MA NENSA Eastern State Champs Start List Leo J Martin Ski Track 2/13/2021

MA NENSA Eastern State Champs Start List Leo J Martin Ski Track 2/13/2021

MA NENSA Eastern State Champs Start List Leo J Martin Ski Track 2/13/2021 Bib Chip Name Gender Class School Start Time 27 S27 Feeney, Ben M U16 Amherst Regional High School 18<00<30 91 S91 Savitsky, Foster M U18 Mount Greylock 18<01<00 98 S98 Simmoms, Dennis M U18 Mohawk Trail 18<01<30 34 S34 Garcia, Aidan M U16 Wahconah Regional 18<02<00 277 B77 McDermott, Col M U18 Mount Greylock 18<02<30 279 B79 McDermott, Quinn M U16 Mount Greylock 18<03<00 259 B59 Levesque, Justin M U18 Hoosac Valley High School 18<03<30 84 S84 Rogers, Declan M U16 Mount Greylock 18<04<00 85 S85 Rogowski, Max M U18 Amherst Regional High School 18<04<30 102 A2 Ames, Benjamin M U16 Lenox Memorial 18<05<00 71 S71 Miller, Corban M U18 Mount Greylock 18<05<30 42 S42 Holzapfel, Ezra M U16 Mount Greylock 18<06<00 3 S3 Anagnos, Lex M U16 Mount Greylock 18<06<30 529 L29 Williams, West M U18 Hampshire Regional 18<07<00 17 S17 Craig, Corben M U18 Hoosac Valley High School 18<07<30 36 S36 Gauthier, Vincent M U16 Mohawk Trail 18<08<00 392 C92 Yee, Ted M U20 Lenox Memorial 18<08<30 75 S75 Murphy, Teague M U18 Mount Greylock 18<09<00 394 C94 Young, Colin M U20 Lenox Memorial 18<09<30 66 S66 McWeeny, Charlie M U18 Mount Greylock 18<10<00 258 B58 Leger, Thomas M U16 Lenox Memorial 18<10<30 4 S4 Bakija, Jude M U16 Mount Greylock 18<11<00 515 L15 Sylvester, Zane M U16 Northfield Mount Hermon 18<11<30 55 S55 Love, Dennis M U16 Lenox Memorial 18<12<00 175 A75 Culver, Alice F U16 Lenox Memorial 18<12<30 21 S21 DiLeo, Celeste F U18 Northfield Mount Hermon 18<13<00 476 D76 Burns, Aidan F U18 Lenox Memorial 18<13<30 74 S74 Muir, Clementine F U16 Lincoln Sudbury 18<14<00 2 S2 Anagnos, Ava F U16 Mount Greylock 18<14<30 530 L30 Wisnauckas, Katarzyna F U18 Hampshire Regional 18<15<00 68 S68 Meunier, Eleanor F U18 Hampshire Regional 18<15<30 99 S99 Skinner, Euphemia F U16 Mount Greylock 18<16<00 229 B29 Harwood, Julianne F U18 Lenox Memorial 18<16<30 278 B78 McDermott, Lily F U16 Mount Greylock 18<17<00 24 S24 Dupras, Elizabeth F U18 Mount Greylock 18<17<30 524 L24 Wells, Jacqueline F U18 Mount Greylock 18<18<00 35 S35 Garrido, Kala F U18 Hampshire Regional 18<18<30 514 L14 Sutter, Rose F U16 Mount Greylock 18<19<00 518 L18 Trager, Julia F U18 Wahconah Regional 18<19<30 79 S79 Parker, Maddy F U16 Amherst Regional High School 18<20<00 511 L11 Sommers, Jocelyn F U18 Wahconah Regional 18<20<30 328 C28 Rudzinskaite, Medeja F U18 Lenox Memorial 18<21<00 16 S16 Collins, Genevieve F U16 Lenox Memorial 18<21<30 230 B30 Herndon-Schmid, Solia F U18 Lenox Memorial 18<22<00 58 S58 Mahon-Moore, Sylvie F U18 Mohawk Trail 18<22<30 520 L20 Walton, Quinn F U18 Wahconah Regional 18<23<00 479 D79 Keyser-Parker, Hollin F U18 Northfield Mount Hermon 18<23<30 19 S19 Crosier, Haley F U18 Wahconah Regional 18<24<00 196 A96 Elliot, Mary F U18 Lenox Memorial 18<24<30 70 S70 Miller, Anne F U16 Mount Greylock 18<25<00 46 S46 Keating, Erin F U16 Mount Greylock 18<25<30 94 S94 Schilp, Keenan M U18 Wayland High School 18<26<00 59 S59 Manzi, Nicholas M U20 Westford Academy 18<26<30 11 S11 Caddoo, Billy M U18 Wayland High School 18<27<00 10 S10 Caddoo, Benjamin M U16 Wayland High School 18<27<30 65 S65 McGinn, Peter M U18 Westford Academy 18<28<00 44 S44 Igo, Ryan M U18 Concord Carlisle High School 18<28<30 338 C38 Scopinich-Burgel, Alexander