________ 223 French Alrica: United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland _________ 226 Algeria---------------------- 303 yugoslavia ____________________ 230 French Cameroons ____________ 306 French Equatorial Alrie-. Gabun and the CooventioI18.l Congo Basin _______________ 308 ASIA French Somaliland ____________ 311 French Togoland _____________ 313 Aden__________________________ 235 French West Alrie-.Dahomey Alghanistan____________________ 236 French Guinea, Ivory Coast: Arabia: Bahrein, Hejaz, Koweit, Oman and yemen ____________ 237 !dauritania, Niger, Senegal, Sudan, and Upper Volta_____ 315 Britishtan) ________________________ t ndia (including Baluchis- 239 !dada!(ascar and' dependencies Ceylon ________________________ 242 (includes Comoro, Mayotta, China_________________________ 244 lands)Nossi _____________________Be, and St. Mary Is- 317 Federated and Unfederated !dalay Reu~i~n _____________________ 320 States_______________________ 246 TuD18l8. ______________________ 323 French Establishments in India: Chandernagor, Karikal, !dahe, ItalianEritrea Alrica:______________________ 325 Pondicherry, and yanaon ______ 247 Italian Somaliland ___________ 327 French Indo-China: Annam, Cam­ Libya (Tripolitania and Cyrenai- bodia, Cochin'China, Laos, and ca) ________________________ 329 Tonkin ______________________ 248 Liberia________________________ 331 Hong Kong ____________________ 251 Iraq (!desopotamia) ____________ 252 !dorocoo: French, Spanish, and Tangier (InternatioI18.l) zone8 __ 332 Japan (including Chosen, Taiwan, and Kwantung Leased Terri- Portuguese Africa: tory) ________________________ 254 AngolaAlrica) ____________________(Portuguese West 335 Netherland East Indies: Celebes, Java, Sumatra, etc____________ 256 Cape Verde Islands ___________ 337 Palestine ______________________ 258 !dozambique (Portuguese East Persia_________________________ 260 Africa) ____________________ 339 Portuguese China: !dacao _______ 262 Portu~uese Guinea____________ 341 Portuguese East Indies: Timor___ 263 St.~ds Thomaa ______________________ and Princes Is- 343 Portuguese India: Damao, Diu, and Goa_____________________ 265 Spanish Alrica: Siam__________________________ 266 Canary Islands and Rio de Oro_ 345 Straits Settlements______________ 267 Spanish Guine-_Fernando Po Syria and Greater Lebanon ______ 268 I~d and Rio Muni ________ 347 CONTENTS v OCEANIA French Oceania--Continued. Page . Page . Huon Islands, Isle of Pines, Australia ____________________. __ 349 Loyalty Islands, and Wallis British Oceania: Brunei, Fiji Is­ Archipelago} _______________ 360 lands, Friendly or Tonga Is-­ New Hebrides Condomin- lands, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, ium ____________________ 354,363 Mauritius, New Hebrides Con­ Japanese mandates: Caroline, Ma­ dominium, North Borneo, Pa­ riana, Marshall, and Pelew Is-- pua, St. Helena, Sarawak, Sey­ lands___________________ ----- 363 chelles, Solomon Islands and Newlands} Zealand _______________________ (including Cook Is- 365 Santa Cruz, Territory of New Guinea, and Territory of West- ern Samoa___________________ 354 ApPENDIX French Oceania: French Establishments in United States noncontiguoUS Ter­ Oceania--Gambier Group, ritories: Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, a"ld Leeward Islands, Marquezas Virgin Islands ______________ 371 Islands, Rapa Island, Society GuaDl _______________________ 371 Islands, Tuamotu Archi­ pelago, and Tubuai or Austral Philippine Islands ____________ 372 Islands ____________________ 357 Tutuila (American Samoa} _____ 372 Geographical index _____________ 375 New Caledonia and dependen- cies (includes Aloti, FutUlla, FOREWORD That f.LttrJ)ctive SflmpWtl and w~lI-pr!)p'-'red ad.-erti::.inl!; ll1!ttter, in t,h!1 <:"?mTllt'l:c~a.l lanlfUag.., of ~,he. {'.OImtrr, CllUt;t~t1lte ei1ect.h-A ~eans (II !'t,mlUJ~.tHlg
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