Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol. 22 No. 80 ; ' · ■/·"■ Saipan, MP 96950 ©1993 Marianas Variety Môndiiÿ ■ July 5 > Serving CNMI for 20 Years . T u r n e r a r r i v e s ASSISTANT Interior Secretary for Turner came from a three-day Territorial and International Af­ visit to Hawaii, where she met fairs Leslie Turner arrived Satur­ with Governor John Waihee and day for a series of meetings local officials of the US Navy’s re­ officials. gional command stationed in Turner will also visit of Saipan Honolulu. garment factories after a scheduled Early yesterday, Turner Joined luncheon meeting with Tinian Governor Lorenzo I. DL. Mayor James Mendiola and other Guerrero and other officials in Tinian officials. celebrating the 49th anniversary ASSISTANT Interior Secretary Leslie Turner (center) views Liberation Day parade with First Lady Matilda She is then scheduled to fly to of Liberation Day. Guerrero and Lt. Gov. Benjamin T. Manglona yesterday. Rota for a luncheon meeting with By 2 p.m. that same day, Turner Rota officials Tuesday after which will start her tour of garment fac­ she will go to Guam and Palau, and tories prior to an evening recep­ back to Honolulu, her first stop in tion to be hosted by Governor Tan issues reminder on PL 8-11 her 13-day Pacific island tour. Guerrero. (RHA) WHILE it is not a violation of the administrators and chiefs. after working hours, if it came law for a political to send cam­ The memorandum dated June from a government employee in a paign materials to government 17 invited all agency heads to a supervisory position. offices, it is illegal for the recipi­ meeting on June 22 at the Caro­ “The clear inference of the law ent to distribute the same materi­ linian Utt where Manglona was is that it is improper and illegal New bill to revive als on government time in gov­ scheduled to speak. for any political action commit­ ernment offices. The memorandum ended with, tee or group to urge supervisory Public Auditor Scott Tan is­ “Our top most commitment is the government employees to make- sued this reminder Friday in a quality of service to our people such suggestions to their subordi­ 4-year alien ban memorandum to all government which will be ensured through nates as that constitutes the of­ department and activity heads continuing this administration. fense of solicitation. Therefore A BILL to reinstate the four-year instead of Just opening our doors clarifying a certain provision in Please inform your key staff and political committees should de­ restriction for contract workers completely and without restraint,” Public Law 8-11 with regards to invite them to the meeting.” sist from any further suggestions will be introduced soon by Repre­ he said. Guerrero in an interview. possibly improper political ac­ According to Tan, a govern­ such as were contained in the June sentative Crispin I. DL. Guerrero. In his bill, Guerrero wants the tions by government officials and ment supervision whofollows the 17 letter,” Tan said. In an interview Friday, Guerrero previous three-year waiting period employees. memorandum and invites his sub­ ‘The clear implication of the said he was prefiling a three-page to be shortened to 30 days to ad­ Tan’s was responding to com­ ordinates to a political meeting or law is that it would be most legislation that would require alien dress current concerns about the plaints regarding a recent memo­ activities could violate the law appropriate for government workers to leave and stay out for at uncontrolled influx of alien labor. randum from the Committee to because he would be using offi­ employees who receive such least 30 days upon concluding four This is also to address concerns Reelect Governor Lorenzo I. cial authority to influence the political advertisements to years of continuous employment that the “open-door” policy on alien Guerrero and Lt. Governor Ben­ employee’s political actions. avoid posting them in official in the Commonwealth. labor is severely hurting their Jamin T. Manglona to all govern­ Tan said such violations of the places and to avoid circulat­ “We need to do this to pul some chances of landing better Jobs in ment department and agency law could occur even if the invita­ ing them on official time,” he control on the influx of alien labor the Job market. (RHA) heads, directors, special assistants, tion were made to the subordinate said (RHA) ^MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY- JULY 5,1993 49th Liberation Day snapshots MISS CNMI Universe Vicky Tudela charms crowd. TRADITIONAL grass hut, one of the unique entiee in the that competition. BUSINESSMAN Willie Tan (left) joins crowd along Beach Road to view parade. JEFFREY Flores, Keiko Yamagata and Farrah and Leila Younis lead representatives of the Saipan Youth Council. FINANCE Director (right) waits patiently for long parade. ¿Marianas cVariety'$& Serving the