M U16 Concord Carlisle High School 18<29<00 7 S7 Borghesani, Brian M U18 Acton Boxborough 18<29<30 9 S9 Bury, Lukas M U16 Acton Boxborough 18<30<00 73 S73 Morris, William M U16 Wayland High School 18<30<30 534 L34 Yamaguchi, Ry M U18 Wayland High school 18<31<00 389 C89 Wong, Liam M U16 Wayland High School 18<31<30 48 S48 Krieger, Andrew M U16 Acton Boxborough 18<32<00 49 S49 Kvalsvik, Anders M U18 Acton Boxborough 18<32<30 32 S32 Fontaine, Owen M U16 Dover Sherborn 18<33<00 64 S64 McDonald, Matthew M U18 Westford Academy 18<33<30 38 S38 Hanlon, Clark M U18 Acton Boxborough 18<34<00 265 B65 Lublin, Bryce M U18 Concord Carlisle High school. 18<34<30 92 S92 Sayer, Nolan M U18 Dover Sherborn 18<35<00 208 B8 Gallaudet, Sam M U18 Phillips Academy Adover 18<35<30 93 S93 Scheffel, John M U18 Concord Carlisle High school. 18<36<00 528 L28 Wightman, Michael M U16 Wayland High School 18<36<30 184 A84 Currie, Sam M U16 Littleton Middle School 18<37<00 519 L19 Vialle, Thomas M U20 Acton Boxborough 18<37<30 192 A92 Doughty, Nathan M U16 Lincoln Sudbury 18<38<00 13 S13 Carter, Jonah M U16 Concord Carlisle High School 18<38<30 536 L36 Zhao, Andrew M U18 Wayland High School 18<39<00 513 L13 Stephenson, Wil M U18 Acton Boxborough 18<39<30 18 S18 Creavin, Thomas M U18 Wayland High School 18<40<00 76 S76 Narvaez, Daniel M U16 Wayland High School 18<40<30 525 L25 Whitaker, Clare F U18 Dover Sherborn 18<41<00 246 B46 Kirincich, Sarah F U16 Concord Carlisle High School 18<41<30 63 S63 McCormack, Amy F U16 Wayland High School 18<42<00 8 S8 Borths, Virginia F U18 Dover Sherborn 18<42<30 22 S22 Doherty, Isabel F U18 Westford Academy 18<43<00 531 L31 Wolpe, Mia F U16 Lincoln Sudbury 18<43<30 28 S28 Feist, Francisca F U16 Concord Carlisle High School 18<44<00 52 S52 Leary, Kayleigh F U18 Concord-Carlisle High School 18<44<30 15 S15 Colleran, Kendall F U18 Concord-Carlisle High School 18<45<00 62 S62 Mayer, Nicole F U18 Dover Sherborn 18<45<30 309 C9 Payson, Mirra F U16 Lexington High School 18<46<00 527 L27 Wieland, Caroline F U18 Concord Carlisle High School 18<46<30 390 C90 Wong, Tali F U20 Wayland High School 18<47<00 222 B22 Graziani, Elizabeth F U18 Concord Carlisle High school. 18<47<30 77 S77 O'Donnell, Erica F U16 Wayland High School 18<48<00 299 B99 Nichol, Ella F U18 Concord-Carlisle High School 18<48<30 86 S86 Romeo, Ellie F U18 Nashoba Regional High School 18<49<00 362 C62 Synnestvedt, Isabella F U18 Concord-Carlisle High School 18<49<30 33 S33 Frankel, Calli F U18 Dover Sherborn 18<50<00 81 S81 Pohlig, Katie F U16 Concord-Carlisle High School 18<50<30 6 S6 Bjerke, Siri F U18 Concord Carlisle High School 18<51<00 5 S5 Bernard, Quin F U18 Acton Boxborough 18<51<30 78 S78 O'Donnell, Megan F U16 Wayland High School 18<52<00 109 A9 Appleby, Emily F U16 Lincoln Sudbury 18<52<30 522 L22 Wardle, Anna F U18 Lexington High School 18<53<00 133 A33 Bodkins, Mica F U18 Dover Sherborn 18<53<30 526 L26 Wieland, Ashley F U18 Concord Carlisle High School 18<54<00 87 S87 Sablak, Ellie F U18 Concord Carlisle High school. 18<54<30 80 S80 Pohlig, Ellie F U18 Concord-Carlisle High School 18<55<00 40 S40 Herschelman, Mia F U18 Concord Carlisle High school. 