San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1917 Special Libraries, 1910s 3-1-1917 Special Libraries, March 1917 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1917 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, March 1917" (1917). Special Libraries, 1917. 3. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1917/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1917 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries .- -. - -. .. - - - . - --- Vol. 8 MARCH, 1917 No. 3 Public Libraries and Business Men By Adelaide R. Hasse, Chief, Documents Division. New York Library M7hat would you say about a business Inan number of cities In the country whose build- who pays taxes for city water, good, clean, lngs and locations and collections and 11- filtered water, piped to his house, to be used brarians you may well be proud of. ugstairs and down by merely turning a How often do you boast to the out-of- spigot, who then pays some one to dig a well towner that you are getting your taxes' in his yard, gays to have the water filtered. worth of return in your business from the or runs the risk of using it unfiltered, and library? What do you know, business men, who uses that water instead of the city water about your publlc library as a business asset he is paying for all the time? for you? A fern of you Bnow a good deal, but You woulcl say he is a queer kind of a Inany might know much more and greatly business man, and you would ask why he is benefit thereby. so foolish. Perhaps his answer might be The other day there walked into the li- that he did not know how to turn the spigot! brary ln a certain large c~tya representative Or he might say that the city water was of a special Inagamne. He had no idea that not pure enough. Or he might explain that he could find what he wanted in the public even though he was paying taxes on it, he library, but he had been every place else in did not know it was there. Or again, he town to no avail, so he dropped ~ntothe li- might tell you that he lilies his own well brary as a last resort Here he spent two in his own back yard, because it gives him hours. He iound not only what he came for, a feeling of just using it himself, and he but the librarian directed him to a set of liked the exclusive feeling. Government reports, oi which he had never You would laugh at any of these answers. heard in his life, and in them he found ma- You would say that any business man who terial which, lie said, saved his flrm five would not take time to learn "the simple thousand dollars in experiments. This Arm twist of the wrist" which tunls the spigot, had never used the library hefore. or who would not demand pure water for Another man, the ~cpresentativeof a big the rest of the town, as well as for h~mself, financial flrm, spends on an average of three or who had not sense enough to know what evcnings a week in the economic section of he was paying taxes for, and what he should his publ~clibrary. What 1s he loolung up? get in exchange, was not fit to bc a citizen, The history of finance for one thlng. The and you would have your opmion of h1n1 as price of silver, for another, and the price of a business man, without any doubt 111 the stoclrs in various countries for various world. years. Does anyone suppose he would be Yet a great many business men are al- spendmg his tinie this way, IE he did not most as unintelligent about thelr gublic find ~t good for hlfi I)usiness? libraries, as is th~smythical person who Still another AI~,ready to put its em- does not turn the sp~gotto get h~scity ployes on a grofit-sharing bas~s,sent to the water public library lo find how other profit-shar- Many of them pay taxes to support their Ing schemes have worked o~t.Anolher. public librar~es,and what do they get out of wantmg to advertise its special Illand of them? Their wives get assistance in writing breakfast food, found 111 the 1il)rarq- the lo- their club papers. Thelr children get help cations of all the grocery Stol'e? in th~ for their school and college class work The Un~tedStates The particular 1ibra1'y had whole famlly gets books for recreation and equipped itself with a volnmc g'ving just enlightenment of one kind or another. And data, saving this flrm the great csuen?e of they themselves have the opportunity of talr- making for itself such a survey ing the out-of-towners around in their auto- Om of the largest cigar manufacturing mobiles to show them the gublic library companies in the world sent to the public bullding and its wonderful location. That is library for histories of the tobacco industry worth something, I gl-ant, for there are any in the United States, to be used in n special 42 SPECIAL LIBRARIES advertisment. The library furnished not only trade papers? Has it these reports and those books and magazine articles on the subject, newspapers? It will be good for you both. but illustrations for the booklet as well. You may find that the library has some Imp0rtel.s and exporters, profiting by the things you never heard of, which may be of experience of those who have foulld what great value to you In your work. The libra- these institutions can do for them, Use the rian may get from you, names and titles of public libraries for stat~sticsand directories, boolcs and reports he has not known about, laws of foreign countries and steamship And you will have formed an alliance with routes. Your broker, planning to lend lnoneY s public utility well worth while. to foreign cities, goes to the library to find Too often you do not even try out your the size of the cities in question, them mu- yubl~cllbrary. When your corporation gets njcipal debts and various other lnforlnation big enough you start a business library of regarding them. Your man selling motor- your own. Such libraries are being started cycles, makes a trip to his library to find all over the country. Every concern of a the number of young mechanics in the certain size, doing a certain amount of busi- United States between the ages of so and so, ness, has a busmess l~brarywilh a trained who are unmarried, because experience librarian in charge of it. It has a room or teaches him that men of thls age and statlon rooms devoted to the library-and space is buy more motorcycles than other men. expensive, as you all know. It sinks every FXere is a man about to install a new year, hundreds of dollars into equipment, system on cost accounting The library books, magazine, reports, etc, and it pays makes him a list of the best references and well for tra~nedhelp, because business men he comes to use the books and magazine know enough to realme that expert asslst- articles. He knows when he is through with ance is the only kind that will do for such them, which system is the best for h~spar- work. ticular firm. When you get ready to start a library of He1.e is a paper manufacturing concern, your own, what do you do? You go to your sending to know how ~nuchtmber stands public librarian, and you ask the bcst way uncut in the different states of the United to put it through. You ask him where you States. Here's a promoter of a scheme to can get a good librarian, and how to go manufacture rennet. He is searching today about that. You find out from hiin about for the laws of Argentina regardmg bob equipment, shelving, lights, and catalog veal. Why? Because he would like to im- paraphernalia. port in cold storage, the stomachs of calves, This busmess library is veiy expensive, to be used in this rennet nlannfacturing but it is such a satisfaction to have a trained business. librarian to hunt down your references and You represent a firm wanting trade oppor- makes abstracts of your magazine articles, tunities In South d~ner~caand hlexico. The order the books and reports on your special library has Government reports, periodicals, line, keep you up to date with your clipping books and clippings, and you may or may files, classify and catalog everything so not be using its resources. that you and all your nlen know jiist what Tour library has ways of borrowing for therc is and where it is, that you are willing your use, books from other libraries. Why it should cost. Yon keep right on, year after uot make use of this privilege? The Govern- year, paying taxes for your public library ment publishes reports and statistics of the and demanding nothing of it, and footing greatest use to business men, and if the li- the bills of your own business library.
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