Commonwealth for 21 years Published Monday to Friday By Younis Art Studio, Inc. Publishers. Abed and Paz Youths NtcK Legaspi............. Editor M em ber of Rafael H. Arroyo....... Reporter The Associated Press P.O. Box 231, Saipan MP 96950-0231 © 1993, Marianas Variety Tel. (670) 234-6341/7578/9797 All Rights Reserved Fax: (670) 234-9271 REAL roast pig is this float's main attraction. MONDAY, JULY 5 ,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-3 PA1 loses $10.18M from Europe flights Delegate proposal MANlLA (AP) - Philippine Airlines is reviewing its European operations after losing 274.9 pesos ($10.18 million) last year, an may be untimely airline statement said Saturday. The statement said the losses were mainly due to the recession in IT MAY be untimely feu the CNMI of US Congress and the executive licans whQ felt such a power “is Europe, the high cost of operations and a drop in passengers and to seek a seat in US Congress amid branch. diluting the rightful authority of cargo. current disagreementover expanded A delegate to Congress is expected every member of Congress.” Losses reached 274.9 million pesos for the year ending March 31. voting privileges extended to other to help the CNMI receive the maxi­ Traditionally, these delegates PAL earned 211.5 million pesos ($7.8 million) the previous year. insular delegates, according to Resi- mum benefit possible from federal were only allowed to vote ai the The airline said gross revenues for the European route increased dentRepresentativeJuanN. Babauta. laws, while at the same time deter committee level, which means they by $219.2 million due to additional flights, but the losses could be In addition, current problems over mappropriatemeasuresaffectingthe cannot vote during deliberatiops on traced to the high cost of goods and services labor, immigration and taxation may Commonwealth. the floor. have made the CNMI’s quest for a As member of a congressional A legal challenge was subse­ delegate even more difficult at this committee, the CNMI delegate can quently filed with the district court time. inform fellow committee members to nullify the Democrats move. “The heated partisan battle in the of the special needs of the CNMI and “In addition, the NMI is associ­ Clinton signs $1B bill US House last January over extend­ will have the opportunity to enlist ated by some members of the House ing voting privileges to insular area the support of other members toblock with labor and immigration prob­ to stimulate economy delegates has not been forgotten. or amend bills not in the CNMI’s lems, unfair tax policy and othef Any suggestion for adding a seat in interest concerns. Although the Legislature the House few the CNMI at this time According to Babauta, taking the is working hard on the remedies, in By Nancy Benac nal Jobs measure: is likely to arouse the acrimony of issueof aCNMI delegate to officials the present atmosphere, our quest -$341 millionfor college grants, that debate,” Babauta said letters to in Washington, D.C. at the present for a seat in Congress will be ham­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Admit­ $1.7 billion less than the president Governor Lorenzo Guerrero and Ll time may be bad timing. pered,” Babauta said. ting it was not what he hoped for, originally wanted. Governor Benjamin T. Manglona House Democrats inJanuary voted He said, a patient, careful and President Clinton has signed into - $220 million for summer jobs, and the Legislature on June 30. to give non-state delegates from coordinated plan of action is essen­ law a $1 billion bill that provides $780 million less than initially The Legislature adopted on June Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Is­ tial few the effort to succeed. mere remnents of what he origi­ sought. 22 a joint resolution urging Con­ lands and District of Columbia and “Despite the obstacles, what we nally sought to stimulate the ane­ - $150 million to hire new police gress to confer non-voting delegate the resident commissioner of Puerto seek is Just and right. We must mic American economy. officers, $50 million less. status on the CNMI’s resident repre­ Rico the power to cast non-decisive commit ourselves to. act together. Also Saturday, Clinton an­ - $175 million for small-busi- sentative. votes on committees of the whole on We must use all our resources in a nounced he had signed legislation ness loans, $34 million more than Copies of House Joint Resolution the House floor. measured and clear-headed man­ extending the administration's au­ originally proposed. 8-5 were transmitted to key officials This was resented by the Repub­ ner,” Babauta said. (RHA) thority to complete negotiations on a global free-trade agreement. The bill allows the president to enter into trade agreements worked out by the Uruguay Round of the B e a u t y L o st.
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