.~ .' '': " ' --1 .. -·critics· Consider· ···t····:·.:.b··... ·. ' .- ' . ... -k Dave Budd Shows Arena Theater's ' . I. '/ . Latest Production Ball-Handling ·Skill 'ire l nr In Current Season ax ...... ' ~~"'· . .) Page Seven : . .. ,,e~· ~4e eaMp~-.iiJ~,. <71. M~''' .,. ... -~· •. -~:·"; ~! .I . ' ' ' ""---' ... *. '•* * . * ' ...), • ., .'voLUME ~~--~----~~----~--------------------~--------------~-----.~--~~--~--~----~----------------~--~~~--~--------~--------~------~~-------------------------------------------------------- ·XLIV , '. Wake Fores't Colle¥e, Winston-Salem,-North Carol.iDa, Monday, December 15, 1958 -· NUMBER 13 Trustee Board r To Meet Here On· January··· 9 - - - I --' ., ' ·' Carr To Be Forum Speaker H~ndhook Quiz ~tumps By LYNN SMATHERS lege, Lexington, Ky. He received Carr was captain of the football The &lv. Warren Carr of Dur­ the Th. M. degree from Southern team, a mernJber of Pi Kappa Al­ ham will speak at a Baptist Stu­ Seminary in Louisville. pha social fraternity, and was 156,-Second Quiz Seen dent Union supper· forum today at As a memb€r of the student eleeted to Who's Who in American ,. 5 p. m. The Rev. Carr is well­ body at Transylvania College, Colleges and Universities. Orientation committee chair­ known for his work in racial :rela­ Teaches At Duke who· must take the quiz again tions as well as for his a'ctivities / man Charles · Rooks · said i last have been' posted on the bulletin He is now a part-time instructo:r Loss Of Classes as pastor of Watt Street ·Baptist at Duke Divinity School in Dm>­ week . .that 156 freshmen· and board in Reynolda Hall. · . ·Before coming to Winston..!Salem Wilson said that oppositi<m to Church in Durham. ham. He is also chairman of the transfer students -failed the ~oks says he does not think in 1952, he worked· with,the Char- the change· centered around the The speaker's topic will . be , handbook quiz.· · all the 135 students :who did not Committee on Human Relations in lotte News and the Baltimore loss of another Saturoay class "Faith versus Orthodox: Law." The Durham, a group primarily devo­ The quiz will be given , for take the quiz are still in school. · Evening 'Sun. He joined the period. The 1958-59 calendar has meal will be in the Magnolia Room ted to the problems of integration. those who failed it and for the The number includes those who Journal-Sentinel as editorial direc.:: made Tuesday; Thursday and Sat- in Reynolda Hall and reservations 1.35 who. di!f hot show up t!) ta~e have dropped out since registra­ tor ·and in 1955. w:as promoted to urday classes in general·suffer, he cost $1.10. The BSU will also sponsor pre­ the test, he· said. N'o' date has tion. Christmas morning watches Wed­ executive editor in charge of both added. George Pruden, spokesman for nesday and Thursday at 7:15a.m. been set for .the second quiz; 'but The·, quiz "included · such ques­ the news and editorial One day of classes was lost dur- the supper forum committee, has 'staffs~ For the Wednesday mo;.ning Rooks said it ·will be given some tions as "W,ho is the dean of the· ·Surratt is a memt:>er · ··ot the ing Homecoming and another was said the meeting is op.en ·to· BSU time after· the Christmas holi·· College.?'' and ''Name four watch, Dr. George Griffin, profes­ American Society of Newspaper lQst during Thanbgiving holidays. members a!ld to non-BSU'ers. After sor of religion, will speak on "The days. ·social frater:ilities on camfms." Editors and the National. Confer- Classes were shortened the Satur- Carr's talk, studentS will be able to 'He emphasized that the quiz One of the traditional questions Spirit of ·Christmas," in Davis ,/. ence of Editorial Writers· and is a day of the Wake Forest-University submit questions from the floor. Chapel. will only be given one .Jiiore included in the quiz each year is meln'ber.and past_ chairman of the of North Carolina football game so Third Visit· Thursday morning in Room 104 time. Students who do not take ''Write out the first ·verse of our North Carolina Conference of students could fill the buses early; It will be the third time that it that- time ·will not be given· ''-alma maier and .the i'll'st .verse of Wingate Hall ''The Christmas ~ditorial WTiters. Reading day was hit upon by the Carr has. spoken :on the WinstQn- Story'' will be presented. Dough­ another·chance;.