18<55<30 89 S89 Salant, Tamar F U20 Acton Boxborough 18<56<00 97 S97 Sieving, Martin M U18 Waltham High School 18<56<30 57 S57 Luehrman, Jack M U16 Belmont Hill School 18<57<00 37 S37 Grove, Gabriel M U16 Newton North High School 18<57<30 336 C36 Scirica, Luca M U16 Wellesley High School 18<58<00 521 L21 Walton, William M U14 Belmont Hill School 18<58<30 67 S67 Merritt, Tyler M U16 Wellesley High School 18<59<00 50 S50 Langenhagen, Cameron M U18 Weston High School 18<59<30 517 L17 Tolkoff, Abe M U20 Belmont Hill School 19<00<00 535 L35 Zeng, Stanley M U16 Newton North High School 19<00<30 268 B68 Manchek, Owen M U16 Waltham High School 19<01<00 523 L23 Wells, Charles M U20 Belmont Hill School 19<01<30 155 A55 Butler, Ethan M U16 Arlington High School 19<02<00 25 S25 Edler, Evan M U20 Winchester High School 19<02<30 320 C20 Rife, Jared M U16 Chenery Middle School 19<03<00 23 S23 Donahue, James M U18 Belmont Hill School 19<03<30 41 S41 Hoch, Evan M U18 Newton North High School 19<04<00 1 S1 Abbott, Cole M U18 Newton North High School 19<04<30 273 B73 Matejka, Owen M U20 Wellesley High School 19<05<00 202 B2 Finlayson, Mori M U16 Arlington High School 19<05<30 30 S30 Fernandez, Milo M U14 Weston High School 19<06<00 88 S88 Sakakeeny, Liam M U16 Newton South High School 19<06<30 14 S14 Chen, Kyle Tse M U16 Newton North High School 19<07<00 176 A76 Cumming, Alex M U18 Winchester High School 19<07<30 26 S26 Eikeboom, Christiaan M U18 Belmont Hill School 19<08<00 12 S12 Cannistraro, Ryan M U18 Belmont Hill School 19<08<30 69 S69 Meyers, Zachary M U18 Weston High School 19<09<00 43 S43 Huang, Howard M U18 Belmont Hill School 19<09<30 148 A48 Buchheit, Benjamin M U20 Somerville High School 19<10<00 47 S47 Keomurjian, Arec M U18 Belmont Hill School 19<10<30 51 S51 Langenhagen, Holden M U16 Weston High School 19<11<00 497 B00 Niedeck, Linden M U20 Brookline High School 19<11<30 54 S54 Lee, Brian M U16 Belmont Hill School 19<12<00 243 B43 Kasen, Ben M U16 Brookline High School 19<12<30 186 A86 Dankwerth, Matthew M U16 Brookline High School 19<13<00 532 L32 Woolbert, Davis M U16 Belmont Hill School 19<13<30 167 A67 Chung, Gregory M U18 Wellesley High School 19<14<00 245 B45 Kimberley, Aidan M U20 Winchester High School 19<14<30 516 L16 Teszler, Theo M U16 Newton North High School 19<15<00 185 A85 Daly, Lucas M U18 Waltham High School 19<15<30 82 S82 Rakov, Miles M U16 Brookline High School 19<16<00 39 S39 Harding, Christopher M U18 Wellesley High School 19<16<30 31 S31 Fernandez-Tai, Oliver M U16 Newton North High School 19<17<00 61 S61 Marriott, Peter M U18 Waltham High School 19<17<30 512 L12 Stathis, Abby F U18 Wellesley High School 19<18<00 510 L10 Sloan, Isabelle F U16 Newton North High School 19<18<30 83 S83 Rieb-Buni, Helen F U20 Newton North High School 19<19<00 45 S45 Jalinous, Kimya F U18 Weston High School 19<19<30 377 C77 Walton, Evelyn F U18 BB&N 19<20<00 374 C74 Tucker, Amelia F U20 Dexter Southfield 19<20<30 72 S72 Morong, Mackenzie F U18 Weston High School 19<21<00 95 S95 Schuckel, Caroline F U18 Weston High School 19<21<30 533 L33 Wozek, Ella F U18 Waltham High School 19<22<00 90 S90 Salgado, Lillie F U16 Newton North High School 19<22<30 20 S20 Cumming, Hannah F U16 Winchester High School 19<23<00 140 A40 Brams, Shea F U20 Belmont High School 19<23<30 53 S53 Lee, Isabelle F U16 Wellesley High School 19<24<00 252 B52 Lake, Clara F U18 Newton North High School 19<24<30 96 S96 Shepard, Elizabeth F U18 Waltham High School 19<25<00 247 B47 Kitch, Francesca F U18 Belmont High School 19<25<30 29 S29 Fernandez, Zoë F U18 Weston High School 19<26<00 337 C37 Scirica, Sofia F U18 Wellesley High School 19<26<30 173.

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