· -.. : . · of.our fight song." -, IHe· is a mem'ber of the Presby':' faculty as a good time to make up ~al~m cap1pus. He' visited the cani­ If'" stude.nt fails ,_the .. nuts and coffee will be served each a tes~, the , Last ye~. the qutz wa.S; giT~'· terlan 'Church,· sev"eral .. civie eluhs, the. Saturday class. lost by the pus ln·1956 as'part·of·the team for ·day. second time or f8il.S 'tO take it, several ·times ·to those stUdents. .is active in -the holiday extensio_n. There be ]leligion . In Life week and more lmd WJns1;on:-'S:ale~m.l ~I •Charles Rooks, chairman of the J he pointed .out, this is put:.down £Who flP!ed tht: :first 'one. The tes£ Syjnphony Association. no ·eiffort to make up the Friday recently he was a ·speal!:er at the 'r on his permanent record Jrept by is in addition .t<>.Woman's Govern­ BSU committee in charge of the Last year Sui-.ratt _,spoke to the classes lost. The calendar provides pre-school retreat this fall. literary discussion groups, has the College. · - ment AssoCiation's· coed hand·· College unit of the American Asso- a sufficient numlber of Friday A native' of LOuisville, Ky., he is fl.'he ·names of 'those students· ibO:etk quiz. ' . said that there will be discussion ~iation· of University Professors. classes. a gl'aduate of Transylvania Col- groups meeting during January. i ' I. ''_ ..' PAGE TWO Monday Dec. 15, 1958 OLD GOLD AND BLACK ''', J!'OR-DESIGNED HAIRCUTS·-'-· ',. ·' Orientation Pit} curl P~.rmanents ·or 'conventional permanentS. False hair . .. on· ,21 'Deacs Who AreI Greeks~,\ (pony tails, chignons; buns, etc.) Free consultation any . beauty problem. ~boose· the finest beauty shop, in tOVfR-, Quiz Shows B;r BUDDY McCORKLE T 'Christmas furnished the excuse,for a rash of parties ' I ' H~' HAIRDESIGNERS . ' . ·Jo 4 1 6 last week end, as fraternity men entertained both theln.- I~;;: ;;;;;;;;;N~.;;;S~pr;;;u;;;e~e;;;S;;;t~.~~~· O~pe~n~· ~E~v~e~Din~g~s·~;;;;P~h~o~n~e~-~P~A~,~424~. ~1~1~- E New Facts selves and groups of underprivpeged children. , .. h -..... ., ·R4 Did you know that a man- named Se~etna_d~s ente~ed into the 'picture, too, ahn~ the ckoed.. , . .._ ....'.. .· . ... ... ... ~.. _!' .·,. ·. «: .. ·::n.:."" ...... d orm1 ones are m for more serenading t IS wee ; Wake .founded Wake Forest in ,! -- Twe 1834? Or that The Deacon is the Two annual balls were held, with the Kappa Alphas SUMMIT STR'E.ET PHARMACY, Inc'. tapped name of the student magazine? holding their Rose Ball in Winston-Salem and the· ' ·rary, .1 You didn't? Neither did orienta­ Delta Sigma Phi's journeyin·g to Charlotte for the state- Foot Summit Street: Overlooking Hanes Park Phone PA2-1U~ · da:v•.d1 tion committee mem'bers until last wide Carnation Ball. ,pa,ted' week, when they graded the hand~ Several new ple_dges were added and ·one pledge class YOUR PRESCRIPTION 'ouR FiRST CONSIDE~TION ceremj book quiz given to freshmen and nam.ed officers. fl'he transfer students. ·. · Alpha Sigma ·Phi willla: They· became enlightened as to Two new pled·ge class officers were elected last week. Jercy Ball "· Three Licensed· Pharmacists .To SerJe You-. ·ter .- a1 several other points of campus was named to the vi9e presidential pqst and J~hn Yarborough iss~-· .plac;es knowledge. For instance, the :fight and ri: tary- treasurer. I · ,. Pro~pt~ Delivery song ends with ''We'll herald her . The story and fight ,for her glory and Delta Sigma Phi · ~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ ·Baker, always win the games we can." Brothers and ·t)leir dates attended the annual Carnation Ball in < -: Filippl Then: there's the other version, Charlotte last week end. The Royal Sultans, a jazz group, played for r---------------------.;..-------. Jr.,_lf+.. "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, the dance Saturday night. ' Dl'M. 0 n· ' etc." T' . : ' s· .. k. 1 Chapters from North Carolina State College, Duke Univeorsity,' . own·' t· e· a / • •• 0 ·us~ e·· A.w. And there's the '"Mulhanious'' High Point College, Wake Forest and Wofford College in South Caro- . , B.Kn literary society. And the other . C.'Lev< one-..:-not the Euzelians but the lina were represented. , , STRATFORD RD~ , ·: Wake Forest sponsors at the affair were Llew Baucom, chapter 109 LOCKLAND J>.R Monogram Club. Beta Beta Beta J. T. and Phi Beta Kappa were two other Dream Girl, escorted lby Bdb Crew;. Patsy Gay, -escorted by Jim • SHOPPING CEN'fER A VENUE Mohorn, and Peggy Crynor, escorted by John Micha~x. , R.'B. societies named. PHONE P A 2-00Qij . I 'D, SU! Dean of Women Lois Johnson is A stereophonic system is being installed in the chapter house. It Waynj director of student affairs; but was built by 'brothers Jim Mohorn and Buzz Long. 'Wilt. which affairs were not specified. WINSTON-SALEM'S, FINEST RESTAURANT. Lambda Chi Alpha Befc She also fills the office of Woman's A hillbilly party was held in the chapter room Saturday night · FAMOUS FOR. QUALITY FOOD, AND SER~ICE. Government Association president. smoke: with brothers, pledges and d-ates dressed country' style. Olive, Another director of student affairs Gene Petrasy was pledged Monday night. Chic Foroes was also son, \ -the Baptist !State Convention. recently pledged. Capt.· The honor pledge was given, some new twists.
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